• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

  • ...

Stealthy Reunion/ Hotel Surprise

*Mist’s POV*

I hope he’s coming back soon. He’ll be able to help the turtles become great ninjas.

A smoke bomb explodes before a chameleon I've never seen before appears.

I hope this is the guy.

The chameleon asks "What year is this?"

Aki spoke "Someone better go get Danyelle..."

The chameleon asks "Danyelle? You know her?"

Nyriel spoke "Yeah, she's my adopted grandmother."

The chameleon asks "What?"

Nyriel spoke "It's true."

The chameleon asks "How much did I miss?"

Aki spoke "223 years worth of things."

A crocodile Mobian asks "What?! That long?!"

We then saw a crocodile Mobian with a unicorn mare that had shades and headphones, accompanied by a bee Mobian, an armadillo Mobian, a flying squirrel Mobian, an alligator Mobian and an earth pony mare with a collar and bowtie.

A warp ring opens up before Sonic shows up.

Sonic gasps "No freaking way.... Vector, Charmy, Espio, Mighty, Ray, Vinyl and Octavia?"

Danyelle showed up and gasped in shock too. “And Trevor?”

Vector asks "What the?! What happened to you, Sonic?!"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, I'm part alicorn."

Vector’s lower jaw dropped in shock at that.

Danyelle spoke "A lot has changed over the years."

Vinyl spoke "Dude…"

Danyelle spoke "Ein's still annoying as usual..."

Charmy asks "But are his screams still funny?"

Sonic chuckles "Yeah, Dany calls him the Screamer."

Mighty laughs "Hahaha!"

Lance flew out of the warp ring with his wife following.

Lance spoke "Hey guys, it's great to see you again!"

Ray spoke "Whoa! Lance! You got so big!"

Lance chuckles "I was about Charmy's size when you last saw me, now I'm about my dad's height."

Trevor spoke "I see."

Applebloom spoke "Ah'm Princess Applebloom Ogami."

Vinyl raised her glasses and headphones in shock as Octavia was surprised out of her mind.

Vinyl and Octavia gasp "Applebloom?!"

The image of a yellow earth filly with a red mane and pink ribbon flashed in the minds of the two musicians.

Octavia asks "What-But-How did-When-Why-Huh?!"

Vinyl asks "What just happened?"

Applebloom explained everything to the two musicians, also mentioning that Zecora was a lamia.

Needless to say, they were speechless at that.

A loud boom followed by a lot of swearing from Shadow was heard.

Vector asks "Shadow still being a sourpuss?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't get me started on that Shadow got Owned collab video on Youtube."

Vector spoke "I’ll take that as a yes."

Sonic spoke "Not to mention, Shadow's got three children now. Two boys and a girl."

Charmy asks "Say what now?"

A yellow Mobian hedgehog female with blue eyes, blue dress and white wings steps out of the warp ring while carrying an infant in her arms.

Maria "Hi."

Vector was stiff as a board before he fell onto his back.

Danyelle giggles "I knew that was going to happen."

The rest of Team Chaotix fainted as well.

As did Vinyl and Octavia.

Applebloom giggles "Think we overdid it?"

Lance chuckles "Hehehe. Not at all, Bloomy. *Lustful purr*"

Applebloom pounces on Lance, tumbling down a small hill and pinning him.

Applebloom giggles "Pinned ya."

Lance smirked before grabbing Apple Bloom’s face and kissed her right on the lips, with the mare kissing back as the two started making out passionately with loving moans.

Applebloom teleported with Lance straight to the Chuddle hotel, unaware of a giant sphinx.

Danyelle spoke "Anyway, when they wake up, we should get Espio to the turtles."

Nyriel drenches the Chaotix with water, jolting them awake.

Sonic spoke "That works."

*Meanwhile at the Chuddle Hotel,*

A pained roar rang throughout the hotel.

Helia asks "What the?!"

Nat and a few other unicorn employees ran past while carrying loads of towels and at least five closed barrels of water.

Sunshade spoke "It's happening!"

Helia spoke "Oh jeeze!"

Sunshade spoke "It was only a matter of time! Plus the cub's gonna be as big as Midnight was when he was born!"

Helia spoke "We better hurry!"

Sunshade spoke "Right!"

Sunshade galloped off to where Gleaming was.

Helia teleported to that location too.

Moonshadow pops up suddenly.

Moonshadow asks "What's going on?"

Helia spoke "Long story short, you’re gonna be an uncle!"

Moonshadow spoke "If that eleven tailed hairball is proof, then my nephew's gonna be just as big. Oh, Prince Solaris and Prince Artemis! What good timing!"

Moonshadow soon notices a female wolftaur before snickering.

Solaris chuckles "Hey bro, I think that wolftaur's staring at you."

Artemis whines "Solaris!"

Moonshadow was on his back while laughing.

Vetur passed by, holding a necklace she made.

Solaris grabs his brother with magic and threw the alicorn at the female wolftaur, causing the two to kiss.

Helia giggles "Hehehe, not bad, Solaris."

Solaris spoke "There's not many taurs in my world though."

Helia whispers "Except Lady Tirek."

Solaris spoke "Never mention that centaur bitch's name again."

Helia spoke "R-Right."

Moonshadow groans "She nearly raped Elusive."

Helia asks "What?"

Kurimi appears suddenly.

Kurimi spoke "Stupid taur was in heat at the time..."

Helia asks "Sheesh! Wait, how’s Gleaming?"

Bolero pokes his head out of the room.

Bolero spoke "I've got a son!"

Helia spoke "Whoa! Talk about timing!"

Soon enough, the Mobian and Pony Guard along with their families visit the hotel.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Helia."

Helia spoke "And talk about perfect timing!"

Luna asks "Is that... a male version of me?"

Helia spoke "From Moonshadow’s universe no less."

Vetur spoke "Wow! Awesome timing!"

Danyelle spoke "Most of us heard it from Celestia though since Sunshade's an offshoot of her magic."

Vetur spoke "Well, this necklace is something I made for Shirou."

Shirou spoke "I don't really need it."

A slender Koopa female with soft amber eyes, blue hair and four spikes on the tail was looking for someone.

The female Koopa asks "Oh, where is he?"

Danyelle asks "You looking for Bowser?"

The female Koopa giggles "Heehee! Yes, Bowser."

Danyelle yowls loud, getting the attention of Bowser and a grown up Junior.

Junior gasps "Mom?!?"

Surprisingly enough, Bowser had tears in his eyes.

Danyelle spoke "Saw that tough guy."

Bowser spoke "I-I thought you were gone."

The female Koopa spoke "I was in stasis for years..."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that Mario's gonna freak out."

Twilight spoke "To think that Peach could’ve had a rival all this time. Like Mario and Bowser."

Danyelle spoke "True."

Sonic spoke "And I have a feeling that Daisy might have a rival herself, but I don’t know why."

Blaze asks "What do you mean by that?"

Junior freaked out when he saw how big Bolero was.

Bowser asks "Huh? What is it?"

To Bowser's shock, a giant pink sphinx was staring at him.

To everyone’s surprise, Bowser’s head suddenly tucked into his shell.

Twilight spoke "Woah, here I thought my Twirama form was huge."

Danyelle spoke "Same with my Danyterasu and Danyterama forms."

Helia spoke "Well, you won’t believe what just happened."

Bolero had a tired look on his face.

Twilight spoke "Wait a minute… That same face… *Gasp!*"

The sound of a wheelchair being moved was heard as a 223 year old Renamon was wheeled over to the group by her son.

Renamon spoke "*cough* It's been a long time since I saw you all last."

Danyelle gasps "I-Is that really you? What happened?"

Kyle spoke "My mother isn't as strong as she used to be now hence the gray fur and tiredness."

Renamon spoke "It's been so long Danyelle..."

Danyelle spoke "I’m really sorry I let this happen."

Renamon spoke "It's not your fault Dany...."

Danyelle spoke "But-"

Kyle spoke "She's not mad at you though."

Danyelle spoke "Still-"

The old Renamon reaches up and hugs Danyelle.

Renamon spoke "I forgave you all these years ago, and I still do."

Danyelle spoke "I was worried about you..."

A loud crash was heard since a red dragon that wasn't Garble had crashed head first into a wall, getting his head stuck.

Twilight spoke "Somebody better get Natsu..."

Lillian spoke "Right."

But then they noticed Bowser and his wife gone.

Danyelle asks "Where’d they go?"

Helia spoke "Checked into the Volcano Suite. Jupiter said they needed to catch up with each other."

Danyelle spoke "It's been a long time since they last saw each other. Oh? Hey Lucy! Over here!"

Lucy spoke "Oh? Hey Danyelle!"

Spike asks "How’s it going?"

Danyelle spoke "Good though we got another dragon, red scales."

Natsu roars "WHAT?!"

Nashi tailslaps her dad across the face.

Nashi spoke "You need to chill out old man."

But then Nashi saw the burning anger in Natsu’s eye.

Lucy grabs Natsu's scarf with her mouth before running off with it.

Chasing Lucy, Natsu spoke "Get back here!"

Wearing the scarf around her neck, Lucy giggles "Catch me if you can Natsu!"

Lucy ran into the Celestial Fire suite as Natsu chased her.

Helia giggles "Heeheehee! Those two."

Luke spoke "My parents are crazy..."

Nashi and Layla both bop their brother on the back of the head.

Danyelle shivers a bit.

Danyelle asks "Okay, who turned down the heat?"

A dark haired male asks "Who else, Danyelle?"

Danyelle growls "Oh you want to fight huh? Ya icebrained stripper!"

But then Danyelle froze at what she just said as she slowly turned around as she saw the rest of the Fairy Tail Guild, with Makarov not being old anymore.

Mira leaps out of Danyelle's shadow.

Mira spoke "Master!"
