• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 1,008 Views, 62 Comments

Friendship is dead part 2 : A stallions redemption - ALoneWolf

Twily.........................what do I do now?

  • ...

Prologue: Nightmares

In a corridor full of nothing but darkness and emptiness, we find a stallion walking along this aery environment not knowing where this path leads ( If there even is a path ) . He began to wonder if he's going forward or backwards as he continues to trek on, hell he's not even sure if he's even walking on the ground or in the air. With the lack of light, it made the path even more difficult to point out where he was or where this dark realm even leads.

" I'm here again" He says to himself as he continues to trek on. " How do I keep ending up here? This feels like the fifth time, is this Princess Luna's doing? And why does it feel.......familiar to me?

Unknown to him however, A pair of eyes can be seen surveying the unicorn from afar. He continues his trek as the feeling of being watched kicks in as he proceeds through the dark path, he then takes it upon himself to check and survey his surroundings to see if he was actually being spied on. At first there was no sign of any life, but in an instant, a dark silhouette catches the mans eyes.

"Who's there?!" He calls out, unfortunately there was no reply from the mysterious figure. In an instant, it backed away into the dark abyss as the stallion watched on in confusion and shock. " What the? This place is messing with my............

But before he could say anything else, the mysterious figure popped up from behind the man startling him to the core sending him toppling onto the dark surface. The stallion panicked a bit as he scrambled onto the surface in an effort to escape the dark entity.

However, he was stopped in his tracks as he got a closer look at the figures eyes which were now more visible, realization came to the mans mind as he recognized the figures eye color belonging to someone whom he once known.

"Twily?" He said which earned him a growl from the figure whom didn't take kindly to being called that for some reason. " Is that really you? but how, I saw you die last year, how could you possibly be here Twily............................

"Don't you dare call me that!!!" The figure roared, sending shivers down the mans spine. " You have no right Shining Armor, not after what you did to me!"

"Twily.....I mean Twilight please" He pleaded. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to betray you. But I didn't have a choice, you were gonna kill those kids if I hadn't done something. Plus non of my words, the girls, or even Celestia's got through to you.........

"Can you blame me?!" She shot back. " Do you know how hurt I was after you banished me from your wedding, it hurt like hell! I legit felt stabbed in the back, just like that metal pipe ya jabbed into me!" I thought you loved me, but boy was I wrong, so freaking wrong! Your just like my "friends", you say that you care about me, only to ditch me the second I do something to piss you off. Yes my actions were uncalled for but so were yours ! If you had apologized to me before that damn insect queen trapped me underground, things probably could have been different"

Shining armor could only bow his head in shame as he knew his sister was right about everything that transpired last year, after pondering for a moment, he only managed to squeeze in only two words as a rebuttal. " I'm sorry"

But this only earned him a scoff from his late sister.

"It's too late for that" She replied in a cold tone. " Like I said last year, you dug your own grave the second you banished me. And something like that can't go unpunished"

Twilight then slammed her hoof hard onto the dark surface, and in a split second Shining armor felt a strange presence from beneath his hoofs. A terrified look formed on the mans face as his body began to sink down into the dark ground almost like quicksand. He struggled to break free, but his efforts proved pointless as he sunk further and further.

"Twilight stop please!!!" He pleaded as his upper half sank to the ground leaving him in neck length. " Please sister, give me another chance! I promise to make up for everything!"

But Twilight just shook her head " It's too late shining, you had your chance, but you blew it. And now you'll reap what you sough" Shining struggled more and more as he was only inches away from sinking completely.

"Goodbye "brother" See you in hell!!!" was the last thing the man heard as he sank down into the dark abyss unable to scream as his sisters evil laughter echoed into the darkness.

He then shot forward as he awoken from his deadly fate as a cold sweat drenched his face while hyperventilating uncontrollably. After a moment, he calmed down slightly as he looked around to find himself back in his houses master bedroom. He turned back to find his pregnant wife sleeping peacefully by his side, Shining breathed a sigh of relief that it was only a nightmare and that he didn't wake up Cadence. He then turned his attention to the clock in his bedroom which read 1:45am, he took one more sigh of relief as he quietly gets out of bed, being careful not to wake his sleeping wife. He took one last look at her as he proceeded to exit the bedroom, closing the door quietly on his way out.

A few hours later

We find cadence still fast asleep, but not for long however as she turns to her side finding it empty, She then opens her eyes slightly to find her husbands side completely empty.

"Shiny?" She says now fully awake, she looks to the clock in the bedroom which now read 4:58am two minutes before 5am, she begins to wonder where Shining might be. Her mind soon clicked as she came to the realization to where her husband might be. Slowly and carefully, she got out of bed and proceeded out of the master bedroom. She then made her way downstairs thinking that he might have gone down for a snack, but to her surprise, there wasn't a sign of him anywhere downstairs.

Not in the living room, not in the kitchen, not in his mancave in the basement, not in the dining area, or even the downstairs bathroom. There wasn't a sign of the man anywhere, suddenly a grunting sound can be heard getting the attention of the princess of love. She proceeds to follow the noise to find it coming outside, she looked out a nearby window and to her surprise, there stood Shining armor outside near the garden doing pushups. The young alicorn was surprised to find her husband working out so early in the morning.

Without a second thought, she proceeded to head outside to where her husband was hiding. She then opened the sliding glass door and walked outside. As she stepped out, she glanced over at Shining armor who continued to do pushups. She also noticed a yoga mat and a pair of dumbbells on the ground as well, and the amount of sweat dripping off of his body hinting that he's been exercising for a while especially with the dark circles around his eyes.

"198, 199, 200!!!" Shining armor said as he finished his reps, but as he wiped the sweat off his face. He received a slight scare as he noticed his wife standing right behind him. "Sweet Luna Cadence, ya nearly gave me a heart attack!!!!!" The princess of love let out a small giggle after seeing her husbands reaction.

"Hehe I'm sorry Shiny" she giggled. "I didn't mean to startle you, but why are you up so early anyways?"

"Oh uh" He stammered. " I just thought I'd get a few reps in so that I'm not late today" Cadence however, wasn't convinced.

"Come on Shiny, what's really the matter?" She replied. "You and I have known each other since we were kids, and I know that you only workout on random parts of the day when somethings bothering you. So please my love, tell me what's the matter" Shining was baffled for a moment after hearing his wife's words, with him having known Cadence for a long time. he wasn't the least bit surprised that she instantly knew something was up with him. After a moment, he took a deep breath before speaking.

" Ok babe you got me" He said with a sigh. " Honestly, I've had better nights"

" It was that nightmare again wasn't it?" She asked earning a nod from the stallion. " Shiny, this is the fifth time this month"

" I know luv, but i just can't help it" He replied. " Even though you keep telling me that ti wasn't my fault, I still can't help but feel guilty about what happened to Twily a few months ago and my harsh words towards her. Whenever I try to sleep, i keep seeing that deadly look in her eyes as if she's ready to strike me down at any second. It hurts Cadence, It hurts like hell. And to make matters worse, my parents still aren't speaking to me, they didn't even come to wish me happy birthday when I turned 25 a couple months ago, or even wish me a happy hearthswarming. I would give anything to erase my actions last year and to have my sister back. I screwed up Cadence, I let everyone down"

"No you didn't Shiny" Cadence said. " " you shouldn't continue to blame yourself like this my love, it isn't healthy especially given the fact that you've barely been getting any sleep this month, and we're only on the second week of January. I thinks it's time you seeked some professional help"

"What do you mean by that?" He replied while raising an eyebrow.

"It's simple Shiny" Cadence continued. " I know this therapist who lives near the upper district of the Crystal empire, he's helped many creatures with the same problem that you yourself have, I can set you up an appointment with him for you later today after your done ......................

"Cadence we talked about this" Shining interrupted. " You know how I feel about revealing my personal issues with someone I don't even know"

"It's nothing like that Shiny" Cadence replied. " Therapists are there to help someone in their time of need, like how most of the guards who who had PTSD during both the changeling invasion and Sombra's attack, they've been seeking counseling to help overcome their fears and anxiety. And believe me I've been there once, remember when I told you about that bully problem back in 6th grade?"

"You blamed yourself for putting her in the hospital?" Shining said.

" Indeed" She said. " After my main tormentor made that cruel remark about me being an orphan and even call me a mishmashed freak, I snapped completely and slugged her right in the jaw breaking some of her teeth. I felt proud of myself for standing up to that meangirl while I was being escorted to detention, but my attitude changed when later that day I saw her being carried away by some paramedics"

"I was shocked to see her getting carried away, thinking that my punch was the reason she was getting sent to the hospital. My mind was full of nothing but guilt. I didn't sleep, I barely ate, and I was even too scared to go to school, sure she was awful to me, but I would never have wished that upon her" Shining armor couldn't help but feel pity for his wife after being reminded about the middle school incident that she told him about a while back.

"But soon the truth came out, as it turns out it wasn't my punch that sent her to the hospital. She had an asthma attack and forgot to bring her inhaler. I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn't send anyone to the hospital, but I still felt guilty. But thanks to some therapy sessions arranged by my adopted Aunts, I felt so much better and I started to better reinvent myself. And do you know what became of my bully now?"

"She became one of your friends, and was one of your bridesmaids" Shining armor replied.

"Exactly" Cadence said. " What I'm saying Shiny is that if I can overcome my past trauma, then so can you. I know you think it's too late to redeem yourself my love, but it's never too late to at least try. So please Shiny do this for me, our soon to be soon or daughter, spike, and the main 5. We don't wanna see you go down this dark path any longer, and even twilight would agree that this is something that you need to feel better my love"

".............................Alright Cadence" He replied. " I'll see this therapist today once I'm off duty" Cadence smiled and leaned in for a kiss to which the man was quick to return, after a moment, the kiss ended as Cadence looked at him with proud eyes.

"Thank you Shiny" She said, and suddenly got a surprise as she found herself being hoisted off the ground by non other than Shining armor who had her in a bridal carry looking all strong and macho as he did it"

"How did I get so lucky?" He asked"

Cadence giggled in response " I was about to ask the same thing:heart: Lets go back to bed my love, you'll need your rest if your gonna command the guard today"

"As you wish my beloved" He replied as he carried her back inside " BTW , are you sure you'll be ok being home alone?"

"Hehe shiny, I'll have you know I survived getting trapped down a cavern for two days by a Changeling. I sure as hell can handle being at home alone with a baby in me"

"If you say so my beloved" Shining replied and then brought her into another kiss as the couple made their way back inside.

Author's Note:


Here it is guys, Part 2 of friendship is dead and the first story of 2024:pinkiehappy: Also the stories setting takes place in the months of january, february, and march.

Anyways I hope you guys will enjoy this new story , and lets make 2024 the year for another awesome story:raritywink: