• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 1,006 Views, 62 Comments

Friendship is dead part 2 : A stallions redemption - ALoneWolf

Twily.........................what do I do now?

  • ...

Therapy session and a new day

The next day

We find the citizens of Ponyville going about the morning as the sun shown brightly in the atmosphere, each and everyone of em was ready to start a new day. With a majority of it's citizens getting ready to go to school, work, setting up shop, or doing some early morning grocery shopping, etc.

Despite what happened last year involving the Changeling invasion down in Canterlot, Twilight and Trixie's would have been takeover, and King Sombra's mayhem down in the Crystal empire. Every single citizen tried their hardest to try and move on from these whole ordeals as it's what their deceased friend would have wanted from them despite everything she's been through, and they knew that holding in grief wasn't the healthiest way to start the new year off.

A few of em actually started to take therapy sessions themselves to try and get over the traumatizing events from last year. Speaking of said events, Twilight's former friends AKA the elements of harmony have begun rebuilding their lives after Twilight's departure from the land of the living. With Rarity continuing on with her fashion business despite her lack of horn, Rainbow dash continuing her work inside her deceased friends library, Fluttershy continuing her part of helping animals in need and her newfound bravery has helped her out tremendously, She even got herself a job at the local animal hospital, Pinkie pie despite moving back home to help with her families rock business, still dropped by from time to time to say hello and to babysit Mr and Mrs cakes kids when needed. And Applejack continued on with the family business alongside her brother , sister, and adopted brother Spike.

Speaking of said dragon, we find the young man out in the field alongside Big Mac ready to start bucking some tree's, while Granny smith was inside preparing breakfast. After achieving his growth spurt last year, the young drake saw a few changes in his appearance with him growing slightly, gaining a bit of muscle mass, and even a pair of wings, this change helped him with aiding his new family tremendously, and it also gained him attention from some of the mares in town including a certain purple maned fashionista.

"Morning ya'll" Came a voice, and the duo turned to find Applejack and Apple bloom walking towards them.

"Morning sis" Big Mac said.

"Morning Sis" Spike replied , but quickly shut his mouth after realizing what he just said.

This only earned him a giggle from the element of honesty " Spike , it's like I told ya'll last year. You don't have to be so shy, your family now, and your more than welcome to call me, Big Mac, and Bloom your siblings " Spike then blushed and smiled at the farm mares statement.

"Thanks AJ" He replied. " Sorry, guess I'm still getting accustomed to my new home" Spike then felt a hoof on his shoulder belonging to Big Mac.

"No need for that partner" He said with a smile. " Dragon or not, your family now, and we'll always have your back"

"Yup" The two sisters said in unison earning a smile of gratitude from the drake"

Bloom then took it upon herself to survey her adopted brothers figure " Man I'm still shocked at how much you've grown a few months ago partner, wonder if It'll be the same for me once I hit my growth spurt?" Spike then scratched the back of his head as another blush formed on his face.

" Well it's different for us dragons Bloom" Spike replied and then felt a sudden surprise as he found the fillies hoof on his left pectoral.

"I'll say" Bloom said. " Have you looked in the mirror lately? Your as ripped as Bulk biceps! Hehe ya'll could probably make applesauce with these pecs" Applejack then pulled the teasing filly away from the blushing dragon.

"Ok Bloom don't tease your brother" Applejack giggled.

"Sorry sis" Bloom replied with a blush and then felt a small thud as an apple fell on top of her forehead "OW!!!!" She then picked up the apple that hit her on the head. " Well it looks like we got a head start" This earned a chorus of giggles from the trio, however their laughter was cut short as they noticed the glistening purple color coming from it, instantly recognizing it as the purple sparkle that they've discovered last year. Looks of sadness formed on each of their faces as the events of last year began to play out in their heads, but non showed true sadness more than the dragon.

"I miss her" he said sadly with the others nodding in unison.

"We all do partner" Applejack replied.

