• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,389 Views, 259 Comments

Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 3

Dear Journal,

Today’s been so terrible. Everything has gotten worse! I don’t know if anything could get any worse than they are. I mean my dad is being a real pain in the flank; my mom’s working more hours to avoid my dad. Silver Spoon and friends are picking on me even more since Babs is out of town now. On top of all that Trixie’s back in town!

She challenged Twilight to a magical duel but she lost! Twilight was kicked out of town and then Trixie and her nutty ways ruled. I wonder how in the name of Celestia that happened! I guess I’ll have to ask Rainbow Dash later or one of her friends. The time that Trixie Town was in existence, she did do one god thing. My mom served papers to my dad to basically tell him basically buck off and to go find his own life to screw up instead of screwing up hers and mine. So I’m happy about that, she kicked him out of the house and changed all the locks so he can’t get back in. the only bad thing is that he can now stalk me at school since he’s now homeless. I’m sure that’s going to make it worse for me at school since I’m sure that Silver Spoon is going to rub that in my face too. She already calls me a dodo or a chicken.

Cheerilee also found out about what’s going on since she noticed the tear stained pages. I mean it probably would have happened eventually. She did say that I should have told her and that I could come to her any time and talk. Cheerilee’s awesome and a really cool teacher; so much that she actually talked to my mom today and she offered to let me stay at her house until things were settled at home with my dad. My mom accepted so she could focus on things I guess. I know my dad’s going to start stuff and the local police have already been notified of what has been going on. They even used some of my journal entries as evidence… they promised me that they wouldn't be passed around they are strictly evidence and will be kept under wraps. Though I think they are going to use parts of it to help convict him. Celestia I’m sure isn’t happy with my dad, beating on small ponies isn't a light crime. Cheerilee is cool she let me have a new journal!

Oh my Celestia! You have to see Cheerilee’s house some time. It’s simply amazing and pretty. She lives by herself in a small quaint house, but it’s really well laid out. I even have my own bathroom while I stay here! I don’t have to share one with my dad or mom. This is awesome! I can see all the things that she has kept from her students from current and past. I even see some old pictures of Applejack, Rarity, and other ponies who knew her when they were growing up. It’s really funny seeing Rarity as a foal, she looks so innocent and a lot like Sweetie Belle just with a different mane and tail. The house smells like baked cookies and fresh cut hay. My scooter got her floor a little muddy though since it was raining on the way out after school. I think some of the students got jealous of me since I’m going home with her. She says there is going to be a lecture of violence and taunting other ponies tomorrow, since she did read about Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara’s antics with me and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders. So that should be interesting to see tomorrow.

It’s getting colder now, and Hearth Warming’s Eve is soon. I’m looking forward to it! I’m going to have to get something for all of my friends and something totally awesome for Rainbow Dash. I don’t know what they would want though, I mean it’s not like my family has a lot of money right now. I hope we have more now that my dad’s out of the picture and we can stat fixing up the house and maybe even buy our own since we are renting a rundown shack of a house. The owner doesn’t really upkeep it well.

I really like how things are looking up for the moment. Mom’s going to be looking into getting a promotion from her job with the Weather Patrol. My dad is kicked out and he’s wandering the streets in the cold weather, I hope that he learns his lesson. Cheerilee’s being really awesome and giving me a break from the stress at home; my dad still technically lives there. My mom has to go through some sort of process that that gets him legally kicked out and divorce papers have to be served and he has to sign it. Also my dad swears he’ll get my mom back.

~ Scootaloo
Hopefully CMC member!

P.S. My dad is such a buck! He swears right and left that he will get full custody of me. My mom served the papers to him while I was still packing up to go out of there to Cheerilee’s and as I was walking out the door. I heard him yelling (probably loud enough for me to here because he knew I was within ear shot anyways) that he’ll get custody of me, the (rented) house, and everything she owns. Something about whipping her into shape and wiping her clean because she’s a horrible pony. HA! She’s a horrible pony!? Yeah right! You’re the one that beat both of us up, did terrible things to me against my will because my mom wouldn’t do them, and on top of that took all of our money for your drinking problem all because you don’t want to deal with the fact you are a wingless Pegasus loser. I still have my wings, I can still buzz around on my scooter, and I don’t have to hide behind a bottle to face my problems. Celestia, I wish he would just buck off and go bother some pony else!