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All Aboard the Demon Train!/A False Dream?!

*Opaline’s POV*

We were on our way to board the train we were gonna investigate.

Muta spoke "Hey Jolyne, I'm sorry for calling you by your nickname, I didn't know you hated being called that."

Jolyne spoke "Tch. Only my family could call me that."

Muta spoke "I was only trying to protect you since your dad's on life support but we will get his memory disc back. I promise you this."

Jolyne spoke "I know we’ll do that."

Muta spoke "I will fight until my last breath to keep you alive."

Jolyne scoffed as we looked for our seats before we heard a voice.

A voice spoke "Tasty!"

Midnight jumped in shock.

Midnight spoke "What the?!? this train's alive!"

Shippo spoke "That's SO not normal!"

I sweated at them jumping the gun. “Uh… guys?”

I pointed towards a seat as everyone else saw a male dragon with flame-yellow scales and flame-red spines, having a cape with flame patterns on it while he was eating boxed lunches vigorously. “Tasty!”

Shippo and Muta were immediately by Jolyne's side, protecting her since both males were wary of the dragon.

The dragon asks "Hmm? *Notices me and the others* Oh! My apologies! I didn’t see you there. Would you care for boxed lunches?"

Muta asks "Who are you?"

the dragon spoke "Oh! Pardon my manners. My name is Rengoku."

Muta spoke "I'm Renaldo Moon but I prefer to be called Muta."

Rengoku spoke "I see."

Muta spoke "The eleven tailed tod-tom is Midnight Storm."

Rengoku spoke "Hmm… You remind me of someone…"

Midnight asks "How so?"

Rengoku asks "Because I can sense a bit of a demon inside you. But I trust that you are here to protect the passengers as well?"

Midnight spoke "I may be a fox-cat-alicorn mix but I'm not dangerous. Plus Alpha-Queen Danyelle had tamed Fenrirs."

Rengoku spoke "I see."

But then I noticed a male Abyssinian with Chicago mob clothes from the 1900s in another seat.

I gasp "Wait... Fenrirs??"

Midnight chuckles "Yeah."

“But who’s that?” I asked as the others saw the Abyssinian I saw a few seconds ago.

Rengoku spoke "Oh, he’s a friend of mine I met some time ago. My guess may be illogical, but I have a feeling he’s from a different time period."

Midnight spoke "Time travel could be a possibility."

The Abyssinian asks "Well, the name’s Larcen Tyler. What year is this?"

Midnight spoke "2240 A.D."

Larcen spoke "Definitely got sent forward through time. I’m from Chicago, 1920 A.D."

Midnight spoke "I'm about 224 years of age."

Larcen spoke "That’s quite a long while."

Shippo spoke "I'm over 700."

Larcen spoke "Okay, enough with the age talk."

Midnight spoke "I've noticed you have a few burn scars."

Larcen spoke "Huh? What burn scars? I didn’t see any when I looked in the mirror."

Midnight spoke "My bad."

Larcen spoke "Not a problem."

Soon, the ticket inspector showed up.

Midnight pulled his crown out from one of his tails and put it on his head.

Rengoko spoke "Do not worry, I have my ticket."

Midnight spoke "I paid for a group ticket."

Larcen spoke "I bought my ticket."

The ticket inspector then stamped the three tickets before walking away.

Midnight spoke "Being royalty has some perks."

“I’ll admit, I’m hungry.” I said before my stomach growled.

Midnight pulls out some daisy sandwiches for me and a tuna sandwich for himself since he was an omnivore.

All of us had a good meal as we sat in our seats.

Midnight spoke "I don't like being the black sheep in my family... But I can't help it, it's the way I am."

“Midnight… You’re perfect just the way you are.” I told my boyfriend as I gave him a kiss on the nose.

Midnight spoke "I've got the teeth of a carnivore though..."

“Does that really matter, sweetie?” I asked my Midnight.

Midnight spoke "Not really since most of the Mobians are omnivores."

I hugged my boyfriend as he hugged me back.

Midnight tickles me.

I giggled as I started tickling Midnight back, making him chuckle.

Midnight spoke "Stahp! I'm too ticklish!"

I took the opportunity to close my eyes and kiss Midnight right on the lips, before he closed his eyes and kissed back.

Midnight purrs loudly since he was part cat after all.

Midnight and I started making out as we began falling asleep by each other’s sides.

