• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,389 Views, 259 Comments

Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 1

Dear Journal,

This is a school project for every pony in class. I don’t like stuff like this. We’re supposed to write down our deepest secrets in this. Cheerilee won’t look at them she promises, she only wants her class to fill them out and that’s what we are graded on. The idea is just dumb to me! I think it’s silly, mean we could be doing other things but this is homework on top of the math we have to do each night? It’s like we don’t have enough to do. No I don’t like this idea; I have better things to worry about like how to get my cutie mark. Oh well, I guess I have to do this to get a grade… so here it goes. I’ll start with introductions.

I’m Scootaloo, a part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! You know that orange Pegasus? Yeah that’s me! I’m awesome on a scooter; I can blow past any pony that dares challenges me to a race. I have two other friends who are also in the same club I am the CMC! There is Applebloom who is an earth pony. She’s a part of the Apple family with her big sister Applejack and her big brother Big Mac. Oh I can’t forget her crazy grandmother, Granny Smith. I’m sure she’s as old as Princess Celestia or Princess Luna because she talks about how things were in the old days. I mean how old can you be to talk about how Ponyville was settled? It’s got to be pretty old! The next friend I have is Sweetie Belle, a unicorn. She’s the younger sister of the one and only and Ponyville’s own Rarity. I can see Sweetie loves her sister and wants to be just like her, but sometimes I think Rarity sees her as a bother because she’s just “so busy with other things” as Sweetie Belle says on several occasions.

I guess I should talk about myself now huh? I don’t know what to say really. I mean I’m a Pegasus that hasn’t ever been on a cloud, I can’t really fly (yet). I’m a blank flank; as much as I hate that word it’s true. I’m awesome at sports, like racing and other things. Oh I have an idle! Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in Equestria! I’m surprised the Wonderbolts haven’t recruited her yet, because they really should! She’s a real inspiration to me and I hope someday (hopefully soon) to fly alongside of her and do tricks. You know, all of that cool stuff she does when she’s not saving the world or sleeping on the job… I mean taking a nap. I don’t really spend much time at home, my parents aren’t really there. I’m usually over at Sweetie Belle’s house sleeping over or something. I just don’t like my house.

My parents… I don’t really know what to say about them. My mom’s hardly around and my dad loves the bottle too much really. Mom has to work extra hard to make ends meet so that leaves me alone with my dead beat dad. He hardly has anything to say about me, at least that’s nice. Calling me chicken, dodo, useless, and whatever else you can think of. Yeah I know I can’t fly but Pegasus feathers I’m not a dodo…. I’m a pony! I’m an awesome pony… if only other ponies could see that I’m worth something. I mean I have my friends and my idle and her friends saying I’m awesome at what I do and encouraging me (along with my two other friends) to do our best. It would just be nice to have my parents say it. I mean my mom says stuff… when she’s around but she doesn’t know what really goes on. No one does.

My dad’s really bad. He likes to smack me around. He’s a Pegasus like me, but he had his wings cut off because they got hurt really bad in a freak thunder storm when I was still really little. My mom says that he’s really nice when he’s not drinking and he goes to therapy for his issues. I don’t see him ever leave the house though, or if he does go to therapy for his issues, I don’t see them helping out. if anything they are making it worse. All he does is drinking away my mom’s money and it makes me mad. He’s a loser, and I hate him. Sometimes I wonder why my mom doesn’t just leave him, he’s no good for her. I mean yeah he’s my dad but he’s nothing but mean to her. My dad beats her up in a drunken rage, usually over the fact I can’t fly. I guess he beats himself up over it because he sees it as a failure on his part that his ‘disability’ was passed on to his only daughter. Still though, I don’t know what to think of him sometimes. I hate him most of the time but I love him too because he’s my dad. This I haven’t even told my best friends.

I keep this to myself because I don’t want people feeling sorry for me. I get enough abuse from Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara about being a blank flank. I don’t want or need them making fun of me because I come from a broken home too until them who has everything. Sometimes I wish that some pony would just buck those to fillies in the head and knock some niceness into them if that’s even possible. Better yet, let them live with my dad for a week and I’ll take their house that would show them how lucky they have it. Hopefully it would stop them from bullying other ponies too, especially me and my friends. Stupid rich snoot tails need to be taught a lesson!

I don’t have a totally horrible life, I do enjoy my time at school with my friends or when I’m talking to them. I love spending time with them and their families! I’m lucky enough to have them or at least Rainbow Dash do things with me when there is an event in Ponyville. In that sense I’m luckier than any pony to have supportive friends no matter what. Sweetie Belle I love to death because she always shares her lunch with me since I don’t really have anything usually. Applebloom does too when she has enough to share depending on how things are going on for the farm and such.

I think that ends it for this journal entry. I hope this pleases Cheerilee since my mouth is numb from writing so much today. I think I’ve written more than I have in this silly journal thing than I have in a day in class. Anyways I will update you tomorrow with what happens I guess.

~ Scootaloo
Future Wonderbolt member!