• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 1,008 Views, 62 Comments

Friendship is dead part 2 : A stallions redemption - ALoneWolf

Twily.........................what do I do now?

  • ...

Diagnosis and a stallions revenge Warning : contains inappropriate touching and rape attempt

A few weeks later

Days have passed since Shining's little journey of self discovery, and suffice to say, the stallion came back with various types of outcomes. with him finally making amends with his former bully, finally mustering the courage to visit Twilight's grave, reuniting with his father after months of seclusion, but the biggest surprise to the stallion was the fact that he along with Twilight had a long lost sister that they've never known about, that being Miss Cheerilee.

The news of this still shocked the stallion, and the fact that his folks kept this a secret from him and Twilight for so long surprised him even more. But despite this, the stallion was partially happy to have some sort of closure after finding out the truth, but he'd be lying if he still felt awkward about this news. Like how would he and Cheerilee even react to each other if they bumped into one another soon? And how would she react if she ever crossed paths with her biological parents? Or if Twilight knew about it all along, given that she literally lives in the same town as Cheerilee.

All these questions continued to play on in the stallions head, after all , it's not everyday that you discover that you've had a long lost siblings that your folks never told you about. As he sits at his kitchen table calmly eating lunch with Cadence, Shining armor continues to wonder about whats to happen next after these recent events that transpired , after learning the truth about his long lost sibling, who knows what else the stallions gonna discover along the way on his path of redemption.

His thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock from the front door earning the couples attention . " I'll get it Cadence" After wiping his mouth with a napkin, the stallion made his way towards the living room. He soon made his way to the front door and began unlocking it, but as he proceeded to open the door, the stallion got a big surprise as there standing right in front of him stood non other than his folks, both of whom had blank stares written on each of their faces. While he already encountered his father a few weeks ago, seeing his mother was quite a surprise to Shining armor.

After Crescent informed his son that Velvet had been tested for cancer, seeing her now once again surprised the stallion. While his father stated that they were still taking test and that she only had early stages, seeing her now made the stallion question it especially given the fact that she's wearing a cap, and looks as if she hasn't been sleeping as much. The stallion continued to look in shock at both of his folks until the matriarch finally broke the ice.

"Hello again son" He said.

"Mom......dad" Shining said nervously. " It's uh.....nice to see you guys again"

"I'd say the same thing, if this was not a serious visit" Crescent replied. " Listen son, we need to talk to you about something, it's important can we please come in?"

"Sure pops" Shining said. " Come on in, me and Cadence were actually having lunch, would you like some food during our conversation"

Velvet shook her head at her sons request " No thank you Shining, we just ate, and we don't plan on staying long" The couple then proceeded inside the royal couples home as Shining's brain continued to process on whats to transpire during this upcoming conversation just as he closed the front door.

" Terminal cancer?" Shining said in a shocked tone . " Are you sure dad?"

The older stallion nodded his head at his sons response. " Yes, we got the results this morning"

Shining was in a complete state of shock after hearing the news of his mothers cancer and the fact that it's been revealed as terminal cancer, as he stared at his cup of tea, various questions plagued his mind as he pondered his mothers current status. " How bad is it?"

" It's not good I'll give you that son" Crescent replied. " It's already started to spread, and I'm afraid the special medicine she's been prescribed isn't enough to fight it off. But there's some good news, they said that they should be able to treat it by surgery if we can find a blood donor before the end of the week. But I'm afraid there's some bad news to it as well"

"I'll need someone with A positive blood in order to receive the treatment" Velvet jumped in. " And I'm afraid your father isn't A positive"

"Indeed" Crescent replied. " We've started asking other family members including your grandparents, but non of them are compatible either. We're starting to ask some some of our friends as well to see if any of them are A positive, and that's why we're here as well. I know your not A positive son and I know things have been.............awkward between us these past few months, but I must ask if you know anyone who's A positive?"

"Not that I know of dad" Shining replied. " The only one I can know of is my old friend Gaffer, but unfortunately he moved to Baltimare after graduation to pursue his acting career"

"I'd volunteer if I could Mr Sparkle" Cadence jumped in. " But unfortunately I'm not A positive myself, plus given my state it wouldn't be safe for me to have blood transfusion surgery without it effecting the baby"

"That's perfectly fine Cadence, we wouldn't want to put you through that" Velvet replied and then turned back towards their son. " Are you sure there's no one else you can think of Shining?"

"Nothings coming to mind mom, I'm sorry" Shining said in a sad tone. " But I could ask around the troops and housekeepers to see if any of them are compatible"

"And I could ask my Aunt's and even Discord to see if any of them are A positive" Cadence replied.

The older unicorn gave a nod of understanding before taking a long sip of his tea, finishing the last drop. " That would do just fine you two" He and velvet then got up from the table. " Well...........thank you for hearing us out son, we appreciate it"

"It's no problem pops" Shining replied with a nod. " And don't worry, I'm not gonna rest until we find a suitable donor for you mom" Hearing this caused a smile to form on the mares face. " I'll ask around the troops to see if any of them are A positive, and cadence will ask her aunt's , Discord , and the housekeepers. We'll write to you guys if we manage to find someone"

"Thank you son" Crescent replied. " We deeply appreciate it, again we're gonna check in with some friends to see if any of them are compatible. If you and Cadence manage to find something out, please let us know immediately" Shining Armor nodded at his fathers request, just as the couple began to make their way out the front door not wanting to take anymore of their time. As Shining watched his folks leave the house, he began to wonder whom might be compatible enough to help treat his mothers terminal illness before the week is up all while praying that he or even his father manage to find someone in time.

Later that day

We now find the royal couple taking a stroll through the city to clear their thoughts, after receiving the news that Velvet was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Shining Armor continued to be in a state of shock after receiving this news, after the conversation a few hours ago, the stallion began to ponder on whom he or Cadence might know who's blood is compatible enough for his mother to proceed with the treatment. But the fact that they only had until the end of the week to find a blood donor only made the stallions anxiety increase, if he and cadence didn't find a donor in time, who knows what would become of the poor mare?

"How are you feeling Shiny?" Cadence asked her worried husband.

"Honestly babe, I don't even know" He replied. " I mean, I haven't seen mom and dad in a while, but the moment we reunite, I find out that my mother has terminal cancer? And whats worse, I only have until the end of the week to find a donor, who knows if I'll even be able to find someone by then? And even if I do, will they even want to go through with the procedure?”

“I know Shiny, i know” Cadence replied. “ But we’ll figure this out I promise, like i said I’ll see if any of my aunt’s and discord are compatible as well as the housekeepers. Plus I’m sure one of the guards might be A positive as well, we’ll save your mother my love, i promise”

“I hope so babe” Shining sighed. “ I already lost Twily, the last thing i want is to lose my own…………..

The stallions words were cut short when a loud groaning sound could be herd through a nearby alley, suddenly a unicorn popped out of the alleyway clenching his bleeding side causing the couple to rush over to see whats up.

“Oh my goodness!!!” Cadence said. “Are you ok sir?”

“Ugh, not really” The unicorn groaned. “ Some jackass stabbed me and jacked my wallet”

“Which way did he go?” Shining asked.

The unicorn pointed towards the same alley . “ He went that way………..UGH!!!!”

“Shining , go get him” Cadence encouraged.


“Don’t worry, I’ll tend to his wound” She interrupted. “ Go catch that mugger. That alley’s a dead end anyways, so he shouldn’t be able to go far. Now go”

Shining Armor gave a reassuring nod before proceeding towards the alley, the stallion rushed forward to catch and apprehend the mugger before he got away. But as Cadence stated a few second ago, this Alleyway leads to a dead end so unless the muggers a unicorn who dabbles in teleportation magic, there’s no way he’d be able to get away. As he rounded a bend, he slowly proceeded towards the area where the unknown mugger might be.

“Alright, you have no where to go!” He called out. “ This is Shining Armor, captain of the Crystal empire royal guard as well as the current prince of said empire. So come on out with your hooves up and don’t try any funny business!” Shining armor then took a peak through the corner , but to his surprise, there was no one in sight which surprised the stallion as there was nothing else in this area aside from a brick wall and a trashcan that was even too small to hid in as well as a pile of trash.

“What the hell?” He said to himself. “ What’s going on here? This alleys a dead end, there’s no where for this pony to go, unless he’s either a Pegasus or a…………………….” The stallions words were cut short as a sharp pain enveloped on the side of his forehead as a crowbar made contact with him causing the unicorn to collapse on the ground with a loud thud, he got a second to survey a dark figure who’s appearance was all groggy from his blow before going unconscious.

The stallions vision began to return as he felt the sharp pain on the side of his forehead from the crowbar earlier, he struggled to regain his vision and conscious as he surveyed the room we was at. After what felt like an eternity, shining finally gained his vision back as se surveyed the area, only to find himself in a large hotel room. He tried to move , but found himself tied to a lounge chair with metal chains, but what cause his eye the most, stood his pregnant wife bound and gagged to a bed struggling to get out herself, much to the stallions horror as he began to wonder what was going on? But he would soon get his answer as the unicorn from earlier alongside an earth pony stallion with looks of pure malevolence written on each of their faces.

“Ah good your awake” The unicorn said, and then proceeded to rub his side and lick the red liquid that got caught in his hoof “ The ole using ketchup as a stab wound trick, works every time, heheheh”

“Oh and don’t bother trying to use magic “your majesty” The earthpony said in a mocking tone. “ We strapped dispersion bands on both you and your wife’s horns, so you two ain’t going anywhere”

Shining Armor began to struggle a bit, but unfortunately wasn’t able to break lose from his chains. “ UGH! Why are you two doing this?! Me and my wife haven’t done anything to you, just let us go. Plus you should know that kidnapping both royalty and a guard a serious offense”

This only earned him a chorus of giggles from the duo until one of em spoke up. “ You think we’re scared of that? Nah, once we’re done with ya, we’re gonna catch the next train out of here before anyone even comes to look for us”

“And to answer your second question” The unicorn replied. “ We don’t want anything from ya, it’s our boss who has a bone to pick with ya”

“And who might your boss be , if I may ask?” Shining Armor growled.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” The earthpony replied. “We’re all set boss, come on it!”

“Excellent” Came a voice , and soon a stallion emerged from the restroom donning an expensive looking bathrobe along with a glass of wine in hoof as well, Shining armor and Cadence stared in shock as the mysterious ponies appearance was now fully visible. And there stood non other than the owner of the resort/casino in Las Pegasus…….Gladmane who had a look of pure lust and evil written on his face.

“Hehehe, it’s nice to finally make your acquaintance “Your majesty” He said with a sinister tone.

“Gladmane?” Shining said in shock. “ Why are you here?”

The stallion took a long swig of his wine before responding . “ Oh it’s quite simple Shining Armor, I’m here to seek a little something called……….revenge”

“Revenge?” Shining replied while raising an eyebrow. “ What the hell have we ever done to you?”

“ Not you” Gladmane answered. “ That damn sister of yours, ever since she and her little friend humiliated me back in Las Pegasus and sent me in a coma. The profits at my resort/casino started to plummet, many of my performers and employees quit, visitor numbers have gone down, and to make matters worse, I ended up getting blamed for all of it and got my ass sued by so many ponies who were quote on quote “ traumatized” over said events. Oh sure I still have a few of my fans and supporters, but what your sister and that damn Lunamoon chick still haunts me, and even better, some of my comrades still laugh behind my back about that whole incident!"

Gladmane then took a moment to compose himself before continuing. " So I figured, if I couldn't take revenge on those two, then I'll go after those they care about the most. Once I'm done with you two, I'm gonna go ahead and take care of her former friends and maybe pay her parents a "visit"

"Gladmane please, listen to me" Shining says in hesitation. " Look I'm sorry for what my sister did to you, and I don't blame you for being angry, I was mainly the cause of her and Trixie's rampage last year. But please I'm begging you, this isn't gonna make what they did to you go away, if anything please take me instead but let Cadence go"

This statement only earned him an evil chuckle from the stallion whom proceeded to remove his bathrobe. " Oh no Shining Armor, it's too late for that. The damage your sister did is already gone, and now it's time for some long awaited............." He then got onto the bed and crawled towards the bound and terrified alicorn. "Payback"

"Stop, don’t hurt her she's pregnant!” Shining shouted.

"She's pregnant huh?" Gladmane said, and then proceeded to lustfully lick the mares stomach. " Even better, I always wondered what it'd feel like to do a pregnant mare, and your about to get a front row seat kid”

“You son of a…….” But before Shining Armor could say anything else, Gladmane two aids held his head at an angle that forced him to concentrate on what he has planned for the princess of love.

“That’s it fellahs” He said. “ Keep him steady, I want him to get a good view of the action” He then proceeded to go further with his assault by licking the mares face as tears began to form on her face. “ Oh yeah, I’m about to give you a fun time princess.” He then began to lick the tears that fell from her eyes. “ Mmmm the taste of fear, I love it. Go one baby, struggle for me, it makes it much more fun”

Shining Armor growled in riotous fury at the sight of his wife getting molested by the horny stallion. His aids laughed maniacally as the stallion continued to struggle in an attempt to break free, but to no avail.

“Yeah give it to her boss!!!” The unicorn aid cheered.

“But let us have a turn, don’t hog that fine ass for yourself” The earthpony aid replied.

“Oh don’t worry boys” Gladmane said maniacally as he continued to lustfully lick the sobbing mare. “ You’ll get your turn, I just gotta make sure she’s ready for all three of us” Cadence’s sobs increased more and more as the stallion licked her even more, and whats worse Shining armor was forced to survey the whole thing.

Gladmane then began to lick further and further down her body until he reached her lower regions as the mare continued to struggle and sob. “ Oh yeah, this is my favorite part, wonder what an alicorn taste like?” Cadence let out a loud cry as she felt the stallions wet tongue lick her in her most sensitive area, and the fact that she was pregnant made it a whole lot worse.

“Get off her!!!!!” Shining armor cried out as he struggled and struggled even more as the aids continued to laugh and cheer for their boss, the purple maned stallion gritted his teeth in fury at the sight of his wife continuing to get molested by Gladmane. “Get off, get off, get off…………..”

But unknown to them, the dispersion band that rested on the stallions head began to crack and split a bit as a mysterious energy began to envelop the angry stallion.

Cadence cries became louder and louder , with the poor mare wishing that this all joust a bad dream. Gladmane then released his tongue from the mares lower area leaving a trail of saliva behind along with her sensitive fluids as he laughed Evily. “ Oh yeah, nice and wet, just how I like em” Gladmane then sat up slightly as he began to massage his own lower regions, ready to go further in his assault much to the fury of Shining Armor who got angrier and angrier. “ Here comes the main event boys, watch and be amazed!!!!!”

“Woooooooooooooo! Get her good boss!” The earthpony aid cheered.

“Give her more babies boss!” The unicorn aid cheered alongside his comrade.

“Get ready for the Gladmane special sweetheart!” Gladmane replied as Cadence struggled and sobbed more and more knowing that the stallion was only inches away from sticking his stallion hood inside of her, but before his tip could make any contact with her, he felt a short rumble coming from the room surprising the stallion. At first he thought there was an earthquake, until he peered over towards shining Armor, and his eyes widened in shock as the stallion had a look of pure fury as the veins in his forehead popped as a dark like aura surrounded the stallion slightly terrifying Gladmane two aids .

“I………………said……………………GET OFF HER!!!!!!!!!!!” Shining Armor roared as dark tendrils emerged from his horn destroying his dispersion band and his chains in the process, the tendrils were quick to grab both Gladmane and his aids and violently slam the trio against both the wall and a nearby book shelf knocking them unconscious.

The stallion breathed heavily as the tendrils along with the dark aura began to disperse, after a minute, the stallion finally regained his composure as he took one final long breath. He then opened his eyes to find Gladmane and his aids on the ground knocked out but not dead, he looked at his hooves in shock all while wondering where that mysterious dark power came from, but his focus was on his sobbing wife. He quickly ran up to the bed and used his magic to remove her restraints. Cadence was quick to collapse on her husbands shoulder who was quick to wrap his arms around her as she sobbed loudly, thankful that it was finally over, before the horny stallion could take advantage of her even more.

Just then , the door busted opened and soon a trio of royal guards along with Princess Celestia entered the room. The sun goddess surveyed the scene along with the unconscious stallions on the ground, but her mane focus was on her niece who was still sobbing on the bed with her husband continuing to comfort her. She then rushed over and joined the hug.

“Cadence, oh my stars are you alright?!” Celestia asked in a worrying tone.

Cadence let out a small sniffle before replying back to her aunt. “ Yes……I’m alright auntie, Shining managed to stop Gladmane before he……..he……………….”

“Shhhhhhhhhh, It’s ok, it’s ok, your safe now” Celestia said in a soothing tone. “ He’s not gonna hurt anyone ever again. Are you alright too Shining Armor?”

“Yes I’m alright your majesty” He replied, after a minute the trio got up from the bed as Cadence finally calmed down. “ How did you know we were in trouble?”

“Actually……….” Celestia began. “You can thank your friend for that” Then suddenly , a familiar face entered the room shocking both Shining armor and Cadence.

“Buck?!” They said in unison.

“ Sup fellahs?” The stallion greeted, and soon found himself wrapped into a hug by the couple. “Are you guys ok?”

“Yes we’re ok Buck” shining said as the group hug dispersed. “ But how did you know we were in trouble Buck, also what are you doing in the Crystal empire?”

“Well actually” Buck began. “ I was here to discuss some political business with one of the senators here for my campaign , but as I was about to head on over to his office, I saw you and Cadence getting dragged away by a couple of stallions. A part of me wanted to rush over and strop em myself, but i knew better than to pick a fight when I’m outnumbered. So I rushed over to receive help from the royal guards, and to my surprise Celestia was here as well to check up on you two. and luckily one of those chumps left a receipt from the hotel that they we’re holding you hostage, so it was easier to track you guys down”

The couple was surprised after hearing bucks statement, with the two of em relieved and grateful that he along with Celestia came to their aid before anything bad happened to them.

“Well thanks Buck, we appreciate it we really do” Cadence replied. “ And by the way, Shiny told me everything, and I forgive you too”

A smile formed on the stallions face happy that his former crush forgave him. “ thanks Cadence” But his expression changed when Celestia and one of the guards (whom he was familiar with ) walked up to him.

“So Buck Whithers” She began. “ Your all grown up now, you behaving yourself?”

“Of course your majesty” Buck gulped nervously. “ I’m a changed man honestly, I’m truly sorry for how i treated your niece in the past”

But to his surprise, the sun goddess let out a giggle at his response. “ It’s quite alright Whithers, it’s all in the past, if my niece and her husband can forgive you, than so can I”

Another smile formed on the stallions face, happy that the sun goddess forgave him as well, he then turned his attention towards the guard who loomed over him. “ I’m sorry for nearly crushing you with the throne door, that was uncool of me, I didn’t know you were there honestly”

The guard let out a long sigh at the stallions response. “ Your lucky forgiving someone so easily runs in my family kid” He then turned towards the sun goddess. “What are your orders Celestia?”

The sun goddess surveyed the unconscious Gladmane and his aids who laid on the floor with only minimal bruising from Shining’s attack earlier. “ They don’t seem to be in any critical condition, but we should have them looked over just in case. But when they gain consciousness, they are to be brought back to Canterlot and incarcerated, but not before a trial. Go mon ahead and take these three to the Crystal medical wing on the double”

“Yes your majesty!” The guards solutes in unison before grabbing Gladmane and his two aids , and proceeded to carry them out of the room. Shining Armor on the other hand looked down on his hooves as the memory of that mysterious dark power from earlier began to replay in his mind.

“That power” He said to himself. “What was that?”

Author's Note:

Another chapter done:pinkiehappy: and it looks like Gladmane got taught an important lesson……..don't F*** with Shining armor XD In case your wondering, this won’t be the last you’ll see of Gladmane, you’ll see his punishment later on in the story.

Until then, I’ll see you guys around:raritywink:

Also Rip the creator of the Dragonball franchise, thank you for creating one of my top favorite childhood shows:fluttershysad::raritycry: