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Tracking Opaline/ A new Threat Approaches

*Sunset's POV*

I was invisible as I flew after that alicorn brat.

I heard Opaline mumbling to herself, “There’s no way it could’ve been them! They had to be fakes! He told me that if I eliminate the Joestar line, he’d help me reunite with my family! I just couldn’t refuse! *Whimpering* Please… I just want my family back…”

When I followed her into her throne room, she started sobbing in grief and sorrow.

My left eye was blue since Danyelle was using sight sharing so that she could see what I saw.

I think "{Who's he?}"

Danyelle spoke via telepathy "{Hell if I know. But try to find out what’s going on.}"

I spoke "{All I know is that it's someone that wants the Joestars all dead...}"

Danyelle asks "{But who?}"

But then I heard Opaline singing something to herself, and I recognized that it was the song that Radiant Hope used to sing for her children to help them sleep before I saw Opaline fall asleep with grieving tears.

I creep closer to Opaline on silent feet so I could look into her memories.

But when I touched her, something strange happened. Two strange disks ejected from her head like a CD player.

I quickly teleported the discs to Danyelle.

But then I noticed that something was off with Opaline, she wasn’t moving!

I immediately called Obsidian and his wife in.

Soon enough, I got one of the discs back from Danyelle after she scanned it.

I soon saw something in the Disc, like a memory.

A stranger asks "Pardon me, you are Opaline, are you not?"

Opaline (Memory) sighs "*Saddened* Yeah, so what?"

But then I found the disc sticking into me.

The stranger spoke "You yearn for the love and revival of all your family, and is willing to do anything at any cost. You truly are evil, but that makes me say that I am quite fond of you, Opaline. If the Joestars ever return, you will dispose of them like a true friend. Isn’t that right, Opaline? Do so, and I will see to it that you reunite with them in Heaven."

I got the disc out of my head without a single wound, but I realized that we might have a new enemy on our hands and hooves.

I spoke "{Danyelle, we have a new threat on our hands and hooves.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Definitely, and it seems to be a devout follower of Dio.}"

I spoke "{Rally the guards, all of them! This is gonna get nasty!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Right!}"

Danyelle alerted all of the Pony and Mobian Guard as well as the Joestars of an oncoming threat.

Soon, Obsidian, Radiance and I got Opaline back to Maretime Bay hospital, who was starting to come to.

Opaline groans "Ugh… What?"

Danyelle asks "Any ideas N'Doul?"

N’Doul spoke "Sadly, I’m afraid not."

Opaline asks "W-What happened? Where am I? What year is it?"

Danyelle spoke "You used to work for Dio though..."

Pearl spoke "2240...."

N’Doul spoke "That said, I realized that even though that Pet Shop, Mariah and I were three of DIO’s strongest, he told no one of his past or what other allies he made, because he trusted none of us."

Opaline gasps "That long?!"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic mentioned Anya one time."

Pearl spoke "Yes but as you can see, creatures of all sorts are stronger when they work together."

Opaline spoke "W-What have I been doing all this time? I can’t remember a thing after grieving my family’s death!"

Pearl spoke "Our parents and I weren't dead, we were in stasis for 200 years."

Opaline asks "Wait… Pearl?"

Pearl spoke "Yeah, it's me alright."

Opaline started sobbing as she hugged her big sister. “I’m so sorry for being really jealous of your looks and attention! I really didn’t want to hurt anyone! *Bawling* Please forgive me!” Opaline cried as she was having an emotional meltdown.

Pearl comforts her sister.

Pearl spoke "*Hugging Opaline back with a gentle smile* It’s okay, Opal. The past’s behind us."

Danyelle spoke "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it."

Opaline asks "*Sniff!* Where’s mom and dad?"

Radiant spoke "We're here."

Opaline gasped as she saw her parents before she flew over to them and hugged them while crying tears. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for any of you or anyone else to get hurt!”

Obsidian spoke "I've done some rather stupid things when the Crystal Empire came back... I wasn't in the right mind then but Radiant saved me..."

