• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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14: The Dragon Scroll

The sun is beginning to set, Po Spike and Shifu are all returning to the palace after a few days of training.

"Great work out there Po! I'm glad you were able to learn Kung Fu!" Spike said happy they helped him out.
"Yes, you have done well panda" Shifu said with a smile agreeing.
"Done well? Done well? Ha ha! i've done awesome!" Po said as his belly bounces Shifu back a little.
"The mark of a true hero is humility, but yes you have done" Shifu then punches Po and Spike steps out of the way.
"Awesome" Shifu said with a smile and they laugh at that.

"I'm so glad we were able to train you." Spike said with joy.
"Hey, you didn't give up on me, i'm glad you were able to help" Po said thankfully.
"Yes, you did well, you may make a great teacher one day." Shifu said with a smile.
"That time will come when it does." Spike says with a smile and they laugh again.

They're laughing is soon interrupted as they hear flapping, they look up and see some familiar faces.
"Crane?" Spike asks worried, just then he drops them all on the ground.
"Crane!" Spike says worried as they all came up to them.
"Guys! They're dead!" Po says freaking out" No they're breathing, they're asleep? No they're eyes are open!" Po says as he looks at them.

"What happened?" Spike asked as he tries to help unfreeze the 5.
"We were no match.. for his nerve attack" Crane tells him as Spike unfreezes Viper thanks to a technique Oogway taught him, Shifu unfreezes Mantis next.
"You okay?" Spike asks worried, she nods as she is still in pain.
"We should have listened to you.." Viper says weakly.
"It's okay... your still alive and that's what matters, lets take it easy.." Spike says as he wraps her around his neck like a scarf to keep her from hurting herself more.
"He has gotten stronger" Shifu says in fear as he walks up to Monkey.
"What? Tai Lung? Stronger?!" Po asks scarred as Shifu unfreezes monkey, he then punches Po in the face.
"He's to fast!" Monkey says in fear" Sorry Po" Monkey says as he gets up weakly.

"He could have killed you" Shifu tells them.
"Why didn't he?" Mantis asks, he then walks up to Tigress.
"So you could come back here and strike fear into our hearts but it won't work!" Shifu says as he unfreezes Tigress and she gasps as she wakes up.
"I thought we could stop him.." Tigress says weakly. Spike looks at all of them with regret.

"I should have come with you guys... we could have stopped him if i was there..." Spike says as he feels awful for letting his friends almost die.
"No.. we should have stayed.. I'm sorry i didn't listen to you" Tigress tells him as he walks up to him.
"You were right... we're sorry... were you at least able to help train him?" Monkey asked and Spike nodded,
"We found what he needed to train and he is able to fight now." Spike said with a smile as he helped them all walk.
"What do we do now?" Mantis asks as Spike put him on his shoulder.

"You can defeat him panda." Shifu tells Po
"How can i beat Tai Lung, if they can't, they're five masters I'm just one me!" Po says scarred
" But you will have the one thing that no one else does!" Shifu tells him and Po's eyes widen.

We cut to the hall of warriors and they all look up at the Dragon Scroll, Spike and the others are all looking at it.
"You really believe i'm ready?" Po asks
"You are Po" Shifu says with a smile finally saying Po by his name and they all smile at that.

Shifu walks up and grabs Oogway's staff, he then looks up at the statue, he then twirls the staff around creating a gust of wind, the leaves in the pool then start to fly up, Shifu keeps on twirling it around and soon a leaf reaches the top, it then touches the side and the scroll then begins to slide out, Shifu prepares to catch it and it falls, Shifu grabs it with the staff and it creates a single circle that moves around the pool. Shifu slowly takes it up to him.

"Behold the Dragon Scroll, it is yours" Shifu tells him and Po is surprised.
"Wait, what happens if i read it?" Po asks
"No one knows, but legend says you will be able to hear a butterfly's wing beat" Shifu tells him
"whoa really?! That's cool!" Po says amazed.
"Yes, and you will see the light in the darkest caves, you will feel the universe motion around you" Shifu tells him and Po gets overly exited.

"Wow! Can i punch through walls?!" Po asks moving his fists forward. and he then asks multiple things at once.
"Po focus." Spike tells him as he is walking up to him.
"Oh right" Po says focusing again.
"Read it Po and fulfill your destiny, read it and become.. the Dragon Warrior." Shifu says dramatically.
"Whoa!" Po says exited as he is given it, he then struggles to open it.
"It's impossible to open it.." Po says struggling, Spike then taps Po's shoulder and holds his hand out. Po gives it to him, he simply pops open one of the sides.
"Oh.. i probably loosened it up for you.." Po says as he pulls out the scroll.
"Alright here it goes" Po says nervously as he proceeds to open it.

Po then proceeds to scream and they all gasp as they wonder what he's reading.
"It's blank!" Po says shocked.
"What?!" Spike asks shocked.
"Here look!" Po says holding it out to Shifu.
"No! I am forbidden to look upon..." Shifu then takes it out of his hands and tries to find something.
"blank? I don't understand.." Shifu says shocked in what he's learned.

"All of that training was for just a blank scroll.." Spike says as he looks at it himself and only sees his reflection.
"Okay.. so like Oogway was just a crazy old turtle after all?" Po asks.
"No Oogway was wiser then us all" Shifu says still trying to understand what it is..
Oh come on! Face it he picked me by accident! Of course i'm not the Dragon Warrior!" Po says defeated as he sits down defeated, " who am i kidding?" Po asks himself

"What do we do now?" Spike asks scarred.
Shifu looks at himself in the pool.
"But who will stop Tai Lung?" Tigress asks
"He'll destroy everything and everyone" Crane says scarred as Shifu puts the scroll in it's container.
"No!" Shifu then hands it to Po." "Evacuate the Valley! You must protect the villagers, from Tai Lungs rage." Shifu tells them.
"What about you master?" Tigress asks.

