• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 1: Episode 2 - When Friendship Shimmers Part 2

As light shone through a window nearby the book that was sitting on a table, the bipedal figure returned to the book and began writing in it once more.

It was then and there that the Sun Students went to Golden Oaks Library, but as they went there, their dragons stayed back when they noticed two fillies in trouble. The figure wrote.

Sweetie Belle was with an orange Pegasus filly, who were almost attacked by a couple of creatures. However, Spike unleased some sort of fire breath and destroyed them. "Sweetie Belle, are you alright?" Spike asked.

"I-I'm fine." Sweetie Belle said.

"Spike, since when could you breath fire like that?" Ray asked.

"I-I don't know. I just reacted when I saw Sweetie Belle in trouble." Spike said.

"We just got rescued by two dragons. So cool!" The Orange Pegasus said.

"Whose your friend here, Sweetie Belle?" Ray asked.

"I'm Scootaloo." The Orange Pegasus said, taking to the air for a bit before simi-crash landing. "...Darn. Really need to get better at maintaining my flight." She added.

"Are you related to Rainbow Dash? I smell something familiar to her on you." Ray asked.

"I wish I was related to Rainbow Dash, but I'm not as far as I'm aware. Yet, she agreed to mentor me in helping me fly." Scootaloo said.

"I guess that would make sense." Ray said. Still, I'm trying to better my sense of smell. But I don't think I'll ever be able to just tell like big sis can. He thought to himself.

"Ray, we better get these two to the Library for safety." Spike said. There were a couple more of those strange monsters coming.

"Yeah that's a good point. The library would be much safer than this place." Ray said

"Good idea. Maybe my sister and the others are off to do who knows what by now." Sweetie Belle said, still trying to cover up her true relationship with Rarity.

Ray was about to call Sweetie Belle out when Spike grabbed Sweetie Belle. "No time to think about that Sweetie. Let's move, move, move!" Spike said.

"R-right." Ray said and grabbed Scootaloo.

Meanwhile, Twilight had been at the library, where the group had read about the elements of which there were seven but only six were known: Empathy, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, and Loyalty. Then, the group was heading through Everfree forest.

"So Rarity, maybe it's time you came clean about your real relationship with Sweetie Belle." Sunset said.

"Whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked.

"I have a really good read on people to the point where I'm able to know one's true emotions. And whenever you call Sweetie Belle your sister, you may not even realize it, but there's a certain crack in your voice. As if trying to force yourself to say Sweetie Belle is your sister." Sunset said.

"...Your just as good as Sweetie Belle said Sunset. Yes it's true, I force myself to call Sweetie Belle my sister." Rarity said.

"Really Rarity? So then who is she to you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"...She's my daughter." Rarity said.

"...Okay didn't expect that." Rainbow Dash said. "But whose her father and why isn't he here?" She asked.

"There's a good reason her father isn't here. Her father was a stallion named Lucky Belle. I'm a bit older then I actually look, thanks to going to the spa and using a few beauty products. Only about three years older then most of you girls." Rarity said.

"But you couldn't have married Lucky Belle. Sweetie Belle ain't that much older then my own little sister Apple Bloom. So you had to have not been that old when she was born." Applejack said.

"This is true. Lucky Belle and I were planning on marrying properly once we were both much older, and until then, Sweetie Belle's real relationship would be kept a secret. But...sadly, one day, Lucky Belle became one unlucky stallion. He started to cough up blood. Not a single doctor knew what was wrong with him, but within a few days, he died." Rarity said.

"So you took up his last name anyways, and decided to continue to play into the act." Sunset said.

"That's correct. I'm just surprised you were able to figure it out so quickly, Sunset." Rarity said.

"What can I say? When it comes to emotions, I'm quite the empathizer. And...I am sorry for your loss." Sunset said.

"Well I'm glad she brought this to light. There's something I've been hiding too. But, I want to tell the one it relates to their face before I tell anypony else." Rainbow Dash said.

"That's fair enough. I can appreciate stuff like that. Hell, ah'm hoping we get this wrapped up soon." Applejack said before suddenly the cliff gave way.

"Ah!" Twilight yelled as she slid. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy managed to grab her, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. But Sunset was unable to quite make it with Applejack, who was able to stay steady.

"Gah! What in Tartarus is happening?!" Sunset said.

"Sunset!" Applejack said before slidding down to Sunset and grabbing her.

"Of all the times I need to conserve magic, it had to be now? I don't know if I can even save myself with my magic." Sunset said.

Applejack noticed something. "...Let go." Applejack said.

"Say what now? Wait..." Sunset noticed something. "...I-I see. Okay." Sunset said before letting go; only to get caught by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

"That was risky Sunset. Why'd you listen to Applejack?" Twilight asked.

"Remember when I said I empathize with emotions? I think Applejack saw that Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were ready to catch me." Sunset said as Applejack came down to the rest of them. "Am I wrong?" Sunset asked the orange mare.

"You got that right Sunset." Applejack said. "Ah knew Sunset was going to be safe. And that's the honest truth." She added.

"...Fair enough." Twilight said.

The bipedal figure was continuing to write in the book.

As the group continued onwards, they next encountered a Manticore, which turned out to have gotten a thorn in it's paw. Fluttershy showed kindness towards the creature by removing this thorn. After that, the group encountered a bunch of spooky trees which thankfully, Pinkie Pie was able to help the group laugh with a little song. The figure wrote.

"Oh come now, you can write more than that. Besides, you can include the song that way." The quadroped figure said.

"But I don't want that song stuck in my head again." The bipedal figure said.

"...Fine. Be that way. Lazy bones." The quadroped figure said.

"...Ooooooh...okay fine. But only for you dear." The bipedal figure said. "...I swear, your just as dramatic as your mother sometimes." He added.

After Fluttershy had used her kindness towars a Manticore to remove a thorn in it's paw, the group found themselves in a thicker part of the forest. Twilight and Sunset decided to cast a little magic to light the place after Rarity stepped into some mud.

"Yucky mud. Ugh. I hope we finish up soon so I can wash this off." Rarity said.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Rainbow Dash yelled out once the area was lit.

"What? It's not that bad." Rarity said. But then she noticed what Rainbow Dash noticed: That the trees had monster faces on them. "...Oh. Yeah that would warrent screaming." Rarity said before she and the others started to yell.

...But Pinkie Pie wasn't. She was...laughing?!

"Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"Oh girls, don't you see..." Pinkie Pie said and then...

And thus, once the song ended, the group was laughing their flanks off.

"Is that better, dear?" The bipedal figure asked.

"Much better. Thanks honey. I'll be sure to make you your favorite pie tonight." The quadroped figure said.

"...Sometimes I swear you dramatize me just so you can spoil me later." The bipedal figure said.

"Hey, my mother was the--" The quadroped figure said before being forced to shut up. "...What was that for?" She asked.

"The walls have ears dear." The bipedal figure said.

"...Sometimes, I swear that Pinkie Pie rubbed off on you way too much." The quadroped figure said.

The group had run into a sea serpent who had been crying a lot due to his mustache being cut off. Rarity willingly sacrificed her own tail to make the serpent feel better.

"That was suprisingly generous of you. But your tail is now...well...shortened." Sunset said.

"It's fine darling. Not only are short tails in this season..." Rarity said.

"Highly doubt that..." Sunset said.

"...But it'll grow back all the same." Rarity said.

The group continued to the castle of the two sisters where Rainbow Dash was trying to be persuaded by Nightmare Moon to join her side.

"Heh, sorry Nightmare Moon, but not only will I not leave my friends hanging, I got some pony I need to tell the truth to, and there isn't a way you can stop that from happening." Rainbow Dash said before repairing the bridge and joining her friends.

It was then when the group was able to get into the castle. Twilight tried to use her magic to activate the elements, but it wasn't working. Nightmare Moon showed up and took the elements, but Twilight jumped in the whirlpool.

"! No! Not again!" Sunset said as Twilight and the Elements vanished along with Nightmare Moon. "I won't lose another pony! We've got to find Twilight!" Sunset said.

"I think we may not have to look far!" Rainbow Dash said, pointing to a tower where light just briefly flashed.

"How did you--" Sunset shook her head. "I'll worry about that later. Every pony hustle!" Sunset said.

Nightmare Moon thought she had destroyed the elements, but in reality, she did not. The elements began to circle Twilight's new friends and Sunset. And Twilight began calling out which mare belonged to which element.