Radiant spoke "Frozen in ice for a long time, thawed out by a creature I never seen before, journeyed to my home to set it free, saved my childhood friend..."

Obsidian spoke "We’re just sorry to have been in stasis and left you alone like that. It must’ve been torture for you."

Opaline bawled her eyes out while crying.

Huntverse Twilight soon appears but she was in a panic.

Huntverse Twilight spoke "We got a problem!"

I ask "What is it?"

Prime Twilight was growling since something was approaching.

A voice yelps "GAH!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Twilight....."

The Prime zone Twilight immediately shuts up.

The stallion spoke "Ow…"

Huntverse Twilight spoke "Wait… that sounded like…!"

The stallion spoke "Hey Twi."

Another alicorn was with the stallion.

Huntverse Twilight gasps "Flashy! Akari!"

But then Prime Twilight fainted with a blushing nosebleed.

Prime Akari spoke "Now I've seen everything...."

Opaline suddenly gasped before she blushed. “Uh… what about him?”

Prime Akari spoke "Midnight, get your furry butt over here!"

Midnight poked his head through the window. “What is it sis? Wait… Opaline?”

Opaline stammers "*Blushing madly* Uh… Hi."

Prime Akari giggles "Knew it..."

Midnight spoke "*Blush* Cut it out, Akari!"

Prime Akari giggles "Can't I tease my brothers once in a while? I know you have it bad for her."

Midnight spoke "*Blushing madly* AKARI!!!"

Prime Akari teleported someplace.

Pearl was on her back while giggling.

Opaline asks "*Blushing madly* Um… Midnight?"

Midnight asks "Yeah?"

Opaline spoke "*Softly crying tears* I’m sorry, for everything that’s happened after my family went into stasis. It’s like someone else took my place and I was caged in my heart with no way out. I just hope you can forgive me."

Midnight reaches over and gives Opaline a gentle lick on the cheek.

Midnight spoke "As Danyelle once said... Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."

Opaline blushed even more and gave Midnight a gentle nuzzle on the cheek.

Prime Twilight spoke "Well, this is awkward..."

Danyelle spoke "At least Astral hasn't noticed the Huntverse Akari yet..."

Prime Twilight spoke "Danyelle, that was uncalled for!"

Danyelle simply giggled.

Ben warns "Danyelle, don't make me use the word on you."

Danyelle giggles "Heehee. Sorry sweetie."

Danyelle gave a loving kiss on Ben’s cheek, relaxing him so much, he practically turned putty.

Huntverse Twilight spoke "I fear a new enemy is drawing near."

"Yeah. And it's the one who was responsible for Opaline acting like before." I added.

Danyelle spoke "Unfortunately, we have no clue who it is."

Prime Twilight spoke "Whatever it is, we can handle it!"

Jolyne and Jotaro showed up.

For some strange reason, Zipp was wearing socks on all four of her legs which caused Polished to faint.

Pipp smirked as she was wearing socks on all four of her legs as well, putting Hitch in the same position as Polished.

Sunny spoke "Real smooth girls."

Pipp posed attractively with her tongue sticking out while Zipp was just standing there in embarrassment.

Cherry Blossom had a kimono on since she was half Mobian fox.

But then someone came in, wielding a pistol and revealed himself.

Jolyne spoke "Johngalli A.!"

Jotaro spoke "I'll face off against him!"

But then Danyelle, Jotaro and I noticed his stand right to our left.

Johngalli A. spoke "Die!"

Johngalli A. fired six bullets at his stand, which ricocheted off of it right at Jolyne!

Jotaro spoke "Time stop!"

Star Platinum appeared and froze time.

Jotaro spoke "The enemy... There was two of them!"

Jotaro, I, Danyelle and others who could see through frozen time saw a slimy masculine figure on the wall.

Jotaro spoke "That one conjured visions for me, Jolyne and the others. And even went so far to put Johngalli A.'s actual stand inside of those dreams. Everything had been a set up... to lead to this. Set up precisely for this moment where I'd have no other options to stop time to keep my daughter safe! Their target... was always me!"

Jotaro jumped toward Jolyne. "Time is about to start! Jolyne!"