"Yup" Big Mac jumped in. " Me and her may not have interacted all the time, but Twilight was a good gal. It's a shame she had to go down that path"

"Indeed" Apple bloom said. " Even though she tried to kill me and my friends, I knew it wasn't her doing. It was her past trauma that caused her to act the way she did, not to mention Trixie's influence on her. I'll never hate her, no matter she did"

"Me neither Bloom" Spike said. There was a long silence as the group reminisced as the memories of last year began to play in their heads, mainly from Applejack and Spike with the pair knowing well that they were mostly a part of it. Both of them wishing that they could go back and change all of it, so that their friend would still be here with them, but they knew the damage was already done. As they knew it was too late to reverse what they've done. Big mac however had a different opinion.

"Hey come on ya'll" He said earning their attention. " Regardless of what happened last year, we shouldn't let that effect our flow, Twilight might have been angry, but I know that she wouldn't want us to start out the new year all gloomy. Despite everything, I guarantee that she knows ya'll are sorry and wants you to move on. It's probably too late to make amends, but the least you and Spike can do is show her that your not gonna give up on the business, and to continue on with your lives. So once again, lets not spend the new year mopping and continue on as always, cause I guarantee it's what Twilight would have wanted"

There was a short silence after the trio heard big macs words, while they couldn't reverse what they did to Twilight during the infamous wedding rehearsal incident last year, they knew Big mac was right about how gloming over the past wasn't healthy for them as they knew Twilight despite her furious tensions would have wanted them to move on.

"Your right Big mac" Applejack replied. " We shouldn't fret over the past, it might be too late to apologize to Twilight, it's never too late to redeem ourselves"

"Amen" Spike jumped in. " I miss Twilight dearly and also wish I could have acted differently during the rehearsal, but I'm gonna try my hardest to make up for my actions. and hopefully make her proud"

" That's the spirit ya'll" Big mac said proudly. He then picked up the purple sparkle apple that fell on Bloom earlier, and using his strength, broke it off into 4 slices to which he handed to each of them. " To Twilight"

"To Twilight" the others said in unison as they pressed their apple slices together in a toast before taking a bite of their respected pieces as they reminisced about the good times they shared with their deceased friend.

Inside Golden oaks library, we find the owner and occupant of the said house/establishment Rainbow dash as she starts the check out process to her latest customer. With the element of loyalty taking over the business as a way to make it up to her deceased friend, she packed up all the knowledge that she took after coming in frequently to check out the latest daring do book whenever Twilight had it in stock. While she barely had any experience in this sort of work, she tried her hardest to follow in the late unicorns hoofsteps. And to her surprise, business was surprisingly booming these past few months with the pegasus receiving quite a number of new and returning patrons, with a few of em being the wonderbolts themselves as Dash found herself face to face with Fleetfoot herself.

"Thanks Dash, man it's hard to believe Twilight's library actually has a copy of this book" She said.

"No prob, Fleets" Dash replied. " Happy to help, hehe I didn't know you were into these Erotica's"

This earned her an embarrassing blush from the Wonderbolt " Hehe well actually, my fiances more into em. But I actually started to get into them myself. You could say these novels are our way to spice up things in the bedroom"

" Ah I see" Dash replied trying her hardest to keep her laughter in. " Well I won't kink shame, non of my business what happens in you guys bedroom, your secrets safe with me. BTW congrats on your engagement"

"Thanks Dash" Fleetfoot said.

"So changing the subject, how are things with the team?" Dash asked.

"Things are going pretty good actually" Fleetfoot replied. "We got a few new cadets in this month, some of em still needing a bit of experience. But once Spitfires and her cousins done with em, they'll be the finest aerial acrobatics this side of Equestria"

"There's no doubt in my mind.................wait cousin? You mean...............

"Yes, Soarin is Spitfires cousin" Fleetfoot replied. " They don't really tell most ponies as they like to keep their personal lives, well......private to the public eye and especially their fans"

"That's understandable" Dash said as she nodded her head.

