• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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18: The Winter Festival

It was another day within the Valley of Peace, it had been a month since Spike got his wings finally, and he's been putting his all into his training, He had been really excited now being able to fly like Crane, it could help save more people, and it really helped him grow stronger as a Kung fu warrior too, Spike just couldn't be happy enough to be a part of the team, he had great friends, knew plenty of ways to defend others, and he was well known within the Valley as a hero, it was a great time to be alive for him right now.

But something special was coming today, they all entered their winter season not too long ago, and the village had started getting more snow then usual, it reminded him of how things looked back home, but one thing he experienced from his time here that he had to prepare for today, was the Winter festival, it was similar to how Equestria celebrated certain holidays too, and Spike was more then excited to spend time with the crew, it was a perfect time to have fun and enjoy life.

Spike woke up with the morning gong greeting their ears once again, like always, they all instantly came out of their rooms to greet their master.
"Good morning master!" They all said at once again as they saw Shifu walking through the hallway.
"Good morning students, hope you all slept well." Shifu greeted with a smile as they all huddled together to talk about today.
"Morning Shifu, cold night wasn't it?" Po joked which made them chuckle at because it was snowing hard last night.
"Yes it was, and it still is. I'm sure you all know what today will be, we all have been preparing for it for some time now." Shifu began which they all knew what he was meaning.
"Yes Master Shifu, today is the Winter Festival, or Winter Feast for us masters." Spike answered which Shifu smiled at, glad he knew his knowledge.

"Correct Spike, today is the Winter Festival, a special holiday for all of us, it is important for us all in many ways." Shifu replied as they all listened on.
"Oh yes! The Winter Festival! Time for spending time with family's, fun games, and just enjoying life." Mantis said calmly as this was something they all loved doing.
"Right again, and for this one, i am wanting to do something special for you all, something i've wanted to add to this yearly event." Shifu explained which interested them.
"And what would that be Master?" Spike asked curiously, he was pretty excited as he saw Shifu smiling at this.

"As you all know, you masters have spent a lot of time together, Spike joined us just recently last year, and then Po. But You all have trained and fought together, while i am wanting this years Feast to be perfect like always, starting today, i am adding a new project for us all." Shifu announced which made them more excited as Shifu continued to explain and got out a vase.
"Today, we are now gonna start exchanging gifts for eachother, inside this vase are cards with your names on them, whoever selects the other persons name which is on these cards, will be responsible for getting that person a gift, and the same will be with them, but you cannot say who it is, it's for surprise. i've been wanting to add this for a while, and i trust all of you can make it something we all will love and we can do it again." Shifu explained which amazed them.
"So, we basically draw the card, and whoever's on that one we'll have to get a gift? That's perfect for the holiday!" Spike said excitedly with the others happy as well.
"It's just like how we did things at home!" Monkey added with the others smiling happily at this.
"This is an interesting addition, i just hope we all find something we will like." Tigress added sounding surprisingly happy about this too.

"I am glad you are all on this same page, now, let us begin." Shifu said as he held out the vase, they all looked at eachother before going to pick a card, Spike let Monkey pick his first and he chuckled at who he picked, Crane got his next and was looking nervous on whoever he got, and Tigress got hers and had an.. interested look on who she got, Po got his and he was excited as well and the same was with Mantis. Finally Spike came up to get his and picked the last 2 cards in it, he pulled his out and looked at it, and his eyes widened a little in surprise of who he picked.
"Viper.." Spike thought to himself as she got hers next and looked surprised too, but them smiled as she hid the name away.
"I take it you all got one, and don't have one with your own names on it?" Shifu joked a little and they chuckled while shaking they're heads in a " No" matter.
"Good, i hope you all find something that you all can love, and enjoy the Feast tomorrow, and as always, there is no training for today." Shifu finished which made them all cheer in joy.

"Finally, some time to relax." Crane said in relief putting the card under his hat.
"It never hurts to have some time off, this is just so exciting!" Viper said gleefully as they all started to leave with Shifu smiling at their exchanges.
"And by the way, where did Po go? He was just here a moment ago." Shifu asked as they all noticed Po was suddenly gone somehow without them noticing.
"For a big panda, he sure can sneak off like a ninja." Mantis said which made them all nod in agreement.
"For me Shifu, my money's that he went to his dad's, it's probably a big day for Ping too." Spike suggested which was probably true.
"That is most likely the case, thank you Spike, i will see you all soon, don't forget about the Feast." Shifu said once more before he went to find Po, probably to explain to him about it.

Spike and the others went through the palace to get ready to find a gift for eachother, while Spike did find it convenient that he got Viper, he was also glad as he and her are great friends at this point, he just hopes the others can get something they'd like, Monkey's probably gonna get some more Almond cookies since that's what he got last year.

"What would she like that's good enough as a gift?" Spike asked himself as he went out of the halls and was greeted with the cold winds of the valley, it felt so similar to how things were in Equestria, it made him wonder how other places like this celebrate their holidays.
"So Spike, you have any idea on who your gonna get your chosen one?" Mantis asked as he hopped over to his shoulder.
"Hard to tell, but i can tell they will appreciate it what i got no matter what, but i want to make it special to show my gratitude not just for being here, but for just being a great friend." Spike said with a smile as he used his fire breath to make the ground less slippery for people.
"Oh really? Anyone special in particular? You know you can tell me." Mantis asked smugly which made Spike roll his eyes with a smile.
"That's against the rules Mantis, you just find your gift, and i'll find mine, cool?" Spike asked putting out his fist.
"Cool." Mantis replied lightly tapping it.

They heard screaming down at the valley and knew what that meant.
"More butt kicking, talk about an awful time for attacks." Mantis said annoyed as all the others joined him.
"Some guys never learn." Spike said annoyed as he opened up his wings and flew down to the valley at fast speeds with the others following. When Spike landed down he was greeted to more bandits trying to rob people.
"Hey! What are you thinking?! Trying to steal on a holiday? Don't you have a life?" Spike mocked as they all got in their fighting poses.
"Some can't afford special things, that's why we steal em!" A bandit mocked back as they all charged at them again.
"I hate doing this on holidays." Viper said annoyed as they engaged in battle.

Spike ducked his neck under and axe swing and kicked the guy in the chest before grabbing his neck and sending him into the air, he spread his wings and jumped up and delivered a strong combo move to him.
"Crane! Fire Gust!" Spike announced as he took a deep breath.
"Good idea!" Crane shouted as he spread open his wings near him, Spike shot a fire blast from his mouth again and Crane shot a huge gust of wind from them, this combined the two into an attack which sent a strong wave over a few of the bandits.
"Great idea with that move Crane! It is really cool!" Spike said excitedly as he now went to help Viper take down some more.
"Since you have wings now, it never hurts to make some special moves!" Crane shouted as he threw his hat to another guy and blinded him which made Mantis kick him in the head to knock him down. Spike grabbed Viper's tail and they used another combo move to have her use her tail to whip the other bandits away while he spins her like a cyclone.
"It feels good to fight every now and then, just wish they didn't do it on a Holiday!" Spike shouted as he kicked a guy in the crotch and sent him flying away.
"You got that right!" Mantis shouted as they all kept on fighting them.

Po was running to help them out after he was told some really important stuff by Shifu, once he got a view he saw Spike and the others fighting off the bandits easily. Spike helped Monkey with a move and threw Monkey in the air for him to deliver a barrage of punches to one as Po ran in.
"Guys! You excited about the Winter Feast?" Po asked as Tigress split her legs to kick two guys in the face and Spike threw the one in the sky.
"Well guess what? Master Shifu just said i'll be joining everyone this year!" Po announced as he punched one bandit without looking.
"Wouldn't it be obvious you were? Your the Dragon Warrior Po, you should know you were coming." Spike said as he grabbed a bandit by the tail and threw him in the air for Crane to take down.
"The Feast is intense, all of the Masters at one table!" Crane said taking another down as Viper engaged with one.
"One perfect Feast!" Viper shouted whacking the guy in the eye while Spike kicked him in the arm and twisted his legs around to slam him to the ground.
"It's an honor to be invited!" Mantis shouted as he hit one hard to send it flying away which made Po split down under it.
"Actually i'm not just invited, i'm hosting!" Po announced as he took a bandits weapon and used it to hit another on the head with the others being surprised by the news.

"What?" They all asked at once shocked on this.
"I wouldn't be the first choice maybe." a bandit said as Po knocked him down finally.
"What?" Po asked confused as Spike twisted another guys arm making him scream as he was knocked down.
"The Feast at the palace is very.." Monkey said as he punched a bandit away to Viper.
"Elegant." Viper continued as Mantis took him on next.
"It's a very sophisticated event." Mantis said as he punched the guy in the air, Spike flew above him and kicked him in the face.
"Not to mention, we still have all those gifts we need to get eachother!" Spike added hitting him to Po.
"Why does everyone think i can't do sophisticated?" Po asked annoyed as he flattened the guy to take him down as the others watched.

"I have no idea." Crane liked as they all saw it.
"We all know how big this event is Po, we we're just wondering if you could use a little help?" Tigress offered which Spike was glad to do.
"I was there last year Po, it's not someone one would want to screw up." Spike said punching another guy to a well without looking.
"Don't worry guys i got this! It's a dinner, it's eating and entertainment, you just focus on those gifts okay?" Po asked as he knocked down the final one making this long fight end finally.
"Well, you know where to find us Po, if anyone needs me i'll be looking through the marketing area of the village, see ya later." Spike announced as he walked over the bodies of the thugs to get to the place.
"We all should get back to our gift searching, see you later guys." Mantis said as they all went to get back to business with Po still confident he could host this thing.

Spike got himself a fluffy scarf and holiday outfit to wear not just for festivity, but also for warmth as his kind is cold blooded, Spike was walking through the markets trying to find something for Viper.
"Alright, what would she like? She's really sweet and has tons of stuff she likes doing, let's see there's.. ribbon dancing, cooking, shopping, fighting and all that jazz. But what's one thing she would love?" Spike asked himself as he tried finding something. There was a lot to chose from, for a small valley, it's markets had lots of variety from other parts of China, there were dozens of fruits and vegetables for cooking stuff, tons of pottery items being sold, and even some jewelry items being sold.

"Jewelry! That could be it!" Spike said in realization of what she might love from this, Spike quickly went over to that section to see what he could find.
"Ah, hello master Spike, i take it your holiday is treating you well today?" The shopkeeper asked as he was another duck, but someone he's visited before for shopping.
"Yeah, it's going good so far, i was wondering if you had any special jewelry for this occasion?" Spike asked looking over the various golden and silver items there were, from bracelets, to rings, earrings, and necklaces with tons more.
"Ah, of course i do, and since you've been working hard to keep all of us safe, i'll do a special discount for you, anything you pick here today is free for you." He said calmly which made Spike extremely grateful.
"Thank you so much for this! This should help a lot." Spike said as he began looking over them for something.

Spike tried to decide what would work best for her, she couldn't wear a ring maybe because it would slip off her tail, she already had those flowers on her head that said she didn't need anything for her ears, and a necklace would be thoughtful, but it might not work. But that's when Spike's eyes fell on a particular object, he saw a beautiful golden bracelet that had slim but beautiful outlines to it's design was like something from Egyptian artwork as the lining was made like small chains connected together, and to top it off, there was a beautiful ruby gem on the center which Spike could see his face reflecting from, it was just her size, and perfect to wear.
"This! I'd like this please." Spike begged pointing at the bracelet.
"Ah! Great choice Master Spike, this is one of my best, i hope you be careful with it, normally it costs 3000 to buy." He said as he picked it up to put it in a special secure but small case for Spike to carry.
"Thank you so much for this, i hope you have a great holiday." Spike said gratefully as he was given it.
"It was my pleasure, have a nice holiday!" He said waving his hand as Spike began to leave.
"You too!" Spike shouted as he left to see if Po's doing okay.

Spike flew his way back to the palace to see if Po's handling things alright, this was a huge responsibility for him to take, and he wanted to help Po in any way he can. When he landed down he didn't expect to see a line of what looked like some of the finest chef's ever, and it looked like Po was trying to get away by refusing to hire them.
"Po, what are you doing?" Spike asked which spooked him a little at his sudden arrival.
"Oh hey Spike, can't talk right now, i'm gonna see if my dad can be the Chef to prepare for the Master's arrival.

"What? Po do you know how much pressure that could put on him? Plus i don't think he'd accept as he's probably wanting to be there for the village." Spike pointed out as Po refused another Chef but still liked the food and looked a little ashamed hearing that.
"I know, but i want my dad to be part of this in some way, and i think he'd really like this." Po said as he looked stressed out.
"Po, i can tell your worried on this, you don't have to do this alone you know, i can help you." Spike offered as Po refused the last one.
"Don't worry Spike i got this, i already got the gift for my person, i just hope you focus on yours." Po said as they went to the doors.
"I got mine too, but you shouldn't put this pressure on yourself, i'll try and help with what i can." Spike said as Po started leaving.
"Thanks Spike, see you soon!" Po shouted as he watched Po leave again and sighed to himself.
"Why do you insist on doing this by yourself Po? I know it's your duty , but we should all help eachother on an event like this.." Spike asked shaking his head as he looked at the Chef's who were confused on all that happened.
"What do we do Master Spike? We don't have a Chef." A servant asked worried on what to do.
"We'll figure something out, your all okay, don't take anything he said personal! He's just really pressured right now." Spike defended as he went to see if the others are alright.

Spike went into the mane halls near the Hall of Warriors and he saw tons of servants preparing for the Feast, he saw tons of stuff being spread out, fancy looking plates, special hats of some kind, and special silverware for eating, Rarity would absolutely love this, but Spike was just worried on what this was gonna do for Po.
"Oh Po, what have you gotten yourself into?" Spike asked worried as this could be too much for him, sure he's confident to do it, but all of this could be too much for him. As Spike was walking through the halls trying to figure out what to do, he accidentally bumped into Tigress which made them almost drop their presents which they quickly caught with they're reflexes.
"Oh hey Tigress, so sorry about that." Spike said handing her a wrapped up gift that looked like a jar, she must've gotten Monkey.
"It's alright Spike, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be with Po." Tigress asked as they walked together through the halls.

"Po went to check on his dad, he thinks his dad will accept the Golden Ladle to cook for the masters. but i think we both know that won't happen." Spike said as Tigress looked concerned.
"I think he won't either, while i am glad Po wants to try to have Ping join us, guests aren't allowed, and i can see that he just wants to spend time with his family, but what we're doing here is too big." Tigress replied as they went to get a view of the valley.
"I just don't understand Tigress, Po's wanting to spend time with his father and prep this feast and everything, but he shouldn't put all this pressure on himself, i'm sure we'll all help if he asks right?" Spike asked hopefully which she smiled lightly at.
"Of course, on holidays like this, it's important to look out for eachother, speaking of which, i take it things went well with your gift searching?" Tigress asked looking at the case.
"Yeah, i got it for free at the markets which normally would be very expensive. Thankfully it's the holidays so i got it for free, massive W for sure." Spike said relieved that his was done with.
"That is good to hear, at least this gift exchange Shifu made will go well hopefully." Tigress said looking at her gift which made noise as it moved, and it sounded like a cookie jar like Spike thought.

"Yeah, it really makes me glad that places like this celebrates holidays like we did back in Equestria. We called it Hearth's Warming Day, it was similar to this with the festivities and fun times the ponies would have to spend time with their family's." Spike explained which interested her.
"Interesting to know that there are events like this, even in other worlds. I hope your family is doing alright, i know they must miss you a lot." Tigress hoped which made Spike sad to think about.
"Yeah, they all probably really do, but i'm sure Twilight can handle things on her own, being apart of her family, and the times i spent with them during those years, it was something really special." Spike said softly which made Tigress smile at, but she started to look sad too which was something Spike noticed.
"You okay Tigress?" Spike asked concerned looking at her.

"I'm.. fine.. it's just that.. i never had a proper family before coming to the palace, even when i was at that orphanage, we still had some events to celebrate holidays, but i was.. not everyone's first pick to say the least.." Tigress said with sadness which Spike was worried by, he knew of her origin too, he knew all of the 5's origins, but her's was especially sad.
"How come no one wanted to spend time with you? To me, i see a great person who anyone can spend time with." Spike asked trying to make her feel better, but she was still a little upset.
"I.. wasn't exactly the most stable kid in the place, i was always rash, tearing things up even when i didn't mean too. It made people scarred of me, and i never really got a real experience with the holidays because of it. It was just so.. isolating.." Tigress said shamefully looking at the floor with regret, Spike had just felt awful hearing this, especially knowing she never knew her real parents.

"Tigress, that wasn't your fault, we all have our own struggles to deal with, i'm really sorry you never got to experience something with your family, but you have us now. " Spike encouraged trying to lighten the mood, but she still looked upset.
"I know it's just.. why was i left at that orphanage? I was never given a reason why my parents left me there, did they even love me? Or did they.. think i was a monster like all the other kids?" Tigress asked looking at herself which made Spike more worried for her.
"Tigress... you shouldn't think that, look at me, i never knew my own parents either, i was raised by ponies instead of dragons, and when i did meet other dragons, they were huge jerks. While i can kick their butt easily if i saw them again, that probably doesn't mean all dragons are awful. I'm sure my parents wanted to raise me, i'm sure yours wanted to too, but they may not have been able too because they didn't think they'd give you a great life. I bet they left you there because they love you, and wanted you to have a great life, even if it's without them. And look at where you are now, you know Kung fu, you have great friends who can be just like a family. And you have people to support you, we're all here for you Tigress, i promise." Spike assured patting her back a little while she was processing this.

"You.. really think they cared for me? Even after leaving me there?" Tigress asked looking at him who just wanted to help.
"I'm sure of it, sometimes parents can't take care of their child, and while that means they have to give them up and may not see them again, it at least means their child will live a great life and do great things. And i'm sure that's what they wanted for you." Spike assured which started making her feel better.
"Thanks Spike, i'm sorry you never knew your parents either, i'm sure they'd love to see what you've accomplished." Tigress said as she stood to face him finally.
"It's okay, if theirs one thing we have in common, it's that we have people who will always be there for us." Spike said with a smile which made her feel better finally.
"That's something i can see definitely, thanks Spike, see you at the feast." Tigress said as she begun to leave.
"See you soon Tigress." Spike said as he went to rest for the day as the feast was tomorrow night..

The next day..

Spike had gotten up early again as this was the big day, today over 26 master's from all over China will be joining the palace today, it was a special feast to be sure, and he's sure the 5 and Po all got their gifts for eachother by now, and this day just made Spike more excited, he's sure Twilight and the others would love to hear about this, and maybe when he sees them again, it'll be a fun tale to tell.

But while Spike was glad that this day was special, he saw Po was really getting stressed out, he constantly saw him switching to different places to do this duty of his, first he had to make sure an ice sculpture was properly made, then he had to cook up dinner as he was the only one to do so.. while a bunny kept attacking him for some reason. And make sure the hat he's supposed to wear is perfect, and he could see Po literally spiraling around as this was far too much for him and Spike needed to snap him out of it.

"PO!" Spike yelled which knocked him out of his thoughts and he gasped in shock.
"Oh Spike.. thanks for that.." Po said gratefully as he fell down on the table looking defeated.
"Po, i can tell your stressed out, please tell me what's wrong, i'm here for you." Spike assured sitting next to him, Po sighed and looked down sadly.
"You were right Spike, this is all too much for me, now i'm gonna disappoint everyone, my dad, you and the 5.. Shifu.." Po said regretfully.
"And me, i am not dead yet." The bunny added which shocked Spike.
" The ****?!" Spike swore in confusion which shocked the bunny.
"Language!" he said whacking his face lightly which barely faced him.

"Right.. you we're saying Po?" Spike asked getting back on track.
"And.. if i can't pull of a simple feast, what kind of Dragon Warrior am i?" Po asked himself which made Spike sigh.
"Po, you need to remember, your not alone on this." Spike assured patting his back.
"I guess kung fu can't solve everything." The bunny said which made Po realize something.
"That's it! Bunny! Your brilliant!" Po said shaking him in excitement.
"You got an idea Po?!" Spike asked hopefully as he looked excitedly.
"I do! Come on! Mantis! Crane! Monkey!" Po shouted as they ran off to get the others.

They all gathered the 5 to discuss on what Po's plan was.
"This may be our greatest challenge ever." Po said dramatically.
"Something we all need to do together." Spike added with a serious face.
"What is it? Bandits?" Monkey suggested.
"Raiders?" Viper added which made Spike chuckle at.
"No, place settings." Po answered which they all smiled at.
"Care to lend a hand guys?" Spike asked hopefully.

We cut to all of them in the dining halls prepping up this special feast using they're skills.
"Tigress! The Tahila Leap!" Po announced which made her run up a pillar with Viper while Spike flew in the air.
"Viper! Stars of Destiny!" Po shouted as Tigress threw some lanterns up.
"Got it!" Viper shouted as she and Spike threw ninja stars at the strings to latch them to the ceiling.
"Great work guys!" Spike shouted as he was helping Mantis with the plates.
"Guys, Pinwheel attack!" Po ordered which made Mantis rapidly strike the plates to the other parts of the table and Spike perfectly placed them down.
"You guys are the best!" Po said amazed as he took that bunny from before to help him in the kitchen. Spike got helped finish up the ice sculpture that was meant to be placed in the center of the table, Spike was shown what the design was like and knew what to do.

"Hey, Feng, be sure to get this please." Spike asked as the artist drew Spike rapidly making the sculpture perfectly, flying all around it with the artist following along perfectly.
"How is it?" Spike asked finishing the sculpture, the artist showed him a perfect picture of him doing a great job with his part.
"Heh, you are great, 10/10." Spike complimented which made Feng smile gratefully. Crane used a gust of wind to raise up the plates which had mantis use his skills to put out mats under the bowls and plates for perfect eating. And finally, he and Mantis finished spreading out the chopsticks and other silverware to perfectly finish off it, it was a sight to behold for sure.

" 30plate settings, 42 chopsticks! We did it guys!" Po announced in victory as they looked over the massive table.
"A job well done guys!" Spike said gladly high fiving Po.
"Every detail is just right! Even down to the Ground Jasmine." Crane added which made Po gasp in shock.
"Ground Jasmine!? It was supposed to be flaked! I'll be right back guys!" Po said worried quickly taking the food.
"Hurry! The master's are arriving!" Viper warned as Po went out the door.
"Po wait! Be careful of the..!" Spike warned before they all saw him slip down the icy stairs and saw him slip down to the valley on the snowy night.
"Icy stairs.." Spike finished shaking his head seeing this happen.

"So Spike, i take it you got the gift you need?" Viper asked which just reminded him.
"Oh yeah, i do, i'm sure we all do too right?" Spike asked looking at them, they all nodded and pulled out their gifts and showed tons of different shapes wrapped in special paper.
"We all got our gifts." Crane said with a smile.
"Shifu was right, this was a great idea to add, i hope we all do it next year too." Mantis said putting his on the table, Spike smiled at all of them gratefully.

"Guys, i just wanna say something. I'm glad to be a part of this team, i know when i arrived here it was a big shock, especially since it looked like i was gonna be the Dragon Warrior, but i'm glad you all opened up to me, i wanted to know what my purpose was for most of my life. Now, being here, with all of you, it's the best life i could wish for. I'm glad to have a family like all of you." Spike said looking over all of them who smiled at his speech.
"We're glad to have you here too Spike, you've been a really fun person to hang around with." Monkey said patting his shoulder.
"You always help us when we need it, even if we don't, i'm glad you joined us, your a great friend." Tigress said with a smile.
"Your always someone we can rely on, someone to trust, thanks for being there for us Spike." Viper said gratefully with Spike sighing in response having a smile too.
"Your welcome guys." Spike said softly as they all prepared to have this special feast.

Spike and the others finally were celebrating the Winter Feast, Spike was sitting near the 5 in the table as all the 29 master's were here too, dressed in super fancy clothing, and special outfits just for this occasion, it was no doubt the fanciest party Spike had ever been too.
"Beautiful, Elegant, perfect. You've made me proud. All 29 Kung fu schools, and the master's who come from them. Excellent." Shifu whispered to Po as they were all being quiet for this feast, but Po was zoning out as he was tapping his sticks on the table which the other master's started to do.
"Po." Spike whispered shaking him out of his thoughts which made him stop doing it and made the master's stop as well.
"Thanks Spike." Po whispered to him who stayed quiet for this night.

"Dragon Warrior, would you honor us by reciting the opening words of the Creed of Masters?" Shifu asked as all the master's watched him. Po sighed sadly and looked at a lantern that looked to have a cute drawing of him and his dad on it.
"I.. i can't Shifu." Po said sadly which concerned Spike.
"It's okay, i thought you might forget them, i took the liberty of writing them on your napkin." Shifu whispered trying to help him.
"What? No it's just.. it's not that." Po said as he started standing up which made them all stand up too.
"What no no guys please, you don't have to.." Po said right before they took of their hats too which made him sigh again.
"Well they're off. Let me just say something.." Po said as he begun to speak which confused them all.

"The Creed of the Master's is amazing, it's the coolest creed ever. And uh Masters, how cool are you guys? I don't even have to tell you guys, Master Rhino? Forget about it! Your more awesomely skilled and.. wrinkly then i ever thought you'd be.." Po said which shocked Master Rhino.( Rip Master Rhino.)
"And Master Sheep? Fluffy and Incredible. The Five and Spike, or the Six as some call them, it's just awesome to be here with all of you, my heroes, but every Feast me and my dad cook together, everyone shows up at his place, it get's loud and crazy, my uncle Yang laughs so hard noodles spit out of his nose." Po joked which made Spike chuckle.
"I'd like to see that guys." Crane whispered to Monkey.
"Me too." Monkey whispered back.

"So.. i wish i could stay and be a good host.. but i think i need to leave and.. be a good son." Po said as he took of his fancy clothing and put it on the table.
"Po! come back here!" Shifu said as they all saw him leave, Spike smiled as they all knew he really wanted to be with his father.
"Oh i loved cooking with my sisters." Viper said gladly.
"The folk dances.." Tigress added.
"The games.." Crane said gladly as well.
"And the music." Monkey said too.
"Spending time with your family, it's something we all want to do." Spike added.
"But.. who will say the Creed? Somebody do something!" Shifu begged sounding really worried, and that made a random goose in the distance start badly singing in a vocalized way.

"Guys, as honored as i am to be here, Po is right, we all have someone to be there for, no matter who it is, friends, family, it's always someone. And i think we all should try and have fun, in our own way." Spike said standing up too.
"He's right, come on guys, let's head to Ping's." Viper said slithering off with him.
"Brilliant move Spike." Tigress said gladly leaving with them as well.

Spike went with the others down to the valley, and it was a sight to behold for sure, snow was softly coming down on the valley, covering it in a dark blue light, but it was brightened by the dozens of colorful lanterns that lit the buildings, and through it all, they could see dozens of villagers having fun and dancing to some beautiful music, it was something Spike was glad to never miss each year, and he looks forward to it from each year onwards.

Po and Ping had just got done having a fun cooking montage as they had prepped food for the whole valley to have, they could see colorful lights in the noodle shop and saw tons of villagers there to have fun.
"Table for six?" Viper announced which made Po see all of them walking in.
"Guys! Welcome!" Po said gladly giving them some bowls of soup.
"Happy holiday Po." Tigress said gladly taking hers too.
"Great work today buddy, your the best." Spike said as he and the others went to sit down and have fun.

Spike sat with the five at the table and saw tons of other master's actually coming into join in on the fun.
"Looks like your little speech inspired some friends Spike." Viper said as they all saw Master Rhino telling kids some fun tales.
"Yeah, it's a perfect time right now." Spike said as he pulled out his gift, the others did too and Po came to join them too.
"You guys ready?" Po asked pulling out his too.
"Of course." Tigress said gladly as they all put them on the table.

"Alright, this one is for Crane." Po said sliding his over to him who looked excited. He quickly opened it up and saw a awesome looking pair of nunchuks that was really cool looking.
"This is awesome Po! Thank you so much!" Crane said gratefully twirling them around, being careful not to hit anyone.
"Alright, this is for Monkey." Tigress said sliding over her gift to him, he excitedly opened it too, and like Spike guessed, it was a Jar of cookies, like the ones Po ate.
"Heh, this is great! Thank you Tigress." Monkey said gratefully as everyone else started opening theirs. They all got fun gifts to say the least, Tigress got some pink bunny slippers from Crane which made everyone laugh hard at, but she actually seemed to like them and thanked him for it. Mantis got special pottery like vases which were beautifully designed, and Po got a large bowl of dumplings from Mantis as a joke, but he was also really grateful for. Finally, Spike was handing his out to Viper.

"I hope this is good enough for you Vipes, i wanted to make it special for you." Spike said hopefully sliding her the small box, she smiled at that and handed him something too.
"Really convenient we both got eachother for this event huh?" Viper joked which made him chuckle.
"You wanna open them together?" Spike asked ready to open his gift.
"Of course." Viper replied as they opened it up with the other's watching, Viper gasped in amazement in what she saw, she looked amazed by the golden bracelet Spike had got her as it was just her size, it was probably the best gift of the group which made the others jealous of.

"Oh Spike, this is wonderful! Thank you!" Viper said gleefully as she put it on the middle part of her body, it really looked great on her.
"Your welcome Viper, and for me.." Spike said as he opened up his. What he was got was something he didn't except, but it was something truly cool, it was one of those cool ribbons Viper used for ribbon dancing, it was in a red rose like color, it was really long and tough, it was something he's been wanting for a bit now.
"You said you'd like to start practicing with me some time, and i wanted to give you this. I used this very same ribbon to save my village, i hope you take good care of it Spike." Viper explained while he looked amazed.
"Viper, this is perfect, thank you so much for this." Spike said gladly, she smiled at him and gave him a hug which did surprise him, but he soon accepted it as it was nice.
"Your welcome Spike, Happy Holiday." Viper said softly as she went back to the others who looked at him with smiles, Spike smiled at them back and was just glad to be here.
"Happy holiday guys, hey.. i think i just got an idea.." Spike said looking at the ribbon with a smile.
"And what would that be Spike?" Tigress asked curious as he looked at it, Viper got the same idea and smiled at this.
"Great idea Spike.. this will be fun!" Viper said as she went to get something quickly.

