• Published 1st Jan 2024
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Friendship is dead part 2 : A stallions redemption - ALoneWolf

Twily.........................what do I do now?

  • ...

Visiting Lulamoon, and good news

Inside the Canterlot City state penitentiary or CCSP for short, we find Trixie Lulamoon sitting patiently inside the visiting chambers , along with other inmates whom also received visitations from friends, family, and lovers. Ever since the wannabe magician received her 35 year sentence, she's been rather quiet lately. She no longer bragged as much as she used to, and what's even more shocking is the fact that she no longer talks in the third person anymore, which was quite uncommon for the magician, but most just brushed this off thinking that this change was for the better.

As she sat quietly at her booth awaiting her soon to be visitor, while also surveying the other inmates who were conversing with their respected visitors, she began to wonder who would even want to visit her considering what she's done last year. At first she figured that it would either be one of the main 5 or even Celestia, but considering that they mostly blame her for Twilight's downfall, they were definitely out of the question. She also had a hunch that it could be Tirek with a plan to bust her out, but given that he relocated his shop , that was out of the question as well. But the young magician would soon get her answer as the entrance door swung open indicating that another visitor was entering.

Trixie's eyes opened in shock as there stood non other than Shining Armor, the magician was shocked to see the stallion whom she encountered not one but two times last year. Curiosity got the best of her as she began to wonder what he's doing here? After putting the stallion and his wife through a lot during their last encounter, there was no way he'd wanna visit her, lest it was to criticize or berate her for her actions towards various lives including Shining's sister.

Suddenly the stallion received an all clear from the warden and proceeded towards the magicians table, Trixie was more than surprised to see the stallion walking towards him which answered her question completely. Her anxiety and fear increased as Shining Armor was now at her table and proceeded to take a seat, with the stallion now face to face with the unicorn, Trixie surveyed his expression and was surprised to find not a single sign of anger or resentment, and instead Shining's expression was blank and calm.

After a minute of awkward silence, Shining Armor took a deep breath before finally speaking . " Hello Trixie"

Trixie was all but surprised at the calm tone coming out of the stallions voice, but never the less responded back to him. " Uh....hello Shining Armor" There was another awkward silence before Trixie spoke again. " I must say, this is quite the surprise, I wasn't expecting you out of all ponies to visit me"

"Indeed" Shining Armor replied. " Not gonna lie, your defiantly the last mare I'd want to see after what you've done to my sister and the destruction you caused. But this was a suggestion from the therapist that I've been seeing, that I should come face to face with you as a way to give me closure or something like that"

Trixie couldn't help but give a nod of agreement. " I see, well that's pretty understandable. ya gotta face your inner demons sooner or later , otherwise they'd stay with you for the rest of your life"

"Indeed" Shining replied.

"So aside from that, how are you and Cadence doing?" Trixie asked. " I heard what Gladmane tried to do to you two a few days ago"

"We're ok" Shining Armor replied. " Luckily an old friend along with Celestia came by and rescued us, and thankfully the baby was ok as well"

"That's good to hear" Trixie said. " Though I'd be lying if i said that I wasn't mainly the cause of his little revenge plot, sorry about that"

"It's fine" Shining replied. " TBH I can't really blame you and Twilight for doing that to him, Gladmane is a bit of a asshole, hell me and Cadence did get ripped off a bit at his resort/casino during our pre wedding trip last year, he didn't even offer us a refund from one of his malfunctioned slot machines. Luckily he won't be able to hurt or rip off ponies anymore after his trial, and after what he tried to do, his resort/casino's gonna need a new owner"

"Hopefully someone who'd let everyone win" Trixie said earning a small giggle from the stallion.

"Anyways , back on topic" Shining Armor replied. " I want to know something Trixie"

"Yes?" Trixie asked.

"I know It's not any of my business" Shining Armor continued. " But I'd like to know what besides my sister humiliating you during your first encounter, convinced you to do the things you did last year?"

Trixie was hesitant at first to answer the stallions question, especially given that she'll have to reveal her backstory to him which she's never comfortable with sharing it with anyone especially a therapist. But given that she was now incarcerated, there was no point in keeping it to herself anymore, and given that she had a part in Shining's sisters demise, it was only fair that she'd explain herself in a way to give herself closure just like the stallion sitting right in front of him.

"Very well than Shining Armor" She began. " Trixie will.............I mean I will spill the beans" Trixie then took a deep breath before finally explaining herself........................

You see, I haven't really had the best life when I was a kid. What I'm about to tell you is gonna make you question on how my past was so depressing, well after I finish talking, you'll fully agree with me. Anyways, my parents were the best and most powerful magicians this side of Equestria, their magic was unlike anyone has ever seen, it was so mesmerizing that it could even give the royal sisters a run for their money. They had so many adoring fans and supporters from a round the world, they were practically a world wide phenomena, but alas, all that changed when my mother gave birth to me.

Now you might be expecting that my mother and especially my father were overjoyed to have a kid, but I'm afraid their reactions were more than happy. As it turns out, neither my mother or my father wanted to have a kid as it would mean that I'd be an obstacle in their career. After I was born they barely took care or even looked at me, the only time they acknowledged me was when they gave me my name, but that was it. Whenever they went out on tour to perform, they shipped me off to either my aunt and uncle or my grandparents who weren't as caring.

During my childhood, I barely seen my parents, I legit felt like I was an orphan. The only times I've ever seen them was either at the end of the month or on certain holidays, but even then they still don't knowledge me as their daughter and continued to act like I don't exist. I always tried to get their attention but nothing worked, and school was no better, despite being the daughter of celebs, I was always bullied due to my poor magic skills with a lot of my classmates questioning on whether or not I really was related to my parents. And of course my parents did nothing to stop my bullying problem and issues at school.

But one day I really pushed my folks to the limit, when they were out on tour, I wanted to take a peak at their magic chamber. You see, my parents had a secret chamber where they keep every single one of their props, artifacts, tools, and accessories for their performances. But they specifically told me to never step foot in there as it was off limits, but since they were currently out on tour, I figured that one teensy peak wouldn't hurt as long as I didn't touch anything. As I entered the chamber, I was mesmerized at the many magical items that I came across as I walked in, but that's when it all came crashing down.

As I continued to be mesmerized by my parents magical tools, I didn't see the table containing a variety of magical potions until it was too late. I bumped into the table causing one of the potion bottles to drop and shatter on the floor causing a small magical fire which soon increased in size, I tried to put it out, but given that i was only 8 at the time, this was easier said than done so i just got the hell out of their. Soon the fire department showed up to put out the magic fire, and too my horror, my parents arrived as well having finished their tour early, and I must tell you, they were absolutely furious at what I've done.

I don't really wanna talk about the "punishment" they gave me, but let’s just say my stomach churns every time I'm reminded of it. After that they dumped me with my grandparents and even went as far as to call me a mistake, and as usual, my grandparents never comforted or supported me. Each night before I went to bed, I always prayed that my parents would forgive me and take me back home, time eventually passed and I was now in my teenage years, which conformed that they were never coming back and that they never cared about me. So I figured that there was no longer a reason for me to stick around with this family, so I chose to go out on my own.

On my 18th birthday, I packed up my belongings and escaped my grandparents house without leaving a note, not that they would have cared anyway. While out on my own, I began to train my magic, while it wasn't the most perfect magic, it did reward me some pocket change which helped to get me by. I eventually began to do some odd jobs from some of the neighboring towns as I knew pocket change wouldn't be enough to support myself, I eventually found myself a cheap apartment and settled into my new life. But that was when I found out some shocking news.

As it turns out, both of my parents were killed during their performance in Saddle Arabia after one of their tricks went array, you might think that I was saddened at my parents passing, but given that they never cared about me or even acknowledged me as their daughter, then why the hell should I give a damn about their deaths? I know its cruel to badmouth the dead, but given their treatment towards me, it was hard for me to feel any sort of sympathy. I betcha they wouldn't even care if I died, their deaths were also the main reason i decided to move my life forward a bit.

After that I decided to pursue my own magic career and to be abetter magician than my parents would have ever been, after I received my last paycheck from one of my odd jobs, I packed up my things and my entire saving's before heading out to chase my dream. I began to travel across Equestria performing for various events raging from birthday parties, sports, and even nightclubs. While my magic wasn't as amazing as my parents, it still landed me some money, I began to train my magic skills and began to grow stronger and stronger these past few years. Eventually I met Tirek whom offered me various magical artifacts to help increase my magic skills, a few of em however got me into trouble a few times, but they also helped me to make a quick escape.

And to make a long story short eventually I came across Ponyville and met Twilight my rival turned partner which would eventually lead to last years event's.

"And so here we are now" Shining Armor was in complete silence and shock after the mare finished her backstory, he never expected the magician to have such a horrible childhood. While what she did last year was unacceptable, given her backstory, the stallion would be lying if he didn't understand her reasons to act the way she did.

"I never realized you went through so much Trixie" Shining replied with a hint of remorse. " I'm so sorry"

"It's quite alright Shining Armor" Trixie replied. " Honestly I'm the one who should be apologizing, I know it's not gonna mean much, but if I could go back and reverse what I did I would. But alas I can't, because of my foolish actions, I hurt so many ponies and caused so much destruction, but worst of all, I caused your sisters downfall all because I wanted to be the kind of pony my parents never were. But that only caused my own downfall, in the end I was no better than them. I don't blame you or anyone else for hating my guts Shining Armor as it's what I deserve, but for what it's worth Shining Armor.............I'm sorry"

Trixie said nothing more and bowed her head in shame, after what felt like a minute, she felt a hoof holding onto hers causing the mare to look up to find them belonging to non other than Shining Armor who had a look of pure pity written on his face.

"I forgive you" He said earning a shocked look from the young magician.

"What?" Trixie replied in shock. " After everything I've done? And for costing you your younger sisters life? How on earth could you possibly forgive me?"

"Don't get me wrong Trixie" Shining Armor replied. "I was pissed off at you for everything that you've done, and for causing my sisters downfall. Btu after hearing your backstory, I now realize that your not as bad a pony as everyone thinks, you had a bad life and felt that acting up was your stress relief to put your terrible childhood behind you. And honestly, you and I aren't so different. Even though I continue to take my therapy sessions, I still regret how I treated Twilight during the wedding rehearsal , all while wishing that I could take my hurtful words back, but I know I can't, but I know that I gotta try my hardest to try and move on, and to redeem myself as it's never too late"

"And I know it's not too late for you either" Now Trixie was the one speechless as she continued to listen to the stallions explanation. " That's actually another reason as to why I came to see you, me and Cadence talked a bit to the supreme council , and we managed to convince then to decrease your sentence from 35 to 10 years.........or 5 years depending on your behavior"

Hearing this caused the unicorns jaw to drop in shock at the fact that her sentence had been decreased, meaning that she'd be released early. "Wwwwwwwwwwwwhat? I mean don't get me wrong, i strongly appreciate this Shining Armor, but why ? After all that I did, 35 years seems like the appropriate sentence for me don't you think?"

"Like I said Trixie" Shining Armor replied. "Your not as bad of a mare, you've just had a bad life. And while most would disagree with me, I think there's still a chance to redeem yourself. Cause it's never too late for second chances, while it'll be hard to redeem yourself, the least you can do is try your hardest to make up for everything you've done. However, I don't really see me and you every being friends. When your released from here soon, i don't want you to come near me, Cadence, my soon to be kid, or even the main 5. Is that clear?"

Trixie gave a nod as she answered the Stallion demand. " Crystal clear Shining Armor, and thank you, I promise to behave myself"

"Lets see if you can keep that promise Lulamoon" Shining armor replied.

"Oh and by the way, I heard about your mothers illness" Trixie said. " I'm truly sorry, I'd offer to help, but unfortunately, my blood isn't compatible. Plus I'm pretty much the last pony your mother would want as a donor"

"True" Shining Armor replied. " But I appreciate your willingness to help Trixie" Suddenly the sound of a bell could be heard echoing the entire room, which signaled that visiting hours were over. " Seems visiting hours are over"

"indeed" Trixie said. " Well, have a nice day Shining Armor"

"You too Trixie" Shining Armor replied as he got up from his seat, with nothing more to say, the stallion made his way towards the exit as Trixie was escorted back to her cell as a small smile formed on her face.

Soon Shining Armor exited the prison with his spirits higher than usual, but he knew that his problems weren't yet solved as he knew there was still some things to do as well as a new objective, as he was in his thoughts, he was soon interrupted by a voice.

"Captain!" Came a voice, causing the stallion to turn around to find one of his troopers, Flash Sentry running towards him. as he finally reached the stallion, the pegasus panted heavily as he caught his breath before speaking again. " Thank Celestia! I've been looking all over for ya"

"Flash? What is it?" Shining Armor asked.

"Cadence sent me" Flash answered. " She told me to tell you that your father has a message...................................

"They found a donor for your mothers operation"

Author's Note:

Bet ya'll weren't expecting to see Trixie again did ya?:trixieshiftright: But hey, even after what she's done, It's never too late to redeem yourself even if it'll take time to earn forgiveness from others, hopefully Trixie can keep her word.

Also looks like Night light/Crescent and Velvet finally found someone compatible for the operation:pinkiegasp: who could this pony or creature be? Questions will be answered next chapter:raritywink:

?Until next time ladies and gentleman:pinkiehappy: