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Celebration of Life

*Lillian’s POV*

I still couldn’t believe that Weather’s actually gone.

Tempest spoke "He was a valuable ally..."

I hugged Tempest with tears.

Danyterama spoke "If I have a boy, I'll name him after Domenico. And who knows? He might have the Joestar mark."

Ben asks "Really babe?"

Danyterama spoke "Yeah Ben, it'll keep the memory of him alive."

Twilight spoke "Even though we lost a trusted ally, he wouldn't want us to be sad forever."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Agreed."

Kagome spoke "We made it out of that mess alive and that's what matters."

Muta spoke "Jolyne, I want to ask you something."

Jolyne asks "What?"

Muta asks "D-do you want to go out on a date with me?"

Jolyne playfully punched Muta’s shoulder. “Sure, ya furball. I’ll give it a chance.”

Muta spoke "And your dad looks like he's about to blow a gasket...."

Danyterama bops Jotaro on the head with a tail.

Jotaro spoke "Tch. *Tips hat* Good freaking grief."

Danyterama warns "Need I remind you that Muta took it upon himself to keep Jolyne safe while you were in a coma?"

Jotaro scoffed again before smiling, not denying that.

Twilight spoke "With Pucci dead, we can live in peace!"

Flash spoke "Definitely, Twily."

Twilight spoke "Things may be peaceful now but new enemies will appear, but that'll be up to the fourth generation Pony and Mobian Guard to deal with once they are old enough to fight."

Rainbow Dash spoke "But hey, doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t join in on the fun."

Twilight spoke "Exactly but right now, we don't know who the fourth generation of the Pony and Mobian Guard will be."

Danyterama spoke "Exactly."

A ball of light appeared before it faded, revealing an alicorn mare with red and blue sashes connecting to golden bracelets on her hooves, and a yellow-orange mane and tail.

Twilight and the others bow in respect to the newcomer.

Yamato spoke "Jetta, what a surprise."

Jetta spoke "Ah, Yamato. Good to see comrade again."

Twilight spoke "My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, leader of the first generation Pony Guard. You're in the year 2241 of the Celestial Era."

Danyterama spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, co-leader of the first generation Mobian Guard and the Crystal Stars hive-pack."

Jetta spoke "Ah, fellow princesses. I am Princess Jetta Maxx, royal Russian from 1899 A.D. I used to be undercover as acrobatic for circus until tightrope and safety net were sabotaged as I fell to my death during last performance of my life."

Danyterama spoke "I'm kinda above the rank of princess though. This kind of stems from the fact the one of my adopted children was a princess up until Thorax became the leader of his hive. He and I work together as joint leaders since some of my hive had been part of his hive until they left. The alpha part was because I had scared a few Diamond Dogs into obedience, plus I'm rather tall for a normal Mobian since I was born human."

Jetta spoke "Bау!"

Pinkie spoke "Huh. Sounded more like “Vau!” than “Bay!”."

Danyterama spoke "Must’ve been Russian."

Jetta: "“Вау” was Russian for “Whoa,” and “Da” is Russian for “Yes.”"

Danyterama spoke "I don't speak muh Russian though... I spoke Japanese one time but that was because of a type of flower called poison joke..."

Rainbow groans "Did you have to bring that up Dany? I couldn't fly right because of that..."

Danyterama smirked. “You could fly, Dash. Just not the right way being upside down.”

Applejack whacks Rainbow upside the back of the head.

Danyterama spoke "Gosh dang it Applejack...."

*Back in Maretime Bay,*

A loud scream split the air.

Sprout screams "MOTHER!!!!!!"

To Phyllis's shock, Sprout had wings and a horn.

Luna soon showed up with a bit of a snicker.

Celestia wingslaps Luna upside the back of the head.

A portal showed up with a sleepy Chameleo exiting it. “Ugh… Why was there a scream in my- *Notices Sprout’s new look* Wait-what?”

Celestia spoke "Clearly... Astral Flare has some explaining to do... and something tells me that Twilight is going to freak out."

