• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 1,025 Views, 62 Comments

Friendship is dead part 2 : A stallions redemption - ALoneWolf

Twily.........................what do I do now?

  • ...

Epilogue part 1 : Reconciliations and dreams

An hour later

We now find the group near the Canterlot train station, waiting patiently for their....well mainly Velvet, Crescent, and Cheerilee's train to arrive. Once their short meeting/reunion came to an end , the group wasted not I'm and made their way to the next train bound for Appleloosa where the surgery was to commence.

Shining Armor took it upon himself to pay for the trio's tickets, all while remaining visibly happy that not only his mother finally found a blood donor for the surgery, but that his long lost sister finally received closure after finally meeting her real parent's, along with the fear of it ending badly turning out to be false reality. The stallion now found a bigger boost of confidence as things started to slowly go back to normal.

"Thanks for paying for our ticket's son" Crescent said with a smile. " Your mother and I appreciate it"

"It's no problem at all dad" Shining Replied. " I'm happy to help" He then turned his attention towards his mother. " How are you feeling mom?"

"Honestly son" Velvet said nervously. " A little nervous, what if something goes wrong during the procedure and they're not able to fully treat me?"

"Mom, you got nothing to worry about" Shining Armor reassured. "AJ told me that the medical team down in Appleloosa are some of the most skilled professionals this side of Equestria. Hell they could even give the Canterlot City health quarters a run for their money. They haven't once failed a single patient, trust em mother, you and Cheerilee are in good hooves"

"I'll take your word on that son" Velvet replied, she then turned towards Cheerilee. " I can't thank you enough for this Cheerilee"

"I'm happy to help Velvet, I mean mom" Cheerilee said. " Despite everything, you guys are still my biological family, and again I couldn't live with myself if I denied a cancer patient in need" A warm smile formed on the mares face after hearing the words that came out of her daughters mouth, suddenly a loud booming screeching sound can be heard along with some light clouds of smoke, which indicated that the next train has arrived on the platform. The group turned to find that the next train to Appleloosa has arrived as the passengers began to exit their respected coaches.

"Well.......guess this is it" Crescent said, he then turned towards Shining Armor . " Thanks for everything Shining Armor, once again we really appreciate all this"

"It's no problem dad" Shining Armor replied. " Again , I'm happy to help" Crescent gave a nod and a smile at his sons statement, his expression however changed drastically, and in a split second he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around his sons neck into a hug.

"Son................." He began as tears started to form. " I'm sorry, i didn't mean what I said last year , that was uncalled for. It wasn't all your fault, I know you didn't mean to hurt your sister, I know I your about to say that you don’t blame me for getting angry. but your wrong, I shouldn't have been so angry, you weren’t the monster son. That damn changeling was for manipulating you and the others, Shining Armor I’m so sorry for being so hostile towards you, I love you boy. And you will always be my son, no matter what stupid mistake you make”

Tears of joy formed on the young man’s face after hearing his fathers apology, he then returned the hug as he silently wept on his fathers shoulder. “ Dad” Velvet and Cheerilee watched on at this heart warming scene between father and son after they spent months on little speaking terms. After a minute the hug ended as Velvet walked up and gave Shining a hug as well which he returned .

“Good luck mom” Shining said. “ You’ll be fine, I promise”

“Thank you son” Velvet said as the hug ended, she then gave him a peck on the forehead before continuing. “ Deep down, I know your sister would be proud of you for these last few months of redeeming yourself, by the way.......purple suits you quite well sweetheart”

Shining Armor blushed a little at his mother’s statement. “ Write to me when you can, to let me know how the Surgery goes, and I’ll respond back as soon as I can. Scouts honor” the couple gave a nod of their own as Shining Armor turned towards Cheerilee.

“I can’t thank you enough for this Cheerilee” He said.

