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Allied Forces Versus Deep Blue!/ A Family Restored

*Twilight's POV*

I was snarling at the black wolf.

Deep Blue spoke "I… Don’t know who brought me back, but if it gives me another chance to destroy all of you, then I will do it as he ordered!"

Renee snarls "Zoey beat you last time, she can do it again!"

Anzu growls "STRAWBERRY BLADE!!!"

A sword appears in Anzu's left hand and the blade was a bright pink while the cloth on the handle was red.

Sumarda gasps "A nichirin sword?!"

Anzu's tail thrashes as she sent sparks of fire flying.

Anzu breathed sharply as fiery air was seen hissing out of her mouth through her teeth.

Dren spoke "You picked the wrong group to anger."

Anzu spoke "Flame Breathing… First Form…"

Anzu suddenly flashed forward and slashed at Deep Blue with a burning blade.

Anzu spoke "Unknowing Fire!"

Estelle's ears twitch when she heard a different voice cry out in pain.

A dark purple wolf with gray eyes was chained up in a cage within Deep Blue's body.

The wolf whimpers "h-help...."

Zoey gasps "M-Mark?"

Estelle spoke "That's not Mark! He died long ago!"

Estelle shapeshifted her wings to Pegasus wings before taking flight.

Estelle thinks "{Okay, he's controlling the body of another... so a holy based attack should work!}"

Estelle glows brightly.

Estelle spoke "Divine judgement for an evil soul! SACRED PENNANCE!!!!"

A blast of holy light hits Deep Blue, causing him to scream as he fades away thus freeing the wolf trapped inside.

The wolf spoke "T-Thank you."

Estelle spoke "Glad to see you're okay Yuri."

Yuri asks "E-Estelle? Is that really you?"

Estelle spoke "Yeah..."

Zoey asks "But how are you here?"

Yuri spoke "S-Some really pale guy appeared right in front of me, but it's all a blank after that."

Lucy spoke "That was a rather short fight...."

Estelle was hiding her face with her wings since she was flustered.

Yuri asks "Estelle? You alright?"

Amy giggles "Twitterpated..."

Much to Yuri's pain, a 24 year old yet immortal Repede bites the wolf on the tail.

Yuri yelps "GAH!!! Repede!"

Danyelle giggles "He's been my pet for years though since I lost Smith in an accident 210 years ago."

Estelle stammers "Uh Y-Yuri?"

Yuri asks "Yeah, Estelle?"

Danyelle spoke "For the love of.... What Estellise is trying to say is that she like you Yuri."

Yuri asks "*Blush* Say what now?"

Estelle spoke "The furball's right...."

Yuri was a stuttering blushing mess after that before we heard crunching as we saw Ein finish eating a diamond before Aphmau showed up.

Ein spoke "Ha! Gotcha, Aph!"

Aphmau asks "Wait, did you just eat an edible diamond?"

Danyelle whispered in Aphmau's ear. "That one was fused with a creeper diamond..."

Aphmau spoke "That's usually how most edible diamonds are, Dany."

Ein asks "Tch! What's gonna happen? Am I gonna blow up?"

Aphmau spoke "No, worse! It'll go right to your thighs!"

Ein gasps "Wait... My thighs?"

All of us, including Ein, saw the hyena's lower half alone being big, fat and blubbery.

Aphmau spoke "And then you'll blow up."

Emma spoke "Dumb hyena."

Ein blew up with a scream.

Aaron asks "Uh Aph, you do realize that he just killed himself right?"

Aphmau spoke "And in 3... 2... 1..."

Ein crashed onto the ground face first straight from the sky.

Danyelle wingslaps Aphmau.

Danyelle spoke "This isn't a game anymore you know? Once you die, you don't come back to life..."

A voice gasps "WHAT?! I'm a slime?!"

But then we saw Ein's upper half before it regrew his lower half.

Danyelle spoke "Uh... He lost his hyena form completely..."

But then Ein melted and became a blob of slime.

A drunk Shion spoke "Hehehe, you *hic* look like Lord Rimuru..."

Ein asks "Wait, really?"

Danyelle asks "Who's dumbass idea was it to give Shion a carton of eggnog?"

Pierce spoke "Uh... Oops."

Danyelle blasted Pierce with a Fire Neko Yowl, sending him flying.

Ein sighs "*As Pierce screamed with a Goofy yell* Phew!"

Danyelle spoke "I don't attack those smaller than me, no offense Aphmau."

Aphmau spoke "None taken, least I wasn't called a stupid potato."

Valerie spoke "Well, I better get ready for the race soon."

Rainbow spoke "Same and I have a feeling that Fuli's wanting to race too."

Moeka spoke "Zane! I heard Pierce call Aph a stupid potato!"

Sonic spoke "I better get ready too."

Valerie spoke "Well, she's welcome to race too."

Zane spoke "PIERCE!!!"

Aaron looked as though he wanted to rip Pierce apart.

Pierce spoke "Eep!"

Twilight’s fur turned creamy-white as her mane, wings and horn lit on fire in anger.

Danyelle spoke "At least I can get away with calling Aph a stupid potato since Zane knows he can't beat me up. And Twilight...."

Twilight froze before she turned back to normal, calming down.

Aphmau giggles "Talk about whipped..."

Holo spoke "Stupid potato..."

Moeka spoke "Don't provoke the large wolf though Zane."

Zane instead just went off after Pierce.

Ein asks "Wait, how long am I gonna be like this?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't know."

“Maybe you should ask Rimuru about that.” I noted.

Shuna spoke "It'll be a few months before we hear from him since he went into hibernation."

Danyelle and I both spoke "Oh."

Shuna spoke "Most of the non sentient monsters have gone into hibernation for the winter."

Moeka spoke "Typical Zane..."

Danyelle spoke "Yep."

Holo spoke "Eyup."

Pinkie giggles "Heeheehee! You know what this calls for?"

Renee spoke "A party, we know that by now Pinkie."

Lucy growls suddenly since Deep Blue was back.

Zoey groans "Oh come on!"

Danyelle growls "He's like a cockroach!"

Renee's fur was fluffed up in fear.

Renee spoke "Sh-shut up Danyelle!"

Twilight was growling at Tempest since the brown hawk had gone quiet.

“Tempest?” I asked in concern.

The brown hawk's calm amber eyes had changed to an icy blue since he had been possessed.

Estelle growls "That's not your husband!"

Deep Blue taking control of my husband… that really grinds my gears!

Danyelle yowls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G9CPZ8Zd7k as she fired a Chaos Bullet Barrage on Deep Blue.

Deep Blue spoke "I won’t be easy to defeat this time. Thanks to him, I have been made stronger!"

Estelle growls "Evil be gone! SACRED PENNANCE!!!"

Another blast of holy light hits Deep Blue, forcing him out of Tempest's body.

But then heartless that were deep blue instead of black appeared.

Zoey slices up all of the heartless with her keyblades.

But then something shined within the sliced Heartless before they regenerated.

Zoey yowls "SORA!!!!!!"

A gummy ship then appeared.

Zoey spoke "Bout time you got here Sora!"

Sora spoke "Yeah."

But then Celaeno, her husband Jose, and her other Element of Harmony bearers showed up to help.

Jenn and her sisters poke their heads up out of tunnels that they had made.

Capper and the Abyssinian Elements soon arrive on tamed rocs.

Danyelle happily spoke "Guys!"

Amber spoke "We were surprised that we ended up immortal though."

Shady spoke "Yeah."

Blaze was on Millie's back as the immortal Beast-lord flew into battle.

Sonic showed up. “Alright! Let’s do this!"

Muta spoke "Aw what the heck!"

Baron sliced a heartless with a sword.

Baron spoke "This may be tough."

Twilight roasted three heartless with fire.

Twilight spoke "They're not like what we fought before!"

But then something shined in the damaged heartless before they regenerated. Fortunately, Twilight, Danyelle and I noticed it as the three of us point out, “Destroy the core!”

Haru yowls loud as she ran as fast as she could go before curling into a ball, pulling off a spindash but it was different.


A loud crack was heard since Haru sank her fangs into the core of a heartless.

The heartless that had its core destroyed suddenly disintegrated.

Danyelle spoke "Holy cuss..."

But then Danyelle’s nose and ears twitched at something.

Hiromi hissed loudly.

Then somehow, blood-red strings erupted from the ground as it sliced all of the Heartless right up the middle, splitting all of their cores in half, destroying them.

Haru asks "What in the Sol Dimension was that?"

A voice spoke "To be honest, I was really moved by how all of you fought alongside and defended each other as a family. No amount of words could express what I felt after witnessing that. Even though I have the celestial sisters to thank for helping me feel the sunbeams once more, I knew that there was still something missing."

