• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 5: Episode 3 - Stormy Skies Part 2 (The Cutie Map AU)

Deca's Notes

We had just learned that, in the Pony World is Flash Sentry is not only not a pony, but rather a Luxray, he is also Lightning's Father. This means that for all this time, we had been hanging around the son of the mayor from Raiden's own hometown; the very same one where he had become so famous from. And now...this is the continuation...

"Let me see if I got this straight: The same father who casted you out from his family, effectively making you an orphan all those years ago, was the mayor of Lightning Town?!" Raiden exclaimed.

"On that day that I had done that, it was the day after I had recieved a blackmail letter from Marina the Mawile. Yes, you heard correctly: She had contacted me personally." Mayor Sentry said. "'You have a choice to make, Mayor Flash Sentry...' the letter had stated. 'Either give us full autonomy of Lightning Town, or I'll personally find that son of yours, and kill him myself.'" He quoted. "It seems, that the gangsters had discovered my one weakness, my Achilles heel if you will. Since my wife had passed away during child labor, my son was the most important thing to me, surpassing that of even the town itself." Sentry said.

"...So you did the only thing you could do to protect him: You cut him out of your life and made him legally an orphan. That way, Marina couldn't kill him as he was no longer legally your son." Sunset said.

"Yes. I didn't care if doing so would end up in my death rather then his if I did that and still refused to hand over my authority to the mafia gangs." Mayor Sentry said. "My plan worked though: My son was safe, and because I had made Lightning no longer legally my son, Marina couldn't kill him since as far as she and the town were concerned, I had no son for her to kill."

"I know why you did it dad. I just wish you would've at least, found some way for me to help you." Lightning said.

"I didn't want you involved in this town son. I didn't want what was going on to be something you should become responsible for. I never wanted you to have that kind of life. You deserved better then that. And yet, you got involved anyways, in the best way possible." Mayor Sentry. "...That was ironically probably my proudest moment as your father."

"Wait a second, Cheif Marison said that the unicorn looked a lot like me, right?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah? That's what he said." Rainbow Dash said.

"...Then that means the criminal can only truely be one pony..." Sunset said and ran off.

"Sunset? Sunset get back here!" Twilight said, rushing after Sunset. The others followed, even the mayor.

Marina was soon petting the now ponified Sunburst. "Such a good boy. Probably my best partner yet. Thanks to your efforts, I'll have no problem launching my master plan now." Marina said.

"I aim to please." Sunburst said. "You don't seem too upset I keep getting spotted though."

"Heh heh. Actually, that's working in my favor for my master plan. But don't worry, you're playing such an intergural role, that I'm sure going to make sure you are recognized for being such a crucial part of my plan." Marina said.

"Marina! And Sunburst!" Sunset said, the entire group soon arrived with her.

"Marina...so, your behind this unicorn." Mayor Sentry said.

"Sunset?!" Sunburst exclaimed.

"YOU HAVE A BUCKING SISTER!?" Marina exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"Because my plan, was to frame my own sister." Sunburst said.

"...Huh. Actually, that's kind of smart. That only makes it easier for me to pull off my master plan." Marina said.

"Your not going anywhere Marina. Playtime's over." Sunset said.

"I suppose I am bored of just doing nothing for this whole time. But I assure you: Playtime is FAR from over!" Marina said. Sunburst got away from the action quickly. Suddenly a bunch of the orphans showed up.

"Wait, your not starting this battle without proper music. Hit it!" One of them said.

Deca then brought up something on a holoscreen.

Crime Boss
Marina the Mawile
Deca's Power Level Reading: 898,000,000,000,000

"What's with that power level reading?" Twilight asked.

"Chat later, fight now!" Raiden said.

Twilight barely dodged a ghost Mawile Jaw that came out of nowhere. "...Noted." Twilight said.

Ghost Mawile Jaws were just the opening act. Marina was teleporting around the general area they were fighting in, sometimes even coming out of nowhere as she rushed them with her jaw forward but unopened attemting to ram them with Iron Head.

Suddenly out of nowhere though, Marina brought out a doll and suddenly began to roughhouse it with a dust cloud traveling towards one of them for a while before stopping. "She's able to just...use Play Rough like that?! What's with these powers?" Lightning said.

The ponies were fighting back all the while though. Using magic, rocks, and kicks while avoiding Marina's various attacks. They were winning though.

"Huff...okay, your good. Have you been training? Forget I asked, that's a retorical question with Raiden there." Marina said. "You get to go free today, but next time we meet, I'll be going full throtle." Marina said.

"If you think your leaving Marina, you've got another thing coming." Raiden said.

"You should savor your victory." Marina said, before suddenly she brought out a strange clam. "Because every victory has it's price." She added before using the clam to summon...Sparky?!

