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Sharp Winds and The Unboxing of Izzy

*Rainbow’s POV*

It was a great day, hanging out with all of my friends and family here.

Sonic asks "Hey Skittles, you seen Tails anywhere?"

“Hmm… Not really, but I’m sure he’s fine.” I responded.

A loud explosion was heard from Tails's lab.

Sonic groans "That idiot fox..."

Jotaro asks "Good grief, what now?"

Jotaro and Jolyne showed up.

Sonic spoke "Sorry about that Jotaro, Tails was being an idiot again."

A half alicorn half fox female was coughing as the dust cleared out.

“Huh?” I noticed.

The hybrid hissed at me.

“Whoa whoa! Calm down!” I said.

The hybrid asks "Watashi wa doko ni iru no?"

I didn’t understand a single thing she said. “Huh?”

Jotaro spoke "She wants to know where she is."

The hybrid spoke "Anata wa watashi ni denwa suru koto ga dekimasu Kaze-hime."

Jotaro spoke "She said her name’s Kaze-hime."

Sonic spoke "Hime means Princess..."

Kaze asks "Watashi no okāsan wa dokodesu ka?"

Sonic spoke "She's asking where her mom is."

“But who’s that?” I asked.

Kaze unfurled her wings, revealing a light gray tint to the tips of the feathers.

Jotaro and Jolyne spoke "Good frickin’ grief."

Sonic spoke "Oh cuss... *shouting* GRANDMA LUNA!!!!!!!"

Luna showed up. “Yes, Sonic?”

Kaze hugs her grandaunt while crying.

Luna asks "Huh?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, Kaze's your grandniece..."

Luna’s eyes started twitching, and that’s never a good sign.

Shirou spoke "Luna...."

Luna asks "Yes Shirou?"

Meanwhile, with Light Breeze, she froze suddenly.

Celestia asks "Light?"

But then Light Breeze started hugging Celestia with tears. “I can’t believe it… She’s finally back!”

A gray blur tackles Light Breeze into a pile of snow.

Kaze spoke "Kaa-san...."

Light Breeze spoke "Kaze…"

The hybrid bawled her eyes out while crying.

Light Breeze hugged the hybrid while crying her eyes out just like Kaze.

Ivory asks "Sis?"

Kaze asks "Kaa-san?"

Ivory joined in on the hug and started crying too.

And so did Celestia.

*Back at the North Pole*

*Twilight's POV*

I ask "do you need any help with work?"

Santa spoke "Well, we helped Bunny with Easter one time. Okay, since we’re in slight need of assistance, you can help."

A portal opened up before the Tokyo Five and their families step out.

Zoey spoke "Twilight alerted me via telepathy."

But then someone flew in. “Sorry I’m late, guys!”

Santa spoke "You’re right on time, Toothy."

I spoke "Okay guys and gals, we've got less than five days to get everything done and the sleigh loaded up!"

But then a short yellow man showed up, willing to help as well.

Santa spoke "Ah! Sandy! Good to see you again!"

Lucy, Natsu, Nashi, Layla and Luke arrive as well via warp ring.

Danyelle spoke "Given that there's hundreds of houses, we may need two teams to get them all tackled in one night."

Tooth spoke "Whoa whoa whoa! We’re talking about going around two worlds and millions of kids-"

Santa sighs "Give me a break. Do you know how many presents I deliver in one night?"

Bunny asks "And eggs I hide in one day?"

Lucy spoke "Not just Equis and Mobius, there's countless zones too."

Sandman nodded that it was true.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, it'll take all of us to get all the zones covered in one night..."

Then a giant Santa yo-Kai showed up.

Giant Santa spoke "Perhaps I can help."

Lucy was wearing a dragon sized harness, as was her family though Natsu had to wear a fire-proof one.

Danyelle spoke "We need all the help we can get."

*Back in Maretime Bay*

*Rarity's POV*

I soon got trapped in a box, as did Izzy.

Pipp spoke "Hitch, I thought you disabled all of the traps."

Hitch spoke "I-I thought I disabled them too."

Zipp spoke "Least it wasn't that hothead of a fire dragon."

Pipp spoke "We should try to get them out though."

Polished spoke "Yeah."

Jolyne and Jotaro showed up.

Polished spoke "Something is off about the wind...."

Elsa spoke "I feel it too, same with Gale. It's trying to tell me something..."

Jotaro spoke "We’re looking for something. His name is Johngalli A the yeti crab. We don’t know where he is. But we know he’s on Equis."

We were confused on who that was.

Elsa spoke "I think I knew a guy that fought a giant crab once."

A male asks "Did someone call me?"

An eagle flew in before it glowed blue, turning into an Earth Pony stallion as big as Big Mac.

Elsa spoke "Long time no see Maui."

Maui chuckles "Haha! You bet!"

Jotaro spoke "Anyway, Johngalli A is blind, but he’s a follower of Dio and a stand user."

I spoke "I knew a guy named N'Doul, he was also blind."

But then a familiar liquid hand emerged from the ground as a familiar female Abyssinian showed up.

I spoke "Mariah!"

A cream-white Pegasus mare with rose pink eyes and a golden blonde mane as well as a cutie mark similar to Celestia's cutie mark asks "Is something wrong?"

Izzy was a bit confused.

But then a teenage female hippogriff/Abyssinian hybrid with white eyes showed up next to Mariah.

Sonic was hiding in a tree while teasing Pinkie with a laser pointer, making her chase the red dot.

Sonic chuckles "Hehehe! I’m way too good at this."

Pipp asks "Who's that?"

Mariah spoke "This is a daughter of mine and N’Doul’s, Tira. Tira’s Arabic for “Terra” if you were going to ask."

The Pegasus mare spoke "I'm Sunshade."

An alicorn mare spoke "Sis! Wait up!"

Nightfall soon showed up.

Sunshade spoke "Wow sis, you got tall."

Nightfall snicker "It’s kinda funny. You’re my big sister, but I’m taller than you."

Sunshade spoke "I'm only 39..."

Nightfall facehoofed. “Oh. Right. It’s like we’re the age-reversed versions of Celestia and Luna.”

Sunshade spoke "Yeah but I was created by Celestia's magic though."

Nightfall spoke "Yeah."

But then Zipp jumped left, dodging a bullet that came straight out of nowhere.

Sunshade asks "What in the stars was that?"

Jotaro spoke "Guys, stay still and look up."

All of us looked up and saw something floating in the air.

Honey growls.

Sunshade fired a stream of fire at the object, only for it to weave with the wind, dodging the blast. But then a bullet from out of nowhere ricocheted off the stand and went for Jotaro, only for him to dodge it.

Jotaro spoke "Guys! Don't move!"

Sunshade spoke "Good luck trying to tell Sonic to stay put, he hates waiting in one spot for more than a minute."

Jotaro spoke "And be sure not to raise your voice. It will keep scouting our location. Johngalli A. is able to read the flow of the air with that thing. It could even be able to react to mild changes in our breathing. And that stand is a satellite. His sniping satellite, where he aims his rifle at the Stand, which then redirects the bullet. He must be shooting from an incredibly far distance. There's no way we can attack him from here, so instead we have to smash his satellite Stand. Because any damage inflicted on the Stand is passed through the User as well. But... the problem is, when we move to strike it, the change in the air current will give him our locations, and he'll attack us immediately."

Sunshade spoke "Basically, we're sitting ducks right now..."

Izzy spoke "We really need Danyelle's help...."

But then heavy rain started falling as the Stand, Downtown Transfer, started moving frantically before Rainbow Dash came here.

Rainbow spoke "Thought a little rain might help."

Jotaro spoke "I see..."

Jolyne spoke "You said we needed to take this thing out, is that right. Watch it. The raindrops are making it move erratically because it can't detect the air flow! Now! Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean appeared as she was about to attack the enemy Stand.

Jotaro spoke "Wait! Look closer!"

Stone Ocean stopped as everyone saw what Downtown Transfer was doing.

Jotaro spoke "It's dodging the drops of rain one by one. It's reading the shifts in the air current caused by the rain."

A loud bang was heard since Shadow had used one of the Ark's lasers to blow up Johngalli's stand, causing immense pain to the person.

But then everything started melting, before Jolyne and Rainbow Dash woke up, realizing that what they saw was an illusion, seeing strange goop flowing, followed by the others in the area, but all of them felt weak for some reason.

Honey groans "Ugh.... I feel like I have to throw up..."

Jotaro spoke "We need to move away from this area. This should help."

Star Platinum appeared and punched some of the others and the box me and Izzy were in out of the affected zone.

Jolyne spoke "This irritation I'm feeling! There's no way this can be a hallucination!"

Those who were out of the affected area got the others out of there and regained their strength.

Honey growls "It was as though I had the urge to maul Sprout..."

Jotaro asks "Wait… The enemy’s not here. Must’ve retreated. But why?"

Honey spoke "They must have severely underestimated the Pony Guard..."

Jolyne scoffs "Tch. Bunch of cowards."

Pipp's ears twitch.

Pipp spoke "Watch out!"

Pipp tackles Hitch to the ground as an arrow flew past.

Then Nobodies appeared with snipers responsible for the arrow in their ranks.

Honey snarls "YOU!!!!"

But then a peanut hit one of the nobodies, as a female chimpanzee/spider monkey hybrid with yellow-blonde hair wielding peanut pistols and a jet-pack flew in.

I spoke "Dixie Kong! Good timing!"

The other Equians, chakats and Mobians gang up on the Nobodies and attack them.

The hybrid asks "You know my mom?"

I spoke "Danyelle knew all of the Kongs. Heck, she knew DK and Diddy since the two are Smashers."

The hybrid spoke "Diddy and Dixie are my parents!"

Sonic sliced a sniper in half, killing it.

Sonic asks "Did your dad know that I was half alicorn?"

The hybrid spoke "Yeah! The name’s Digvi Kong."

Sonic spoke "Uh... I hadn't gotten my wings during the Smash tournament..."

Digvi asks "Huh?"

Rainbow spoke "What Prince Sonic meant was that he was a normal Mobian hedgehog the last time Diddy saw him."

Digvi spoke "Oh!"

Sonic spoke "Yeah but I'm not one for formalities though."

But then some of the nobodies suddenly froze, and the one responsible for it was a female koopaling/smash piranha plant hybrid.

Honey roars loud, sending ten nobodies flying.

Midnight howls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPIVrfnRBWw as he charged into battle, ripping nobodies apart.

Digvi asks "Frostine?! What’re you doing here?"

Frostine sighs "*Emotionlessly* What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting rid of those nobody pests."

Akari spoke "They reek of dark magic."

But then a spiky winged shell flew in, causing a fiery explosion that wiped out a group of nobodies, before a Koopaling/Spiny Koopa hybrid emerged from the shell. “Now THAT’S how you make an entrance! Ka-boom!”

But more nobodies kept appearing.

Midnight spoke "Cussbuckets! They keep coming!"

Digvi spoke "Torcha!"

But then there was a sudden explosion of light in the sky, followed by a familiar symbol.

Danyelle yowls loud as she flew out of a warp ring before crossfusing with Megaman.EXE to become MegaDanyelle.

Then suddenly, all of the known Smashers showed up and started fighting the Nobodies as well.

MegaDanyelle sent out all of her Pokemon to help fight.

All of Jotaro’s stand user allies helped out too.

Sonic shouts "WIND BLADE!!!"

Several Nobodies fall in battle but more kept coming.

But then Anga noticed a very small portal-like nobody.

Anga spoke "Guys! I think I found the source of those endless Nobodies!"

Kion spoke "Kill it Anga! We can't have more of them coming!"

Anga spoke "On it! Anga lenga!"

Anga swooped down on the portal-like nobody and destroyed it, cutting off the endless reinforcements.

MegaDanyelle blasted a large Nobody with a Giga Buster.

MegaDanyelle asks "Is that the last one?"

Anga spoke "Definitely."

Kion spoke "Thank Asra..."

Peach showed up, looking like she always had before. “It’s good to see you again, Danyelle.”

MegaDanyelle spoke "220 years but yeah."

An adult Wiona showed up.

Wiona spoke "Even though my rival here hasn't changed one bit, I'll admit that it's good to be back."

Spike soon had a nosebleed before fainting.

Skyla growls "What did you do to my dad?"

The dragon Wendy showed up before growling at Wiona. "What do you think you're doing?"

Skyla spoke "Mom, cool your jets. She didn't mean to cause dad to have a nosebleed."


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