“It’s no problem Shining Armor” Cheerilee replied. “ I should be the one thanking you, If you and I haven’t finally met, who knows how long it would have taken me to finally meet my biological parent’s. I’m so happy to have finally received closure after learning the truth years ago. Hopefully, we’ll be able to be a family after this”

“Of course we’re family” Shining Armor reassured. “ It might have taken us all these years to finally meet, but your still my sister regardless if we never crossed paths, and if Twily was here, I’m sure she’d agree with me too. She would have loved you I just known it”

“Yeah” Cheerilee replied with a slight sigh. “ Good ole Twilight, It’s a shame. I would have loved to have been an older sister towards her as well, but hey, it’s not a total loss. I still have my baby brother standing right here with me. Heheheheh”

“Oye! I’ll have you know i was born a year after you Cheerilee” Shining said with a hint of sas, there was a short silence for a while until the siblings giggled at each other before bringing one another into a hug. “ When you get back, let’s have lunch together sometime, you, me, Cadence, and both of our parents. I’d love to spent time and get to know my long lost sister more”

“I’d like that” Cheerilee replied as a single tear began to form.

“All aboard!!!!!!” Cried the station master, which indicated that the train was to depart any minute now.

“Time to get going ya’ll” Crescent said, and soon the trio made their way towards the train as they waved goodbye to Shining Armor who waved back, they then got inside their respected coach. Cheerilee on the other hand stayed behind to give her brother one last look as she gave a smile, to which her returned with a smile of his own. With nothing more to say, the mare waved to him one last time before heading inside the coach , just as the train began to exit the station. Shining Armors smile stayed visible as he watched the train depart from the station, all while silently wishing his family luck with the surgery, all while praying that his mother come out as healthy as ever .

Later that night

We now find Shining Armor walking down a mysterious path to who knows where, As the stallion continues to walk forward, he begins to wonder how in the world he got here in the first place? The only thing he remembers is heading upstairs to sleep the second he returned home after his trip to Canterlot, he was so exhausted from the trip back home that he decided to head to bed immediately, but not before greeting his pregnant wife first. But now he finds himself in this mysterious realm. Was he sleepwalking, or did he not make it home at all and fell asleep somewhere due to his exhaustion?

At first the stallion was afraid that he was back in the nightmare realm that he visited numerous times in his sleep ever since the new year, but he brushed this accusation aside as said nightmares have stopped ever since he started his therapy sessions, and with the added techniques he learned from his therapist. Plus as he surveyed the path that he walked on, he noticed that’s it was slightly different from the realm that he was familiar with. The path was brighter, there were numerous tree’s that gave off an aura like feel to it, and the wind looked as if it was following or even guiding him somewhere important.

The stallions had no idea how long he’s been walking for or even if there’s an end to this path. But as he made his way through some lush bushes, he found himself in a clearing, Shining Armor stopped in his tracks as he surveyed the forest clearing that he came upon. The area looked large enough to build either a house or even to host a sporting event, he then surveyed the trees that surrounded the clearing, their presence was that of a pattern with each of them lined up so that they form a large circular perimeter around the clearing aside from the entrance from which he entered.

“Where the hell am I?” He asked himself, but before he could say anything else, the stallion would find that he’s not alone in this mysterious realm.

“Shining Armor?” Came a voice which earned the stallions attention. He then turned his attention towards the voice to find non other than the element of honesty Applejack standing just a few meters from him.

“Applejack?” He said, but it wasn’t just her, soon the remaining element bearers including Spike soon popped up right after Applejack, each of then had the same surprised look as the stallion.

“Wowie Zowie” Pinkie Pie said in amazement. “ I never expected to show up in a place like this , this place is a major doozy”

“I agree with you darling” Rarity replied. “ Where in the world are we?”

“Heck if I know Rarity” Dash jumped in.

“Are we dreaming or something?” Spike asked.

“”That doesn’t make any sense Spike” Dash said. “ No one can have the same dream, thats utterly impossible, maybe Discord’s just pulling one of his pranks and teleported us somewhere in the Everfree forest”

“I don’t think this is Discords doing Dash” Fluttershy replied. “ Besides, this place doesn’t really feel like the Everfree forest, maybe we’re in the Crystal empire?”

“The Crystal Empires forest isn’t anything like this Fluttershy” Shining Armor corrected. “ Believe me I know”

“Well if it isn’t a dream, and not one of discords pranks” Dash jumped in. “ then where the hell are we?!”

“I believe I can answer that” Came another voice, the group turned towards the source, and there stood non other than the sun and moon goddess themselves”

“Celestia, Luna?” They all said in unison and shock.

“It appears that we’re in the spirit realm” Luna said.

“Indeed sister” Celestia replied earning confused looks from the group.

“Spirit……realm? Is that an amusement park or something?” Pinkie said causing Dash to facepalm herself in annoyance at her friends statement.

“No Pinkie Pie” Luna corrected with a sigh. “ This is the spirit realm, it is a place where most creatures are sent to as they slumber when they've experience an event in their lives that traumatized them. Essentially , thou are sent here as a way to look back at their past actions, and as a way to reconnect with someone whom they've lost due to foreseen events that transpired in the real world. And it seems all of you have been sent here for a pretty obvious reason"

"Obvious reason?" Shining armor asked while raising an eyebrow, but then his expression changed to realization, and the others soon had the same realization as the stallion. " Wait, you don't mean.................................

"Yes..........she does" Came a voice which both shocked and sent shivers down the groups minus Luna's spine, as they were quick to recognize the voice that called out to them. The voice that they never expected to hear again since the incident last year, the one voice that brought back the memories of said incident, the one voice made their hearts shatter into a million pieces given the realization that this was the only way they’d hear from the lost mare again………………….

There stood non other than the former element of honesty, the former friend of the main 5, the former student of the sun goddess, and Shining Armors former BLSFF………….Twilight sparkle. As the group continued to stare in shock at the mare standing right in front of them, they especially Shining Armor noticed a few changes in the mares personality. She wasn’t as angry as she was whenever Shining Armor encountered her in the nightmares that he used to have, she just had this static like expression on her face kind of like Pinkies older sister Maud. The group was at awe at the mares mood, as they figured she wouldn’t be as happy to see them again even during death or in a dream realm.

It was almost as if she had completely forgotten about the dreaded rehearsal incident, but they knew that wasn’t the case. As that’s something that wouldn’t go away so easily given how it transpired . No one in the group knew what to say towards their fallen friend, with the fear of her lashing out at them again, especially towards her brother. But they knew that they wouldn’t get the chance for this again, but finding the right words wasn’t an easy task, and given that she wouldn’t accept any of their apologies last year, who’s to say that it wouldn’t be different now? Luna backed away slightly given that this soon to be conversation was between them , as they tried to find the words, the purple maned mare finally broke the ice.

“I take it you all are at a loss for words huh?” She said in a quiet tone, the others while still silent and at awe, managed to give a nod at the mares question. She let out a long sigh after getting the answer she waited for. “ Figures……….but honestly, I don’t blame you guys one bit”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“What I mean Fluttershy…….is I get how you guys felt that day” Twilight continued. “Guilt, ever since my downfall in the hands of you brother, I’ve been riddled with nothing but guilt as my soul ascended to this realm. I was a fool you guys, I shouldn’t have mad such a foolish move by turning against the one place that I called home or nearly overthrow Equestria, I hurt so many innocent souls through my paths of revenge, and something like that will haunt me for all of eternity. And to think i was seconds away from murdering three innocent souls only makes it worse, I know you guys are about to say that it wasn’t my fault and that you were mainly the cause of it, I was no better either. I shouldn’t have barged into the rehearsal the way I did, I should have brought proof first”

“But when I saw chrysalis perform that mind control spell on you Shining, I was desperate to stop her before it was too late. But it seems that’s wasn’t enough to convince you guys. If i had taken my time and actually caught Chrysalis in the act before going to you guys, things probably could have been different and I would still be here with you all instead of…………..

“Twily please” Shining Armor interrupted. “ That’s enough, you shouldn’t pin the blame on yourself. If anything I was no better myself. I know you just said to not blame ourselves, but I know damn well that I instigated it, I should have noticed that something was off with Cadence as she would never act like that even if she was under stress. If anything Twilight, blame me not the others, again I was the one who instigated it and made them turn against you. You were only trying to warn us Twily, but I didn’t take your words seriously, that will haunt me for the rest of my life.

“That’s not true darling” Rarity cut in. “ While your words did instigate it in the first place, we weren’t any better. We should have had your back all the way Twilight , but we didn’t. You were right all along darling, we cared only about our bridesmaids positions than a friend in need. Because of our foolish actions that day, we could have lost both you and Cadence in the hooves of that insect, and we would have never forgiven ourselves for it. Honestly Twilight, I deserved to lose my horn and my magic, cause what good is it to have magic if i can’t use it to help a friend in need?”

“Let’s not forget, I had a major part in it as well partner” Applejack said. “ I should have had your back as well Twi, but I didn’t, i chose to comfort that imposter instead of one of my best friends, I was no better than Shining Armor, no offense” The stallion have a nod as a way of saying “non taken” towards the earthpony. “ I thought I made the right move Twilight, but in the end it was the wrong choice of action, with that falling out during winter wrap up and the wedding rehearsal, it’s a miracle that our friendships lasted that long. I was a fool Twilight, I don’t blame ya’ll for hating my guts”

“Twilight” Dash jumped in. “ I always had my friends back since middle school, whenever Fluttershy or anyone else was getting bullied, I would always stand up and protect them as I always had their backs. But I didn’t have your back. I’m supposed to be the element of loyalty, but I wasn’t loyal to anyone that day. I don’t even know why Scootaloo still idolizes me, cause who would want someone like me who can’t even take her friends side in a major crisis as a role model, I was a major dumbass Twilight, i know this might not mean much…………but I’m sorry” Dash said nothing more as her expression was hidden in the bangs of her hair.

“Twilight sparkle” Celestia said. “ Ever since I took you in as my student, i was so proud of the progress that you’ve made back in Canterlot. You’ve been like a daughter to me, and I loved you like you were my own flesh and blood. But even I can’t make foolish mistakes , even thought me and Cadence aren’t related, me and Luna loved her just as much, and we as well treated her like family. But I was blinded by my poor choices, I’ve raised Cadence ever since I adopted her from the orphanage and like Shining Armor I should have known that she would never act like that regardless if she was stressed or not. You were right all along Twilight, If I can’t see through an intruders disguise and just sit in the sidelines while I let you and your friends handle any threat that comes upon us, than I don’t deserve the title of the Sun Goddess”

“ And I don’t deserve to be your assistant Twilight” Spike replied. “ Ever since I was hatched from that egg, you took me in and treated me like I was part of the family. Even though I haven’t seen Shining Armor, mom and dad as much, they still treated me like I was there actual son and brother. You were always there for me whenever I was down Twilight, but I wasn’t there for you, I was selfish, I should have taken your side but I didn’t. I made the most idiotic mistake and chose to follow the others to of fear of having my position stripped too, but i should have chose my sister over a stupid wedding and look what it’s cost me?”

“I wasn’t brave Twilight” Fluttershy said. “ I was nothing but a coward that day, I should have taken your side as well. But I didn’t, I was afraid of how the others would react if i did, and I figured that they would deem me a traitor and not take my words seriously if I tried to defend you. So I just chose to follow suit, which was the stupidest mistake I’ve ever made. Goddess, i was a monster Twilight I………………..I………………….” The Pegasus said nothing more and just silently weeped.

“What I did wasn’t nice Twilight” Pinkie Pie jumped in. “ I love making my friends smile, and I was always there to cheer someone up if they’re feeling down or under the rug. But in the end, I couldn’t make you smile or laugh, instead I made you sad and angry. And I don’t blame you one bit, I was a meanie beanie that day twilight, and who want’s to be friends with someone like me if all I do is irritate and make everyone miserable. Why Celestia chose to make me the element of laughter I’ll never know, if I manage to not make everyone laugh, than what good am I ? Twilight, we’re so sorry for how we treated you , I know you’ll never forgive us for what we didn’t and i don’t blame you, no party I can ever pull will make this right , you have every right to hate me”

