• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 4: Episode 16 - Twilight's Kingdom AU Part 3

As the ponies began to plan, they noticed that Lord Tirek was approuching them. And just as he got there, Twilight appeared too.

"Lord Tirek!" Twilight shouted.

"Hmm...interesting..." Lord Tirek said.

"You can feel it right? How she has all the alicorn magic? I did warn you that if those alicorns were smart, they'd use Equestria's newest Princess to try and distract you." Marina said. She was on Lord Tirek's back.

"Marina..." Raiden said.

"Ah Raiden Voltage. And I see Lightning is with you too. Good. I can kill him while Lord Tirek is here." Marina said. "Lord Tirek, do whatever you want with the other Pokemon; but Lightning is mine. It's because of him my glorious mafia empire crumbled."

"As you wish, Miss Marina." Lord Tirek said. "But the Alicorn Princess...I don't know if I have enough magic against her while she's has all the Alicorn magic." He said.

"Tch, remember what I said before? I came prepared, remember?" Marina asked before taking out a Mega Stone.

"That's not the Mawile Mega Stone. That's the Ampharos Mega Stone." Luxray said.

"This Mega Stone has some draconic energy in it. It should be more then enough to give Lord Tirek here a jump start on his magic and be able to get your alicorn friend into an exausted state." Marina said before letting Lord Tirek aborb the mega stone's energy.

Before their eyes, Lord Tirek grew to a much more swelled size. "He-he looks like if he just aborbed the magic of two hundred ponies at once." Sunset said.

The Mega Stone was destroyed by this process. "It's destroyed?!" Lord Tirek was confused.

"Of course it was destroyed when you absorbed it's magic you fool; you drained it of it's power. Therefor, the Mega Stone WOULD self-destruct from draining it." Marina said. "Besides, does it really matter if it was broken from the drain or not?" She asked.

"...I suppose not in the end." Lord Tirek said.

"And what good is that, really?" Twilight asked.

"Your about to find out, Princess." Marina said, almost spitting on the last word. "Lord Tirek, deal with her first!" She said.

"Gladly." Lord Tirek said, before readying himself for battle.

Magic Draining Centaur

Lord Tirek

Lord Tirek was using much more then the energy beams to deal with Twilight, there were even bolts of elecricity he was able to shoot. "Since when could a centaur do that?!" Raiden exclaimed.

"Never." Rainbow Dash said. And then Lord Tirek unleashed a purple draconic flame from his mouth.

"Fire Breath too?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Heh heh, what did you expect? Lord Tirek here absorbed the magic of a Mega Stone. Therefor, he now is able to command lightning and raw draconic energy like any Electric or Dragon type Pokemon." Marina said.

"Hmm...honestly, I could get used to being able to do that." Lord Tirek said.

"And so long as these Ponies don't have a way to return the magic you stole, you'll have more then enough time to get used to it after we take over Equestria." Marina said.

"I like the sound of that~" Lord Tirek said.

"How greedy can this guy get?" Sunset asked.

Twilight's eyes flashed a rainbow color as did the pendent she took from discord. "That's it! Of course, he's focusing on just one target...but I have friends with me." Twilgiht said.

"Oh please. Once Lord Tirek is done with you, their magic is next. And your the only one who can challenge him right now." Marina said.

"Your right. Only I can challenge him...right now." Twilight said.

"Wait, why are you agreeing with me?" Marina asked.

Twilight smiled before she started sharing her magic with her friends. "Wait, what's going on? Since when could an alicorn do this?!" Lord Tirek exclaimed.

"Just because I have all the alicorn magic, doesn't mean I alone have to use it. So, I'm giving my friends a power boost." Twilight said.

"Twilight..." Sunset said, almost feeling proud of her surrogate sister.

"No! That's not possible!" Lord Tirek said.

"Friendship makes anything possible, Lord Tirek!" Twilight said.

Suddenly, without warning, the necklace flew off to the Tree of harmony, where it turned into a key. All at once, the keys turned themselves, and out came a rainbow power that powered up the ponies even further.

"What in the Distoration World...?!" Even Raiden, a normally stoic Raichu, was flabbergasted by this.

"Oh this is bad now..." Lord Tirek said.

"Gah, of all the lousy...no matter!" Marina said. "I had a back-up plan in place just in case you could do something like this." She said.

"You intend to fight against this much magic?!" Lord Tirek exclaimed.

"More accurently, we are." Marina said, before taking out a second mega stone.

"Hey, that's the Mega Stone for Diancie!" Lightning said.

"Heh heh, a Mega Stone that was created from when Diancie mutated from a Carbink. A mega stone made for a mythical Pokemon such as Diancie should give Lord Tirek more then enou--" Marina was cut off, when Throsten suddenly slammed into her at top speeds, stealing the mega stone from her in the process before crushing it.

"I'm glad I got here on time. Princess Celestia sent a message just in case." Throsten said.

"Drat! That was my last Mega Stone!" Marina said.

"What about the one on your neck?" Discord asked.

"Wait...THERE'S ONE ON HER NECK?!" Lord Tirek was shocked.

"Whoopsie, time to exit stage left." Marina said. "I know when this battle is lost."

"You mean you were just using me?!" Lord Tirek exclaimed.

"Don't be too mad; I've done it lots of times." Marina said before suddenly vanishing in a puff of purple smoke.

"...Okay, I don't even remember Mawile being able to do that; Mega or Otherwise. Something fishy is going on here." Raiden said.

Lord Tirek remembered what he was up against. "...Mommy..." Lord Tirek said.

One Rainbow blast later, the magic was returned. "Well, I have to thank you I suppose." Discord said.

Princess Celestia soon came, the alicorn magic going back to it's rightful owners as a castle soon grew out of the ground from the box. "I believe that is your castle now, Twilight." Celestia said.

"I suppose it's time to take Lord Tirek back to Tartarus now." Luna said.

"Going to have to veto that. Lord Tirek's already broken out of there once already. Whose to say he won't do it again?" Throsten asked.

"Do you have a better solution? One that doesn't involve killing him, perhaps?" Celestia asked.

"Actually, I do. In fact, I planned ahead. I simply called in a favor." Throsten said. Suddenly, a black void opened up behind Lord Tirek before some kind of black shadow emerged. Shadow goop drooped from this new figure, before it's true identity was revealed.

"G-Giratina?!" Raiden exclaimed.

"Wh-what is this thing?!" Princess Celestia asked.

"That's Giratina, a Pokemon whose gravity powers were so out of control, Arceus had to banish it to the Distortion World." Lightning said.

"So, what's this powerful Pokemon going to do exactly?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Glad you asked Rainbow Dash; I asked Giratina if she would be so kind as to trap Lord Tirek in the Distoration World." Throsten said. "That will be a much tougher prison for the centaur to break out of." He added.

"Um...out of curiousity, what's the distortion world like?" Princess Luna asked.

"Oh trust me, you don't want to know." Throsten said. "I braved the place and rescued Giratina from it."

"...I almost want to go against your decision to do this, but I do realize that perhaps, this is the better alternative. After all, we cannot be certain that Tirek will not escape Tatarus again." Celestia said.

"Exactly." Throsten said.

"Well then, Giratina, Lord Tirek is all yours." Princess Celestia said.

"Don't mind if I do." Giratina said.

"...Mommy..." Lord Tirek said.

Author's Note:

Yeah I'm going with headcannon with Giratina. I never really liked the anti-matter or even the anti-crist angle with it. Plus, again, Pokemon lore had been ret-conned so many times, and Giratina has been no stranger to these.

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