• Published 13th Feb 2023
  • 303 Views, 25 Comments

My Life as a Sonic OC Book 11 - Kitsulestia

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Freaking Out/ Mystery’s Past

*Danyelle’s POV*

Whoa… That was a wild ride…

Kaban spoke "It didn't exactly help when Rainbow Pegasus got her head stuck..."

Twilight spoke "Well, you don’t know what happened to Danyelle and I after our little fight."

Kaban spoke "Shy Pegasus told me what happened."

Fluttershy spoke "Um… Discord told me."

Twilight and I blushed at that.

Flurry spoke "Jeeze auntie, you're setting a bad example for Peppermint and Rocky."

Twilight spoke "Sorry, Flurry."

Akari spoke "You're a silly pony, mom."

“Well, if it’s alright, I’m gonna talk a walk, because I think I need it.” I said.

Lucy spoke "Sure."

I gently smiled, “Thanks.” before I headed out to take a walk.

But soon, I walked into the Everfree Forest.

Myuri was patrolling the forest to make sure the critters didn't attack me.

But then I saw strange pink flower petals flying with the wind, as I decided to follow them.

I immediately thought back to the dying wish flower that I had burned long ago.

But as I was following the petals, I started hearing a song in my head.

My tail fur started fluffing up.

But when the petals landed on the ground, in front of a cave, it transformed into a strange bonsai tree before it rose again, revealing it to be attached to a head with blue skin and white hair. I didn’t know what’s going on, so I decided to hide my presence and scent.

A voice asks "Finally, I’m back. Hmm? A cave? I wonder what’s in it?"

I kept quiet the whole time, keeping my wings and tails still.

The creature got out of the ground, revealing her full body.

I followed the creature into the cave before we stopped at a cliff ledge. I then saw her trying to grow and bloom a red lotus in the palm of her left hand, but it withered away, much to the creature’s frustration as she punched a wall with her left fist. She then threw the withered petals away as she started to leave the cave before strange purple mist appeared as a purple flower grew and bloomed on the creature’s palm of her right hand, much to her surprise. But then she smiled as she gently blew on it, causing the petals to fly as she followed them, with me railing the creature. Soon the petals lead us to where the mansion used to be before it vanished, much to my confusion.

My right eye was yellow since my Latias was showing Twilight and the others what I was seeing. Since Vivi and Mystery were in the same area as Twilight, they saw the same thing that my Latias was seeing through my eyes.

I then noticed a blue cracked heart as it started beating and pulsing purple when the petals landed on it. The creature then opened her right palm as three flowers grew out of it in different colors.

The creature then brought out a pair of strange scissors before cutting the flowers off.

The creature grabbed the blue heart as she opened her right hand into the air as growing out of that palm was the red lotus from before as it bloomed without withering, before I felt the power of a nine-tailed fox from it, much to my concern. The creature nastily smiled with sharp teeth before smoke started coming out of the heart, getting both of our attention as it bursted into flames, revealing the skeleton ghost with the flame hairdo as punched the creature’s head with its front right hoof lit in purple flames, decapitating the creature and burning its head to ash. The ghost then grabbed the blue heart as the creature’s left arm turned to ash as well before putting the heart back on his chest. But then the creature regrew its head and arm with a cocky grin, before bringing out her scissors as the ghost’s right front hoof was clenched and lit aflame, lighting the lamp posts too, before my right eye wasn’t yellow anymore, telling me that burst of power cut off the sight I was showing the others. The creature was about to fight the ghost, but stopped as she looked at the lotus before gently blowing it, sending the petals flying as she retreated underground.

Latias reeled in pain when the sight sharing had been cut suddenly, worrying Vivi.

The flames in the skeleton’s hoof faded before he grabbed the blue heart before the blue flower started to move on its own, catching both of our attention as the skeleton picked it up. The skeleton grabbed the blue flower before we noticed the yellow flower moving. The skeleton suddenly became furious as he stomped the yellow flower while at the Mystery Skulls van near Maretime Bay, Arthur suddenly felt a chill shoot up his spine.

Tails asks "You felt that too?"

Arthur asks "What was that?"

Tails spoke "Whatever it was, it had to have come from the Everfree Forest!"

But then Tails noticed Arthur looking at a picture from the past with a smile.

Tails spoke "I'm no Cadence but I can sense that you have a crush on Vivi."

Arthur chuckles "Hehehe. No, it’s not that."

Tails looked at the picture and saw him, Vivi, Mystery, a pony stallion that looked like the skeleton with a family.

Arthur spoke "What you’re seeing is Lewis’ adopted family. Well, they adopted him before Mr. And Mrs. Pepper had kids."

Twilight spoke "But they don't know that he's dead now..."

All of a sudden, a Heavenly Howl rang loud and clear thus reviving Lewis.

