• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 3,088 Views, 198 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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9: A Rough First Day

A shadow of some kind or someone looms over the village as it fades into just the village houses, Two villagers ring the morning gong, Spike and the others came out of their rooms in an instant.

"Good morning Master!" They all said at once, but Po didn't come out of his as his was a new one next to Spike's
"Panda! Panda!" Shifu shouted before he came to his room to wake him up himself.
"Wake up!" Shifu ordered before it soon turned into a smile and he chuckled.
"He's quit" He says as the room is empty. Spike looked a little sad as he hoped Po wouldn't quit, he sighed and everyone went to the training halls again.

The other 5 had felt bad as they thought about what Spike said and they hoped they could try to help Po become a warrior, but alas it wasn't meant to be.

"What do we do now master with Po gone, who will be the Dragon Warrior?" Viper asked as they all came upon the gates.
"All we can do is more training and trust that in time, the true Dragon Warrior will be revealed" Oogway said as he was about to open the doors.
"Nothing can ever be easy master, i feel like he wouldn't quit after one fail like that" Spike said trying to protest with the others agreeing, Shifu merely rolled his eyes and opened the doors, to his surprise and anger, and to Spike and the 5's relief he was in the yard trying to do a split.

"What are you doing here?!" Shifu asked angry. and Po turned around in shock.
"Ah! Hi! Good morning master!" Po said making a hand gesture, " I thought id warm up a little" He said, raising his arm in the air trying to leave but he couldn't.

"Your stuck" Shifu said not impressed.
"Stuck? what stuck? ha ha, yeah i'm stuck" Po said shamefully.
"Help him" Shifu told Crane
"I got it" Crane responded, he then grabbed Po by the back and was able to flip him over." Three" Po said in pain as he tried to do it on three. he then got up and looked at Crane
"Thank you" Po told him
"Don't mention it" Crane said with a smile before walking up to them. Spike patted Crane on the back as thanks and Crane smiled at that.

"You actually thought you could learn to do a full split in one night?" Shifu asked upset, he then grabbed two disks of some kind and threw them into the air.
"It takes years to develop one's flexibility" Shifu started to tell him, he snapped his fingers and tigress jumped into the air.
"And years longer, to apply it in combat" Shifu finished as Tigress did the splits while destroying the disks, Po looked at it in amazement, It actually had taken Spike two weeks to learn the splits much to his own surprise, so he wonders how long it would take to do what Tigress did

Tigress landed back on her four legs before walking back up to the rest, a piece of the disk landed on him and he grabbed it for later and the others chuckled at that.

"Put that down!" Shifu ordered" The only souvenirs we collect here, are bloody knuckles, and broken bones" Shifu said trying to intimidator him.
"Yeah!" Po said exited and he threw the piece on the ground." Excellent" Po said smiling ready to start.
"Lets get started" Shifu said with a smug smile.

He snapped his fingers, and Po and Viper were on the ground, this is like what Spike had to go through his first day.
"Are you ready?" She asked ready to fight
"I was born re" He didn't even finish his sentence before Viper whipped the snot out of him, he then landed on his head.
"I'm sorry Po i thought you said you were ready?" She said while helping him up.
"That was awesome! Let's go again!" Po said excitedly and put his hands together much to Shifu's annoyance and the 5's happiness.
Shifu snapped his fingers again and we cut to Po fighting Monkey, Monkey was hitting Po at multiple points before Po managed to block it once.
"Whoa!" He said in amazement before Monkey hit him on the head and he fell on the ground, Shifu snapped his fingers once again.
We cut to Crane ready to fight him, Po tried to make a sound of anger or something, we cut to the training hall where they were on the bowl, Po tried to attack Crane but he simply fell into the bowl again and Crane just flew upwards and helped him out, Shifu snaps his fingers once again.

We cut to Spike fighting Po, Spike was using his own weight against him and flinging him around, Spike finished him off by flipping over him and grabbing his head with his legs and tail, he then threw Po into the wall creating a large crack.
"You alright?" Spike asked helping him up, Po nodded and put his hands together, Shifu was getting more and more annoyed as he snaps his fingers again.
We then see Po trying to fight Mantis but he was to fast and kept slamming him down over and over again, with each hit po took we cut to different times of the day, before the sun was ready to set and Mantis finally stopped and hopped over to Monkey's shoulder, Shifu chuckled but his eyes widened as he saw Po still wanted to go.

Instead of having him face Tigress he went for the nuclear option.
"I've been taking it easy on you panda, but no more, your next opponent will be me" Shifu told him and Spike's eyes widened in fear," Oh no.." Spike thought scarred.
"Alright yeah! Lets go!" Po said getting up, the Crane, Monkey and Mantis looked at eachother scarred, while Spike and Viper and Tigress looked incredibly worried for him.
"Even i haven't faced him yet, and judging by the others reactions i think it's best i haven't " spike thought to himself as they watched

"Step forth" Shifu ordered, he didn't even take a full step before he was grabbed and was spiraling around him.
"The true path to victory is to find your opponents weakness, and make him suffer for it!" Shifu taught him a " Lesson" while beating the crap out of him.
"Oh ho ho yeah!" Po said excitedly, he was absolutely loving it much to Shifu's annoyance before he flipped him over.
"To take his strength and use it against him!" Shifu said before kicking Po in the face multiple times.
"Until he finally falls, or quits" Shifu finishes slamming him to his back while holding his nose.

"But a real warrior never quits! Don't worry master i will never quit!" Po shouted.
"Uh oh.." Spike thought as he saw Shifu finally snap.
Shifu then threw Po into the air and kicked him out of the grounds, sending down the many many steps of the Jade Palace, Po making a sound of pain with each bounce.

The 5 and Spike came to see him continue to go down them.
"He's pretty tough for taking the beatings from all of us without wanting to quit" Monkey said impressed he lasted today without quitting.
"I'm surprised he was willing to fight Shifu given how much more skilled he is" Spike said as they continued to watch.
"He's not going to quit, is he?" Viper asked and the others nodded while Tigress just left.
"He's not gonna quit bouncing i'll tell you that" Mantis joked while laughing, Viper hissed at him while Spike growled.
"Mantis get your acupuncture needles, I'll go get him" Spike said while he went down stairs, Po is heard making sounds of pain as we see the view of the village and the long long stairs leading up to the Palace.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you liked this new one! Thank you all for being supportive for me and i can't thank you all enough, next is Tai Lungs backstory, hope you look forward to the rest of the story, thank you all again, and i'll see you next time!

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