Twilight was in a complete state of shock after hearing each of their words, the mare wasn’t expecting any of those words to come out of their mouths, a part of her was expecting them to lash out and call her a traitor after all the mayhem that she and Trixie unleashed last year. But here, they were apologizing, while a part of her last year didn’t believe a single word any of them said after she had many fake friends over the years. But right now seemed different, they were genuine in their words. These were no crocodile tears or manipulate words, these were them spilling their emotions out. A part of her wondered if this is what they were trying to say to her during her Ponyville rampage, if things would have been different if she gave them a chance to apologize instead of jumping into action. After a long silence between them, The unicorn finally spoke up. “ I forgive you”

The others lifted their heads after hearing the words that just came out of the mares mouth. “ Yes , I forgive you guys, you truly were my real friends. And your words right now proved my point, even though I’ve had many instances where I was tricked by those whom I thought were my friends, you guys were not them. Sure we’ve had some mistakes in the past, but hey? When have friends never had a fallout ? It’s natural, plus it’s a way to make our bond stronger so that we never make the same mistakes again, you guys have more than proved that your my friends and family, I was a fool to have the darkness make me see otherwise. I don't want our bond to sever because of one foolish mistake, I love you guys, and nothing, and I mean NOTHING will every change that"

The entire group was in a complete state of shock after the realization that Twilight Sparkle, the one mare whom they hurt last year due to their false accusations, who was one step closer to have taken over Equestria as the next Nightmare, has forgiven them. While they expected her to lash out at them, to let each of them know how they failed they're respected positions by not representing them that day, but it seems they were completely wrong, Twilight has forgiven them and truly values them as her friends and family despite what they've done in the past. Tears of joy formed on each of their faces, and in a flash Shining Armor rushed over and brought the mare into a hug despite the fact that she was a spirit.

Soon Celestia and the others followed suit and brought the mare into a group hug, all while Luna watched on with a proud look on her face. Twilight, despite the fact that her spirit form couldn't feel them physically, smiled warmly as her friends surrounded her, their love made it seem like the group hug was actually touching her.

"Thank you Twily" Shining Armor said with a happy sniff. " Thank you so much"

"No Shiny, thank you for being here for me" Twilight replied. " I was a fool to have believed I was better off without you guys in my life. you guys are my family, and I will always have your backs, despite the fact that I'm no longer in this world , I will never let anyone hurt you , not even that perv Gladmane"

Shining Armor was surprised after gearing Gladmanes name come out of his sisters mouth. " Wait.........that power I unleashed during Gladmanes assault, that was you Twily?"

"Yes it was" Twilight answered. " Despite what we've been through, there's no way I'd let something happen to my BBBFF and my sister in law. So I lent you some of the power I salvaged from the alicorn amulet in order to stop Gladmane, that's proof enough that I will always be there for you guys no matter what" Shining Armor smiled at his sisters statement, with the stallion happy to know that she'll always have their backs no matter what. Suddenly the scenery was enveloped into a ray of light which illuminated the entire area.

"It appears that thou time in the spirit realm is up" Luna said. " The others took one last look at their fallen friend before they were teleported back to the mortal realm.

"Goodbye you guys" Twilight said with a smile.

"Goodbye Twilight" Everyone said with a heartfelt smile of their own. And soon the entire area vanished into a massive ray of light as the spirit realm was no longer in view.

Back int the real world, we find Shining armor fast asleep next to his pregnant wife, but this time with a warm and confident smile on his face, and it wasn't just him. Spike and the others to had the same smile on their faces as they slumber, which strongly indicated that everything was gonna turn out fine with all of them with the realization that things were starting to return to normal for each and every one of em.

Author's Note:

Bet ya'll weren't expecting to see the spirit realm again in this story were ya? Looks like Shining is now on good terms with his folks, all while Cheerilee finally has closure after discovering her biological parents:heart: and the best part, the entire group finally got the chance to reconcile with their fallen friend, and in case some of you were wondering where that mysterious dark magic Shining Armor unleashed in Ch7 came from? Now you know the answer:twilightsmile:I actually plan on having the spirit realm play a part in future stories, let me know what you guys think of that?

Also I know i said that the story would have been complete by March, but as you know, writing block can be a major b***h XD But rest assured the story shall be complete this month, I'm gonna get started on the final chapter tomorrow and hopefully have it up this weekend:raritywink: