• Published 16th Sep 2022
  • 10,895 Views, 1,397 Comments

And so I left - CrimsonS4ge

After decades of silent suffering, an unexpected event causes Luna to reach her breaking point much sooner. Instead of embracing her inner darkness, she makes a very different decision that will change her life in unimaginable ways.

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Valley Dale (Farewell)

There was somewhat of a fanfare as Luna made her way through the winding streets of Valley Dale, towards the entrance gate. Mostly younger fillies and colts that seemed to have developed a severe case of hero-worship towards the faux-unicorn. Some cheered encouragement at the valiant ‘adventurer’ on her way to slay more evil monsters. Some seemed sad at her departure and tried to convince her to stay. However, most were accepting of her need to leave, if a bit disappointed that she could not stay longer.

As she passed, many tried to give her coloured ribbons. Luna suspected that the foals themselves had made the ribbons given the somewhat haphazard patterns that were woven into them and the arguments that broke out between them over who made the prettiest ribbon and whose Luna would like best.

It was probably a cultural thing for the inhabitants of Valley Dale, given the amount of ribbons that they themselves had braided into their manes and tails, which made sense given how textiles and dye-works dominated the town's economy. Though it was an interesting and endearing idiosyncrasy of Valley Dale that Luna couldn't help but adore.

It did start to get out of hoof at one point though, as the foals tried to tie their ribbons to the spokes of her wagon wheels when she stopped.

The former princess suppressed a giggle at that, although took care to telekinetically move any foals that got too close to being in the way of her wagon wheels.

With much fuss later, she found herself at the east-side entrance gate. Waiting there to see her off was Windy and her mother. The two pegasi looked more comfortable at each other's side, which pleased Luna.

After her training session with Windy yesterday, she had gone to the mayor to discuss her daughter's future apprenticeship. The mare was surprisingly agreeable to the plan, if slightly crestfallen at Windy's eagerness to leave Valley Dale. Regardless, it was encouraging to see Wind Chill respect her daughter's wishes. That was the first step on her road to reconciliation with Windy.

However, a moment in the conversation that caught Luna’s attention was the mayor's complete lack of reaction to being informed about Windy's prodigious potential in pegasus magic. Wind Chill had simply replied that she would see to it that her daughter was properly educated in the magical discipline by the time Luna returned in two years.

The complete blasé with which the mayor treated the situation had left Luna slightly speechless. It was not an attitude borne from indifference or apathy, but rather, a lack of surprise. As if she had been told a piece of information that she was already well aware of.

Luna’s mind burned with curiosity. She wanted to dive deeper and interrogate Wind Chill over the issue, but she had already probed deeper into the lives of the Wind family than a practical stranger had any right to. As curious as she was, this was none of her business.

However, seeing the mayor before her now, Luna wondered how much she truly knew about the mare. She thought that she had Wind Chill's character figured out as nothing but a boring, self-interested bureaucrat with a dysfunctional family. Yet, there was evidently something more to her beneath the surface. Something that she couldn't figure out, and with this potentially being the last time that she shall see the pegasus for many months, perhaps she will never learn the full truth.

And maybe that was for the best. Not every mystery was meant to be solved. She had done what she could. It was now up to the Wind family to sort out their own affairs.

“I see that you have been adequately treated to the hospitality of Valley Dale.” Wind Chill said with slight mirth as Luna approached the two.

Looking behind her at the parade float that her trailer had become, the former princess couldn't help but let out a chuckle. “They were certainly enthusiastic.” She said euphemistically.

“Foals can be eager like that. Those ribbons are supposed to be blessings of good luck. Normally you are only supposed to give away one or two, but it looks like you made quite an impression on them. I suspect that you have created no small number of aspiring magicians among the young unicorns in attendance that night.” The mayor remarked with amusement.

“Are you sure that you want to leave so soon? Valley Dale will be happy to host you for a while longer.” Windy interjected in a tone that was only slightly more dignified than outright pleading.

Luna sighed at that. She had thought about potentially staying longer but eventually decided against it. She still had no idea how her sister was handling her disappearance. Valley Dale was not very far away at all from the Everfree and if Celestia had taken a drastic response, such as sending out search parties in pursuit, then it would not take them long to find her here.

The former princess didn't think that her sister’s first response would be as severe as a full-scale ponyhunt, but putting distance between herself and the capital, at least until things have died down, was probably good wisdom regardless. She had already stayed in Valley Dale for multiple days longer than she had intended.

“I'm afraid not, though I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and I will return one day,” Luna assured the young pegasus. Windy didn't look enthused but did not further protest the alicorn's decision.

The filly took a step forward to stand before the alicorn. Then, without warning, she wrapped her forelegs and wings around Luna in a hug. The alicorn crouched slightly, so as to not make the height disparity between them as obvious but otherwise found herself not quite sure how to respond to the awkward hug. Especially with Windy's mother right beside them.

The mayor's ears folded back as she wore an expression of melancholy at the display of affection that her daughter displayed for a practical stranger.

“I'll give you two room to say your goodbyes.” the mayor said as she began to walk past them back through the gate. However, she stopped for a moment as reached the alicorn's side and met Luna’s eyes with a meaningful look. “Thank you, Starry. For giving me the second chance that I didn't know that I needed.”

She shifted her gaze towards her estranged daughter, whose face was still buried in the chest of the faux unicorn. “I'll try my best not to squander it again.”

Whether that last line was directed towards her or Windy, Luna wasn't sure. As the mayor retreated beyond the threshold of the entrance gate, Windy finally spoke.

“You're the first, you know.” She whispered.

“The first?” Luna asked in confusion.

“The first pony to understand me. For my whole life, ponies have seen me as nothing except The Mayor's Daughter or The Troublemaker or a piece of clay to be moulded into The Perfect Little politician. I had no value beyond what others decided for me.” Windy quietly clarified as she broke the hug between them.

“You showed me a new path though. A way to become far more than I am now. A future to look forward to.” The filly said, her voice cracking her emotion and her head cast down.

“I don't think you realise what you have done for me,” Windy confessed as tears streamed down her face.

This time it was Luna who took the initiative by gently draping a foreleg over the filly's shoulder and drew her in for what she hoped was an adequate imitation of a hug. However, she still resisted enveloping the young filly with her wings as a mother would. The two held each other for a moment.

“You have a great destiny ahead of you, Windy. I'm sure of it.” The alicorn told her apprentice-to-be assuredly as she broke away from their embrace.

“I won't let down. I'll be ready by the time that you return.” The filly promised with as much conviction as she could muster in her current emotional state.

Luna nodded at that. She didn't doubt that the young pegasus would be capable of astonishing things in the future and the alicorn couldn’t wait to see how much her student would achieve by the time of their next meeting.

The former princess struggled to think of a satisfactory conclusion to their farewell. However, a reverberating rumble of thunder in the far distance caught her attention and seemed as good a sign as any that it was time to leave.

Windy seemed to very quickly pick up on the older mare's shift in demeanour and her renewed focus on the horizon. She let out a sigh, recognising that their farewell had just about reached its inevitable conclusion.

“It's time,” Luna said simply.

“I know,” Windy replied, also turning to face the horizon as she stood at the alicorn's side.

The valley, from which the town derived its name, stretched out before them. The land was a green oasis bisected by innumerable rivers and streams that were fed by the ice-capped peaks of the twin mountain ranges that flanked the valley on either side.

A distant storm brewed on the far side of one of the mountains and threatened to spill over into the valley below.

It looked as though a portion of Luna’s trek through the valley would be done during a miserable downpour.

‘What fun,’ Luna remarked sarcastically to herself.

“Where will you go next?” A quiet voice asked at her side, drawing her attention away from her internal musings.

“I will likely spend some time foraging in the valley over the next few days for potion ingredients. Your town lacked an apothecary.” Luna gave as an explanation.

Windy nodded in understanding but didn't speak further.

It was a half-truth on Luna’s part. Although she did mean to use some of her newfound freedom to rediscover her long-neglected potioneering skills, even more of her time was needed to prepare before her next foray into a new town.

Her disguise spell needed to be optimised, her false backstory needed to be further scripted out and her future plans needed to be refined. Luna was going to be prepared to hit the ground running when she reached the next town and some time alone in the wilderness would afford her the space necessary to make those preparations.

“Farewell, Windy,” Luna said to the filly beside her with wistful sincerity.

The young pegasus didn't answer immediately, instead, she reached towards her mane and undid the braid that held most of her hair back. Her mane soon unfurled freely down her shoulders as she withdrew a coloured ribbon from the previously plaited strands.

Wordlessly, she reached up and began to weave the ribbon into the loose locks of Luna’s silky mane. She broke away a second later and turned back towards the town's gate.

“Goodbye, Starry,” Windy said simply, her voice heavy with emotion. “And good luck.”

Out of the periphery of her vision, the former princess watched the filly retreat beyond the walls of the town that had welcomed her so warmly.

Her gaze soon fell upon the ribbon that had been braided into her mane. She reached out with her hoof and stroked it gently.

Luna had received many gifts during her tenure as ruler. From priceless jewellery, to ancient tomes, to exotic spices and many nore. Most of which were forgotten about the next year. Yet, she had a feeling that she would remember this ribbon for a very long time.

Setting her hoof back down to the ground, she took a step forward and began to walk towards the distant horizon of the valley's end.

She would fondly remember Valley Dale for many years to come, but her destiny was not contained within its walls.

It was out there, somewhere. She didn't know where but that wouldn't stop her from seeking it out.

Author's Note:

Finally, a chapter that is out on time. What miracle is this?

With this done. The arc of Valley Dale has come to an end. I've been waiting for this moment for months. This arc ran way longer than I could have ever imagined and I think that this is for the better. Wind Chill and Windy are far more fleshed out characters than I had initially planned and Valley Dale was a much more interesting place to write about than I first thought.

I hope that all of you enjoyed the slower pace and the low stakes of this arc. I wrote this so that Luna could have a restful and calm Interlude before we delve headfirst into this alternative, yet familiar Equestria.

A ‘calm before the storm’ so to say. (I hope including a literal oncoming storm at the end wasn't too on-the-nose with symbolism.)

Things are going to start moving very quickly now, so I hope that you savoured the lull.

The next chapter is one that I have been excited about for literal MONTHS! I'm so elated to finally write it.

I want to get it all done in one go, so it is most likely going to be a big chapter (by my standards anyway). So don't be concerned if it takes me weeks or months to write it.

It's going to be grand. It will be the springboard for the entire plot moving forward. One of the single most pivotal plot points in the whole story.

I generally don't like to give spoilers, but I'll give you guys a teaser by revealing the name of the next chapter.

“Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost”

Big thanks to my beta-readers:

I love reading your comments and hearing your opinions. As well as interacting with you guys. Leave your thoughts down below.