Muta pulls my tail soon after the train stopped.

But for some reason, Muta did that while asleep and I didn’t wake up as the train started moving again. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the Crystal Empire.

Midnight spoke "I remember this place.... It was where I had my Crystalling 224 years ago...."

But what I saw… was a miracle! I saw all of the friends I made from 224 years ago, long before the immortals were trapped in the limbo!

Sunny was rather confused.

But then I saw something, Larcen as a cat Mobian back in Chicago at a hospital wing, holding a clock with ripped-off wires on his right hand, and a pack of dynamite in the other. But when I looked at a reflective surface, I saw myself banging against it as if the reflection was trying to get my attention as it said, "Opaline! You have to wake up! This is all a dream!"

Somehow, I felt as if I couldn't wake up, and neither can any of the others, unless...

I teleported me and the spirits of my friends that were asleep in the real world to a desolate place in the mountains. "Guys! Something's wrong!"

Muta pinched Jolyne's arm, making her jolt awake.

But for some reason, she didn't wake up.

"Guys, I think I know a way out of this. But it might be the hardest thing to ever do. EVER." I warned.

Muta spoke "Luna and Nightfall can't help us in this matter."

"Yeah." I agreed, before I found a sword that was in good condition as I used my magic to pick it up and put the edge against my neck, much to my friends' shock and horror. "This is the only way I could think of to wake up. Don't worry, I'll see you guys in the real world when I wake up." I smiled before I sliced my own throat, killing myself, before I jolted up wide awake back on the train without a single wound on me.

Muta bit Midnight on one of the tails, making the tod-tom jolt awake before biting himself on the arm.

The others soon jolted awake before we saw Rengoku standing in his sleep.

Midnight spoke "That was close..."

Sunny spoke "Still, to wake yourself from a dream like that by killing yourself? That’s crazy!"

Midnight spoke "It was a risky move Opal."

“Sorry, but it was the only way I could think of to wake myself up.” I apologized before we noticed ropes tied on our wrists.

“The scent, it’s faint, but it’s the same as the one on the tickets! Somehow, we were put to sleep when these were punched.” Midnight realized before I instinctively dodged an attack from behind, seeing a unicorn mare wielding an ice pick. “What’re you-?!”

Unicorn Mare snaps "You’re all interfering! Now that you creatures are here, we won’t get any happy dreams!"

But then more ponies and other creatures accompanied her, wielding ice picks as well.

Unicorn Mare spoke "*To someone else* What are you doing? Get off your ass, and come help us out! I don’t care if you have tuberculosis. If you don’t do your job, I’ll go tell him, and then he won’t show you anymore dreams!"

A Pegasus stallion rose, seeming hesitant to go through with attacking us while silently crying tears, like he just couldn’t do it. But tuberculosis? That’s a lung disease. That settles it, someone is manipulating them. It’s unforgivable… taking advantage of innocent creatures like this. “I’m sorry, but it looks like I’ll have to knock you out.” I apologized before I put a sleeping spell on the creatures wielding ice picks while the Pegasus stallion was still awake since I didn’t use that spell on him. “You only wanted a happy dream, didn’t you? I know. Because I wanted that too. I wish this and what happened back then was only a bad dream.” I empathized with the unconscious creatures.

Pegasus Stallion thinks "Until I experienced the warmth and sorrow of her soul, I was willing to hurt others if it meant I could escape from the pain of my own illness. But now…"

“Are you okay?” I asked the Pegasus stallion.

Pegasus stallion spoke "I am now. All of you, please be careful."

Midnight growls "How dare you attack the son of the Nine Tailed Terror?"

“Midnight, calm down.” I said to my boyfriend.

Pegasus stallion spoke "I don’t want to fight anyone anymore, and don’t blame the others. There’s a demon who promised to give us happy dreams, and we blindly accepted to that, and so we were ordered to shatter your spiritual cores while connected to your dreams as you slept, but after experiencing the warmth and sorrow in that alicorn’s soul, I realized what I was doing was wrong. So I just couldn’t hurt her, or any of her friends and family."

Shippo asks "What did the demon look like?"

Pegasus Stallion spoke "I don’t know, he only communicated us with his left hand that hand with a mouth on it and with the word Dream on each of his knuckles except the middle finger on that hand."

Shippo spoke "Must have been a Baku type of demon...."

Opaline spoke "Well I’m gonna find it."

