• Published 23rd Nov 2022
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My Little Pony: When Friendship Shimmers - Reboot - RobtheMorpherPony

What if Sunset Shimmer became a surrogate sister to Twilight Sparkle?

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Season 4: Episode 14 - Twilight's Kingdom AU Part 1

Lightning Town, many years ago...

A strange being with a staff that controlled the weather looked over his balcony at the town below. "This town is growing way too dull. It might be time to raze it." The strange being said. Suddenly, his doors flew open.

"That's not going to happen, Storm King." A Raichu said. "Your tyranny over our town ends here." He was accompanies by many Pokemon of all sorts of different species.

The creature called the Storm King frowned and beared his teeth. "Marrondo Voltage...I shouldn't known that you would rally the town like this." The tyrant said. "I should've killed you when I had the chance."

"Well you won't be killing any 'mon any time soon. Your tyranny is down." Marrondo said. Together with the townsfolk, the creature known as the Storm King was run out of town.

Ponyville, Present day...

"...Grandpa..." Raiden said, reading over the files about Lightning Town's past. There was a Pokemon there in the library with the rest of the elements and Team Strikers.

"Not sure why, but the chief wanted me to get this to you." The Manectric said. "Said it'd clear up why your family was so influential."

"Heh. Guess heroism runs in Raiden's family. His grandpa stood up against the tyrnanical Storm King, and then Raiden was influential for me to be able to get info on the Elite Four and their hiding places." Lightning Said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"After Raiden tanked that lightning strike meant for the mayor's house, Marina of all 'mons was the one who told me everything about the gangster mob hideouts and even where to find the Elite Four. She was so trustworthy of me, that she really should've seen my big backstab coming a mile away." Lightning said.

"So Marina made a mistake then? That doesn't sound like the Mawile whose been killing animals and leaving their dead bodies to rot." Fluttershy said.

Sunset's eyes widen. "...Milissa. Even now, she's still fighting. Flamer Jackson was right: There's still a chance to stop her violent ways." Sunset said.

Suddenly, Twilight came in. "Girls, Raiden...we may need to be ready. Just in case." Twilight said.

"What do you mean? What's going on? What did Princess Celestia want?" Sunset asked.

"It's a magic draining centeur known as Lord Tirek. Princess Celestia wants us to be on guard in case Discord fails to bring him in." Twilight said.

"...Yeah that's not going to happen." Sunset said. "While we wait for Discord to come and give us the good news, we should really look into that chest. And we've all had our moments of having ourselves tested by our own elements."

"Wait Sunset, that's it! Everypony, grab the things you got, and meet me at the chest." Twilight said.

"...Wait, what did I say?" Sunset asked.

The group met Twilight at the chest. "So, why did we need to bring our things?" Rainbow Dash said, holding NIght Wing's Wonderbolt Cadet Pin. The Shadowbolt Commander was there too.

"I think Equestria's newest Princess has figured something out." Night Wing said.

"Something like that. It's what Sunset said that made me realize that, we've been going about looking for the keys to this chest the wrong way. Pinkie PIe, why don't you put the rubber chicken Cheese Sandwich gave you on the chest?" Twilight asked.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie Pie said, and did so. Suddenly, Boneless 1 was turned onto a key and inserted itself into the chest.

"Huh. That was something Pinkie Pie got when Cheese Sandwich wanted to impress her." Rainbow Dash said. "And I got this pin from Night Wing for sticking to my own personal beliefs of loyalty." She said, putting the pin on the chest. Sure enough, it turned into a key too.

"Got this bit from Silver Shill who I helped with honesty." Applejack said, putting the bit on the chest; which became key number 3.

Rarity put the rainbow spool on the chest for key four, and Flutterhsy put the Breezie Flower on it for Key 5. "So, what about you and Sunset?" Night Wing asked.

"Not exactly sure if this'll work..." Sunset brought out the torn drawing Jackson dropped. "But Jackson did drop this torn drawing when I confronted him about Milissa's multiple personality issues. Which was after the staged wedding of Twilgiht and Flash." She said, putting the torn drawing on the chest which became key number six.

"Huh. Guess that torn page would be a reminder of the day you started falling victim to you let your own emotions get the best of you." Twilight said.

"So all that's left is yours then." Sunset said.

"But I don't recall Twilight being in a position where she'd be tested on a magical level." Night Wing said.

Suddenly, Discord began to crawl to the group, injured and teeth marks all over him. "Th-the princesses...you've got the worn them..." Discord said.

"Discord?! Discord, what happened to you?!" Fluttershy asked.

"It was that Mawile...it was Marina..." Discord said, passing out. He dropped a single torn necklace, which Twilight picked up.

"Discord must've gotten this off Lord Tirek during the struggle with him and Marina. I've got to worn the Princesses." Twilgiht said, flying off.

"So, what was that about Discord not failing?" Raiden asked Sunset.

"How was I supposed to know he'd team up with Marina?!" Sunset asked.

"...Fair point." Raiden said.

To Be Continued...

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