• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 3,088 Views, 198 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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20: Sight For Sore Eyes

It was another day within the Valley of Peace, while most people were going about they're day, Spike and the 5 weren't doing so well, recently, something had happened which caused them to split up, it was because of a bad mistake Po had made which caused them to split up, and Spike's been having a tough time processing it.

For the some of the 5, they had taken jobs tending to kids birthday parties in order to get some money, for Spike and Viper, they had often done ribbon dancing performances in the streets to earn money too, but Spike had also gotten another job, he became a therapist which payed really well, he's been trying to help Po bring out his feelings about all of this, Spike doesn't know how most therapists can handle their jobs, but it's interesting to hear how people like Po feel deep down, even Viper and Tigress had lots of things to get off their chests.

As for Po, he was back to working at Mr. Ping's shop, and he's been feeling depressed, Po was serving another customer and looked depressed.
"Here you go.." Po said sadly handing a customer a bowl of soup but she didn't want this.
"I ordered the Pan Fried noodles." She pointed out which got Po's attention.
"And i brought you.. Soup! Oh!! I can't get anything right! Everything i touch turns to garbage! I'm useless and i'm worthless! And my personal grooming is mediocre at best! Oh..." Po said crying heavily as he walked off with Ping coming up to the customers.

"I'm so sorry, he's been like this ever since.. well.. you know.." Ping said not wanting to finish the sentence.
"Of course, how are the other's doing?" She asked curiously.
"You mean the formerly furious 6? Well..." Ping said as we cut to Tigress and some of the 5 tending to a kids birthday party.
"Come on, do the Tiger roar!" A kid said with a deep voice while looking grumpy.
"Tigress come on! The kids!" Monkey whispered looking to the other kids who were waiting too. Tigress sighed in annoyance and made a Tiger roar again which made the kids cheer in joy.
"I love you daddy." The kid said to his father who hugged him close while Tigress was just annoyed.

Spike was outside a building wearing glasses and on a chair with some papers doing his therapist job, Viper was ribbon dancing for some other people who were waiting for their turns, and we're really amazed with her work.
"And you feel like you and your wife aren't doing that well because?" Spike asked as he was helping a villager who was going through relationship problems.
"I just don't know what she wants! I tried being a respectful and responsible husband! But she still isn't pleased! How can i make her happy?" The guy asked laying down and looking up at the ceiling, Spike sighed sadly and shook his head.
"Dear Celestia i hope i get bonus for this.." Spike said as he continued his work as he's been with this one for an hour now.

"Birthday parties? And Spike's a therapist now?" She asked curiously.
" Yes, Spike's been payed a lot with his job, well.. two, he and Viper have been staying together. And Shifu, no one's seen Shifu for a while now, so if you could just be a little sensitive to my sons situation.." Ping asked hopefully.
"Of course." The woman said right before they heard crashing and saw Po had just given up at this point.
"No wonder your not the Dragon Warrior anymore!" A woman insulted which made Ping gasp in shock, Po began to whimper again after hearing that insult.
"Get out! And don't come back!.. Until after lunch, here's a coupon.." Ping said handing her a coupon before going to help him.

Po sighed sadly and looked at a scroll of Spike and the furious 5 when they were heroes.
"You were the Dragon Warrior, you had everything you ever wanted.. and you blew it.." Po said with regret as we cut back to a flashback around 2 weeks ago when they were still together.

Spike and the others were in the training halls once again and preparing to do a special form of dance.
"Begin." Shifu ordered ready to start, Spike and the others started to do slow but fluid dancing moves with they're own styles of Kung fu, Tigress and Monkey put they're hands together, Crane jumped in between them and stuck a pose, Spike flew on the top and balanced himself on Crane's hat with his tail, Viper coiled above his head and Mantis landed on top too, Po finally joined in and flipped all the way to the top, balancing himself on the top of them.
"Well done, this is excellent, when you.." Shifu said right before Po did one more thing.
"And now the spin!" Po announced which shocked them.
"What?! Po don't! Your not supposed too.." Spike warned right before Po spun around on top of them, this caused all of them to fall of balance and they crashed to the ground.

"Po.. you weren't supposed to do that.." Spike groaned getting off of the others.
"Spike is right, the pyramid of Fortitude is a traditional pose, representing stability and unity, it does not spin." Shifu said upset with him.
"Yeah, but if i did a spin it would look cooler right?" Po asked excitedly.
"I don't care Po, the presentation of the Seven Forms must be done in the traditional way. This is important Po, the masters of the Sacred Onyx Shaolin are coming to inspect the palace. I trained alongside Master Chao and Master Jungjie under Oogway" Shifu said seriously as Spike and the others finally recovered.

"Chao and Jungjie are coming here?! Two of the best Kung fu masters of all time!" Po said excitedly which made Shifu's eye twitch.
"How well you, Spike and the 5 perform the presentation of the Seven Forms, will reflect my abilities as a teacher. I need to make a good impression. So please, nobody do anything embarrassing, stupid, or dangerous." Shifu ordered while Spike and the other's listened.
"Geez, it's that important?" Spike asked worried about this.
"It is very important Spike, and i am specifically talking about you Po, no asking for autographs, no long stories, or any of your collections, don't be Po!" Shifu ordered seriously right before a gong was heard and they saw Chao and Jungjie had already arrived and must've heard the entire thing.

"And who should he be?" Chao asked as they heard the whole thing.
"Oh my gosh, Chao and Jungjie!" Po said in amazement as he went and asked all the things Shifu told him not to ask.
"Did he not hear the warning Shifu just made?" Spike asked annoyed shaking his head.
"Master Chao, Master Jungjie, please excuse Po. He's a little.. excitable.." Shifu said standing in front of him while Po was still excited.
"You are the Dragon Warrior?" Jungjie asked looking up at him because he was very small.
"Yes, and you are master Jungjie! I'm so excited i could pee..." Po said giggling at their presence which annoyed Shifu.
"Panda! " Shifu warned not wanting him to talk further.
"Pleas try and show respect to them Po." Spike asked as this was super important for them all.

"hmm, you seemed to have maintained the exact level of discipline i would have expected from you." Jungjie mocked which made Shifu's eye twitch.
"You can thank me later." Po whispered to Shifu until Spike grabbed his ear to make him stop.
"And now, the Master's Ceremonial Sparring." Chao announced and they all gave a respectful bow.
"Everyone, back to your quarters." Shifu instructed turning to everyone.
"Yes Master Shifu." Spike said respectfully, he and the 5 quickly ran out of the room back to their quarters to let Shifu's business be done alone.

"Ceremonial sparring? It's ancient, secret, and i wanna watch! Really bad, really really bad..." Po begged as he kept continuing on and on.
"Panda, this is private. And your novice eyes are not ready to see it. It's too dangerous." Shifu warned which made him more excited.
"Ancient, secret and dangerous? Aw now i wanna see it even more!" Po said excitedly which annoyed Shifu even more, he pointed his finger out of the room motioning him to leave, Po groaned in disappointment as he left the room leaving them alone.

Po walked out of the doors of the training hall and sat on the stairs in front of it still disappointed until Jungjie came out with a smug on his face.
"Oh don't listen to Shifu, he's always been a stick in the mud. You are the Dragon Warrior my friend. You should see us sparring." Jungjie told him which interested Po.
"But Shifu said i wasn't ready?" Po replied confused still.
"I'll tell you what, i'll leave that door open a little, so you can peak in." Jungjie offered which amazed him.
"Awesome!" Po said amazed agreeing to this plan.

We now cut to nighttime after Spike and the other's stood ready in their quarters for their moment, but Po made his way to the halls and saw the door was indeed cracked open for him to see them spar. Po chuckled gleefully as he quietly went to the door and peaked inside and saw Shifu and the other's getting ready to spar. Jungjie opened his eye and began to strike at Shifu who was blocking his hand attacks left and right, Chao used his lizards tail to try and sweep him but Shifu quickly backflipped away from it. They all had a strange aura flow around them and they began to fly in the air while continuing to fight.
"So.. awesome.." Po said in amazement while they kept striking at eachother. They continued fighting eachother around the air until they landed back on the ground finally. Chao used his powers to swiftly jump from each pillar to pillar and they just kept striking at eachother repeatedly while Po watched from the outside.

Shifu and Jungjie charged against eachother in the air, but Jungjie used a different move then intended, and delivered a strong kick to Shifu's chest which sent him flying onto the pillar and on the ground.
"Cool!" Po said amazed while Chao was upset with him.
"Jungjie, we are sparring, not fighting. Shifu is not your enemy." Chao said while he gave a bow of respect.
"It's alright, i was just a little slow.." Shifu said before he quickly rushed to the side and snuck up behind Jungjie quickly and pinned him to the ground while twisting his hand.
"Everyone's a little slow sometimes, right Jungjie?" Shifu mocked which made him made, Jungjie quickly flipped back up and faced them both, he repeatedly striked at Shifu again which made him block his attacks easily.

"So much anger, this is why Oogway didn't pick you to run the Jade Palace." Shifu said continuing to block him. But Jungjie saw Po was watching the whole thing and got an idea and prepared a special move.
"Jungjie?" Chao asked shocked as he held out his arms.
"Golden Lotus Clap!!" Jungjie announced about to deliver it.
"Don't look!" Shifu warned as they both closed they're eyes while Po was still watching. Jungjie clapped his hands extremely hard which sent a huge golden wave of light around the entire room, the wave had hit Po while he was watching and it blew him and the doors back because it was extremely powerful. The light faded away and the doors closed while Po groaned in pain and rubbed his eyes, which were now pale. He had a look of shock and tried to make himself, see, but he wasn't able too now.
"I.. i'm blind! In my eyes!!" Po shouted with fear as he couldn't see now.

"I'm blind! I can't see! Okay Po calm down, i can do this! Just gotta get to know my surroundings.." Po told himself before he crashed into one of the pillars besides him.
"Right, that's the tree again.. okay.." Po told himself before he walked backwards and hit another one of the pillars again.
"Ow! Alright who keeps putting those trees there?" Po asked annoyed as he tried to move.
"Okay, all clear.." Po told himself chuckling a little, right before he went falling off a ledge while screaming and hit the ground below pretty hard.

"Jungjie! The Golden Lotus Clap is too dangerous!" Chao said upset with him using such a powerful move.
"You are right as always Master Chao. I stand in awe of your prudence and Sagacity." Jungjie said with a mocking bow.
"We are done here. It's time for the presentation of the Seven Forms. Bring the dragon and your students in." Chao instructed as he rang another gong once again. Shifu went out to get the other's who were just arriving to the place.
"It is time." Shifu said seriously as Spike flew up to him with the other's.
"Alright guys, let's make this perfect, we can't fail this." Spike said seriously as well about to head in. But Tigress heard a groan and looked over a ledge to see Po still dizzy from the fall.
"Po what are you doing down there? Come on!" Tigress said reaching down to pick him up.
"Wait, i have a little problem!" Po warned still not being able to see.
"And i have a little, i don't care!" Tigress said annoyed helping him up and they ran into the palace.

Spike and the others stood ready within the halls in front of the master's ready to perform the dance.
"I trust that you will be impressed." Shifu said bowing in respect to the masters before he turned to Spike and the others who bowed as well. Spike did seem to notice Po wasn't looking where he should, but he didn't have time to help him right now.
"Begin" Shifu instructed. Spike and the others struck some special poses once again and began to do the dance once more, Monkey and Tigress held eachother's hands while standing on one foot, Crane landed on top of them both, Spike landed on Crane's hat balancing on his tail with Viper on his head next, and Mantis finally landed on the top like before. But Po was still blinded and wasn't seeing where they were.
"Po, now." Viper whispered as this cannot be failed.
"What, who? Oh.. okay.." Po said before he started running to them all.
"Po wait!" Spike warned right before he crashed into them all which knocked all of them down.
"Po no!" Shifu warned right before he went jumping on top of Chao instead of Mantis, and began twirling him around which failed the task.