A warp ring opens up before Erza steps out.

Erza spoke "Wow Midnight, you've gotten a lot bigger than the last time I saw you."

Midnight gasps "Erza? You’re back?"

Erza spoke "I freaked Natsu out when I got out of limbo."

Midnight "Nice!"

I walked to the door of the train car as I opened it.

Erza spoke "It was funny when Danyelle shot Natsu in the ass with a Chaos Bullet."

Sunny giggles "Heehee! Tell me about it."

Larcen spoke "Hold it Opaline, not smart to look for that demon alone."

Muta spoke "I agree, I'd rather choke on a hairball than let Jolyne get hurt since her dad is unable to right now."

Midnight spoke "I’ll go with Opaline."

Larcen spoke "Same with me, better a trio than a duo."

Sunny spoke "Four is better than three."

Shippo spoke "You can count me, the lardball and the hedgehog in. Seven is better than four."

Muta spoke "Hey! Don't call me Lardball! Only Haru and Hiromi can get away with calling me that!"

Opaline spoke "Okay, but the others stay inside and check on the other train cars."

Muta asks "You coming Jolyne?"

Jolyne scoffs "Tch. Fine, better than screwing around, doing nothing."

Muta spoke "I wish I had a Stand though... I'm just an ordinary fat cat..."

Jolyne spoke "Let’s get going already!"

The seven of us went outside and onto the roof of the train.

Midnight wraps six of his tails around the body of the others so that they don't fall off the top of the train.

Midnight spoke "*Cough before covering nose* It’s the demon. His scent’s too much, even with wind this strong. How did I even sleep through that? Even if each car was was closed off and airtight, I just can’t believe it."

But then we saw someone on the roof of the first car, revealed to be a male abyssinian demon, wearing a tailcoat, and as the pegasus stallion said earlier, his left hand had a mouth on it with the dream kanji on each knuckles except the middle finger.

The Tom spoke "What’s this? You seven are awake now? Good morning. What a shame. You could’ve all stayed dreaming forever. Might as well introduce myself, my name is Enmu."

That’s when the seven of us realized that he’s the one behind this.

Enmu asks "Why are you awake? Did I not show you all a dream tailored to your every desire?"

That got us confused.

Shippo growls "Those were not real!"

Enmu spoke "Hmm. If I had so wished it, it could have been a dream where your family and friends were being slaughtered. Would you have liked that one better? Of course not. Much too distressing. Or here’s an idea. A dream where your long-lost friends comes back to life."

That arrogant punk…!

“I really do love showing people happy, little dreams right before submerging them into a terrible nightmare. Seeing the look of confusion and horror on a creature’s face is simply exquisite. To look upon someone shattered to the absolute core by misfortune, squirming in agony, is like a sweet nectar to me. My methods may seem roundabout, but do not mistaken me for distracted. I will kill those immortals. By mixing my blood with the ink of those tickets, the conductor simply needs to punch the holes in them, at which point… the spell activates. All from a safe distance as well. It took more effort, but it was well worth it. Not being detected is very important, lest the illusion that holds in them in their dream be broken. So why… why is it that these ones managed to wake up? It didn’t take them long to figure out how to, either. Reminds me of that boy with the Hanafuda earrings. How can this be, when the creature desire to wrap themselves in a cheerful world of their own imagination…” Enmu mentally thought to himself before finishing the thought out loud. “Is of such a giant magnitude?”

“Trespassing on a creature’s soul is something I won’t allow! Your intrusion… will not stand!” I growled in anger before Enmu noticed Jolyne and her birthmark.

“What’s this? That birthmark on her neck…” Enmu thought to himself before joyfully smiling. “What good fortune! Like a moth to flame, she came right to me! Could this be a dream? Now I can receive and even greater share of Pale Snake’s power!” Enmu said as the seven of us readied to fight him with Larcen taking a Kung Fu stance.

Midnight growls "Star Platinum!!!"

Star Platinum appeared by Midnight’s side as we charged.

“Blood Demon Art!” Enmu started as he faced the back of his left hand towards us, showing that grin on his hand. “Whispers of Ordained Unconscious Mesmerism.” Enmu mentally finished as his hand spoke, “Go to sleep, dear children.” before we were hit by the spell and fell asleep, before we woke ourselves up. “It didn’t work?” Enmu mentally wondered as we attacked, only for Enmu to dodge and jump back.