But nothing happened.

Twiliterasu knocked over a tree in anger.

*Back with me*

I saw the skeleton put the petals from the blue flower into the heart, which was a locket, which turned golden again with its cracks healed.

Skeleton spoke "Don’t worry, Vivi… I’m coming back to you."

I glance around while invisible before using one on one telepathy with the skeleton.

I ask "{Are you... Lewis?}"

I saw a coffee chair and table with a cup of coffee vanish in flames while the skeleton ghost, who I realized was Lewis Pepper put the locket back on his chest with three ghosts that were accompanying him going into his locket.

But then a delivery truck ran into Lewis, causing him to vanish and the truck to stop.

But then a male rooster Mobian known as Rooster jumped out of the truck before it changed, becoming possessed as Lewis appeared on the driver’s seat before pushing the pedal to the medal, driving off.

Helping Rooster back up, I ask "You okay dude?"

Rooster asks "*Pant!* Yeah. Wait, Danyelle?"

I spoke "Yeah, that's me."

I drop the invisibility spell.

I ask "What the hell happened?"

Rooster spoke "Oh, where is it? Aha! *Brings out familiar chicken mask before he makes a familiar cluck*"

“Chicken Boo?!” I asked in shock.

Rooster Boo spoke "*Takes off mask* Yeah! It’s me! I was in Dustworld when all of a sudden, I was reincarnated on Mobius as a rooster Mobian. So, you can call me Rooster Boo now."

I facepalm before saying "I think I should have a little talk with Annabelle, Belladonna and Twiliterasu later..."

Rooster Boo spoke "At least I can get a job now instead of pretending to be a man or a Mobian."

I spoke "Aside from the voice, you still look the same chicken I knew from 223 years ago."

Rooster Boo spoke "Whoa! That long?! Time sure flies by in Dustworld."

I giggle "I'm 253 years old yet I still look 18."

Rooster Boo spoke "*Cluck?!* *Ahem!* Sorry, it’s a bit of a tic I have."

I spoke "Last time I saw you, you were a gryphon."

Rooster Boo spoke "Yeah, but I didn’t have a speaking voice."

Then Vetur showed up, giving Rooster Boo a griffon-shaped necklace. “Here ya go, in case ya wanna fly again.” Vetur then vanished.

I spoke "good thing I spoke rooster-tongue back then."

Rooster Boo chuckles "Yeah, I was still surprised."

Soon, we got back to Maretime Bay, meeting up with the others. “Hey guys! You won’t believe who I met in the Everfree Forest!”

Many of the first gen Mobians and Equians were shocked.

Kurama chuckles "Well, if it isn't the drumstick."

Rooster Boo squawks "Hey!"

I spoke "He's just teasing you."

But then I noticed Mystery looking scared while staring at a red lotus petal.

At that moment, my dimensional scream kicked in. And since Boo was beside me when it triggered, he saw the same thing I saw.

We saw Mystery while in his true kyubi form approach a familiar flower.

Past Mystery spoke "This flower’s dying. Better use a special blood jutsu."

Past Mystery bite his front foreleg enough to draw blood as the blood dropped onto the flower. But the. It went forward a bit, as we saw Past Mystery sitting on a giant bonsai tree the same color as that creature I saw earlier in a giant bonsai forest with the same kinds of trees he was resting on as he was confronted by a female human samurai with blue hair. “Who are you?”

The female spoke "I am Mushi, and I have heard that you are responsible for this demon forest."

Past Mystery spoke "You idiot, I only saved its life and helped it prosper."

But then we saw Past Mystery battle against Mushi, before the battle was soon over, with both finding it hard to breathe.

Mushi spoke "You foolish fox. I wasn’t trying to fight you, but the forest was draining your life force."

“What?” Past Mystery said in confusion before he looked down, seeing his spilt blood being siphoned into the soil, then the trees in the forest.

Soon, we saw Mushi and Past Mystery seal all of the strange bonsai trees in the forest by turning and fusing them into that pink flower that caused Twilight to birth Dusk Shine.

But then Boo and I found ourselves back in the present, seeing Mystery still scared while staring at the lotus petal.

I think "{That explains the dying wish flower....}"

I soon saw something else in that vision.

I saw my past self getting Twilight straight to Zecora's place.

I ask "You seeing what I'm seeing Boo?"

Rooster Boo spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "Going by my visions, Mystery and that Mushi girl created the dying wish flower... Mushi then dies of old age... followed by Kurama's death... then several years pass... then Kurama is reborn inside Twilight when she was born... then after the cockatrice incident, Twilight and I find the dying wish flower... She got sprayed in the face by it around the same time Henry's soul crossed over into Equestria... I burned the flower to prevent more unwanted pregnancies since it could have given someone ideas... then 200 years while Twilight and I along with other immortals were trapped in limbo, Mushi's soul was reborn as Vivi..."