A voice spoke "*Glumly* Boohoohoo…"

But the sound went unheard since neither Twilight or Danyelle were around at the moment.

Inspecting the color of Sprout's wings, Celestia spoke "It seems like I should have a talk with Phyllis about her husband..."

Chameleo sighs "Why am I not surprised?"

Chameleo’s Multitrix turned into a Yo-Kai Watch and shined on a spot, revealing something.

Chameleo sighs "Yep. Definitely bad luck."

Celestia spoke "Bad luck or not, he's still a bonafide alicorn. Besides, we already have at least 25 alicorns... Including pseudo-alicorns and half alicorns."

But then an angry roar from Twilight was heard.

Chameleo spoke "And Twilight’s on her way."

Astral turned invisible and masked his scent.

Danyterama spoke "SIT GIRL!!!!"

Twilight was face down on the ground.

Danyterama showed up as she saw what Chameleo found. “*Sigh* Buhu…”

Buhu spoke "I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, I am. I didn’t even know that me inspiriting him would turn him into an alicorn. That’s really bad luck. Boohoohoo…"

An invisible Astral spoke "That was more my fault, I didn't realize that my alicorn genes were stronger than earth pony genes. It was only a matter of time before Sprout got his wings and horn..."

Buhu spoke "Still, i’m sorry. we yo-kai have to inspirit the same way creatures sleep at night."

Danyterama asks "Don't you mean eat?"

Chameleo spoke "No. She meant sleep."

Danyterama spoke "Oh right..."

Chameleo: Well, I better get back. *Yawn!* I need some sleep.

Chameleo left through the portal as it closed.

Luna spoke "Sorry if the noise woke you up."

“No biggie.” Chameleo said through the portal before it completely closed.

Serena asks "So what now?"

Pinkie spoke "Well… if it’s alright…"

Twilight spoke "Go ahead Pinkie, there's no point of saying no to you..."

Various others nod in agreement to what Twilight had said.

Pinkie spoke "Thanks, guys. Just to let you know, this party will be to celebrate Weather’s life."

Latias spoke "Ias! {Don't forget about my brother, he gave up his own life to save a foal he barely knew!}"

Pinkie spoke "Yes, Latios too."

Danyterama was digging in the ground before unearthing a light gray egg with blue on the bottom and a red triangle.

Holding the egg in her arms, Danyterama spoke "If only there was a way to bring that Latios back... But there isn't... Since the one I had is now a Soul Dew..."

Twilight spoke "We will never forget the brave folks that gave up their lives to ensure peace for the rest of us."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Agreed."

Bold spoke "As long as the Pony and Mobian Guard's still around, no creature will ever be harmed!"

Applejack spooke "Darn tootin’."

Appleseed spoke "Eyup!"

Much to Pinkie's surprise and the surprise of the Gunderson family, Nico and Pedro soon arrive!

Nico chuckles "Now hold up, pink party pony. Don’t think you can start without the Bird Carnaval Duo."

Pedro spoke "Yeah! We’ll have to take it to the next level!"

Twilight spoke "Let's get this party started!!"

Pedro chuckles "That’s right! The next level’s the Level! You gotta shake your tail feathers!"

Danyterama howls loud, causing the party to begin.

Flying about, Twilight spoke "Ya, ya, ya, ya, yo! Everybody put their wings, hands and hooves together and clap 'em as loud as you can. Flap 'em, clap 'em. I don't care, slap 'em!"

Danyterama spoke "Party in Equestria, baby!"

Twilight flies through the sky with all eight of her kids although Daylight was on Dusk's back since she didn't have wings while all nine sang.

There were no annoying cockatoos, no troublesome Stands and no end of the world threats to disrupt the party.

Luffy exclaims "YAHOO!!! PARTY TIME!!!"

Danyterama lets out all of her Pokemon so that they can party too.

Polnareff spoke "Alright! Now this is a party!"

Polnareff then accidentally crashed into Gloria, causing them both to fall.

Danyterama elbows Ermes in the side before pointing at the two.

Ermes asks "Huh?"

