• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Trouble in Tokyo

*Zoey's POV*

All of a sudden, my fur felt hotter than normal since a problem had come up in my home town of Tokyo Japan. To my surprise, it had also affected my friends.

Danyterama asks "Friendship problem?"

I spoke "Yeah but it's only for those of Japanese origin this time."

Danyterama spoke "I see."

Ben spoke "Uh Dany, you forgot that you're still locked in taur form for the next nine months."

Danyterama spoke "Yeah. I know."

Twilight spoke "True there!"

Yamato asks "Japan?"

I spoke "Yeah, I'm from Tokyo. same for the rest of my friends."

Yamato spoke "If it is alright, could I accompany you? Japan is where I was born as well."

I ask "Corina, do you think it'd be wise to bring her along?"

Corina spoke "We’ve seen her skills. I think it’ll be okay."

A loud thud was heard since a cherry red furred Mobian cat fell on the ground.

The girl spoke "Itai...."

“Wait a minute…” I noticed something familiar about that girl.

The cherry red cat asks while looking at me "Kegawa no iro ga chigau no ni, dōshite watashi ni nite iru no?"

But all of a sudden, a cold hearted male appears thus freaking the others out.

I spoke "Oh cuss no! Not you again!"

The red furred cat hisses "Hottoite dīpu burū!"

Yamato readied her katana.

I bar Yamato's path with a wing.

I spoke "That guy is dangerous. I fought him before..."

Yamato spoke "I believe that. I’ve battled the Eternal Champion before, but I lost."

I spoke "He is as powerful as Goddess Faust after all."

The cherry red furred cat attacks Deep Blue but was knocked backwards, causing her to crash into me thus knocking both her and I out cold.

Renee spoke "Zoey!!!"

I groan in pain.

I spoke "Everyone, run... This version of Deep Blue is more berserk than the one I fought..."

Meggy spoke "Not a chance! We're stronger together!"

Axol spoke "Meggy's right beanie catgirl, we're stronger together than alone!"

Yamato spoke "Your friends are right, Zoey."

The cherry red furred cat spoke "Danketsu sureba tachi, bunretsu sureba taoreru!"

I yowl loud, calling in a few of the Smashers to help.

Cloud showed up.

I spoke "If this is a joke, it's not funny... I can't call in as many Smashers as Danyelle could."

The cherry red furred cat facepalmed.

Bowser then showed up.

Danyterama howls loud, calling in Bayonetta and the other Smashers.

The cherry red furred cat spoke "Ima chansu wa arimasen! Watashitachi wa anata o sū de attō shimashita!"

Sonic spoke "Yeah, we got you outnumbered! You won't stop us!"

But then heartless and nobodies started swirling around him, turning Deep Blue into a gargantuan monster.

The cherry red furred cat spoke "Son'nabakana!"

But all of a sudden, a Sacred Penance hits all of the heartless and nobodies thus turning them to dust.

Estelle spoke "Nice try jerkface!"

But Deep Blue was still a gigantic monster.

Danyterama roars so loud that the sound could be heard by Twizilla!

A sudden plasma beam rips Deep Blue's left arm clean off!

Deep Blue growled as his arm grew back.

But another plasma beam tore though Deep Blue's head, ripping it clean off and killing him.

But the heartless and nobodies in him started controlling his body as it started attacking us.

Twilight spoke "HARMONIC BLAST!!!"

The attack incinerated Deep Blue's body, killing off the heartless and nobodies as well.

The cherry red furred cat asks "Owarimashita ka?"

I spoke "Yeah, it's over... I wasn't expecting Twilight to pull that off."

Yamato spoke "Yes, a lot is happening."

I spoke "Odd... My fur isn't glowing yet... It could mean that this problem isn't over yet!"

The cherry red furred cat asks "Nani?!?"

I spoke "We should go look!"

Corina spoke "Right!"

The six of us, including Yamato, soon went to Japan via warp ring.

Twilight tags along.

Kazan and Sadako came with us as well.

The cherry red furred cat spoke "On'nanoko wa kiwotsukete, kiken ga hisonde iru kanōsei ga arimasu."

Twilight spoke "There's bound to be threats nearby."

But only I could hear Twilight's voice for some strange reason, the others only heard neighing.

“What’s going on?” I asked in concern.

Twilight spoke "The others can't hear me since they don't have as much magic in their veins as you do Zoey."

“Oh.” I realized before I noticed that Yamato, Kuzan and Sadako took on human forms when we arrived at Japan on Mobius.

Yamato spoke "This is new."

I also looked human but my ears, tail and wings were permanently visible since I had ascended in Ponyville thus it had buggered up my cat DNA.

Snapping my fingers, I was soon wearing a hoodie and a long skirt.

I spoke "I can't hide my animal features normally so I have to use a hoodie and long skirt."

Twilight spoke "Smart."

I spoke "Yeah..."

Kazan asks "Is something the matter?"

Renee spoke "Unlike Corina, Bridget, Kiki and I, Zoey can't hide her animal features anymore since she's half alicorn."

Renee's wolf ears pop out since she heard screaming.

Sadako asks "You sensed something, didn’t you?"

Twilight and Renee both growl.

I growl "I sense it too... Wait... that wolf looks just like Renee!"

The wolf was shouting at a monkey to watch her tail.

I spoke "We got to help them!"

A random monster got sent flying with a kick from a yellow furred foxtaur-like creature.

The foxtaur-like creature growls savagely.

Twilight asks "What in the?!"

I spoke "Didn't expect an Entelexeia of all things to be in an alternate Tokyo...."

Kazan spoke "Agreed."

But the Entelexeia collapses due to an injury.

I spoke "It's hurt! But we can't ask Princess Estelle to help. If what Danyelle said about Entelexeia disliking the Child of the Full Moon's powers is true... We have to figure out another route."

Sadako then used her psychic abilities to gently lift the Entelexia off the ground.

But suddenly, the Entelexia went savage.

Before we could do something, Sadako appeared in front of the Entelexia and stared right into its eyes, before it stood down.

But the Entelexia blasted Sadako with ice.

Danyterama gallops out of a portal.

Danyterama spoke "Belius! Calm down!"

But then I felt anger rising from Sadako before Kazan calmed her down.

Danyterama calms Belius back down.

Danyterama asks "What in heaven's name is going on here?"

“It’s a long story.” I answered.

The purple wolf spoke "BAKA!!!!"

Renee growls at her lookalike. "You calling me an idiot?"

The two wolfgirls fought with each other.

“Why am I not surprised?” I said with a straight face.

The cherry red haired catgirl spoke "Bakahabaka to onaji..."

I soon sense something bad was coming.

Danyterama asks "You sensed it too?"

“Yeah.” I agreed.

Danyterama spoke "Anata 5! Koko wa mō anzende wa arimasen!"

The two wolfgirls froze as the other three show up.

Danyterama spoke "Watashitachi wa koko kara denakereba narimasen. Kono zōn ga hōkai suru kanōsei ga aru koto o nanika ga oshiete kuremasu!"

The five girls murmur among themselves just as three Cyniclon males show up.

The green haired male spoke "Son'nani bakagete wa ikenai."

Danyterama snarls at the three males, making them shut up.

I couldn’t help but giggle a bit.

Corina spoke "That green haired male looks a lot like Dren though..."

I open a warp ring before grabbing the eight with my magic and drag them through as the others followed just as the zone collapses.

The cherry red furred cat cries at the loss of her home.