But then I saw the flower’s ashes transforming into petals over the last hundreds of years.

I gasp "What the..."

Then I saw myself following the petals before I saw something I didn’t notice before. A green leg with a black eye that had green irises on the bottom of the hoof.

I slap myself in the face, snapping back to reality.

I spoke "I better warn Vivi..."

I took flight to find Vivi and tell her what I had seen.

I spoke "Vivi!"

Vivi asks "Huh?"

I explained to Vivi about what I saw in my visions.

Vivi was shocked to hear what happened.

I spoke "I had to burn that dying wish flower right after it had sprayed Twilight in the face... If it was left unchecked, it would have caused mass panic."

Showing up, Mystery asks "Wait… Did you say dying wish flower?"

Twilight pops up with Dusk in tow.

Twilight spoke "That she did, I had gotten the pollen from that flower to the face. If I hadn't noticed it, I wouldn't have had Dusk in the first place. His soul would have gone straight to heaven."

Dusk spoke "Exactly."

Mystery asks "Oh. Wait… you didn’t burn it, did you?"

I spoke "I had to before it gave Lillian's literal life ideas..."

Mystery spoke "But that started destroying the seal…"

Twilight, Dusk and I all stare at each other while the three of us all had the same thought in mind.

Twilight, Dusk and I spoke "Well, shit..."

Kurama asks "What seal?"

Mystery spoke "Oh. I guess some of your memory got lost after your death, Kurama."

Kurama spoke "I still remember who my brother was but I haven't seen him in years."

An injured nine tailed vixen collapsed on the ground by the six.

the white vixen glances up at Mystery.

The vixen asks "Kuroku, is that you?"

Mystery gasps "Wait… Miyuki?"

Miyuki crawled over to Mystery since her back legs were injured before rubbing her head under his chin.

Miyuki spoke "I was worried about you when you disappeared..."

Mystery spoke "I… I’m really sorry for worrying you like that."

Miyuki spoke "My dad blew a gasket when you ran off..."

Kurama groans "Ugh… My head…"

Matatabi asks "You okay Kurama?"

Kurama stammers "W-What are these flashbacks I’m having…?"

My dimensional scream kicked in, causing the others and I to see Kurama's memories.

Matatabi spoke "Woah..."


Past Kurama spoke "Naruto…"

Past Naruto asks "Yeah, Kurama?"

Past Kurama spoke "There’s something you need to know."

Twilight asks "Is that... my past life?"

“More or less, yeah.” I answered.

Twilight spoke "But since this is a flashback, they can't hear or see us."

“Right.” I agreed.

Past Naruto asks "What is it?"

Past Kurama spoke "I… had a brother. His name was Kuroku, but I haven’t seen him in a long time. Creatures think he’s dead, but me and a few others know he’s not."

Needless to say, Vivi was beyond surprised.

Twilight and the rest of us, except Mystery and Miyuki, were surprised too as we were back in the present.

Matatabi asks "You okay Kurama?"

Kurama spoke "I… I can’t believe I forgot all of that. Everything’s coming back to me now. Kuroku wasn’t just my best friend, he was also my brother."

Midnight asks "You okay dad?"

Kurama spoke "Yeah… Just remembered that you have an uncle and auntie is all."

Flattening my ears, I spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Midnight shouts "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Kurama spoke "Yeah. This is my brother, Kuroku, AKA Mystery, and his mate, Miyuki."

The eleven tailed foxcat faints, squishing Opaline by accident.

Opaline spoke "*Muffled* Midnight! Get off!"

Suddenly, Opaline felt one of Midnight's tails near her rear.

Opaline squeaks "*Blush* M-Midnight!"

I instantly teleported Midnight and Opaline to the Chuddle Hotel.

Kurama howls loud, the sound reached all the way to the Nine Tailed Beast village.

Ginji thinks "That had to be Kurama! Man, Daichi and Kasumi are in for a big shock!"

Ginji goes to find the two foxes.

Ginji spoke "Kasumi! Daichi! I have news! It's about your other son!"

Daichi asks "Hmm?"

Ginji spoke "I heard it all the way from Maretime Bay! Kuroku is back! Oh and you got a grandson and a great granddaughter."

Kasumi gasps "Wh-what?!?"

Daichi spoke "This better not be a joke, Ginji."

Ginji spoke "I'm not that type of tod to lie to others. I'm just too honest."

Kurama's howl was heard once again.

Ginji asks "Ya hear that?"

The howl was followed by a yowl from a catlike beast.

Kasumi asks "Was that.... the two tailed beast, Matatabi?"

Ginji spoke "Yeah!"

Both senior kyubi end up fainting.