A yowl rings loud "CELESTIAL GODS!"

14 out of 15 spirits gang up on Enmu, attacking him.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

The seven of us and the celestial spirits fell asleep before we woke up again.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

We fall asleep again, only to wake up once more.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

We fell asleep, then woke up again.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

Same action, same result.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Go to sleep!"

Why are they not affected? No… they are. They’re falling under the spell over and over.”Enmu thought as he dodged our attacks again before he used his technique once more, making us fall asleep. “But each time they do, they remain self-aware… and takes their own lives to reawaken.” Enmu continued thinking to himself as we woke up again before attack him while he dodged. “To commit suicide, even in the middle of a dream, to take their own lives with their own appendages, requires incredible willpower. These rascals… are out of their minds!” Enmu thought again to himself as we were about to attack before he made us fall asleep again. While I was in the dream realm, I was in the Crystal Empire, but the crystals were Sombra-black and stained with blood before Pearl showed up and shoved me. “Why didn’t you save us? We needed you, Opaline. While everyone here died from old age and the rest of your family was trapped in the limbo, where the hell were you? Why were you… the sole survivor?”

But then I found myself in my father’s room as he threw a cup at my face. “You couldn’t even save your own family. You’re so useless.”

Then I found myself in a graveyard near the Crystal Empire, seeing the tombstones of all my friends from here who died of old age before my mother showed up as I turned around to face her. “You’re the one who should’ve been sealed in the limbo that day. But instead you’ve gone and just left us all behind, committing unforgivable crimes.”

That monster…! Making my own family say stuff like that?! That angered me to no end!

Myself and the others woke up as we charged at Enmu.

“Don’t you dare put words in the mouths of my family! They would never ever say that! Your visions… they only insult their memory!” I roared in absolute anger as I cut off his neck with the others combining their attacks with mine, separating the demon’s head from his shoulders.

Danyelle yowls "Cuss! He's not going to go down that easy!!! Demons like him can only be slain by a nichirin sword!!!"

“I understand now… I understand why Pale Snake ordered me to have you and your friends disposed of.” Enmu said as flesh emerged from the train and connected to his head, much to our shock and horror. “Disposed with the princesses! It’s the nature of your very existence. You’re like gaping, blistering sores on one’s heel.”

“He’s not dead?!” My friends and I gasped.

“What lovely expressions on your faces, ones that I have been longing to see.” Enmu laughed. “You’re wondering why I’m still alive, even after you decapitated me. Well, I’ll tell you, since I’m feeling so ecstatic. I’ll try to use small words so even you all can understand it.” Enmu laughed again. “It’s because that wasn’t actually my true self. The same can be said about what’s before you. It may look like my head, but that is not the case. While you were all sleeping like helpless little babies, I fused my being with this entire train! Every inch of it has become my blood, my flesh, right down to my bones! The look in your eyes. You’re starting to understand. For, you see, the more than 200 passengers on this train or should I say hostages will soon become a part of my body. Do you think all of you can protect them? Can all of you alone prevent me from feasting on all the tasty flesh that’s been packed from stem to stern? Or will my appetite be satiated in full?”

The angered us as we charged to attack Enmu, but he laughed as he already retreated into the flesh before it was soaked into the train, causing us to miss him.

Danyelle growls "You forget one little detail! My Stand, Celestial Gods, has brought the train to a STOP!"

Mentally, Enmu thought, “Hehehe. Doesn’t really matter.”

“Guys! We have to protect the passengers!” I urged.

The whale of Celestial Gods whacks the front of the train with its tail, sending sharp pains through Enmu's body.

Midnight teleported all of the passengers out of the train with magic, getting them all to safety.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, Midnight! Now we just gotta find the neck."

Midnight pants "R-right! and Stand wise, you're one of the most strongest Mobians there is..."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed, but I’ll need to use my nichirin sword if we wanna kill the demon."

Sunny spoke "You got this Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "Michigami!"

A white penguin appears by Danyelle as it guided her to the where Enmu's neck is.

Midnight took flight while carrying the non-flyers with his tails.

We went to the engine of the train as I opened up a tile, revealing the neck bone, but as Danyelle was about to slice it, flesh appeared and guarded it, keeping her from hitting it as we became surrounded by flesh in a fleshy arena.

Danyelle spoke "Tachigami!"

A white rat with a rather large sword attacks the flesh at the same time as Danyelle had with the nichirin sword.

