• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,389 Views, 259 Comments

Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 10

Dear Journal,

Discord is back! He’s also here to stay too! He turned Ponyville upside down and flooded the Apples’ farm! What’s really cool though is that Fluttershy, even though she had her friends’ doubt that could do it, gave Discord a reason to be good. She made him realize this whole time he wanted a friend! It was really touching to see and I’m glad that Princess Celestia gave the element of harmony holders that chance. Okay well Fluttershy the chance to show that she really knows what she’s doing! The pony really is sweet and kind, but don’t make her mad! She has a real bad temper when you push the right (or wrong) buttons!

I’m living with Rainbow Dash right now on a more permitted bases because my mother is… well I don’t know what she’s doing. My mother keeps flipping sides I guess. I don’t know what she’s doing. She’s lost the home I knew and she’s now living with I don’t want to know. Something tells me that my mother really doesn’t know what she is to do at this point. I mean she comes to see me but she doesn’t stay long. Rainbow Dash does her best to say she’ll come back soon but she knows that my mother isn’t herself anymore. I don’t think she ever will be.

Also I heard that Twilight had a mishap with her crown recently. I don’t know too much about it but I do know she was being silly after she got back from the Crystal Empire. She was talking about hands, walking on two legs or something like that. Lyra was all “I KNEW THEY EXISTED!” but no one pony takes her seriously because well it’s Lyra. Still though it was a fun story Twilight told every pony in SugarCube earlier today when we all went for some of Pinkie’s famous cupcakes. I actually enjoyed it there with my friends and their family. I even had my older sister RAINBOW DASH!

Oh it’s summer too! So you know what that means, MORE AWESOME THINGS! It means less school work (okay no school work) to find our cutie marks, the sister hooves social is coming up this year. I can’t wait to smoke Rarity, Applebloom, Applejack, and Sweetie Belle this year! It will be my first year doing this with Rainbow and I’m so nervous but excited about it.

Oh speaking of awesome things! Rainbow has been back and forth with Wonderbolt training and stuff like that. She even has started taking me with her on the occasion! I even got to meet Spitfire! OH MY CELESTIA! I GOT TO MEET SPITFIRE!

She’s super cool, though not as cool as Dash. She hung out with me the whole day and told me stories about her being a little filly. She was a late bloomer too! She didn’t learn how to fly until she was in her teenage years she said because she was scared of flying. It was really cool. Soarin’ is awesome too. He’s more laid back than his female counterpart and he loves pie.

Soarin is one of the leaders of the Wonderbolts as well. I mean he actually hung out with me while Dash and Spitfire did their drill sergeant training. He took me around the place and gave me tours. Oh and he told me about how much he loved apple pie and asked if he could get the name of the pony with the apple pie booth at the last few galloping galas. I told him that it was Applejack and he laughed and said he’d have to remember that. Apparently he remembered her from Twilight’s brother’s wedding and her whole family too. I couldn’t help but notice that he was making 'the eyes' eyes at Rainbow though. Guys are weird at any age I swear.

This reminds me! Feather weight started talking to me recently before school let out for summer. I don’t really know why but every time I say hi to him just to be nice. He blushes and flutters his wings. I just give him a weird look and go on with my crusading for my cutie mark with my friends. I’ve been meaning to ask some pony about that but it just slips my mind. I don’t know I mean he’s a cool pony but Feather weight is just… weird and socially awkward. I don’t really know what’s going in that brain of his.

Nothing else is really going on right now. I know Cheerile has said that the journal assignment is over since school is out but I kind of like keeping a journal. It lets me get my thoughts out on paper. Sometimes I just don’t really know what to say to other ponies and what to do about things going on in my life. It’s just really weird to talk to other ponies about me growing up you know? I mean I have my friends and obviously Dash and her friends for advice. I just don’t really know what to say nor do I really want to let every pony know what’s going through my head right at that moment.

Sweetie Belle is the same way I guess, but she cries about everything that upsets her. Applebloom and I just tend to think to ourselves and not always talking to our older sisters about everything. I guess you can say we are growing up faster than Sweetie Belle is, but we don’t leave her behind it’s not like she’s annoying or anything. The only pony that is annoying is Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara though. Since Twilight’s become an alicorn they suddenly have started taking an interest in talking to her whereas before they just ignored her because she was nerdy.

Nothing has changed besides Twilight’s now a princess and has wings. No pony really understands and I love the face that Twilight pulls when they try to talk to her. It’s really funny for the bookworm pony and not in a good way. Just goes to show you that they’ll do anything for popularity within the small town we live in called Ponyville. I mean they already have rich parents, cutie marks, and everything they could ever want. What more could they gain by trying to be friends with a princess? Plus it’s rather obvious their intentions so I don’t think whatever plan they have will follow through successfully. Silly brainless snobs they don’t always get everything they want. Plus they were totally jealous of me when they found out I met the Wonderbolts. The huge tantrum rage fit that they both threw was almost as good as when Babs drenched them in mud like the stinky pigs they are.

~ Scootaloo!

Author's Note:

i am really sorry for taking SO long to put this out. i've had a rough few months... anda lot of family problems going on. i've had some time to get things (hopefully) fixed for now. the family issues are still there but i'm doing my best to ignore the problem family member's stupidity.

hope you all enjoy/enjoyed the chapter!