• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,390 Views, 259 Comments

Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 12

Dear Journal,

Hearth Warming’s Eve was great! I got some awesome thing from friends and the family I’ve grown to know. I got new scooter parts since mine is kind of falling apart (hey I use it alot… and I may or may not have crashed it into a few things), Wonderbolt things, and a lot of other things. I got to spend it with Rainbow Dash! I pretty much stay her or Fluttershy if Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom is busy when my mom’s in Canterlot or Manehatten with her new job. She does consulting for interior design, she says it’s something she’s always loved to do and it’s what she got her cutie mark in. Rarity helped her by hooking her up to a few places in some cities that she had people she knew that could help my mom out. I’m happy for my mom and she deserves it! I do miss her when she’s gone but it’s for a good reason this time not because she’s leaving because of my dad. OH! My dad got sent to Canterlot right? Well it turns out that he’s being charged with domestic abuse charges against my mom and me! It’s about time! I’m happy for that so he’ll be in deep for a long time.

Also Rainbow Dash and Ms. Harshwhinny came into our classroom and announced we could carry a flag for Ponyville! IT’S AWESOME RIGHT? Well the catch was we had to come up with a routine to showcase what we thought what the town was all about and what it means to us or something like that. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were totally going to enter because we are what the town is! Earth ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns living together as friends and in harmony with one another and because we totally could beat Diamond Tiara and her friend in being awesome. We were so pumped for it. Finally we could show what we really could do! Only problem was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had to come in and try to ruin it. Sure call us blank flanks, thanks for pointing out the obvious but to go and attack something I can’t help? WHAT THE BUCK? How desperate are they for attention? Seriously I thought they were just spoiled but not stupid. No pony has an issue with it but them apparently and only when it convinces them… stupid spoiled brats. They got what they wanted though… they got under my feathers and broke up the team. I still want get them back for that though, no pony ever seems to be around when they do stuff like that to get properly punished.

Eventually Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom came back to get me and we eventually got first place and now get to carry the flag in the Equestria Games in Crystal Empire. Eat that Demon Tyrant and Spoiled Sport! We all learned something that day though, we need to back each other even when we’re not 100% comfortable with our short comings, like me and my not able to fly. I mean like Rainbow said I may or may not being able to fly but I still have friends that care about me. It’s more important to focus on that rather than our flaws right? I mean that’s what I got out of it at least.

Also I heard from Sweetie Belle that Rarity is going to Manehatten! I hope that goes well for her sister. I can’t tell you how many times Rarity’s gotten us to be live models for her ‘filly couture’ lines and told us it may help us get our cutie marks. Rarity may be the element of generosity but she definitely isn't above scheming if it will benefit her in the long run or short term of things. I wonder how that went; I guess we’ll hear about it when she comes back from Manehatten in a few days.

Until then we’re all staying with the Apple Family since our families are busy with many things. Mostly cleaning up from the holidays and getting things ready for when Winter Wrap up comes in a few months. I’m going to miss the snow since it’s way too funny to hear Sweetie squeak and flail when I smack her with a snow ball when she’s least expecting it. It’s funny how Apple Bloom and I always getting into snow ball fights while Sweetie Belle hides in her igloo and makes snow ponies or snow pony angels while trying to hide from us and our pranks but she does get us back. One time she dug a hole a few feet into the ground of snow (it was really snowing the night before) and called us out for us to come take a look at something she did. We stepped out of the door and WOOSH, we were trapped! Apple Bloom and I had to dig our way out of it, though Sweetie Belle helped us because she felt bad I guess. Still the unicorn’s sneaky just like her sister. I think the word would be crafty as my mother would say.

My mom’s been trying to teach me bigger words or get me to use a bigger vocabulary because I’m growing up and soon I’ll have to be in with the big ponies. I swear my mom tries to hard sometimes; I’m still growing and have a lot of time before I have to think about adult things. I haven’t even gotten my cutie mark yet for crying out loud! You know how mothers are though, they are always thinking about the future. Sometimes I wonder if my mom has this whole planning book for me or something. If she does I can’t find it and doesn’t let any other pony know since I haven’t heard Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy mention anything of it. If they know about it, they don’t care. I’m grateful for that.

School is going to come back in a few days so I have to get to bed early so I don’t oversleep on the day of school. I’m not looking forward going back to school since I will have to deal with the two twits of class. I’m wondering every pony hates them and not just the CMC.

~ Scootaloo
A very tired filly!

Comments ( 15 )

Great entry :pinkiehappy: I've been waiting for another one.

Make another chapter! :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

That's right Scootaloo, you show Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon that they can't just push you around! You show them who's boss! :scootangel:


The author might have been meaning winter break, since :scootangel: talks about snow

You also said in the last chapter about the Equestria Games incident, of DT and SS teasing Scoot about being unable to fly.
On the whole so far, it's been a 7/10 experience. Well written, and the grammatical and spelling errors can be overlooked since it's a young filly's journal. THe only thing you really need to keep track of is something you seem to have difficulty with- timing of the show's events you use, and keeping your story straight.

3745936 yeah it is something i do have trouble with with something like this. XD i have two other writing projects going on plus i do art commissions.. so i forget.... quite easily.

3739163 ... did i seriously type that? x.x whoops <.<;

3748257 I advise you that you should change the Feather x Scoots too a Rumbloo romance. Rumbloo is more popular.

4453188 i haven't really planned to do any sort of shipping with her honestly.

4453523 Than why did you put those Feather Wieght moments in? Were they just gad jokes?4453523

4453830 honestly it's been awhile since i've taken a look at this story, i've been rather busy with things offline... also i had a plan with this particular thing... but never got around to it before i had to shift priorities and put writing on the back burner due to health reasons.

Yay! Apple Bloom's name was done right through the entire chapter! Sweet. Also you know that Heart Warming Eve is Equestrian Xmas? A lot of the things that are shown in the show happen in a Spring setting, with a few during what looks like Summer / Fall? Or was she talking about something that happened months ago? Kind of confusing when there's no date entries XD. Still all in all a pretty good fic. Enough cuteness to keep it going, but FeatherweightXScootaloo isn't a really believable ship. Cute nonetheless. I'm going to give it a fav and a upvote.

Don't you just hate it when you want to read a story, but then you realize that it hasn't been updated in three years?

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