"What the...she dragged Rex's father from who knows where?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"You may have beaten me here..." Marina said, before she put something on Sparky's cheeks. "But Lightning Town will fall today!"

"What did you just put on Sparky?" Sunburst suddenly asked.

"A little device that'll force him to use Storm's Rage. That'll cause a thunderstom that'll level this entire city and everything close to it's center within a hundred miles. And it'll happen in a few minutes from now." Marina said before grabbing Sunburst. "That should give you enough time to get everyone away from here in time. Or don't. It's your choice." Marina said before she disappared in purple smoke with Sunburst in Tow.

"No...I won't allow this!" Raiden said as he suddenly started spritning.

Sparky suddenly unleashed Storm's Rage out of nowhere, breaking the device used on him in the process. Passed out, Twilight grabbed him in her magic just as a thunderstom came into existence.

"Bad news: Marina wasn't joking about that thunderstorm: It's going to level everything from within one hundred miles of Lightning Town's Center where a statue of Raiden sits. Any pony or Pokemon caught in that destructive wake is going to die." Deca said.

"No...you don't think..." Mayor Flash said.

"He's Crazy! Not even Raiden could withstand a thunderstorm of that magnitude! Not without dying in the process!" Twilight said.

"I...I think he knows that...and he doesn't care..." Lightning said. "...He won't allow Marina even the slightest victory..."

"Raiden!" Twilight yelled out.

They saw Raiden suddenly tank the thunderstorm fully, and drop to the ground, seemingly dead. "...No..." Sunset said.

"He-he has to be dead from that right? No way he could survive that." Rainbow Dash said.

"He ain't dead yet." It was Rain from the orphanage. "I just need to do this..." She said before she suddenly hit Raiden with a Thunderbolt which somehow, revived him.

"Ugh...how am I not dead?" Raiden asked.

"You were near death, but I brought you back." Rain said. "No hero of Lightning Town is going to die on my watch."

"Huh...so, how can I thank you?" Raiden asked.

"A date at a local resturant would be nice." Rain said.

"...I'm in." Raiden said and went off with Rain.

"...Why did he just agree to that?" Twilight asked.

"Because she didn't ask for his hand in marriage, that's why." LIghtning said. "I think Raiden's just gotten himself a girlfriend."

"SERIOUSLY?! Raiden gets a special somepony; or in this case, a special somemon; before I do?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"Sunset, your emotion's showing." Twilight said.

"Right. Sorry. Still, that was the last person I expected to get a special somepony before I do." Sunset said.

"What about Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"...I have no further comment at this time." Sunset said.

"Got it recorded." Marina said, putting down a video camera.

"So...you knew all along he was going to do that huh? And somehow by miracle of miracle survive?" Sunburst asked.

"Yep. And that plays into my plan perfectly. Soon, all legendaries will no longer be allowed to control common Pokemon." Marina said.

"Wait, that's your big plan? Make all common Pokemon rise up against the legendaries?!" Sunburst exclaimed.

"Yep. And cause a war against Legendary Pokemon." Marina said.

"No...no I never wanted that..." Sunburst said. He then used his magic to destroy Marina's camera.

"You! Do you have any idea what you've just done?!" Marina excalimed.

"The right thing. You can't cause a war without evidence to back up your philosophy. There's a line not to cross, and you were crossing it. Hard." Sunburst said. "I only wanted to either frame my sister for a crime she didn't commit, which is impossible now, or make her into my slave while I ruled Equestria. I never wanted to start a war that would've killed thousands. That's just going too far!"

Suddenly, Sunburst was caught by Marina's giant jaw. "You really, really shouldn't have done that..." Marina said.

Suddenly, the scene shifts back to just after Twilgiht, Sunset, and Starlight found Rex and the unconcious ponies at the castle. "...We later found Sunburst's dead body outside the city. He had ended up another of Marina's victims. Another death in her path of bloodshed." Twilight said.

"Then it seems...we are after the same villain." Rex said. He then told them of what happened in the human world.

"That...that bitch!" Sunset said.

"Sunset! Langauge!" Twilight said.

"I don't bucking care! That Mawile was already on my hit list from when she killed my brother. Now she's endangered the human world into collapsing if we don't get that magic back." Sunset said. "My brother was right after all: She's crossing the line hard."

"Since it seems we are after the same enemy, perhaps it's best we work together then?" Rex asked.

"We could really use that help. Marina must be stopped if we wish to stop her war. Thankfully Sunburst had left that audio file that played back his talk with Marina before she killed him. Must have been something from the human world." Sunset said. "Mom was pretty upset when she heard that Sunburst was killed though. However, I promised her, I'd bring Marina to justice; some way, some how."

"Hmph. The justice system is overrated. But I shall assist in capturing her." Rex said.

To be continued...

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