"So how are things going with you Dash?" Fleetfoot asked. " Especially after what happened with...........sorry I'm going way too forward "

Dashes response however was a wave " No it's ok, to be honest, It's been pretty difficult adjusting to things with Twilight being gone. And I'd be lying if I said that i still felt guilty for not having her back at the rehearsal when she needed me and the girls the most, But I know deep down that she wouldn't want me to spend the rest of my life grieving and feeling remorse. So I'm gonna try my hardest to live up to my friends legacy and to keep her library afloat, I might not get the chance to apologize to her, but the least I can do is redeem myself"

Fleetfoot impressed by her friends statement, gave a nod of approval " That's what i like to hear Dash, that's the sign of a true Element of Loyalty" She then took it upon herself to look at her wristwatch to check the time. " Damn I gotta run, It's almost time for practice" She then grabbed her checked out literature and proceeded towards the entrance, but not before looking back at her friend one last time . " The offer still stands if ya ever chance your mind Dash"

"I'll take ya up on that, see ya later Fleets" Dash called out. " Tell Soarin and Spitfire I said yo"

"Will do pal, will do" Fleetfoot replied before exiting. As Dash watched her leave, a small smile formed on her face as she stared up into the upper balcony of the library.

I'll make you proud Twilight

Few hours later

In the upper District of the Crystal Empire, we find Shining armor making his way towards his destination. After finishing his shift with the guards, the man made his way towards his therapists office just like he promised Cadence this morning. After what felt like a 2 mile trek, he soon reached a small building, before stepping inside he took it upon himself to check the business card that Cadence gave him which had the address of the therapist building. He then looked at the address post which was the exact same as the card, after ensuring that he was at the right place he proceeded inside the building.

As soon as he stepped in, he was greeted by the receptionist at her desk making it seem that his company was expected.

"Good afternoon your majesty" The receptionist greeted.

"Good afternoon" He greeted back. " I have a 4:00 appointment"

"Yes of course, Shining armor please follow me, I shall escort you to his office" The receptionist replied as she ushered him to follow, which he was quick to do so. After a short trek they reach the therapists room as she knocked on the door. " Mr Lockhard, your 4:00 is here"

"Thank you Charlie, please send him in" Came a voice from the other side of the door, Charlie then ushered the man to step inside before heading back to her desk. As soon as she left, Shining armor took a deep breath before stepping inside where he was met with a comfy looking room. The interior was fit with a massive rug which looked well made, a small coffee table, a throne like couch, a fireplace, a small play area for the child patience, and a book case with various types of literature.

"Have a seat Shining armor" A voice said coming from the lounge chair which was faced in the opposite direction from him, without saying a word, Shining armor stepped forward and took a seat on the couch all while feeling a sense of leisure over how comfy and soft it was, after a minute the therapist finally rotated his lounge chair 180% so that he was facing the young unicorn. Shining armor was in a state of shock cause there sitting right in front him stood not a stallion, mare, pegasus, or even an alicorn, but a griffin who looked to be in his late 20's. After another minute, the griffin therapist let out a smile before speaking again. " Pleased to meet you, I am Dr Phineas Lockhard"

"The pleasures all mine doc" Shining greeted back. " You know it's funny, I wasn't expecting you to be......................

"A griffin?" Lockhard interrupted. " Hehe no worries, I get that a lot from my patience, this might be hard to believe, but before Sombra's takeover, I was born and raised right here in the Crystal empire. My mother was a griffin originally hailed from griffinstone while my dad was an earth pony, so in a way ya might consider me part pony and part griffin" Shining armor was at awe after hearing this explanation.

" Damn, I wonder how the process to that went when he was born? " He thought to himself.

"Let us begin" Lockhard said. " How was your day today your majesty?"

"It was good" Shining replied. " And please , you don't have to be so formal, just Shining armor is fine"

"Yes of course, apologies" He replied and then began writing down on his clipboard much to the stallions suspicions.

"What are you writing?" He said nervously.

"I'm just jotting down how your feeling right now" Lockhard explained,.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to sound suspicious or anything" Shining replied. " I'm sure my wife informed you already but, I'm not really comfortable with revealing my personal matters with someone I don't even know"

Lockhard let out a small giggle as a response. "I understand Shining armor, no worries. Like I said your not the only one, my other patience feel the same way, but I assure you, everything that's said in this room will only remain in this room. You have my word"

“ Ok doc, I trust you” Shining armor replied.

