• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 3,004 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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16: Body Swap

It was another normal day in the Valley of Peace, it had been a few months since Po and Spike took down Tai Lung and saved everyone, Spike still felt bad for having to use the Wuxi Finger Hold on him, it was a move that basically kills you instantly, and Spike was told to only ever use this when he absolutely has to.

Spike was glad to have Po be a part of the team, Po's been doing a lot better at his training then when he started, He and Monkey often do pranks against eachother while he and the others watched. People often called Spike and the others the Furious 6, which Spike found funny and thought of it like the Mane 6 which is what Twilight's group is called. Crane and Spike often hung out with eachother by doing art which Crane liked doing, Spike would have fun with Monkey and Mantis from time to time, and he and Tigress often spared in the training hall. He and Viper often cooked together and went shopping, Spike felt like Viper was the closest to him, she was a kind person and his personal favorite of the five at this point.

Spike and the others were training in the halls again for future battles, Spike was sparring against Tigress on the Fiery field of Death. Spike was dodging each flame blast that came from the ground while Tigress flipped over each one, Spike and her delivered multiple strikes at eachother but kept on dodging one after the other. Spike felt the ground heat up again and he used it to launch himself into the air and try to deliver a drop kick. Tigress grabbed his foot and slammed him onto the floor, but Spike twisted her arm and freed himself and they continued to fight. Spike and Tigress delivered one final blow to eachother which sent them both off of the area and were knocked on the ground.

"We'll call that a draw.." Spike said as he started getting up.
"I must admit Spike, your skills have improved since you first came here." Tigress said impressed while they walked up to the doors with the others who just got done.
"Hey, what can i say? It takes time to learn things." Spike said casually as they went into the courtyard and headed too the palace.

"I still can't get over how cool it is that i get to be with you guys, you have no idea how much i've dreamed of this!" Po said excitedly as they kept moving.
"Po, you've been with us a few months now, you should at least have calmed down a little by now." Spike said with a smile while they kept going.
"I know, but being part of such a legendary team, with a huge role, it's so amazing!" Po said excitedly and Spike laughed a little.

"Easy there big guy, we don't want you falling down the stairs again would we?" Monkey joked and some of them laughed at that.
"It took you like what? An hour to help you get back up last time?" Mantis added and they laughed even more.
"Hey, i may fight, but i'm still a panda you know?" Po asked casually as they went up the stairs.
"There's nothing wrong with that Po, that's how you and i beat Tai Lung, it'll probably be how we beat our next big bad." Spike said while they arrived at the doors.

They opened the doors to the Hall of Warriors and started looking around again. The place was repaired after Shifu's fight with him, it caused a lot of damage to the artifacts, but luckily they were able to repair most of them.
"Ohh! What's this?!" Po asked holding a special looking vase which shocked them.

"Po! Don't touch that!" Monkey said as he quickly took it back.
"Whoa.. sorry, what is that thing?" Po asked confused as Mantis held it next.
"It's a special vase that Shifu brought to the palace not too long ago, if Shifu brought it here, then it's extremely important!" Mantis said seriously as Tigress grabbed it next.
"You shouldn't just touch any valuable artifacts like this, these are extremely rare!" Tigress pointed out aggressively, Viper was the next one to grab it gently.

"She's right Po, such things aren't meant to just be played around with!" Viper said once more before she handed it to Spike.
"Thank you Viper. It doesn't matter what we find in this place, these are all extremely valuable, and we shouldn't touch them." Spike explained before he went up to the pillar again.
"Exactly." Viper said in agreement.

Before Spike could put the vase back, it suddenly started to glow in different colors which shocked them.
"You see what we mean Po?" Tigress asked annoyed as they looked at it.
"Guys.. i feel.. off.." Spike said before a light suddenly drained from him, they all gasped in shock as the vase drained a light from each of them, they all suddenly felt really drowsy from this.
"Oh.. crap..." Spike said before they all passed out, the vase glowed brightly and a different colored light flew into each of their body's before it stopped glowing again. They all stayed like that for about an hour before they finally started moving again.

"Oh.. what happened?" Spike asked weakly as he opened his eyes and saw the others who were waking up as well.
"Why do i feel.. heavy?" Mantis asked weakly as they all were getting up.
"I don't know, but i'm sure Po will.. explain this.." Spike said before he saw.. himself..

"What? Why are you looking at me like... that?" Viper asked in Spike's body before they all suddenly realized.
"Hold on a minute.." Spike said as he tried to look at his hands. But he didn't have any.. or even legs..
"What?!" Spike asked in horror as he looked over himself and saw he was... in Viper's body.. and all of them saw they're own bodies too..
"AHHHH!!" All of them shouted in horror as they realized what just happened.

"Po?! what the heck did you do?!" Tigress asked with anger as they saw she was in Crane's body.
"I don't know! I just touched it, i didn't do anything i swear!" Po defended while he was in Monkey's body.
"Oh.. Po.. what's wrong with you? Don't you know what a diet is?" Mantis asked as he was in Po's body while he was rubbing his heavy belly.
"How.. do you.. move around.. in this.. body?" Spike asked annoyed while he tried to move, but he didn't have legs, or hands anymore.
"Is this what things look like for you all the time mantis?" Monkey asked as he was in Mantis's body now.
"Who's body am i in?" Crane asked before he looked at himself and he was.. in Tigress's body..
"Oh come on!" Crane said annoyed looking at himself.. or herself?

"What did that vase do?!" Viper asked as she could barely stand at all.
"I think it.. switched our body's!" Spike suggested as he can't even move either.
"How is this possible?!" Crane asked shocked as he felt so much heavier.
"I don't know, but we shouldn't tell Shifu about this.." Po said right before they heard a voice again.

"What is all this noise?" Shifu asked as he suddenly appeared at the door which spooked them all.
"Oh, master! Hi!" Spike greeted while he tried hiding the vase behind his snake body, but he could barely grab anything as he didn't have hands which exposed it. Shifu walked up to all of them and saw them who were all looking nervous, he mumbled in frustration before looking at them.
"Po touched the Vase of Spirits, didn't he?" Shifu asked upset at him turning to Po.
"Vase of Spirits?" Spike asked confused as he still tried moving around.
"It wasn't that obvious was it?" Viper asked trying to hold onto a pillar.
"Yes it was." Shifu responded looking at Po with disapproval.
"Uh.. hehe.. guilty?" Po asked nervously and Shifu looked upset again.

"Why would you just touch a sacred Vase you don't know anything about?" Shifu asked angry at Po who was in Monkey's body.
"Sorry master, i didn't know what it was!" Po said scared at him.
"I don't get it master, what is this vase?" Spike asked while Shifu picked it up.
"This is the Vase of Spirits, it has a special ability to switch one's body's so they can have a better understanding of eachother, it isn't meant to be touched by multiple people so quickly" Shifu explained which confused them.
"Better understanding of eachother?" Crane asked confused.

"When one doesn't understand eachother that well, this Vase allows that person to experience they're struggles and what the world is like from their view, it's a way of bonding and understanding." Shifu explained as he held it out for all of them to see.
"How did you get such an item?" Spike asked looking at it.
"I went on a little journey of my own recently, and i found this sacred vase in a temple far from the valley, i was lucky enough to learn it's ability's from ancient texts." Shifu explained as he put it on the pillar again.
"Um yeah, that's nice to know and all but.. how do we switch back?" Mantis asked before he fell on his face which made Shifu shake his head.

"There's a time affect with it, it'll only wear off after a while." Shifu explained which relieved them a little.
"And.. how long will that take exactly?" Tigress asked still trying to get a grasp on the wings.
"... It'll wear off.. in about a week." Shifu answered which shocked all of them.
" A week?!" Spike shouted in shock as that made him fall over himself again.
"We can't be in eachother's body's for a freaking week!" Crane shouted in shock as this was ridiculous.
"Why would it take that long?!" Viper asked shocked before she fell on her own body as well and they groaned in pain.

"It's so one can properly build up eachother's relationship, you all may be used to eachother as a team, but do you know eachother as people fully?" Shifu asked in a teaching tone which confused them.
"Of.. course we do master, we've known eachother for years." Crane answered trying to find out what this meant.
"As friends, but not as a person, any issues you may have with eachother could be resolved when in eachother's body's, it's to bond and grow closer to eachother. I honestly think this could be a good lesson for all of you to learn." Shifu explained walking around them.
"What kind of lesson?" Mantis asked curiously.
"To become closer with eachother, and find further peace for the issues you may have with yourselves. There's a lot you may not know about eachother, it's a way of team building." Shifu answered which they all understood a little.

"So this is.. to grow closer to another?" Spike asked looking at himself again.
"And it's to help resolve some personal things one might have?" Viper asked as well trying to get back up.
"Correct. With all of you in eachother's body's now, it's important that you all try and get used to them for now. So for your next lesson, you will be spending time with eachother for whoever's body you swapped with. For example, Spike will be spending more time with Viper to teach eachother how to use they're bodies, and once they are more balanced, they will spend time learning about eachother's lives." Shifu explained pointing at them both.

"Well.. it could be worse i guess.." Viper said trying to stay positive on this, but it wasn't an easy thing.
"So.. we all are just gonna have to spend a weak in eachother's body's? Isn't that a little weird?" Mantis asked as Shifu started to leave suddenly.
"Yes, it is. And you are on your own to figure this out, i suggest tomorrow you train some more in your new body's, then start bonding." Shifu explained heading to the doors.
"Wait what? Why aren't you helping us on this?" Tigress asked trying to stop him.
"It is for you all to figure out on your own, and i have an appointment at the spa, i hope you all are able figure this out, good luck students." Shifu said before he slammed the doors shut somehow leaving them alone.

"Po!" They all shouted looking at him with annoyance.
"Sorry guys! I didn't mean to get us stuck like this!" Po said in defense while all of them were upset at this.
"Po do you realize what this means? Without any proper experience in these bodies, we can't fight attackers!" Tigress said getting in his face.
"And some of us can barely move at all." Viper said barely balancing her legs.
"And some of us can't stop feeling hungry every few minutes!" Mantis said as his stomach was growling.
"I'm sorry guys! I didn't think straight! I'll make this up to all of you i promise!" Po swore while they were still upset at this.

"Ugh.. let's just get some sleep guys, the suns setting and tomorrow it's best we start training to use our bodies." Spike said still trying to slither.
"Good idea Spike, we should all rest.." Viper said in agreement as she tried walking too.
"One step at a time Viper, right foot, left foot.." Spike instructed trying to help her.
"Right foot.. left foot.." Viper repeated as she walked slowly to the exit.
"This is gonna be an interesting week isn't it?" Monkey asked looking up at the others.
"Let's just hope this time flies by.." Tigress said annoyed as they all went to their bed chambers to rest for the day and get back to training tomorrow.

The next day..

Spike groaned as he finally woke up from the morning gong like usual, it was a sign that it was time to get up for everyone and he could already hear the others groaning as well. Spike looked at himself and saw he was in Viper's body still, they probably all thought it was a dream, but they really had to learn to be in one another's body's.
"Ugh.. barely got any sleep.." Spike said tiredly as sleeping in this new body was a pain, he may get a better hang of it in the future, but this was rough for him right now. He slowly made his way to the door and slid it open, he saw the others opening the doors at the same time as they had just got up, they looked exhausted as well.

"Hey guys.. did you sleep well?" Spike asked trying to stay awake.
"Barely could when my stomach kept growling all night.." Mantis said tiredly from this.
"I can't make myself steady enough to sleep, how do you people balance yourselves without a tail?" Tigress asked confused as she looked of balance.
"My body feels like it will fall over at any moment.." Viper said holding onto a wall barely walking still.
"I can't believe we're stuck in these bodies for the week.." Crane said annoyed looking at his paws.
"I'm sorry guys, i know this is my fault, but at least this is an opportunity to get to know eachother at least, that's a good thing right?" Po asked a little nervously.
"That's honestly if we get a hang on these bodies, let's head to the training hall, we've got a long day ahead of us.." Spike said as he and the others slowly made they're way to the training hall.

Spike and the others had trouble just moving to the halls now, while some still were on two legs, the different ways they're bodies work almost made them fall over, Spike was slithering better at least, he felt like his body was one whole limb. And Viper was staying close to him so they could help eachother move. But once they all got to the halls, they all began to train in the places that suit their bodies best. Spike and Viper were on the Fiery field again as it wouldn't harm them that much.

"Alright, let's take it simple, let's try and focus on dodging the fire blasts, they shouldn't harm us since we're more resistant to fire, if we get to hurt we get off for a small break alright?" Spike asked as they stood on eachother's side.
"Great plan Spike, let's try and balance ourselves at least." Viper said as she was starting to walk onto it. They could already feel the fire lighting up below them so they had to be quick.
"Now!" Spike shouted as he barely dodged a blast right next to him, he quickly made his way out of the way while trying to stay out of harms way. Viper wasn't having much trouble, with they're reactions they were able to get a better hang of dodging in their bodies. Even if a blast did hit Viper, since she was in Spike's body, the fire couldn't harm her since dragons are fire proof.

"We're getting better, how are you guys holding up?" Spike shouted to the others who were trying they're best as well. Crane was struggling to balance himself on the large bowl and almost fell in.
"Barely.. hanging on!" Crane responded before he jumped over to another platform. Monkey was using Po's durability to block himself from the Wooden warriors.
"Already.. feeling.. exhausted.. ow, ow ow!!" Mantis said in pain as the warriors kept hitting his face before he got hit in the nuts again which made them all cringe at that.
"Oh!!.. Why?!" Mantis asked in pain falling onto the ground while making painful groans.
"Hey be careful, that's my body your.. whoa!" Po screamed as he fell on the ground after trying to swing on the chains.
"How do you stay balanced on this?!" Tigress asked frustrated before she screamed and fell off the moving platforms.
"Okay we really need to step up our game." Spike said shaking his head as this was gonna take a while.

Spike and the other's spent about the next hour training with eachother's body's, they were able to get better on some things, they could fight a little better, but it was still tedious right now. Spike and the others opened the doors of the training hall and walked out looking exhausted.
"Ugh.. i still don't know how you do all this without falling on yourself Po.." Mantis said exhausted from this.
"You get used to it.." Po said as he had bruises on his body.
"At least i can walk a little better.." Viper said as she walked slowly, but wasn't off balance anymore.
"Good to know we learned some things from this.." Spike added moving through the yard.

"So where do we go now guys?" Crane asked trying to think of something else.
"I don't know.. but is anyone else hungry? Or is it just me?" Mantis asked looking at them.
"I think a meal would help us all right now.." Tigress said liking this idea.
"Guys wanna head to Ping's noodle shop?" Spike asked as they were heading to the Hall of Warriors and were about to go down the stairs.
"Sounds great to me, a fresh meal will.. whoa!" Mantis screamed as he fell on himself again, and this time he fell down ALL the stairs of the palace while making bouncing noises.
"Oh, ah! Ow! Ooh! Ah! Why.. does.. this.. keep.. happening?!" Mantis asked himself as all of them watched him fall down the mile's long stair case and they shook their heads.
"Let's just get something to eat.." Monkey said as they all headed down after him and tried not to fall as well..

Spike and the others carefully made they're way back to Ping's shop, it had a little damage repair after Tai lung sorta.. was blasted into the thing when Spike and Po fought him, but it was back to normal now, and the place was packed like always.
"I'll never be surprised seeing how popular this place is Po." Spike said glad it's doing well.
"If there's one thing we'll always have from him, it's his amazing noodles!" Po said excitedly as he rushed over to the counter where Peng was chopping up some food.

"Uh.. hey dad.." Po said nervously as they walked up to him.
"Oh Hey Po, how are things.." Ping said before he saw Monkey and was just shocked.
"Uh.. i know what this looks like.. but please don't freak out.." Spike said nervously as he saw his voice from Viper's body, but Peng didn't have a look of horror or anything, in fact.. he looked like it was casual.
"What did Po do?" Ping asked casually which surprised them a little.
"You.. aren't freaking out over seeing.. this?" Tigress asked looking at herself again.
"If there's one thing i know about you Kung fu masters, it involves you having a sacred item or something that does this, right?" Ping asked finishing another bowl.
"Couldn't be more true on that.." Crane said surprised on how calmly he's taking this.

"Yeah.. Po touched a magical vase that switched our body's.. and now we're stuck like this for the next week." Mantis explained as they all glared at Po for a moment before turning back to him.
"Why do you keep such items out on display like that? I know your palace is heavily protected, but what's stopping you from.. i don't know.. having secured glass cases around them that sets of a alarm when it's broken?" Ping suggested twirling some knifes around like nothing.
"With all due respect Mr. Ping, we have them securely guarded at all times." Tigress assured which made him shake his head.
"I'm just saying, never hurts to have something else when your not there, so what can i do for you?" Ping asked wanting to change the subject.