Shifu was walking down to the valley a little upset on what was happening.
" Everything was perfect, what we're you doing Po?" Shifu asked upset at this, but as he walked through the valley, he saw Spike and the other's within the noodle shop, The 5 and Po we're having fun with eachother at the tables, eating food and laughing with eachother as Shifu saw their gifts. Tigress was playfully giving a child some food while Master Rhino was telling kids cool tales. Spike and Viper were ribbon dancing in the shop, giving off a great show to be seen with the people looking at them with amazement. Shifu saw all of this and finally understood this and smiled at it all.
"This.. is perfect.." Shifu said finally understanding this and was about to leave until Po came out to see him.

"There's always room for one more at Mr. Ping's." Po offered which did surprise him a little.
"Oh, no.. i really don't want to disturb anyone. You go and enjoy your party." Shifu replied as they stood outside the shop.
"I'm not gonna enjoy the party without you.." Po countered not wanting him to go.
"Please i couldn't, these are your people. This is your family." Shifu replied looking at them.
"Your my family too Shifu, now come on." Po offered again and Shifu smelt the soup and sighed in awe.
"That soup does smell delicious." Shifu said in relief before he started saying one more thing.
"Hold on Po, what goes on your head i really don't always understand. But what goes on in your heart, will never let us down." Shifu explained again which made Po smile.
"Thanks Shifu, come on!" Po said as he brought him into the shop.

"Hey guys look who's here!" Po announced as they all saw Shifu in the shop.
"Shifu! It's great to see you!" Spike said gladly as they all came up to him.
"It is great to be here too Spike, i am glad to be here with all of you." Shifu said as they all went to sit at a table.
"Heh, this is the best night ever.." Spike said amazed as they all let the artist draw a perfect photo of all of them at the table.
"Thanks for coming everyone!" Po said to all the customers as they all laughed in joy at this beautiful party.

"Dear Twilight, i hope you get this, i just wanted to let you know how things are for me right now." Spike narrated as Spike and the others have a great time at the party.
"To start things off, i made tons of great friends after we last spoke, i am a true butt kicker now, and i finally got my wings!!" Spike narrated in an exciting voice as Spike flies in the air and twirls his ribbon around with Viper for the show with the audience watching in amazement.
"Tonight where i'm at is a Winter Festival, it's similar to Hearths Warming Day back home, and it's just something truly special." Spike continued as Spike helps Ping cook more food at fast speeds as he was a great cooker too.
"I know you miss me Twilight, i do too, but i promise you i'm doing great. I'm having the best time of my life." Spike said more as Spike and the 5 strike their poses in front of the villagers for more fun.

"I just want to say that i hope your doing great too. I truly feel like i've found my place, being a Kung fu master, it's something i know i'm meant to be. I just hope you and the others are doing great too." Spike said as we see him writing the letter on the top of the shop.
"My chances of this reaching you may not be very high, but i want to let you know how things are. Wherever you are Twilight, whatever trouble you may be in, know i will always be there for you. I pray to Celestia that this gets to you, and if it does, know that i love you Twilight, i'm glad to have been raised by someone like you." Spike said as he began to finish it.
"I'll always be there for you, Happy Holiday Twilight, and tell the others i said Hi too." Spike finished as we see him shoot some of his fire on the letter and it disappeared, not as ash, but magically.
"This is a perfect night, hope your having a great one too Twilight.." Spike said to himself as he went to join the others again, he and Viper went back to dancing and all the other villagers watched them and had fun in their own ways too as the snow falls through the night sky.
"This is my destiny Twilight, and i know that this.. is only the beginning.." Spike finished as we see a final shot of the valley all in it's beautiful festivity's as cheers of joy as the moon shines upon the Valley in a beautiful fashion..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this! I know it may be too soon or too late for the Holiday Special, but i wanted to make this as i think it's a perfect moment for Spike to have fun, i know this chapter isn't perfect, but i wanted to make one that was both funny, and heartfelt, and i hope you liked it too. I'm sure we all have great memories of watching this special, it's just a short but fun special for the holidays, i will get into the second movie soon, but i just want Spike to have a good time in this world and prep for the second one considering how dark it went. I just hope you all liked this and look forward to more!

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