"I will fight him." Shifu tells them.
"What?" Po asks confused
"What?! You can't!" Spike asks scarred for his life, Shifu puts his hand on his shoulder calming him down.
"I can hold him off long enough, for everyone to escape" Shifu tells them all.
"But Shifu.. he'll kill you.." Po says worried for him
"Then i will have finally payed for my mistake" Shifu says looking at him, he then turns to the rest.
"Listen to me all of you.. you must continue your journey's without me.. I am very proud to have been your master." Shifu says with a smile and he bows in respect, they all do the same as they all look really sad they have to leave.
"Spike, take care of them, i know you can." Shifu tells him and Spike nods in understanding, he and the others leave and prepare to evacuate everyone.

We cut to nighttime and all the villagers are leaving scarred.
"We must get them out safely." Tigress says as they look at all of them, Monkey is holding a baby.
"Come little one, let's find your mama." Monkey says as he goes off.
"Viper gather the southern farmers, Mantis the north, Crane light the way." Tigress tells them as Crane grabs a lantern and flies off.

Spike and Po look at everything and feel awful.
"This is awful for what's happening" Spike says sadly as he has to leave another home..

Spike follows Po across the village.
"Look it's the Dragon Warrior.." A villager says pointing at Po, and they look down in sadness. Spike and Po walk into the noodle shop.
"Hey dad." Po says sadly, Ping is shocked and turns around.
"Po!" he shouts and comes to hug him, and he returns it, he then hears something wrap around him and he sees the employee outfit is one.
"It's good to have you back son!" Ping says with a smile.
"Good to be back.." Po says still sad
"How did you even get that on him?" Spike asks and Ping notices him.

"Oh, you must be the Dragon Master!" Ping says as he offers his wing and Spike shakes it.
"Names Spike, i've been helping your son with the stuff at the palace" Spike tells him.
"Thank you for taking care of him." Ping says gratefully and Spike nods, Ping then walks up to the carriage of supplies, Spike stops him and offers to move it for him.
"Thank you Spike" Ping tells him and Spike nods with a smile, they then leave the restaurant.

"So for our next shop it's time to face it! The future of noodles is dice cut vegetables, no longer slices," Ping tells him as they walk out, Spike looks back to make sure no one is left behind.
"That sounds really good, you think i could be an extra employee?" Spike asks.
"Of course! Any friend of my sons is welcome! It would be the least i can do for you help him and the villagers out." Ping says with a smile, and Spike smiles at that.
"Also i was thinking, maybe this time we'll actually have a room you can stand up in you like that?" Ping asks Po, but Po simply stops and looks down depressed.

They then come up to him.
"Po.. i'm so sorry.." Spike says putting a claw on his shoulder.
"Po.. I'm sorry that things didn't work out, it just wasn't meant to be" Ping tells him.
"He's right, things just can't be what we want sometimes" Spike says sadly as he looks at Po.
"But our destiny still awaits! We are noodle folk, broth runs deep through our veins." Ping says trying to encourage him, but Po sighs.
"I don't know guys. honestly sometimes i can't believe i'm actually your son." Po says sadly.

"Po.. sometimes it doesn't matter whether or not its your blood family or found family, if they love you and is willing to support you, that's all that matters" Spike says with a smile.
"Really?" Po asks.
"I've had two found family's now, and i'm not wanting to lose either one" Spike says with a smile as he hugs Po, Po returns it with a smile.

"He's right son, i think it's time i told you something i should have told you.. a long time ago, and your friend is the only one i'll allow to know." Ping says as he comes up to them.
"Okay?" Po asks curiously.
"The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup." Ping tells them making sure they're alone.
"Oh." Po says a little surprised.
"You really can trust me with it?" Spike asks, and Ping nods, he then brings his head closer.
"Okay, the secret ingredient is.. nothing" He tells them.

"Wait what?" Spike asks
"What?" Po asks confused.
"Well you both heard me, nothing! There is no secret ingredient." Ping tells them.
"Wait wait, so it's just plain old noodle soup? You don't ad some kind of special sauce or something?" Po asks.
"Nothing at all?" Spike asks and Ping nods.
"Don't have to, if you make something special, you just have to believe it's special." Ping tells them, Spike's eyes widen in realization.

Po then takes out the scroll, and they both look at it, they then see they're reflections again. They finally realize what's happened.
"There is no secret ingredient" Po says as he realizes what's happened
"You just have to believe in it.." Spike says as he remembers Oogway's words, Ping looks at they curiously, they then turn up to the Jade Palace and thunder and lightning start to strike.

"Po lets go." Spike says as he starts to run up.
"Wait, are you gonna fight him too?" Po asks shocked.
"I'm meant to fight alongside you, no matter what." Spike says with a smile, Po nods and he turns back to Ping.
"I promise i'll come back dad, be careful" Po says hugging him one more time.
"I know you will Po, now go up there and show that guy who's the Dragon Warrior and Master!" Ping encourages them.
They nod and they start to run up to the stairs.
"Shifu hold on.." Spike says as they start to run up the stairs

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this one! Thank you all for liking this so much! Next is the fight against Tai Lung. Hope you look forward to it! I'm glad to have you guys reading this and hope you look forward to more!

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