Chao had enough and used his strength to send him into the air, but that resulted in Po landing down on top of them which worried Shifu and the others.
"Po, what the heck?" Spike asked annoyed as he pushed him off. Chao seemed to notice something and tried getting him to notice his hand, but they didn't follow him.
"He must've disobeyed you, and watched us spar. Shifu, fix him." Chao instructed while Shifu was really upset at this.
"Golden Lotus Clap!" Shifu announced before he clapped his hands sending another golden wave across the room which finally fixed Po's sight.
"There's another move i'm needing to learn soon." Spike told himself as he knew they were all upset with him.

"Whoa.. i can see, i can see!... angry angry faces, pointed at me.." Po said a little scarred as the master's were all upset with him greatly.
"Shifu, Shaolin is built on discipline, honor and tradition. Here i see none of that." Chao said looking down at him.
"Wait, it wasn't his fault! See.. i was watching you guys sparring..." Po said trying to explain things before Chao stopped him.
"If you disobeyed Shifu, then it is his fault. It means he is unable to maintain discipline. What do you have to say for yourself?" Chao asked upset with him.
"I... nothing.." Shifu said shamefully as he couldn't explain this one.

"I am sorry, but as Hierarchy of the Sacred Onyx Counsel, i herby declare that Shifu is no longer the master of the Jade palace." Chao announced which shocked all of them.
"What?!" Spike asked scarred hearing this awful news.
"You can't do that!" Po argued trying not to have this happen.
"Silence, you dare address the most venerable master Chao with such disrespect? Have i taught you nothing?" Shifu asked looking at him with anger, but he took a moment to really think about it and just realized something.
"No.. i haven't.. Master Chao is right, and i accept his judgement.." Shifu said sadly as he began to leave the place.

"Wait, Shifu don't do this, please!" Spike begged as this was one of the few things he had here.
"As will you! Now, do as Master Chao and Master Jungjie command you, do not disgrace me.. any more then i have disgraced myself.." Shifu said with regret as he left them all alone, the 5 turned to Po and looked upset with him, even Spike was upset at Po for ruining this.

Spike and the other's went outside to wait for the next orders they were given.
"Shifu is gone, i am placing the Jade Palace in the hands of Master Jungjie." Chao announced looking at all of them.
"Uh.. but.." Po said trying to explain what happened, but they weren't having it.
"P, please.. our day's already gone bad enough as it is.." Spike said shaking his head sadly as he couldn't believe this happened.
"I expect you to return the palace to it's former glory." Chao said hopefully looking at Jungjie.
"I'll return it, to even greater glory! As befits you Master Chao." Jungjie said bowing to him once again before Chao turned to them all.
"Henceforth, you are bound by honor to obey Master Jungjie." Chao announced which made all of them gasp in shock.

"I'll be back to check on your progress, good day to you all." Chao concluded as he he finally left them alone.
"Well that's just perfect." Spike said sarcastically as he was trying not to break one of the columns in frustration from all of this.
"Um.. so what should we do now?" Crane asked worried about all of this.
"Get out!" Jungjie announced which shocked all of them even more.

"What?!" Po asked with anger as he tried to stop him, but Tigress stood in the way to not make a scene. Jungjie snapped his fingers and five leopards suddenly landed down before them all.
"Your services are no longer required, meet the new Furious 5!" Jungjie announced as all of them struck fighting poses. Spike growled with rage as he wanted to stop this from happening, but he knew what would happen if he did, and he and the other's began to leave the place.
"Let me know if you need a letter of recommendation!" Jungjie said mockingly as he and the new warriors went into the palace which made Po very upset at this.

"Come on guys! We can take em if we all work together!" Po encouraged trying to have them fight back.
"It isn't that simple Po, we can't just fight back." Spike said clutching his claws with frustration.
"Spike is right, Shifu told us to obey Jungjie." Monkey said as he was upset with him too.
"He is in charge now, if we fight him, it would be like fighting the Jade Palace." Viper explained as Spike walked next to her.
"It would be the ultimate dishonor. We'd be left with nothing." Mantis added hopping down the stairs too.
"But what are we left with now?" Po argued trying to stop this.
"We have our dignity." Crane replied right before Po tripped on the stairs once again and went falling down them.

"You did this Po, You disobeyed Shifu and destroyed what we've devoted our lives to building! We're through with you." Tigress said as she was not having any of this.
"But.. i'm sorry!" Po shouted as he was devastated by this news.
"I'm sorry too Po, but this is something that can't be undone, i don't know what i'll do next, but i'll at least make sure to have honor with it. It's the one thing i have left here.." Spike said sadly walking with the others.
"You don't just have honor here Spike, you'll have me here, we'll find a way, i promise.." Viper assured trying to help him too.
"Maybe one day Viper.. maybe.." Spike replied as they all left Po alone who was extremely sad about all of this.

We now cut back to regular time after Po reflected on the awful mistake he made.
"I'm sorry.." Po said with regret as he tried not to cry from all of this.
"Po? Po! I need you to make a delivery, to the Jade Palace, won't that be fun?" Ping asked as he climbed up to Po's room. Po laughed nervously as this was not something he'd like to do now.

Po had to climb all the way back to the top of the stairs of the palace once again while carrying the food that was ordered. He breathed heavily after the LONG climb he had to make once again. He made his way over to the doors of the place until he heard Jungjie laugh sinisterly. He gasped in shock as he saw something right through the doors.
"Very nice, really captures my essence." Jungjie said smugly as there was a picture of him beating Shifu.
"So the tapestry is approved then? Along with the statue, the Topiary Bushes, and the Teapot?" One of them asked holding out a scroll.
"All of the above, excellent!" Jungjie said smugly as he had items from the list in the halls too.
"Then there's only one item left on your to-do list Master Jungjie." The warrior said looking down at him.
"Destroy Shifu!" Jungjie said evilly which made Po gasp in shock.

"I thought i'd never get around to doing that, tomorrow bring Shifu up from the catacombs." Jungjie instructed which worried Po.
"Shifu's still here?" Po asked with worry, but his large body made the door shake which got all of their attention. Jungjie snapped his fingers again and they quickly headed to the doors while Po tried finding a place to hide. The leopards opened up the doors and found no one except the noodles left for them.
"It's only the noodle shop delivery." One of them reported as they picked it up and went back inside while Po hung up from the ceiling to hide himself.
"Soon, i will be the rightful ruler of this province!" Jungjie said as he made another evil laugh as the soup was brought to him.
"Oh, and Garlic Chaw Mein." Jungjie said impressed before he laughed once more as the camera zooms down below the palace and Shifu is seen chained to the walls after he was captured and he looked down sadly.

Po quickly made his way to the noodle shop again to warn his dad on what happened.
"How was the delivery?" Ping asked as Po ran inside the shop.
"Bad!" Po said with worry coming into the kitchen.
"What? No tip?" Ping asked curiously not getting it yet.
"Jungjie has Shifu and he's gonna destroy him!" Po said with worry trying to figure out what to do.
"The fiend!.. so no tip?" Ping asked again putting his cutting knife down.
"I.. i gotta get Spike and the 5 back together and rescue him." Po said seriously as he had to do this.
"Well, good luck with that." Ping said a little unsure of this.

"They'll listen to me!" Po said upset as we cut to him asking the 5 for help.
"Will.. you.. just.. listen.. to me?" Po asked as his words cut between all the 5 slamming their doors on him as they didn't want to hear him on this, leaving Po with one other option left. Spike was just getting done with another finished session as it was his final one for the day.
"Thank Celestia, that guy needs more help.." Spike told himself before he was about to head out, until he saw Po was at the door and rubbed his nose in pain after Tigress slammed a door on him.
"Po? What are you doing here? Haven't seen you since our last session the last week, if your here for another one, i just finished my shift, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow or so." Spike said dismissively trying to push past him.

"No it's not that!.. well i still may need some more.. but it's not that, I heard something from Master Jungjie, he has Shifu and is planning to destroy him!" Po reported which made Spike look really shocked.
"What? That's why Shifu hasn't been seen since he left?" Spike asked surprised on hearing this.
"Yes, i tried getting the 5 to help, but they're too upset at me for what happened, your the only one i know to go to left." Po said sadly while they walked through the village.
"That explains what i sensed about him, i figured he was planning something sinister, but i can't just go in there alone with you. I can't just destroy what honor i have left." Spike replied looking at him.
"Don't you get it Spike? Jungjie has no honor! He tricked me into seeing that fight, he blinded me so i could fail the Seven Forms, he tricked me so we all could get kicked out! If you fight against him, you'll be losing nothing from doing so." Po countered which made Spike think over it.

While Spike thought over it, he knew he was right, he could tell Jungjie was skilled, but fought unfairly and most likely planned this out, if there's one thing he and the 5 have that he doesn't, it's honor. Spike sighed to himself and decided what to do.
"Your right Po, we can't just let someone with no honor destroy what we have. I'll try and convince the 5 and have them join me, you'll have to try and do it alone for a bit okay?" Spike asked as they stopped near the long stairs of the palace.
"Yes! Thank you Spike! I knew you would listen to me!" Po said gratefully giving him a hug which weirded him out.
"No problem Po.." Spike said weakly as his strength almost crushed him before he let go.
"Alright, i have an idea on how to stop them, but i need your help on it. We're you able to follow how the Golden Lotus Clap was used?" Spike asked looking at him.
"Yeah? Why?" Po asked curiously, Spike had a little smug as he had a plan on how to take the palace back.

After hearing out Spike's plan, Po quickly made his way back up to the palace once again, he was quietly trying to make his way through the halls, and seemed to be doing it well until a familiar person caught his attention.
" I heard bad news from Po, Jungjie captured Shifu and is planning to kill him. Po tried telling you this but you wouldn't listen to him.
"Oh, Hey Jungjie i was just uh, picking up some stuff i left here you know, you seen a brown duffle bag that kinda looks like.. hiya!" Po screamed striking a fighting pose as he knew he wouldn't listen to his excuse.
"Enough chit chat! I know you got Shifu here, and i'm here to bust him out!" Po said with rage getting ready to fight.
"Admirable, since you unwittingly helped me trick Chao into giving me the Jade Palace. Not that it's hard to trick that doddering old fool.." Jungjie said smugly until they heard a loud gong once again and saw Chao was already here somehow and looked very upset.

"Master Chao!" Po said in surprise as he didn't expect him to be here.
"That doddering old fool, has come to check on your progress Jungjie." Chao said with anger as he heard the whole thing.
"Luckily i prepared for that." Jungjie said smugly making a hand gesture, an arrow shot was heard suddenly right before Chao had caught an arrow that almost hit him as he was expecting that already.
But even more arrows came from him by the back and he screamed with pain as the arrows knocked him down.
"No!" Po said with horror as he tried to help him up.
"Master Chao!" Po said with worry as he was barely awake.
"Poor panda." Jungjie said mockingly right before he delivered a strike to his face which knocked him out.

Spike had managed to get the 5 together and was ready to tell them about what happened, the 5 burst down the door and all wore birthday outfits because Spike knew it was the only way right now.
"Happy birthday!!" They all said at once right before they saw Spike was standing there shaking his head.
"Spike? It's your birthday today?" Monkey asked surprised as he looked worried.
"No, it's not me it's Po, you guys know my birthday isn't for a few more months." Spike said dismissing this surprise.
"It's Po's birthday?" Monkey asked confused again which made Spike groan with annoyance.
"It's no ones birthday today! I needed to gather all of you here for something important." Spike explained which surprised them a little.
"What do you want to tell us Spike?" Tigress asked taking the bunny ears she had off her head.

" I heard bad news from Po, Jungjie captured Shifu and is planning to kill him. Po tried telling you this but you wouldn't listen to him. " Spike said seriously crossing his arms.
"What? Shifu's in danger?" Viper asked worried on hearing this news.
"Yeah, Po went there alone for now to try and stop him, i have a plan on how to get our home back, but i needed you all to help us." Spike said coming up to them all.
"Why would we want to help Po after what he did?" Tigress asked upset at this still.
"Because he cares for all of us, and he's wanting to make up for this mistake. You think he wouldn't feel awful for what he did?" Spike asked trying to convince them all.
"How do we know Po's not making that up? Jungjie is a Shaolin Master." Crane countered which made Spike have enough.

"Guys, listen. I felt something off about him, and with what Po told me, he's more then right. Jungjie tricked Po into getting us all kicked out. We all didn't fight back because we didn't want to lose our honor, but he has no honor! If he tricked Po and captured Shifu, there's no honor with him! We all have more honor then he could ever have. And i won't let someone like him run our home and disgrace it, this place is the only home i have after coming here. You are all the only friends that are here for me, i don't want to lose that. Please guys, let's take back the palace, not just for honor, but for Shifu too." Spike said seriously as he held out his hand hoping they all would comply. They all looked at eachother and thought about it for a moment before deciding this too.
"Your right Spike, we can't let someone with no honor ruin what we have." Viper said in agreement putting her tail on his hand too.
"He's right, let's take our home back!" Mantis said seriously as they all placed they're hands together and decided to fight back.

Po groaned with pain as he finally began waking up, he found himself within the catacombs and had his leg chained to the ground.
"Oh good, my rescuer is here." Shifu said sarcastically as he and Chao were chained to the wall too, Po tried to go up to him but the chain wasn't long enough and pulled him to the ground.
"I'm sorry Shifu." Po said with regret for what has happened.
"No, i'm sorry. I suspected Jungjie was up to something, and i thought i could handle it myself." Shifu said as we cut to a flashback of the night he left.
"So i pretended to leave, then return later to confront him. Jungjie fought without honor, and i was beaten.." Shifu said with regret as he was overwhelmed by his own warriors.
"Po, i always faulted you for not following tradition, for sometimes ignoring the old rules. But if i had been like you, maybe we wouldn't be here.." Shifu said sadly looking at the ground.

"I think we all learned an important lesson here." Po said trying to lighten up the mood.
"Yes, i suppose we.." Shifu said about to agree before Po said something else.
"Like I learned how to do the Golden Lotus Clap!" Po announced as he spread his arms out wide and the two braced themselves as Po made a loud clap which sent the shockwave through the entire palace and broke his chains.
"You learned the Golden Lotus Clap after seeing it only once? Incredible!" Chao said amazed as Po was free finally.
"Yeah, i'm what they called gifted." Po said proudly as he wasn't looking in they're direction.
"You forgot to close your eyes didn't you?" Shifu asked casually as he knew what this meant.
"I'm also what they call blinded." Po replied as he couldn't see anything once again.

"That came from the catacombs! We can't let them escape!" Jungjie said with rage as they were about to stop them.
"Hello Jungjie." Tigress announced and he had a look of shock as he saw Spike and the others had arrived and were all mad with him.
"Attack!" Jungjie said with rage as he went to stop them while his warriors got in fighting poses.
"Let me do something first guys." Spike said smugly as he went in front of him and raised up his arms.
"Spike? What are you?" Viper asked right before he announced something.
"Close your eyes guys! Golden Lotus Clap!!" Spike screamed as he used the move as well, the 5 closed they're eyes just in time as the large golden wave hit them, but the other warriors were too late to react and got hit with the wave too.
"Ah! That's like looking into the sun!!" One of them screamed as they were all blinded now.
"You learned that move too? How?" Viper asked amazed while Spike had a proud look.
"Po is the best person when it comes for talks about Kung fu moves, my therapy sessions really helped with this, and don't worry, i closed my eyes too. Now, let's get em!" Spike screamed as they all charged at them to take them down.

Jungjie made his way to the dungeon and had just entered the place.
"I can't believe it, did you actually blind yourself?" Jungjie asked mockingly as Po looked around the place.
"Yeah, i like to call it my own little twist.." Po replied trying to feel something around the place. Jungjie laughed evilly and began to fight Po. Spike and the others were easily taking care of the 5 imposters as Spike's move was extremely OP and helped this battle in they're favor. Spike used the ribbon Viper had given him for a special move, Spike wrapped the ribbon around one of the warriors, he then threw him in the air for a finishing move. Viper slithered off of Spike's body and jumped into the air to deliver a strong tail whip to send him slamming to the ground, Spike finished the job by wrapping the ribbon around him one more time and twirled him around to send him flying into the other warriors.
"Glad we took that time together to learn some moves with these huh?" Spike asked putting his ribbon away while Viper landed on his shoulder.
"You followed my dancing perfectly Spike." Viper said gladly as they smiled at eachother.

Po was starting to struggle against Jungjie as the blindness was halting his fighting.
"Your an impressive fighter, you might actually stand a chance against me.. if you could see." Jungjie mocked once again, Po placed his hands on a torch and almost got burned until he got an idea on how to fight back.
"But how about if you couldn't" Po countered before he blew a strong wind at the torches to put the light out in the room which blinded Jungjie's sights too.
"Fighting blind, an interesting challenge." Jungjie said impressed as they circled around eachother.
"But i have one advantage that you don't. I didn't have Garlic Chow Mein last night!" Po countered as he could smell the food he left behind which gave him a fighting advantage.

Jungjie was slammed against the wall from Po's punch as this was a tough fight now, he tried to use his hearing ability's to sense him, but Po is able to counter it with his sense of smell again and he delivered a strong kick to him once again, which made Jungjie land against the wall.
"If i could see you, this would be over in a second!" Jungjie said with rage as he tried striking him one more time, but Po sniffed the area once again and was able to catch him.
"Oh, it's over!" Po said confidently as he threw him into the air and delivered a belly gong to his body which sent him crashing into the wall.

Spike and the other's just finished up with the warriors finally and knocked them all down.
"If your gonna fight unfairly guys, then we'd best show you how it feels." Spike said crossing his arms while having a proud smile. They heard Po make a battle cry once again and they quickly made they're way to the dungeon, they burst open the door and Monkey ran inside right before Po punched his face.
"Po it's Monkey!" Monkey said annoyed rubbing his face.
"Sorry, blind again! Wait, you guys came to help?" Po asked surprised as he held Jungjie after he was tied up.
"Spike convinced us." Crane said looking at him.
"The plan worked, we weren't gonna let a man with no honor take over the place." Spike replied looking at Jungjie with anger.

"Thanks Spike, i'm glad you listened. So are you guys smiling or what?" Po asked as he still couldn't see them.
"We're all smiling Po, but Tigress isn't." Viper said looking up at her.
"I am smiling, this is my happy face." Tigress replied still having a blank face.

Everyone got Jungjie and the warriors together to be taken to jail for what they did.
"Po, i think Shifu and i have both learned a lesson from you." Chao said gratefully looking at him.
"Shifu? Learning a lesson from me? Whoa!" Po said amazed which made Spike chuckle.
"Sometimes doing the right thing is more important then following the old rules. Master Shifu, the way your disciples handled this, has proven to me that the Jade Palace has no better leader then you." Chao said proudly with what he's done.
"Thank you Master Chao,." Shifu said respectfully while they all bowed once again before Chao turned to Jungjie.

"Jungjie, i am taking you and your creepy leopards to Chor Gum Prison." Chao said turning to him looking upset.
"That place got repaired after Tai Lung escaped, it's more secure then ever, you won't be getting out very easily if you try escaping." Spike said smugly crossing his arms.
"Oh, shrewd and beneficent Chao, the most merciful of all the.." Jungjie said right before Chao placed his foot on him, and kicked him down the stairs sending them all tumbling down like Po's done. Chao gave them one last respectful look before he finally left too.

"So, learned a lesson from me eh? maybe i'll get a little more respect around here." Po said smugly which gave Shifu an idea.
"Oh, of course! In fact, i respect you so much, that i won't insult you by fixing your eyesight for the rest of the week." Shifu teased which made Spike laugh a little.
"What? Wait okay uh.. maybe i'm not that wise. I mean.." Po said as Spike and the others were leaving him alone.
"See ya later Po! Great work today!" Spike teased as they left him blinded for now.
"Okay fine go on Spike. I don't need your guys help, cause i can do the Golden Lotus Clap, all by mysel..." Po said right before he went tumbling down the stairs once again while screaming, all of them were just glad this day was over and they could get back to normal again.

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this once again! I think we all agree that the Golden Lotus Clap is an extremely overpowered move, it will blind you if you look into it when it's wave hit's you, leaving you open for any attack unless you do more then see while fighting. I wanted to have a little fun with this chapter like Spike doing therapy and him learning the move himself, while he won't always use it, it's still something that will be very useful. I had fun making this chapter and i hope you did too, i just hope you all had a great day and look forward to more!

Also the fun little update to the cover art was thanks to Geek Crossing, huge thanks to him.

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