• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

A Draconic Reunion

*Blizzardstar's POV*

I sigh, wondering where the hell my adopted dad was.

Rarity asks "Blizz?"

I spoke "Oh hey Rares."

Rarity asks "Is something wrong?"

I spoke "Just thinking about something."

Rarity asks "Which is?"

I spoke "About why I have ice magic... Correction... Ice dragon slayer magic."

Rarity asks "…Pardon?"

I sigh "I knew the truth would come out sooner or later. I was raised by a dragon..."

Twilight asks "What is shi talking about Rarity?"

Rarity spoke "Uh… I’m finding it hard to comprehend myself."

Wendy spoke "I might know since I was also raised by a dragon 623 years ago."

A roar was heard but none of the Mobians, Equians or the other chakats recognized it.

I spoke "Sidonas!"

Sidonas spoke "It’s been a long time, Blizzardstar."

Whacking Sidonas, I spoke "I thought I lost you 223 years ago!"

Sidonas chuckles "Heh, sorry. Got frozen."

I spoke "No pun intended but you're an ice dragon..."

Sidonas chuckles "Heh. I’m pretty ice when I wanna be."

I chuckle "Not to mention you had your scaly butt kicked by Igneel a few times... It's a fire versus ice thing."

Sidonas chuckles "*Elbows me* Come on! You gotta admit even I beat Igneel sometimes with freezing him!"

I laugh "Dude, that was cold."

Sidonas laughed as well.

Riversong and Snowfire were tussling.

I spoke "Those two are Snowfire and Riversong, they're two of my and Rarity's three children. The third is Mythic Fashion."

Sidonas chuckles "Hehehe, so you have a mate now?"

I chuckle "Yeah dad, I've been married for 223 years now."

Sidonas asks "Hahaha! How in the world was that possible? Immortality?"

Sonic was stuck in a wall since Danyelle had kicked him in the butt.

I spoke "Yeah, you can blame Prince Sonic for that mess."

Sidonas asks "A hedgehog with wings and a horn?"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic's got the wings and magic of an alicorn along with the tail of a wolf since his paternal grandfather is Shirou Ogami."

Sidonas spoke "Now that’s surprising."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, reincarnation of Jonathan Joestar."

Sidonas spoke "Whoa."

Danyelle spoke "It came as a rather big shocker for the other Joestars when I was stuck in taur form for a year."

Sidonas spoke "I see."

Danyelle spoke "I'm the reason why the Doucet, Hikari and Dreemurr families are connected to the Joestar clan."

Sidonas spoke "That’s a lot of families."

Danyelle spoke "My original last name was Doucet before I had married Ben. Nyx took Asriel's last name when they got married."

A two year old wolftaur boy had chomped on his mother's left tail.

Danyelle yowls "Ow!"

I chuckle "Snowfire, Mythic and Riversong were just as bad when they got their teeth. Right Rares?"

Rarity giggles "Oh, tell me about it."

Sidonas spoke "Hmm? There’s some kinda of star on the back of the cub’s neck."

Danyelle switched to her Danyterasu form, thus exposing her cutie mark.

Sidonas spoke "Oh, I see now."

Danyterasu spoke "I never knew I was a reincarnated Joestar up until my forme change disc got cracked three years ago."

Sidonas spoke "Okay."

Danyterasu spoke "This little troublemaker is Dominico, he got his name from a fallen friend of mine."

Sidonas spoke "…I see."

Danyterasu spoke "My other children lack the Joestar mark though. There's Nyx, Iris, Irene, Ralph, Stella, Guinevere, Bluestar, Emporio, Gallus and Apple Butter. Irene, Ralph, Dominico and Stella are blood related. The other seven are adopted."

Sidonas spoke "That’s a lot."

Danyterasu spoke "Through Apple Butter, I'm part of the Apple Family."

Twilight threw Zane into a thorn bush.

Moeka was on her back while laughing.

Aphmau laughs "What's the matter Zane?"

Rainbow Dash snickers "Yeah, what happened back there?"

Moeka giggles "Seems Zane's a cactus butt now!"

The term alone had set Kion and his friends into a fit of laughter.

Kion was laughing.

Bunga laughs "This is too much!"

Danyterasu giggles "Eyup."

Then Danyterasu’s ears perked up, hearing some kind of fight.

Danyterasu shouts "OI! BREAK IT UP!!!"

Danyterasu grabs Juvia and a female Arctic tern Mobian with amaranth feathers with a pair of orange bows on her head, making two short pigtails, and a mark of a Lamia on the right side of her right calf, making them stop fighting.

Wendy was wide eyed.

Wendy gasps "Sh-Sherria?"

Sherria asks "Huh? Wendy! It’s so good to see you again! And you’re a full dragon now! Uh… could you put me down, please?"

Danyterasu sets Sherria down before yeeting Juvia at Gray.

Sherria asks "How’s it going, Wendy?"

Wendy spoke "You've missed a lot of things though Sherria. I'm a married girl now. And you see that indigo dragoness? That's my daughter, Skyla."

Sherria gasps "Whoa! Really?"

Wendy spoke "Yep!"

Sherria asks "Remember Lyon?"

Wendy spoke "Uh-huh."

Sherria spoke "The two of us are married and have a daughter!"

Wendy spoke "You see that white chakat over there by Rarity? I heard rumors that shi's got ice dragon slayer magic but she's not part of any guild. Plus hir three children also have the same type of magic."

Sherria asks "Seriously?"

I spoke "It's all true, I have ice dragon slayer magic."

Sherria exclaims "Wow!"

But then a familiar face showed up.

Wendy spoke "Countershade!"

Countershade spoke "Hey guys. ‘Sup."

I ask "Who?"

Wendy spoke "A member of the Fairy Tail guild."

I spoke "I never met him and uh... he's staring at me...."

Countershade spoke "Sorry, I’m just surprised."

I punt Natsu through a wall with an Ice Dragon Kick.

Countershade sighs "Classic Natsu."

Lucy spoke "When will you learn Natsu? You should never sneak up on a chakat from behind. You oughta know this from the amount of times Danyelle punted you or Ein through a wall..."

Igneel chuckles "That's Natsu for you. Once a bonehead, always a bonehead."

Igneel lets out a roar which was soon responded to by a pair of dragons, one was a sky dragon like Wendy and the other was an iron dragon like Gajeel.

Wendy gasps when she saw the sky dragon.

Wendy spoke "*tears in eyes* G-Grandeeny..."

Grandeeny spoke "It is good to see you again, my daughter."

Wendy flew at Grandeeny, hugging the larger feathered dragon while crying.

Grandeeny hugged back, shedding a few tears too.

Wendy cries "I missed you so much... mom..."

Grandeeny spoke "I missed you too… Wendy."

Gajeel and Metalicana were butting heads with each other.

Danyterasu spoke "Maybe we should leave them be, so they could catch up with each other."

I spoke "Typical metalheads..."

Countershade spoke "You’re telling me."

Danyterasu teases "So Counter, have you found your special someone?"

Countershade spoke "*Blush* Well…"

But then a lightning dragoness showed up.

Sherria gasps "Dynatron?!"

Dynatron spoke "Hi."

But then a male Lightning dragon showed up.

Dynatron gasps "Elexion!"

Tails had curled up into a ball since he was afraid of lightning storms.

Dynatron spoke "Oh dear, is he zzzzzcared of electrizzzzzity? Zzzzorry, I might have ate too maybe boltzzzzzz again."

Danyterasu sighs "My younger adopted brother is astraphobic, meaning he's afraid of lightning. I had to kick Laxus so many times because of that reason."

Dynatron spoke "I'll try to keep the voltage to a minimum then."

Danyterasu glanced up at the sky, noticing an approaching storm.

Tails was suddenly between Danyterasu's front legs.

Danyterasu spoke "Something is causing that storm..."

Dynatron asks "But what?"

Danyterasu spoke "I don't know for sure but it feels wild..."

Tails whimpers "I'm scared..."

Comforting the fox, Danyterasu spoke "It’s okay, Tails. It’s okay."

I spoke "I think this might be Laxus's doing..."

Elexion spoke "Laxus? That name’s unfamiliar to me."

Dynatron spoke "He’s a Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic user thanks to a Lightning Dragon Lacrima implanted in him."

I spoke "Yeah but he can be a bully at times."

Countershade spoke "But he’s a good guy at heart, unlike a certain hyena."

Danyterasu giggles "Yeah... Ein's rotten to the core."

I snicker "Make that a rotten heart of gold."

Rarity spoke "If Maria hadn't interfered, I would have died. As would have Emerald Glow... That would have set off a war between Mobians and Equians if that happened."

Danyterasu spoke "Don’t remind me. I don’t want that to happen, EVER. Period."

I spoke "Snowfire, Riversong and Mythic Fashion wouldn't exist either."

Rarity kept close to me.

Sidonas spoke "We should investigate."

Igneel spoke "Agreed though you never told me you had raised a chakat though Sid."

Danyterasu's eyes shimmer.

Danyterasu spoke "I see something!"

"What? I asked.

Danyterasu spoke "Ninjas... But it's not the ones I know..."

Ninja Nobodies suddenly appeared.

I spoke "ICE DRAGON ROAR!!!!"

Several nobodies became frozen in ice from my attack.

Some of the ninjas started sparkling with electricity as they charged towards us.


A blast of celestial energy sent the ninjas flying.

Twilight spoke "FIRE ALICORN SHOUT!"

Several ninjas got incinerated.

Some of the ninjas shot lightning bolts at Dyna, but she easily devoured the electric attacks. “Mmm! Delicious power!”

Danyterasu spoke "FIRE NEKO-WOLF ROAR!!!"

Several ninjas got roasted though some of the fire was eaten by Natsu, boosting his strength.

Dyna spoke "Annoying little nobody mosquitoes! Time to meet the big bug zapper in the sky!"

Dyna threw out some kind of floating spherical rods as they surrounded a group of ninja nobodies.

Dyna spoke "Lightning Dragon Roar!"

Dyna breathed out lightning, zapping the ninja before they ricocheted off the rods, zapping them over and over.

Danyterasu and Twilight pull off Unison Raid, using a combo Fire Alicorn Shout-Fire Neko Roar attack thus sending hundreds of nobodies flying high into the sky.

Lucy spoke "They keep coming!"

Countershade tossed up floating magic orbs before he fired bullets at them, ricocheting off each other as they hit the ninja nobodies dead on.

Tails spoke "AIR SLASH!!!"

Several nobodies got sliced to ribbons.

A ninja’s neck was suddenly snapped as Countershade appeared, having done the deed since he was able to become invisible and intangible.

I spoke "Holy cuss..."

Dyna giggled with a blush for Countershade.

Twilight threw Counter at Dyna, causing the two dragons to kiss.

Danyterasu giggles "Hehehe! You sneaky alicorn."

Twilight spoke "Oh shut up hairball, Cadence is over in Zephyr Heights though so I took matters into my own hooves."

Danyterasu taunts "Oh really, horned horse?"

Twilight spoke "Guzzle Guts!"

Kurama spoke "You just stepped on a landmine there Sparkle Butt."

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Danyterasu growls "…What… did you just call me… alicorn of chaos?"

Twilight growls "…Say that again… to my face… Guzzle Guts."

The two royals tussle with each other, tumbling through a portal into Chameleo's world.

Twilight pulled Danyterasu's tails with magic as Danyterasu spanked Twilight on the rear.

Chameleo groans "Okay, what’s going on-Oh."

Twilight bites Danyterasu's front right leg.

Danyterasu roared as she claws Twilight’s wings.

RD spoke "Somebody better cool those two hotheads down..."

Chameleo spoke "Already on it."

A Galarian Articuno’s eye mask appeared on Chameleo’s face before he used Freezing Glare on the two, capturing Danyterasu and Twilight in a gigantic block of ice.

But the two fire users had melted the ice and kept fighting.

RD spoke "Ice doesn't work on fire..."

Chameleo spoke "Well, I hope this won’t hurt ‘em."

Viper asks "You sure, sweetie?"

Chameleo spoke "Yeah, Viper."

Danyterasu and Twilight were soon trapped inside a huge orb of water.

But a sudden Chaos Blast had scattered the water.

Chameleo sighs "Oh come on."

Ben's voice was soon heard.

Ben spoke "SIT GIRL!!"

Danyterasu was soon face down on the ground.

Twilight spoke "HA!!!"

Danyterasu snaps "…SIT GIRL!!"

Twilight was soon face down on the ground as well.

Twilight groans "I hate you Danyelle..."

Ben spoke "Don’t worry, Chameleo. Flash and I will take care of these two ladies."

Chameleo spoke "Good."

Little did Ben know, a fight had broken out at the Maretime Bay branch of the Fairy Tail guild hall.

Lucy growls "Who smacked me in the rear?"

Dyna giggled as she stuck her tongue out.

Lucy whacks Dyna with a wingslap.

Dyna retaliated with a tail slap in Lucy’s face.

Lucy grabs a random pie and threw it at Dyna.

Dyna dodged it before a splat was heard as the two looked behind to see the pie splatted and spilt on Erza’s head, making her face look goofy as Dyna and Lucy struggled not to laugh.

Soarin spoke "My pie...."

A rainboom was suddenly heard.

Lucy ducked to avoid getting hit by Rainbow.

Rainbow got her head stuck in a pipe, just like what happened to Ash's Charizard one time.

Rainbow spoke "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!"

Lucy and the others tie a rope around Rainbow's body before trying to pull her out.

Every attempt made the mare scream as she shot out fire from her mouth.

Soon enough, Kaban and Serval help the others free Rainbow.

While in dragon form, Bold grabs onto the rope and started pulling.

GlaceAngemon and the other winged Pokemon pull on the rope.

Lucy spoke "Pull!"

Soarin was pulling on the rope with his mouth as the others pulled on the rope.

Soon enough, Rainbow got her head freed from the pipe.

Rainbow spoke "Thanks guys, I couldn't have gotten out on my own."

Lucy spoke "I'm sorry Rainbow, I didn't mean to upset Soarin."

Rainbow spoke "I'll let it slide this time."

The group all burst into laughter.