"We just came by for some lunch, all this training in different body's works up an appetite you know?" Spike asked moving his tail around.
"Oh yeah.. i know.." Mantis said rubbing his growling stomach again.
"Understandable, and since your all in a tough spot right now, this will be on the house for you all." Ping announced which made them happy.
"Really? Thank you s o much Mr. Ping!" Viper said gratefully hearing this.
"This is appreciated sir." Tigress said giving a respectful bow.
"Anything for my sons friends, i'll be ready in a moment." Ping said as he got to work on making the soup at fast speeds while all of them watched.

Spike and the others sat at separate tables in order to try and do what was told of them, Spike and Viper were sitting at a table while the others were sitting with whoever was in they're bodies.
"So.. how have you been handling this Viper?" Spike asked trying to grab the spoon with his tail.
"It's.. been better, i'm glad we've been getting a hang of things at least.." Viper said trying to be positive on this as it was tough for all of them.
"Yeah, at least we're not falling down on eachother like Mantis is right?" Spike joked which made her chuckle at how many times he has.
"I guess so, it's hard to sleep when your in a body that has both arms and hands.." Viper said looking at herself again.
"Hey, at least you can still stand, it always amazes me on how large everything looks from your eyes." Spike said looking around as people were a bit bigger then he normally sees them.

"So.. has there been anything on your mind recently? Anything your gonna do soon?" Spike asked wanting to get a nice talk going.
"Well, not much, i've been practicing more of my ribbon dancing during the days we don't train. Been waiting for a letter from my father and seeing how he's doing. I hope we're back to normal by the time that happens." Viper said as they were able to eat properly now.
"Yeah, i've seen you ribbon dance before. I gotta say, you've got to be the best one in China, with your swift speeds and fluid movements, your no doubt an amazing dancer." Spike complimented which made her giggle in response.
"Thanks Spike, i try my hardest. I've been doing it since i was a kid, i used it to save my father and village when they were in danger. It really is a special passion i love doing." Viper explained while Spike listened on.
"Wow, that's amazing to know. Do you.. think you can teach me it sometime? Spending more time with you is something i'd really like." Spike asked as this sounded like a lot of fun.
"Of course Spike! I'm open to anyone who's willing to learn, i'm sure it'll be great." Viper said liking this offer.
"That's great! I look forward to it." Spike said glad to know this.

Spike looked on over to the others who were trying to talk as well, Monkey, Mantis and Po were talking to eachother about a lot of pranks they've pulled, Tigress and Crane were trying to talk about other topics, like Crane with his paintings and how they use eachother's skills for they're bodies.

"At least the others are talking with eachother at least." Viper said as they were glad this was helping them bond more.
"Yeah, guess that's one good thing to come from switching bodies." Spike said as they turned back to eachother.
"So, this letter from your father, what's that all about?" Spike asked curiously wanting to know this, Viper started to look a little sad being asked that.

"It's.. complicated.. He's been protecting the village for a long time, despite his skill, his age is starting to show, and.. it may not be much longer till he passes, and.. he's wanting to spend more time with me and my family before he goes, he may even leave me in charge of the village when he does.." Viper said sadly which shocked him greatly.
"Wow i.. i am so sorry to ask you that.. i didn't know it was this.. sensitive.." Spike said feeling regret for asking this.
"No no.. it's okay, it's been a lot to keep to myself, telling someone like you is actually a good thing for me." Viper assured trying to help him feel better.
"Have you told the others about this yet? That you may up having to leave them soon?" Spike asked worried looking at the others who didn't hear this yet.
"I.. do plan on telling them at some point, i know it's sudden.. and sad.. but they're my family.. i have to go.." Viper said with regret which made Spike sad on this.

"I completely understand, i had to train here to protect my family, i know they can handle themselves. But i wanted to grow stronger too. I can go with you to the village when you get the letter, i'd at least like to meet the family to a great friend." Spike offered which surprised her.
"I'd.. like that a lot.. are you sure? It's not something you have to get involved with, there's a lot of people who need protecting here." Viper said looking at the citizens.
"Po and the others can handle it i'm sure. I'll be willing to go with you when the time comes, let's hope he's here at least till the next Winter Festival, i'll be there for you when that happens, i promise." Spike assured which made her really grateful.
"Thanks Spike, i'm glad to have a friend like you.." Viper said gratefully as they looked at eachother for a moment.

But they're moment was soon stopped when they heard screaming, and the sound of a familiar gong..
"That gong.. that can only mean one thing.." Spike said seriously as they all got out of their seats.
"The valley's under attack!" Tigress said as she and the others started moving along.
"Hold on guys!" Mantis shouted which stopped Spike for a moment, he looked over and saw him.. finishing the bowls that still had food in them.
"Mantis! That's really gross you know! And this is not the best time!" Spike shouted annoyed as he rubbed his stomach again.
"Sorry! I can't help it! This body is an eating machine!"" Mantis said in defense as he started running out with Ping watching.
"When that's over, try and challenge Po's dumpling eating record! That will really knock you out! Come again!" Ping shouted as they all ran to the village..

People were screaming in fear as the village was being attacked by a horde of wolf and Crocodile bandits, there were dozens of them and were all breaking into people's homes and stealing valuable items.
"Get any thing that's worth a fortune!" The leader ordered as they all kept on threatening the villagers.

But 7 familiar shadows soon loomed over them much to their confusion, they looked above them and saw Spike and the others running across the rooftops in their new body's, even when the village is in danger, pushing through a situation like this, they all made battle cries as they did flips around the rooftops and landed in front of the horde and struck their iconic poses... in the wrong bodies.
"Oh wait.." Monkey said in realization before they all switched and got to the poses they use normally.
"We should've practiced our dramatic entrances better guys." Po whispered to the others who shook their heads in response not wanting to talk about it right now.
"Well well, if it isn't the Furious 6 and the Dragon warrior. Having trouble with your poses?" The leader mocked which made the other bandits laugh mockingly.

"And if it isn't a overgrown furball that's having trouble seeing." Spike countered mockingly as they saw him having a scar over his left eye which made him growl in response.
"Nice one." Mantis said chuckling a little giving him a high five.
"You couldn't leave the village alone could you? You just had to be the big heroes this village needs." The leader said taking out a hammer he had.
"It's our job, and who do you think you are robbing the village?" Mantis countered with the others staying on guard.
"Just a guy wanting to make money, like all of us do." The leader said with an evil smug which made Spike groan.

"Ugh lame, villains doing evil stuff for money is so cliché." Spike mocked which made them all chuckle at that.
"And what's with the hammer that's smaller then your arm? You have trouble welding a basic weapon?" Tigress mocked as well as he had a weapon that's smaller then his arms like she said.
"Don't mock me! I'll soon be strong enough to crush all of your skulls!" The leader shouted suddenly which made them shrug their shoulders.
"Basic threats like that won't work on us!" Mantis shouted getting ready to go.
"Enough of this! Get them!!" The leader shouted as all the soldiers charged at them making battle cries.
" Bring it on!" Po shouted excitedly as they all charged at them ready to fight.

Spike slithered at fast speeds to a few large croc soldiers, they held out axes and spears and swung at him with rage, Spike tried to dodge them the best he could as he didn't have a normal body now. Spike hissed at the soldiers and tail whipped a guy in the face and sent him into a carriage of apples.
"How about this?!" Mantis shouted as he landed in front of the weakened bandit and got ready to strike, but he suddenly took a an apple and ate it after paying for them.
"Gonna need your whole stash." Mantis said to the owner who nodded in response while he was given enough money. Mantis then proceeded to take multiple bites at the apples and throw them a this head repeatedly which made Spike chuckle while he twisted a soldiers arm making him scream in pain before falling down. Mantis finished off the next apple before throwing it right in the bandits nuts making him scream in pain before Mantis used his body weight to flip the entire carriage over, the bandit screamed as he went flying right into a well and made a scream that went on for about 5 seconds before a loud splash was heard.

"Score!" Monkey shouted as he was flipping over the bandits weapons and used his surprisingly strong strength to flip them over his body. More and more bandits started charging at them and struck at Tigress who kicked a bandit in the face.
"Guys, any ideas on how to stop them?" Po shouted as he used Monkey's acrobatics to swing over the bandits to deliver an air strike to the ones who were surrounding Tigress.
"There's a ton of them! And they seem to be lending eachother's strengths to attack us!" Crane shouted as he ducked under a sword swing and almost was hit by a spear slice by two soldiers who were attacking him together.