But then more flesh appeared before eyes with the dream kanji on the opened.

Eyes of Forced Unconscious Sleep.” Enmu mentally said. “Dream.”

As all of the eyes stared at Danyelle, she suddenly fell asleep as the other eyes stared at us, making us fall asleep as well, before all of us woke ourselves up, only for the eyes to open and make us fall asleep again, before we woke up again as we realized that we had to keep our eyes closed when we wake up before the eyes made us fall asleep once more.

Danyelle puts a blindfold over her eyes to protect herself.

Danyelle puts her trust in Michigami to attack a certain spot.

But then the conductor showed up and with an ice pick and charged at Midnight.

“Midnight!” I called out.

The Conductor spoke "I won’t let you take away my chance to dream!"

I got in front of the conductor, taking the blow for Midnight as I got stabbed before I used a sleeping spell on him, making the conductor fall asleep.

Midnight roars "OPALINE!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

“Midnight, I’m okay.” I assured my boyfriend as I teleported the conductor away from the train.

Midnight spoke "Do you dare do anything that reckless again... I almost lost you...."

“It’s only a small wound.” I insisted.

Midnight spoke "Your mom would freak if she saw what happened."

Larcen and Tachigami sliced the flesh shield apart as Danyelle breathed out sun flames.

Danyelle spoke "Sun Breathing…"

Danyelle did a full vertical sideways 360 and sliced the neck bone, decapitating the train and Enmu as he screamed/roared.

Danyelle spoke "Clear Blue Sky!"

Amaterasu and Chibiterasu howl loud as they brought the full power of the sun down on the train, melting it.

I can’t regenerate. Have I lost? Am I going to die? Me? Ridiculous. Absurd! There was so much more to do! I couldn’t devour a single creature. My plan to fuse with the train and eat everyone was a complete failure! And now look at what I’ve been reduced to. After all the preparations I had taken… it was him! This is his fault! Even with all the hostages I had in my possession, I still wasn’t able to get the upper hand. Is this the power of a Hashira? That abyssinian was fast too. And then there’s him, a demon fighting alongside demon slayers? What treachery is this? Why is he allowed to live? Damn it. Damn it all. It all started going to hell when that alicorn brat was able to wriggle out of my spell. She’s to blame for this! If I had the strength… I would kill her right now. And that Nekomata queen, I should have killed her when I had the chance, too. But her amount of power, allies and her nichirin sword skills as a demon slayer somehow managed to best me. Her instincts were too strong. Have I truly lost? Is this the end? What a terrible, wretched nightmare this is. Am I no different from those mortal beings who were defeated? Even after receiving so much of his power, I couldn’t defeat them. It’s not fair. If only I could turn back time. Then I could undo this awful, horrible nightmare.” Enmu mentally lamented as he was completely burned to ash.

Danyelle spoke "It's finally over... The nightmares are over..."

“Yeah.” I agreed before I winced from the pain caused by my stomach’s wound.

Midnight spoke "Opal!"

Danyelle used her firebending to sear the wound shut on my stomach.

“Thanks.” I said in gratitude.

Larcen spoke "Oi, that was a close one."

Shippo "Don't remind me... We don't have a doctor on hand at the moment so the cat had to do what she could."

Rengoku spoke "Everyone, great work."

Danyelle spoke "The only major threat left is Pale Snake."

Rengoku spoke "Indeed, but I admit, it will not be easy."

But then a cloud of dust suddenly appeared.

Danyelle coughs "Kazegami! Blow this dust away!"

Kazegami did that, only to reveal… Akaza?! But something was off, he had the Heartless insignia on his chest. I think Chameleo told me about this. When a Heartless takes the form of someone alive and not captured by heartless, it’s called a Soulless. But then Soulless Akaza charged towards me before Rengoku got in front of me and blocked the strike, pushing him away as the Soulless demon copy healed its left arm.

Soulless Akaza spoke "That’s a fine sword."

Rengoku spoke "I see. So Akaza is alive somewhere else."

Grabbing the Cosmic Star keyblade, Danyelle spoke "Careful guys, Soulless are much hard to defeat!"

Rengoku asks "Tell me demon, why would you go after a wounded creature over me?"

Soulless Akaza spoke "I thought that she’d get in the way of our little chit chat is all."

Rengoku spoke "What is it you would like to discuss? While this is our first time meeting, I already dislike you."