Polnareff spoke "I-I’m sorry, miss! I-"

Gloria spoke "S-Sorry for crashing into you like-"

But then the two froze before their eyes flashed pink.

Polnareff stammers "E-Excusez-moi. Where are my manners? My name is Jeanne Pierre Polnareff."

Danyterama spoke "Didn't see that coming..."

Gloria spoke "M-My name’s Gloria Costello."

Three adult Ender dragons were singing as they flew through the sky when the female crashed into a tree.

the dragoness yelps "OW! Who shot me with a freaking arrow?"

Ein yelps "EEP!"

Bertha blasts Ein with a Poison Dragon Roar, sending him flying.

Danyterama spoke "Some guys never learn..."

Twilight spoke "Agreed."

Soon, Gloria brought Polnareff over.

Gloria spoke "Polnareff, this is my little sister, Ermes."

Polnareff spoke "Bonjour, Mademoiselle Ermes."

Ermes spoke "*Blushing* Uh, hi."

The green eyed Ender dragon was chuckle-roaring.

Gloria smiled as she flew off, leaving Ermes with Polnareff.

Becky asks "Oi gryphon girl! Where you going?!?"

Becky followed Gloria to a spot as she saw the gryphon breathing rapidly to calm herself down.

Gloria spoke "S-Sorry. It’s just like my mind went blank when I first saw Polnareff and all I could think about was him. I’m just trying to keep myself from going love-crazy."

Becky chuckles "I have a similar problem. Aside from my dad and brothers, a lot of the male dragons have taken interest in me."

Gloria spoke "You know, some girls go for guys just for their appearances and attitudes, right? Well, my sister can be a bit like that, going for the looks. But for me, I go for what they truly are on the inside. And I can tell that Polnareff is a gentlemanly, silly, loyal and cheerful swordsman."

Becky spoke "I heard rumors that the wolftaur was the one that had gotten a black cat and a honey blonde vixen together."

Gloria asked as she flew back with Becky, “Really? Who?”

Serena was laughing since Ash was drenched in slime.

Gloria giggles "Oh!"

Soon, Gloria and Becky returned.

Polnareff asks "Ah, Gloria. Had a talk with a friend?"

Gloria spoke "Yes."

Becky spoke "It's not easy being one of the only four known Ender dragons though... And goodness, is that Smolder? I haven't seen her since I was just a hatchling!"

Smolder spoke "‘Sup, guys."

Danyterama spoke "Wow Smolder, you've gotten bigger since I last saw you."

The keen eyed wolftaur notices a pink egg in Smolder's left hand.

Danyterama asks "Is that your egg?"

Smolder was flustered.

Danyterama called Sandbar and the rest of the Young Six over.

Gallus asks "What happened?"

Ocellus spoke "That's what I want to know too."

Beetlo spoke "Same here."

Silverstream asks "Wait, is that an egg?"

Sonic spoke "By the looks of it, yeah."

Yona asks "Where did dragon get egg?"

A wooly chakat spoke "I'm thinking the same thing."

Danyterama spoke "Maybe it's hers though."

The wooly chakat spoke "That aside... LET'S PARTY!!!!"

Shion had challenged Applejack and Rainbow to a cider contest.

The two gladly accepted with Zoro joining in. Nami didn’t want to join before the grand prize was announced, which motivated her enough to participate as well.

Sanji spoke "Oh no you don't Nami, you've got a child on the way."

Nami seductively winked at Sanji, making the chef change his mind in a love-daze.

Danyterama spoke "Yo Bright Mac! Round of cider for everyone! Non alcoholic for the children and pregnant females though."

A breeze ruffles the fur of Danyterama as she sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E8pcpWU1Jk.

Bright Mac spoke "Eyup."

The two eggs soon hatch.

A small Latios was soon napping in Danyterama's arms.

Danyterama spoke "Oh, what a little cutie."

The party continued on all day.

While we were partying long and hard, a gentle wind blew with a smile.

Danyterama spoke "His fighting spirit will never die as long as we protect the peace."

Everyone cheered in agreement.


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