"Well if that's how they're doing it? How about we try it as well?" Spike suggested as they all flipped back over and stood together.
"It's like how Shifu said, this could work!" Viper shouted as this sounded smart.
"Then let's do it! Crane with me to the ones on the rooftops! Po, Monkey and Mantis, you take the ones near the houses. Spike and Viper, take down the ones on the markets!" Tigress instructed as she deflected more arrows from some crocs on higher grounds.
"Got it! Let's do this!" Spike shouted as they all took off in their respective groups.

Tigress and Crane jumped to the rooftops and stood against multiple soldiers with bows and arrows. They began to fire at the two and Tigress used Crane's body to fly in the air to deflect the shots, Crane used Tigress's body to deflect them with his claws and fire them back at the soldiers.
"Huh, barely felt that when i deflected that shot!" Crane shouted as he kicked a soldier in the skull and knocked him off the roof.
"Punching the iron wood trees by the palace for 20 years makes feeling things impossible after doing it for so long!" Tigress shouted as she landed on a soldiers head and threw him into another one, they both flipped over more arrow shots and delivered a strong blow to their targets.
"20 years?! I don't think i can go for 1 month!" Crane said in shock hearing that.
"Your body probably wouldn't handle it! I've got other ways i can show you though." Tigress replied as she grabbed another bandit's arrow and threw it at the bow and split it apart.
"That sounds nice, let's do that sometime!" Crane shouted as they both took down the last ones on the rooftops and high fived eachother making smiles.

Monkey, Po and Crane were fighting more soldiers through different houses and were breaking apart a lot of things.
"Sorry about the damage you guys! We'll make it up!" Po shouted as he almost was hit by an axe and used Monkey's tail to throw it back.
"Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" Mantis shouted repeatedly as almost knocked over stuff with Po's body.
"How about this tubby?!" A soldier shouted as he punched Mantis in the stomach and knocked him to the wall.
"Whoa!" Mantis shouted as he was bounced right off it and the soldier looked shocked as Mantis slammed against him and sent him through the window.
"Whoa, guess that's one plus of being flabby, barely felt that!" Mantis said impressed looking at his large belly.
"Enough with that joke Mantis!" Monkey shouted as he was flipping a soldier all over the place and slamming him to the ground.
"Twist his arm then throw him into the others! That really puts the hurt on them!" Mantis encouraged as he punched a bandit away without even looking. Monkey did so and twisted the guys arm before throwing him across the ground multiple times, Monkey made a battle cry and threw him into the remaining soldiers and made a bowling pin sound as they were all knocked down.
"Strike!" Po shouted in victory as they all high fived eachother for winning.

And finally Spike and Viper were charging through the market place of the village and were avoiding any spear slashes from croc bandits.
"So Spike, mind telling me how to breath fire?!" Viper asked as she was trying to her body's strength to knock them down.
"Take a deep breath, lean back a bit, and release it like your making a loud roar!" Spike instructed as he coiled around a crocs tail and threw him around like a cyclone.
"Got it!" Viper shouted as she took a deep breath and leaned back like she was told, before making a loud roar and releasing a stream of fire at over a dozen bandits who screamed as they were hit with the blast. When the smoke cleared, they were all on the ground groaning in pain as they had scorches over their bodies.
"I might have been a little to hard on that one.." Viper said a little concerned on seeing this.
"They'll be fine." Spike said as he finished off the last one and threw him to the wall.

They all took heavy breaths as the fight went on for a while.
"Man, fighting in different bodies, does take a lot out of you." Spike said a little tired from this.
"Yeah, seriously.." Viper said in agreement as this was tiring. But they weren't done yet as they heard another growl and saw the large leader standing over the rest of the fallen bandits.
"You just don't know when to quit do you! Always ruining a thieves fun!" The leader said with anger looking over his fallen soldiers.
"Give it up freak, you don't have any chance now!" Spike shouted being on his guard.
"I won't give up easily! I'll crush you all!" The leader shouted as he charged at them with rage with his small hammer.

"Viper, you have paralyzing venom right?" Spike shouted as he dodged a swing from the guy, Viper ducked under a claw slash from the leader and grabbed his arm.
"Yeah! It'll paralyze them for about a day!" Viper replied as they threw him behind them.
"Well let's see how if it works!" Spike shouted as he slithered up at him quickly. The leader quickly recovered and tried slashing at Spike repeatedly.
"You stupid snake! Stop moving!" The leader shouted with frustration while Spike coiled around the weapon and disarmed him.
"Why don't you stop?!" Spike shouted as he coiled around him until he was at the guys neck, Spike opened his jaw and held out his fangs before he bit down on his neck and he screamed in pain. Spike stood like that for a few moments before letting go and going back to Viper.

"What.. did you.. do to.. me?!" The leader asked with rage trying to keep fighting, but his body was slowing down a lot.
"And.. 3.. 2.. 1.." Viper counted down holding out her claw, the leader's face suddenly froze like the time Po did when his nerves were struck and his body stopped moving. He then fell down on the ground and wasn't moving at all.
"Will he be alright?" Spike asked a little worried for him.
"He'll be fine." Viper assured as the guys body was twitching a little.
"That felt weird to do, ugh.. and he needs to shower more." Spike said in disgust brushing his fangs a little.
"Sometimes i wonder how my dad does it." Viper said shaking her head as they picked the guys body up.

We now cut to all the bandits being chained up by guards who have arrived to take them to prison. Citizens were cheering for all of them as they won yet again, even in different bodies, they were still themselves.
"Huh, this was quite the days huh guys?" Po asked as they started moving through the village back home again.
"Yes, i will admit Po, switching bodies like this was interesting. Crane's wings are very good when deflecting attacks." Tigress said looking at him.
"Yeah, even though we still have a week left in these bodies, it's actually a little fun being in them." Crane said in agreement as they saw more people repairing the damage again.
"Yeah, sorry i got us in this mess. At least we got to know about eachother more from this right?" Po asked trying to stay hopeful on this.

"Yes, even though you REALLY need to lose some pounds, your body was affective when not taking damage." Mantis said patting Po's shoulder.
"And Mantis's speed was really cool! I felt like a blur going all over the place!" Monkey said hopping on Po's shoulder for a little ride.
"I'm just glad we can handle ourselves like this, even in eachother's bodies. But we're doing Panda in the Middle when we go back to normal Po." Tigress declared as she was still a little upset from this.
"Yay.. i can't wait for that.." Po said a little scarred on knowing that as they started moving up the stairs while the sun was setting.

Spike and Viper were a bit behind them to talk to eachother for a bit.
"Today was pretty interesting huh?" Spike asked as they took a small break for a moment.
"It was, it really was. And we still have 6 days in these body's." Viper said looking at herself again.
"Hey, we got through today in our bodies, i'm sure a few more won't kill us. Besides, it is kinda fun, it helps us be more creative with fighting." Spike said cheering her up a little.
"Yeah, i guess that's true. We really showed them today huh?" Viper asked as they walked to the stairs as well.

"We did, just glad that's over with. But Viper.. that stuff about your father, i'm sorry that's happening. I can't imagine what it must feel like, i never even knew my own parents. I'm really sorry about this.." Spike said with regret not forgetting what they talked about earlier.
"It's.. okay Spike, i'm sorry you never knew them too. But i'm just grateful for what i have now, and if you do come with me when it's time, i want you to know that i'm glad to have support from you." Viper said gratefully looking down at him.
"Of course, we all are here for you. It won't hurt to tell the others too, just do it when it feels right okay?" Spike asked wanting to make sure of it.
"I'll.. think about it. Thanks Spike truly." Viper said gratefully as she picked him up to help him not get exhausted.
"No problem Vipes, anything for a close friend." Spike said with a smile as they went up to their home glad that this day was over..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I know this one was pretty long, but i wanted to have fun going back into this story. My future chapters may not be as long as this one, but i'll make sure they are longer and i give Spike and the others more character moments when it's right. I'll spend a few chapters doing some original stuff, then i'll do the Holiday Special when it's right, then i'll go into the 2nd movie. I know that Spike and Viper are starting to feel like more then friends, but i want to try and flesh them out to make it feel real and nice, i'll do what i can with the others how i can and i'm just glad you all liked this story so much. Thank you all for reading this and i hope you look forward to more!

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