Soulless Akaza spoke "Is that right? Well, I dislike weak beings. The mere sight of them makes my skin crawl."

Rengoku spoke "If that is the case, I do not believe we will ever get along."

Soulless Akaza asks "Be that as it may, let me make you and the other strong warriors here an offer. Why don’t you all become demons as well?"

Rengoku spoke "No, thanks."

Shippo spoke "I'm already a demon so TRAMPLE OFF!!"

Midnight growls "Don't touch MY MARE!"

Soulless Akaza asks "I can tell just by looking at all of you that you’re strong. Your fighting spirits have been tempered like quality steel. Your names?

Rengoku spoke "I’m the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku."

Midnight growls "I'm Prince Midnight Storm, son of Kurama and Matatabi."

Danyelle hisses "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Alishia Marrie Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack."

Larcen spoke "Larcen Tyler."

Jolyne scoffs "Tch! Jolyne Kujo."

Muta scoffs "I'm Renaldo Moon, former criminal of the Sol Dimension turned bodyguard to Jolyne Kujo."

Shippo spoke "Just call me Shippo."

I spoke "Wait guys! if you give out your names, you might be targeted by other hostile demons!"

Soulless scoffs "Hmph. I am Akaza. Kyojuro, let me tell you and your friends why, despite being strong, your strength, even combined, is not enough. Because you’re merely mortals, destined to be killed eventually, and others destined to grow old and eventually die. Become demons. Doing so will allow you to better yourself for another hundred, even 200 years."

Rengoku spoke "Both growing old and passing away, these are the things that makes being mortal beautiful. Those may seem like weaknesses to you, but our lives are all the more precious and honorable because of them. You see, true strength does not just refer to the physical body. This mare is not weak. Don’t insult her. Let me be clear. The two of us will never see eye to eye. No matter what twisted reasons you give, I will not yield."

Danyelle growls "Bull crap! I'm immortal! Same with those I had interacted with!"

Soulless Akaza "I see."

Soulless Akaza stomped the ground, causing markings on the ground to appear and glow fire-blue.

Soulless Akaza spoke "Technique Development. Destructive Death, Compass Needle."

The others readied themselves for battle.

Soulless Akaza spoke "I guess I’ll just have to kill all of you then."

Danyelle hisses "Sun Breathing... WHITE HOT FLAME SHOT!!!"

The seven of them charged and clashed at speeds so fast, I couldn’t keep track of either of them!

Danyelle got a whack in with her keyblade, inflicting damage.

But then the wound healed instantly.

Soulless Akaza spoke "In all my years, I’ve never gotten to kill a Flame Hashira or a Warrior Princess! No one has yet to take me up on my offer, either."

Rengoku managed to cut Soulless Akaza’s left wrist.

Soulless Akaza spoke "Why do you think that is? As a fellow master of the martial arts, I just can’t comprehend it. Not when only the chosen ones can become demons!"

Rengoku then sliced off Soulless Akaza’s right arm, countering its instant attack, before it regrew instantly as the seven of them kept clashing with the Soulless.

But suddenly, the damage that Danyelle had caused with the Cosmic Star was too much for Soulless Akaza to handle since it was a god tier Keyblade.

Soulless Akaza laughs "*As his power started to increase* Hahahahaha! Yes! Now this is what I’m talking about!"

Soulless Akaza then struck Danyelle, sending her flying back.

Danyelle threw both her keyblade and nichirin sword through Soulless Akaza's neck, killing him.

Rengoku made sure that Soulless Akaza was done for as he decapitated the Soulless as the real Akaza suddenly appeared at struck the Heartless Copy at the heart.

Picking her weapons back up, Danyelle spoke "It's dead."

Rengoku spoke "With a demon like that, it’s best to make sure by decapitating it with a nichirin sword. And I can tell the real Akaza has changed."

Danyelle spoke "I've got the most rarest Keyblade in existence too."

Larcen apoke "I’ll admit, that’s no small feat."

Danyelle spoke "I'm immortal... I have the rarest keyblade in existence as well as the most rarest stand that only I can wield. I have a nichrin sword which was given to me by Sumarda."

Sumarda appeared. “And believe me, the ore that nichirin swords are made of are hard to come by in my dimension.”

Danyelle spoke "But it's odd that Anzu's got one though..."

Sunny spoke "There's a pair of Zorua on my back...."


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