• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 5,389 Views, 259 Comments

Scootaloo's School Diary Assignment - RogueShadowAngel

Cheerilee has given each pony in her class a journal assignment. What does Scootaloo have to say? What is Scoot's home life really like and how will it effect ponies how they see her when they find out if they ever do? What are her parents like?

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Entry 2

Dear Journal,

Today in class we went on a field trip! We went to the mayor’s office to see how she runs Ponyville. It was rather boring since all Mare Mayor did was talk about random things other than her job. I mean I guess that’s why she was elected mayor because she can talk a lot, but I don’t know if she actually says anything useful sometimes. I remember when she started talking at Nightmare Night the time that Princess Luna came down and it was kind of long winded. I think even Princess Luna was dozing off; I know Twilight looked like she was having an issue staying awake. Mare Mayor is cool though I guess I mean she keeps the town organized and safe for all ponies. It’s a job that isn’t to be taken lightly I would guess since she’s some important government official. It’s not the highlight of the day though.

Applebloom’s cousin from Manehatten came to town! I don’t think Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, or me expected to experience what happened when Babs Seed first stepped of the train. I thought Babs was going to be cool at first. She went to the dark side though. She made fun of us along with Diamond Twit and Silver Sponge, and the worst part of it was that Babs was really mean. I mean meaner than both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon put together on a GOOD day. Those things she said really hurt a lot. She didn’t hurt just me though; she hurt Applebloom the most probably because she was sharing a room with her. Buck, the pony even made Sweetie Belle cry! NO pony does that to Sweetie Belle, she’s so sweet and kind. In the end the end of the week though it was great Babs Seed didn’t turn out to be such a bad pony after all. I didn’t mention it until today because it was doing that “Hi my name is…” thing you do when you meet some pony. I also was a bit ashamed of some of the things she said.

She called me a dodo because she heard from the two twits she was hanging out with that I couldn’t fly. I think Diamond Tiara even showed her picture she had of me not being able save myself from crashing into that mud puddle when Gabby Gums was still around when we were doing that for the school newspaper. I hate being reminded I can’t fly. If I’m really ashamed of one thing, it would be that I’m… a chicken or a dodo. I hate that more than being called a blank flank. It really hurts when ponies call me that, even behind my back and they think I’m not listening. Things turned out okay though like I said before.

Babs Seed apologized to us and we even made her a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Ponyville or in Manehatten blank flanks are ponies too, just because we don’t have our cutie marks yet doesn’t mean we’re below those who do. It just means we have yet to find our potential and the possibilities are limitless! I hope that Babs comes back in the future since she’s a cool filly to hang out with when we learned the truth about why she came to Ponyville in the first place. I’m glad to call her a friend now even if we did get off on the wrong hoof at first.

Speaking of getting off on the wrong hoof, my mom got fired from one of her jobs. My dad is such a stupid bucking pony! He called down there apparently and threw a foal sized fit because she was working overtime to pay for HIS booze this week. A filly really shouldn’t worry about going home. My mom caught me crying when she came home though, that’s why this has wet stains and is smeared. I’m crying a lot right now because my dad actually hit me to the point that I’m bleeding from my head. My mom’s going to take me to the hospital or was until they got into a fight about it. I think my mom’s going to leave him. I hope she does, because I don’t know how much more I can take of this. I’m really tired of being around someone that does nothing but hate me. I get enough of that from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Speaking of which, I feel like I should how I see them. Diamond Tiara is the ring leader of the two. She is called Diamond Twit by me and my friends. Her friend Silver Spoon is called Silver Sponge because she pretty much repeats anything and almost everything that Diamond Tiara says to anyone especially if it’s an insult. I’m starting to wonder if she doesn’t really have any brains of her own, I mean she obviously can’t form her own opinion without Diamond using her as puppet. I think that Diamond has an invisible 5th hoof somewhere attached to her and its right up Silver Spoon’s butt making her talk, walk, think, and whatever they do. Yeah if only I could prove this. I could even get my cutie mark in uh…. Whatever you do when you try to prove something that’s real, I can’t really think because my head is killing me.

My mom says I have to go, I’m going to be spending the night at Sweetie Belle’s tonight and she’s already called them to say that I’m coming over. I think she’s going to drop me off at the hospital first to check out my head since I had a bottle cracked over my head. I like Sweetie Belle’s place though it’s a lot of fun.

I get the feeling though that Sweetie Belle is kind of ignored a bit, since she can do pretty much whatever she wants. I mean she spends most of her time at Rarity’s but she spends a lot of time at home too. Her room is pretty, but really girly. Mine’s not so much. It looks like a boy’s room kind of, but I like it that way. I don’t really care for frilly things other than my stuffed pony my grandmother gave me as a baby before she died.

Anyways I have to go; I’m going to have a CMC sleepover at Sweetie’s! I just heard that Applebloom is going to be there too! So we get to go planning for our cutie marks after school tomorrow!

~ Scootaloo
Confused CMC member.