"Applejack's policy and the way she was able to reassure Sunset represents the element of Honesty; Fluttershy who was able to tame the manticore with compassion represents the element of Kindness; Pinkie Pie who helped us overcome our fears with a cheery song represents the element of laughter; Rarity who sacrificed their own tail to cheer up a sad sea serpent represents the element of Generosity; Rainbow Dash who refused to abandon her friends and even has some pony else she won't abandon represents the element of Loyalty; and then there's Sunset Shimmer who is able to read emotions and understand their meaning represents the element of Empathy." Twilight listed off.

"But you don't have the seventh element. The spark didn't work." Nightmare Moon said.

"Your wrong Nightmare Moon. A different kind of spark happened here. These ponies are my friends!" Twilight said before the last element appeared and soon transformed into the element of magic, allowing all seven ponies to blast the corrupted alicorn with a rainbow beam.

"We did it!" Rainbow Dash said.

"My tail is back!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Hey, the elements. They match our cutie marks." Sunset pointed out. While the elements for Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash all became necklaces, the ones for the Sun Students became crowns.

"Wonder what's with the two crowns?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm sure we'll find out eventually." Twilight said.

"Indeed you will." Princess Celestia's voice said before she appeared. "I had faith that you and Sunset would wield the elements and cleanse my sister of her corruption." She added.

"...Wait, sister?" Sunset asked. "Nothing was ever said about a sister." She added.

"I figured it out ahead of time. I had secretly talked with Princess Celestia about the tale of Nightmare Moon." Twilight said.

Flashback to three days ago

"...And what, pray tell, would make you think that Nightmare Moon and this so called sister of mine are related?" Celestia asked, trying to dodge Twilight's guesses.

"It just makes sense that Nightmare Moon is the corrupted form of your sister. And you can stop trying to play off you not having one. I've been around Sunset too long to notice there's a sense of longing in your voice whenever you try to play off you not having a sister." Twilight said.

"...Sunset is indeed rubbing off on you. So, you managed to figure it out then? I have to ask then, that you promise to try not to let the knowledge you have affect anything in your life. If...I should fail in convincing my sister to return to my side...I have a plan in place...and I pray you and Sunset carry it out and save my sister where I cannot." Princess Celestia said.

"I...understand. Thank you, Princess Celestia." Twilight said before leaving.

Present Day

"...So that explains it. That's why you have been just a little distracted not just today, but for the past three days." Sunset said.

"I tried my hardest to just live life with the knowledge, hoping Celestia would succeed, but today's date came about, and well...it effected me more then it could." Twilight said.

"It's now the day after Twilight. Just so you know." Rainbow Dash said. Celestia then shortly reconciled with her sister.

"Hey, you know what this calls for? A PARTY!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"...Twilight, is something wrong?" Sunset asked.

"Well, it's just that, I don't want to leave our new friends. I'm sure we can keep in touch with our canterlot ones if we moved her to Ponyville." Twilight said.

"...I see. So, that is what you wish then? Sunset, will you accompany her?" Celestia asked.

"Heh. I wouldn't dare say no to that question." Sunset said.

"By the way Sunset, couldn't help but notice you said something about not again when Twilight went missing. What's that about?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well, I have a half-brother who went missing two weeks before I met Twilight. And nothing has come of him since then." Sunset said.

"Well Ponyville's kind of a hub of activity. I'm sure if you stick around, you'll find some pony whose seen your brother sooner or later." Pinkie Pie said.

"That's wow..." Sunset said. "Well now I have another reason not to say no." She added. "I have to find my brother. For my mother's sake. But we can talk about that later." She added.

And so a new day dawned for the two sun students and little did they realize, just what Sunset's element being a crown would mean. But that information would not come until much later. For now, the two Sun Students and their new friends would host a party for the new Princess Luna. The bipedal figure wrote down.

"Lunch time sweetie!" The female quadroped called out.

"Coming my dear." The bipedal figure said before going to have lunch. As the scene closed, one could see a frame that had the two sun students, their new friends, Spike, Sweetie Belle, Ray, and Scootaloo, all posing for a picture with Princess Luna.

Author's Note:

As a reminder, this story is my first experience with writing many story chapters beyond my normal one-thousand-word limit, and as a result, I may miss some typos or other errors that crop up here and there. If you find any of the mistakes I overlooked, please feel free to point them out in the comments down below as trying to do all of my editing on the fly is HARD.

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