A young pale-white untransformed changeling wearing a kimono of the same color with black spiderwebs on it, with some of his mane covering his left eye showed up. But what was odd was the red circle-markings on his face as his blood-red eyes that had silver-white irises and 3 black pupils in each of the irises from left to right.

Danyelle spoke "That's what a herd does, we look out for each other."

The Changeling colt asks "I see. But could you really accept someone like me?"

Chrysalis spoke "If the Nekomata of Redemption can accept someone like me into her hive-pack, she'd accept you as well."

Various Changelings and Diamond Dogs of the Crystal Stars hive-pack nod.

The colt spoke "Really? Even if I’m…"

The young changeling moved his hair away from his left eye, before Danyelle saw the boy from the last flashback again, but he was fighting against the changeling, who was a spider Mobian and had the Japanese kanji of Lower Five on his left eye before she saw him in the present as a changeling, with the number on his left eye no more.

the colt asks "A man-eating demon?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't judge someone based on their past."

the colt asks "Truly?"

Danyelle spoke "Yes."

The changeling gently smiled at that. “Thank you.”

A paralyzed Changeling teen spoke "I barely got my brother out of that mess but at the cost of my back legs no longer working...."

Danyelle asks "And you are?"

The teen spoke "I'm Quasi and this little devil is my brother, Rui."

Rui spoke "*Seeing someone else in Danyelle’s place before he saw her again* You… You remind me of him. That Tanuki boy who was with his rabbit little sister who was turned into a demon."

Michiru spoke "Alto and I are the only tanukis that Dany knows."

Nazuna was hiding in a pile of snow.

Michiru asks "Nazu?"

The pink siren pounces on her wife and tumbles into another pile of snow.

Michiru spoke "*Smirk* Oh, it’s on!"

Lugia was chuckling at the two.

Nazuna blows a raspberry on Michiru's stomach, making the tanuki-pony squeal.

Zoey spoke "Well, at least Tempest is freed and Deep Blue’s gone for good this time."

Renee spoke "Yeah bus there's something about that dark purple wolf that rubs my fur a certain way...."

Danyelle spoke "You mean Yuri? Psh! Come on! He’s a good friend to have."

Renee spoke "Prior to the whole limbo thing... My son had gone missing and I couldn't find him... Gadget and I were worried..."

Danyelle starting thinking about it before she had a sudden revelation with a gasp.

Irene asks "What is it mom?"

Danyelle gasps "No way... After all this time..."

Renee asks "What you getting at hairball?"

Danyelle asks "Uh... Yuri? What were your parents like?"

Yuri spoke "Many of my memories are fuzzy because of that jerk but I remember my mom's fur and my dad's eyes...."

Danyelle asks "What color were they?"

Yuri spoke "If I can recall correctly... My mother had purple fur and my dad had gray eyes..."

Danyelle gasped.

Zoey spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Danyelle spoke "Renee, I think Yuri's your son."

Renee scream-howls "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Zoey spoke "Called it."

Bridget asks "But the question is, where the cuss is Gadget?"

But then we heard a thud.

Renee asks "Gadget?"

Gadget groans "Ugh... Renee? That you?"

A teary eyed Renee tackle hugged Gadget into a pile of snow.

Gadget gently hugged Renee back.

Renee spoke "I missed you..."

Gadget spoke "I missed you too, sweetie."

The two wolves gazed into each other's eyes before they kissed for a few minutes.

Renee asks "Do you know what happened to our son?"

Gadget spoke "It’s honestly a blur… *Notices Yuri* But he looks like… that… Wait a minute."

Zoey spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Gadget scream-howls "WHAT?!?!?!?!"

Zoey's ears pin back.

Zoey spoke "That’s twice that’s happened this minute."

Danyelle's ears were also pinned back.

Danyelle spoke "Tell me about it."

Rarity had her ears plugged since she hated loud noise.

Rarity sighs "Why must these wolves be so loud?"

Sweetie Belle spoke "*Casual shrug* Beats me, sis."

Estelle pushes Yuri over to the two older wolf Mobians.

Estelle spoke "Just tell them."

Yuri spoke "*Blush* R-Right."

Renee asks "Huh?"

Yuri spoke "H-Hi… Mom and dad."

Both Renee and Gadget hug their long lost son while crying.

Sonic asks "Amy, are you... Crying?"

Amy spoke "*While crying tears* Honestly… Yes I am, Sonic."


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