• Published 23rd Nov 2022
  • 3,289 Views, 313 Comments

My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 2: Episode 15 - Lightning & Raiden

Author's Note:

No episode tie-ins here. But I think you'll enjoy this one regardless. Though I will be skipping "MMMystery on the Friendship Express" because there are literally zero changes I can think to do with it even with Sunset & Ray involved in the whole thing.

Update: Wow I did not catch my time error. And no one else did either. So now no time mentioned.

Lightning Town, Twenty Years Ago...

It was storming quite a bit, though the lightning was striking elsewhere today. Still, the high winds and heavy rainfall made the streets wet, windy, and cold.

And in the middle of this storm, a lone male Shinx suddenly steps into a puddle, seemingly running for their lives. He turns a corner, when he suddenly hears the sound a child no older then him.

The Shinx quickly dashed towards the source of the sound, not wanting whoever this was to get caught like him. Only to then stumble upon a four year old Pichu currently sitting near two Raichu.

However, while the Shinx is looking at the scene, he gasps. Then quickly shakes his head. No. He shouldn't even think to describe the scene before him to anyone. But it was clear as day what had transpired: The Raichu were dead, and this Pichu was their child.

Acting quickly, the Shinx grabs the Pichu by the scruff of his neck, doing his best to carry the tyke away from the scene. Only for the PIchu to try and zap him. This has no effect on the Shinx though, because the Pichu just does not have enough juice in his tiny body to do any damage to the Shinx.

And yet, as the shocks continue in vain, the Shinx could feel something. Potential like none-other. Could this child have...

No! Now's not the time for that. The Shinx needs to find them both shelter. "Unhand me! I won't let you kill me!" The Pichu suddenly spoke up.

Soon the Shinx ducked an underground bunker, before setting the Pichu down and then checking the outside quickly before closing the bunker hatch. "Looks like we're safe for now kid." The Shinx said.

"Wait, your not with those mean mega mons?" The Pichu asked.

The Shinx froze. "You saw the big four?! Not even the police has managed to see even one!" The Shinx said.

"My parents...what happened...it was..." The Pichu was saying before the shinx stopped him.

"A kid like you shouldn't even have to think about what you've witnessed. Were those Raichu your parents?" Shinx asked.

"Y-yeah. M-my name's Raiden; Raiden Voltage." The Pichu said.

"Voltage?! So that explains it. Those Raichu own an orphanage just outside the city limits. And orphans are a prime target for the big four to brainwash into their ranks." The Shinx said.

"Wh-what happens to me now?" Raiden asked.

"Well, do you hate those mob gangsters?" The shinx asked.

"No question! I'm going to grow up and become strong. Strong enough to send those mega mons packing!" Raiden said.

"Then perhaps, we can stick together." The Shinx said.

"But mommy said I'm not supposed to go anywhere with strangers." Raiden said.

"You can call me Lightning. Now I'm not a stranger to you, am I?" The Shinx asked.

"N-no. No I guess not." Raiden said.

"Just stick by me Raiden. We're going to run these gangsters out of this town." Lightning Said. "We're not just going to be friends, we're going to be best friends!"

Ponyville, Present day.

"Eventually, we did manage to run those gangsters out of town. But in order to do so, I did something I still have pains of doing to this day." Lightning said. "In order to successfully go undercover, I tricked my best friend into thinking I was joining their side for good. And not just him, I tricked everyone on the side of good. All just to get close to the big four."

"You really were just living a lie then." Apple Bloom said.

"A nessasary lie. The Big Four were shrouded in total mystery. The only thing known about them previously before my undercover take down, was that all four of them could turn Mega. And each one was vicious and cruel." Lightning said.

"But your lies ended up capturing them all eventually." Applejack said.

"Yes. The police successfully captured Amarlado the Ampharos, Tymbol the Tyranatar, and Dickson the Houndoom." Lightning said. The ponies all looked at him, about to call him out. "I'm not joking, that was litterally the houndoom's name. But of the four, none was more devious, cunning, or manipulative then Marina the Mawile; who escaped police custody shortly after me and Raiden reconciled and I revealed the truth. She's now a wanted fugative. She is the worst of the Big Four by far. The other three even stated that they would rather rot in jail, then sell her out. She was one who put the fear of Arceus into even her co-workers." Lightning said.

"If those other three are that scared of her...we must be talking about someone whose even worse then Gorzon. Or...do we call him Nozrog because that's his true name?" Twilight asked.

"Beats me. I swap back and forth a lot." Lightning said.

"...Fair." Twilight said.

"Hey, where'd Fortus Vile run off to?" Diamond Tiara asked.

The colt in question had already heard enough when Lightning said that one of the Big Four had escaped. So he snuck out. That's when he bore witness to Raiden taking out some other Pokemon that after being knocked out, changed form for some reason.

"Pathetic. All that Mega Power and you still get over confident." Raiden said. "This is why I can't stand your kind. Your always not thinking through your battle plans." He said.

Fortus Vile was shocked. "You can approuch now." Raiden said, as the Pokemon got up and ran off.

"How'd you know I was here?" Fortus Vile asked.

"Part of my training. I had to adapt myself to notice hidden things. When I was still a Pikachu, a Mega Audino hired by the Big Four beat me into an inch of my life. I somehow survived, because someone had hidden their identity when they dragged me to the hospital. Still have no idea who that was though." Raiden said.

"It could've been Lightning. He told us about what he did." Fortus Vile said.

"Hmph. I actually would believe that. Maybe I'll go ask him. Thanks for the idea, kid." Raiden said.

However, unbeknowest to either, they were being monitered by a drone. The scene of Raiden leaving Fortus Vile alone was being watched on a computer moniter by a myserious Mega Mawile.

"...We'll meet again, sooner then you think, Raiden Voltage." The Mawile said.

To Be Continued...

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