“ Excellent” Lockhart said. “ Let us continue, so tell me how you’re really feeling right now? I heard about what went down in Canterlot last year during your wedding and from what I’ve heard from Cadence, you’ve been experiencing nightmares and a form of PTSD caused by the memories of your deceased sister and her would have been takeover?” Shining armors only response was a bow of shame as the memories of last year began to play out in his head, including not only his nightmares, but his hurtful words towards his sister during the rehearsal. Lockhart was quick to notice this and began sympathizing. “ You don’t have to tell me if your not comfortable”

“ No it’s ok Doc” Shining armor replied. “ I’ve already come this far, I might as well spill the beans” He took a long deep breath before speaking again. “ Honestly I’ve had better days, ever since the New Year’s Eve I’ve been having these nightmares which involved me being trapped in a dark realm where I’m hunted down by my vengeful sister whom proceeded to kill me in numerous ways raging from………..actually I’d rather not relive them again” Lockhart nodded in an understanding matter as he proceeded to write on his clipboard.

“ Every single day, can’t help but feel guilty about what I said to her back at the wedding rehearsal. All Twilight was trying to do was warn me about the imposter, but I instead let my instincts get the better of me as I stupidly believed that Cadence was just under some wedding stress, and I made the most heartless mistake by banning my own sister from the wedding and I even dragged her friends, and Celestia in too. But by the time I finally learnt the truth about the imposter, it was already too late as her mind control spell finally kicked in”

“ While I was under her trance, I though all hope was lost, that is until Cadence broke me free of her control and using the power of our love, we sent the Changeling queen and her subjects flying out of Canterlot. But alas this story has no happy ending as the damage was done, my sister wanted nothing more to do to me, her friends, and mentor after our harsh treatment towards her during the rehearsal. Her heart was so shattered that she turned to the dark side and even teamed up with her former rival Trixie lunamoon. And with their combined forced, they begun to rampage through various towns in Equestria including Canterlot as an act of revenge”

“ Her plan was to spread the word that friendship was all but a waste of time and intended to erase it from existence, before we knew it, she began rampaging through Ponyville where she already injured the element of Loyalty Rainbow dash, she was so consumed by the darkness that she was one step away from turning into the next Nightmare, and she was also close to taking the lives of three innocent fillies . We tried to reason with her but non of our words got to her as she was too far gone, so I had no choice to take matters into my own hands which resulted in the loss of the Element of magic”

Shining armor sniffed a little as he continued “ After that I lost both my sister and my own parents too who still aren’t speaking to me as they fully blamed me for my sisters demise, and honestly I don’t blame them. I was a dick towards my sister, sorry for the language. If I could take back what I said to her and to earn back her love and my parents trust again I would, but it’s far too late and I can never fix it. I’m a monster doc, I don’t deserve to be the prince of the Crystal empire, or to be a big brother, I’m as cruel as the changeling queen”

“ No you’re not shining armor Lockhard said as he handed a tissue to the sobbing stallion. “ I’m sure you’ve been told this hundreds of times, but you shouldn’t blame yourself for your sisters downfall. I may not have been there, but I know deep down that you didn’t mean to hurt your sister, and deep down she knows that you didn’t mean it either. And honestly I can sympathize with ya, cause I’ve been in your shoes myself”

“You have?” Shining asked as he blew his nose.

“ Indeed” Lockhard answered. “ You see, I wasn’t an only child in my family, I had an older brother as well who was a stallion BTW. And I’m being completely serious when I say, he always made my life a living hell ever since I was 5. He always bullied me and got me in trouble with mom and dad, I can’t even remember a month where he hasn’t framed me for something that he did. I was emotionally terrified of him, I wanted to tell mom and dad but he always threatened to hurt me if I ever snitched on him so I always kept my mouth shut while he acted like the "perfect son", that is until that faithful day”

“ Once we started high school, the bullying got worse and worse and he even got some of his jock friends involved too. I even had to lie that I fell down the stairs when mom and dad found a large bruise on my left wing, and trust me you do not want to know what they did to it. But then one day he went too far, he and his buddies snuck the devils lettuce to school and started secretly smoking it in the gymnasium, but my brother clumsily dropped his joint near the bleachers before he even took a puff causing them to catch fire. The entire gymnasium was set ablaze and by the time the fire department arrived, everything was destroyed. And guess who my brother pinned the blame on ? Me”

“ I ended up getting expelled and grounded for an entire year for something I didn’t do, while my brother took the joy that it was me getting in trouble and not him. I was so upset that I decided the only way to escape my brothers abuse was to run away, I packed up my stuff that wasn’t confiscated and left the house not even bothering to leave a note. I was on my own for an entire month and took refuge in the icy tundra as I didn’t have any money and my other relatives lived to far away for me to fly. After a whole month pasted, I was already running out of food and was all tattered, hungry, cold, and miserable, I knew that I was gonna die. But a part of me accepted it as it would mean that I would be free from my brother for good”

“ But to my surprise, I was eventually found by some guards and brought into the hospital where my various wounds from the wild animals I encountered were treated and I found myself reunited with my folks. I was scared to see them thinking they’d be furious at me, but to my surprise, they hugged me and apologized to me. As it turns out, after finding out that I ran away, my brother for once in his life felt guilty and admitted to not only being the cause of the gym fire, but for everything else that he’s done to me since we were kids. After that he was given my punishments instead and my parents orchestrated a search party for me where I was eventually found, my brother stepped up with guilt and remorse written all over his face and he apologized to me for the first time”

“ But I didn’t forgive him and told it to his face that I no longer wanted anything to do with him, after I was checked out of the hospital I was welcomed back to school and received multiple apologies from the principle, teachers, and my classmates and was now ungrounded. But as for my brother, I kept my word about cutting him out of my life. He and his friends were now expelled, and instead of getting grounded ,my parents instead shipped him off to a boarding school in Canterlot as punishment for his harsh treatment towards me over the years. After that I haven’t seen him since, he still sends me apology letters to this day, but I still struggle on whether or not I’m emotionally ready to forgive him”

Shining armor was at a loss for words once the doc was finished with his little tale, The man couldn't believe that Lockhard had such a troubling childhood in the hands of his older sibling. " I had no idea you went through so much pain from your older sibling Doc, I'm so sorry"

"It's quite alright my boy" Lockhard replied. " My point being Shining Armor, is that you shouldn't blame yourself for your sisters downfall, sure your actions at the rehearsal were pretty cruel, it wasn't your fault. While it might have been too late for me and my brother, it's never to late for you. Deep down Twilight and even your parents know that you didn't mean to hurt anyone and that your truly sorry, It may take time , but I guarantee that you'll earn back your parents love again and to redeem yourself. Sure they may be furious at you, but they still love you, it just takes time to move on from a traumatic incident such as this. Your a good man Shining armor and don't let anyone tell you your not" Shining armor remained silent at first, still believing that it was too late to redeem himself. But he also knew that the doctor and Cadence were right about at least trying to make amends, after a moment he finally spoke up.

"Ok doc........I'll try" He said earning a nod from the griffin.

"Excellent" Lockhard said proudly. " Now let us continue........................................

An hour later

The door of Lockhards office swung open as a now more cheerful Shining armor stepped out, but not before turning back to the therapist. " Thank you Doc, that's just what I needed"

"Happy to help Shining armor" He said with a smile. " So I shall see you next week then?"

Shining then gave a nod to the griffin therapist. " You got it, I'll see you soon Doc"

"Have a nice day Shining armor" Lockhart replied as the two men waved goodbye to one another as Shining armor stepped outside of the office, as soon as he left the room, the receptionist Charlie stepped in.

"Sorry to pop in unannounced Mr Lockhart" She said. "But i came to inform you that your 5:00 is gonna be a few minutes late as his job needed him to cover for another coworker who was absent"

"That's quite alright Charlie" He said. " My doors will still be open by the time he gets here...............actually that's actually a convenience for me, Charlie mind taking a note for me?"

"Of course Doctor" She replied. " but to whom is the note for? Is it your delayed client?"

"No " He said. " Lets just say that its someone whom I've been putting off talking too for years, and I thinks it's about time me and him finally got things off of our chests"

Author's Note:

Before you asked why I didn't include the rest of the main 5, I decided that to was best to show the ones who were trying their hardest to move on and to try and redeem themselves over their actions from last year. But don't worry, you'll see the others soon:raritywink:

Until then I'll see you guys in the next chapter👍