Jotaro shoved Jolyne out of the way before time started flowing again, as Star Platinum appeared to punch away the bullets and the strange enemy.

A voice spoke "Looks like you were one step too late. Jotaro Kujo, how I've waited for this. Wish I could take my time."

The enemy was suddenly behind Jotaro as he turned around before it struck Jotaro's face, causing two discs to eject from his head.

the person spoke "It seems they were already done. Perfect. Even the invincible Joestar couldn't stop me from obtaining that which I wanted!"

The enemy stand grabbed the discs.

Pale spoke "You were no match for the power of Pale Snake!"

Johngalli A. kept shooting bullets and ricochetting them with his stand while Jolyne deflected them with Stone Ocean's punches when I noticed that Pale Snake and Jotaro's memory and stand discs were gone completely as Jotaro leaned against the wall.

But Huntverse Rainbow had gotten in the way thus saving Jotaro, crashing into a wall right after.

Jotaro spoke "Listen, there can only be one stand per person. So then, there were two enemies from the beginning. Johngalli A.'s one. The mushy guy, the second..."

Johngalli A. started approaching us.

Jotaro spoke "Listen, a transmitter has been fitted inside this pendant, so the Speedwagon Foundation of Equis is on their way here. The submarine they're in has been programmed to find and follow this signal automatically. It hones in like a beacon. Do you understand what I'm saying? Just go to the shore, and the submarine will come to you guys. Easy as that."

But then Jotaro suddenly gained bullet wounds as they started bleeding.

Jotaro spoke "Go. I'm only bleeding a little."

But then six bullets flew at Jolyne, only to curve away from her and crash into the walls.

Johngalli A. spoke "No way!"

Johngalli A. checked the front of the gun and felt threads.

Johngalli A. growls "Hey! What is this? This thread is... When did it-?"

Johngalli A. ripped the thread from his gun and aimed at Jolyne again.

Johngalli A. spoke "I've got you!"

Johngalli A. fired, only to miss as he found himself spinning around because of the thread wrapped around his legs.

Jolyne spoke "Be quiet."

Johngalli A. spoke "Alright. I'll drop the gun."

But Johngalli A. smirked as he actually aimed the gun upward toward his stand before Stone Ocean grabbed him and started punching him.

Jolyne spoke "Idiot. Simon didn't say "Drop it." I was just checking out the angles. I wanted to make sure to line up the easiest one to hit you from. See, I'd prefer if your jaw were facing a little further to the right."

Stone Ocean then delivered a storm of punches on Johngalli A.

Stone Ocean spoke "Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!"

But as Johngalli A. was knocked off his feet, Jotaro suddenly went limp on the floor against the wall.

Huntverse Rainbow groans "What the cuss happened?"

"No idea, but it can't be good." I answered

Soon, all of us left the beaten-up Johngalli A. as we when to the shore, awaiting the submarine, before we saw the hatch surface.

Jolyne spoke "The submarine was already here and waiting for us!"

But when we looked at the limp Jotaro, we saw his wound bleeding into the water.

Jolyne cries "No way! It... It can't be... No, there's no way! Even if he got shot, the wound is shallow. None of his vitals were hit! It's not supposed to be a fatal wound. But... But, why are you... Why the hell did your heart stop beating, Dad?!"

Twiliterasu was soon heard howling, rewinding time on Jotaro thus saving him.

But Jotaro coughed out blood before members of the Speedwagon Foundation came out and got Jotaro, bringing him to a hospital that’ll help his condition stay stable.

Huntverse Rainbow spoke "Talk about cutting it close..."

“Definitely.” I agreed.

We went back to the last place we were at, only to see Johngalli A. dead, bleeding with a bullet wound and holding a gun in his right hand.

Midnight spoke "Suicide...."

“I’m not sure… But it looks like there was no other way he could be dead.” I wondered.

Midnight asks "What about memory recall?"

"Okay. But it'll be hard to pull off." I responded.

Midnight spoke "He tried to shoot Opal but I scared him to the point of where he couldn't think straight."


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