• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Battle for Fairy Tail! Danyelle versus Laxus!/ Renamon's Farewell

*Natsu’s POV*

Man, that was crazy.

A very pissed off Danyelle flew past me to fight Laxus.

“Man. Talk about Deja vu.” I noticed.

Nashi asks "What do you mean dad?"

“I don’t know why Laxus is doing it again, but maybe he’s testing Danyelle.” I thought out loud with a smile.

Nashi spoke "Alpha-Queen Danyelle is one cat you don't want to anger although I bet 50 bits that she'll send Laxus flying with a Chaos Blast."

“Yeah, but if I know Laxus, he won’t make it easy at all.” I remembered.

Lucy spoke "That bolts for brains wyvern's gonna regret picking a fight with Danyelle, I heard rumors that she's got a new attack that only she can use."

Gray scoffs "Tch. Don’t you remember? He’s an electric dragon slayer. Any attack that have electricity is just good for Laxus."

Lucy spoke "Well Laxus can't handle plasma though, it's a mix of fire and lightning magic."

A sudden Infernal Plasma Overhavoc hits Laxus in the ass.

Laxus growls "What now?!"


Laxus scoffs "Tch. And what makes you think you deserve it, weakling?"

Mira spoke "Bad move there Laxus, you're looking at the very cat that straight up killed Tabuu 224 years ago."

Laxus spoke "Words don’t mean anything. *Brings out a crystal* So if you wanna fight me, you’re welcome to try."

Laxus shattered the crystal, before he gained a dark silver aura with glowing magenta eyes before Fu showed up.

Fu spoke "Wow! To think that was his plan when he asked me to let him borrow a crystal. This will be quite an experiment!"

Danyelle had gone into her Danydonna form before taking her kung-fu stance.

Discord spoke "*Showing up* Ooh my! I think this calls for some music!"

Megaman spoke "GAH!!! DON'T SCARE ME DISCORD!"

Discord spoke "Sorry."

Roll spoke "Mega's rather jumpy... And ever since he became half hedgehog, he's afraid of water."

Tails spoke "Like Sonic. But it’s only those two being afraid of water since most hedgehogs are great swimmers."

Roll spoke "So says the fox that's afraid of lightning."

Tails spoke "…You got me there…"

Lan spoke "I don't like lightning storms either..."

Bolts of plasma and lightning were flying everywhere, causing both Mobian foxes to curl up into balls.

Roll asks "See what I mean?"

Megaman spoke "Yeah..."


Laxus spoke "Come and try it!"

The inhibitor rings on Danydonna's wrists had come off since her anger had gone off the deep end.

Danydonna grabs Laxus by the horn and flew high into the sky before pulling off a Chaos Blast.

But then a gigantic bolt of lightning struck the Chaos Blast, hitting Dandonna dead-on.

Danydonna ate the bolt of lightning, absorbing it before blasting Laxus with a Plasma Griffmata Roar.

But then bolts of lightning stabbed Danydonna repeatedly.

Danydonna spoke "PLASMATIC KA... ME... HA... ME... HA!!!"

A blast of plasma far stronger than Laxus' Lightning Dragon Roar hits the wyvern dead on, knocking him out cold.

But then a beam of lightning shot through Danydonna, making her cough out blood as she tried to stay conscious.

Ben, Sonic and Roll spoke "DANYELLE!!"

Megaman spoke "SIS!"

Nyx, Iris, Guinevere, Gallus, Bluestar, Thunder, Domenico, Apple Butter, Irene, Ralph and Stella spoke "MOM!"

Nyriel, Hitch and Geo spoke "GRANDMA!!!"

Tina howls "DON'T YOU DARE GIVE UP!"

Danydonna stayed conscious before she saw water on her.

Danydonna coughs up blood.

The Mane Six and their families all call out Danyelle's name, as did the entire Crystal Stars hive-pack.

Quartz spoke "You're not that kind of cat to give up! You're the Nekomata of Redemption for Faust's sake!"

Danydonna nodded at that as she still kept herself from losing consciousness before her head cleared.

Then Laxus started waking up. “I guess you really did earn that leadership, Danyelle.”

Danydonna spoke "My friends, allies and family are my strength."

Laxus spoke "Tch. Should’ve known. I was only testing ya. I wasn’t aiming for anything fatal, but if you couldn’t stay awake by the time I would regain consciousness, you would’ve had a long way to go."

Danydonna spoke "I'm tougher than I look."

Laxus chuckles "You definitely proved that beyond a doubt."

Danydonna spoke "We should spar again some time."

Laxus spoke "Heh. I’d take you on that wager."

Danydonna snickers "Not to mention... Your little crush on Mirajane..."

Laxus froze at that as Danydonna smirked since she said that loud enough for Mirajane to hear that, who was blushing.

Mira spoke "Dany!"

Danydonna stuck her tongue out in a mischievous manner.

Mira spoke "I'm gonna shave you!"

Danydonna spoke "Catch me if you can!"

Danydonna flew off.

Mira sprouted demon wings from her back before flying after Danydonna.

Erza giggled at that before Danydonna smirked.

Danydonna spoke "And don’t think I haven’t forgotten about your crush on Jellal!"

Erza blushed at that before she took off, chasing her as well.

Danydonna teleports someplace else, throwing the two females off her tails.

Danydonna spoke "Heehee! I am just too good."

The devilish griffmata teleports back to her house.

Danydonna spoke "Whew! That was fun."

Ben showed up. “Hey, sweetie.”

Shifting back to normal, Danyelle spoke "I can't believe I gave them the slip."

Ben chuckles "Heehee! You sure did, Guildmaster."

Danyelle spoke "Aww, you! Come here!"

The two started tussling while laughing.

Danyelle pins Ben down.

Danyelle spoke "Pinned ya."

Ben smirked before he pinned Danyelle. “Pinned ya back.”

Danyelle purrs "Love you Benny-boo."

Danyelle nips at Ben's ear.

Ben spoke "Oh, Dany-dear…"

Danyelle spoke "I think four blood related children is plenty."

Ben purrs "Maybe… *Nips Danyelle’s eat before giving it a lick* But who says we can’t have more… *Lustfully* Fun?"

Danyelle spoke "That gash in my stomach pretty much destroyed my chances of having another child..."

Ben spoke "Still baby… It can be healed."

Ben kissed Danyelle, who moaned lovingly and kissed back.

Danyelle spoke "Still, our youngest is even younger than Nyriel and she's only 224."

Ben spoke "We’re all family, Dany."

Ben kissed Danyelle again, making her moan more as she kissed back harder.

Danyelle soon notices that the wound on her stomach had fully healed.

Danyelle spoke "Thank Faust for demon blood..."

Ben spoke "Yes. But you’re my demon."

Danyelle spoke "And… you’re my nekomata."

Ben purrs "Danyelle…"

Danyelle purrs "Benjamin…"

Danyelle threw a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

Danyelle spoke "Since I'm half demon now, our next kid might be quarter demon."

Ben spoke "Yes, and our life will become better."

Danyelle spoke "I'm worried about my Renamon..."

A shout was heard from Kyle since his mother was dying.

Ben spoke "Oh no…"

Danyelle darted over to where Sumarda was standing.

Danyelle asks "Is my Renamon okay?"

Sumarda was staring at Danyelle and shook her head, telling the Nekomata that Renamon wasn’t okay.

Danyelle asks "Could I see her... One last time?"

Sumarda nodded her head, telling Danyelle that she could.

Danyelle walks into the room where her Renamon was.

Danyelle spoke "Hey..."

Renamon asks "*Weakly* Danyelle… *Cough* How’s it going?"

Danyelle spoke "Good though I can't say the same for you old girl."

A warp ring opens up before the rest of the Hikari family arrives.

Irene spoke "Hey."

Renamon spoke "*Weakly* Hey… Everyone…"

Maylu spoke "The rest of us heard it from Card Trick who had heard the news from Twilight..."

Renamon: *Weakly* R-Really?

Irene spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle asks "Would you like to hear one last song?"

Renamon spoke "*Weakly while smiling* That would certainly bring back memories."

Danyelle and Maylu both sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbYPXwoydMQ to the dying Digimon.

Renamon spoke "*Sigh* That certainly puts me at ease. Thank you..."

Rena closed her eyes with one last breath before she became cold and motionless as she faded into ones and zeroes.

The girls of the Hikari family were crying.

Danyelle lets out a mournful yowl which had been heard by all of the other patrons of the Chuddle Hotel.

Lucy had her head under my chin while crying.

I held her with my wing.

To my surprise, even Laxus was crying.

Danyelle asks "Are you... crying Laxus?"

Laxus asks "Yeah... So what?"

Danyelle spoke "Showing emotions isn't a bad thing."
