• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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The Owner Of a Loyal Heart

"I think I've gotten through to them," Ebon Mane said with a nervous smile. "I didn't think it would be that simple to appeal to their feelings, but they were very willing to listen to me! They're all so... gentle and receptive... moldable. Like children, in a way."

"Unnngh..." Eagle Eye shivered on the mountain's edge. "Please don't say that. I feel like a creeper now."

Ebon giggled and playfully shoved Eagle's shoulder. "I-I'm serious, though!" He smiled at Rainbow, Eagle, Josho, and Roarke in dark of evening. "Chrysalis' influence over them is practically nil. There's no telling what a horrible fiasco it would have been if a far meaner, more desperate group would have gotten to them first. They're that trusting."

"Yeesh..." Rainbow winced. "There's a scary thought."

"I didn't even think about that," Josho said. He turned and glanced at the others. "If we were two weeks late at arriving here, they would have all begun spitting, twitching, and joking about eating pony flesh."

"Yeah..." Eagle grimaced. "C-can we get off the llama dome, now?"

"Not so fast." Rainbow turned to Ebon. "You must need more time with them. Hearing that you gotten through to the hatchlings is great and all, but how do we know they're ready to move on?"

"Where would they even move on to?" Roarke remarked.

"That's just the thing..." Ebon glanced down at his squirming hooves. "I kinda sorta... l-let slip that we've got some of their 'siblings' in Amulek."

"The three surviving changelings?" Eagle asked.

"I've talked with that trio on several occasions," Ebon said. "I like to think I know them a bit... at least enough to have formed a good bond between us. These changelings here..." Ebon's gaze turned to Rainbow. "They need to connect with other shape-shifters who can guide them and mold them. Considering my responsibilities to the Noble Jury, I really don't think I can guide them every step of the way. They need more guidance than I can provide."

"You think the changelings in Amulek are up to the task?" Josho asked.

"I know it," Ebon said. "And, if not, I would be more than happy to bridge the gap between them... to help them click together."

"To play 'changeling ambassador!'" Eagle grinned. "Spark be blessed! I knew there was a reason I fell in love with you!"

Ebon blushed. "And h-here I thought it was my wicked skills at making a skillet lunch."

"I said I fell in love with you. Not Josho."


"I feel as though we're forgetting one key thing," Roarke said.

The others looked at her.

"What's that?" Rainbow asked.

"What would the ponies of Amulek think?" the mare asked, her helmet flickering. "The non-changeling ponies?"

"She has a point," Josho muttered. "I mean—are these changeling moving into that place permanently? Do they get their own zipcode?"

"The mountains out there are vast!" Ebon exclaimed. "Not to mention the forests! I'm sure these changelings would have no problem—"

"That is beyond question," Roarke said. "But what of the miners? Perhaps they might feel unease with so many shape-shifters looming invisibly over them."

"It'll be fine," Rainbow said. "Let's go on with this plan. Let's bring the changelings to Amulek."

"No offense, Rainbow..." Josho squinted at her. "But how in the frig do you know that? They were liable to lynch the poor suckers just two months ago!"

"I've see first-hoof their intense respect for the changelings," Rainbow said. "I've even got dragged into a humbling conversation with Drakshaa." She smiled calmly. "Believe me, it will work out. Merigold's fold will be cool with it."

"If you say so," Eagle remarked. "So... then... are we backtracking?"


"Well, we just came from Amulek... now we're going back to Amulek!" Eagle shuddered as he glanced at the frosted buildings of Ether Point. "Not that I prefer it here, but..."

"...we're never getting our flanks down to the House of Selhp at this point," Josho said. "Are we changing the plan this quickly?"

Rainbow opened her mouth—

"Actually, I-I had an idea about that," Ebon said. "We've got Whizzball, right?"

"And how."

"Well, the changelings are super fast! I mean, they impersonated Rainbow Dash for a super-long time! Why not send some of us back to Amulek in Whizzbal while the rest of us continue to explore this possible path into Val Roa?"

"Darn it..." Rainbow smirked. "Aren't you supposed to be good at making waffles? Stop being smarter than the rest of us!"

"Uhm..." Ebon fidgeted. "Sorry?"

"You cool with this idea, Rainbow?" Josho asked.

"Well, we could fit three in Whizzball," Rainbow said. "Seems like a no-brainer for Ebon to go."

"In that case, I volunteer!" Ebon slapped his hoof down.

"So do I..." Eagle wrapped his hoof around Ebon's shoulder. "No offense, Rainbow. I wanna know more about Val Roa and all... but..."

"Hey..." Rainbow shrugged with a smirk. "You two never did get your honeymoon."

Ebon and Eagle blushed.

"I guess Booster's going to be working overtime," Rainbow said.


"Well, seems like the obvious choice to me," she said. "He'll fly you guys in Whizzball. Think of it as a fun road trip—plus shape-shifters. Boom. Bam. Changeling ambassador time at Booster's hometown! I'm sure he can't complain."

"Except that Booster Spice was essential to getting us this intel on the Duchess of Sehlp," Roarke said. "His skills would be of greater use helping us get into Val Roa."

"Well, darn it!" Rainbow shrugged her wings. "Who in the hay is going to fly Eagle and Ebon back to Amulek? You?"


Rainbow blinked. "Wat."

"I am the most qualified pilot," Roarke said. "Plus, in the event that there's some unforeseen circumstance—"

"And there almost always is," Josho muttered, summoning a chuckle from Eagle.

"—I will be right there to administer my services," Roarke said. Her helmet flickered. "And by services I mean 'death missiles.'"

"Butttttttt of course," Ebon said.

"You certain you're up for it, Roarke?" Eagle asked. "It'll be you squished in between two coltfriends for several hours."

Josho opened his mouth.

"Don't." Eagle pointed at him.

Josho simply sat back, smirking.

"I don't see what the great challenge is," Roarke remarked. "I've certainly endured the company of breeders before."

"Yeah, but, not in chains?"

"... life is full of surprises, I'm sure."

"Roarke..." Rainbow sighed. "This is nice of you to offer, but, we could totally use you in our search for the Duchess. Heck, probably more than we need Booster."

"You will do well on your own. Besides, if these changelings are to be properly cared for, then they need a mare such as myself to escort them safely to where Ebon intends to assist them."

"Yeah, but... w-we won't see each other for days and—!"

"Rainbow..." Roarke leaned forward. "You're always asking me to be loyal. Let me be that which you wish me to be. Let me love you."

Rainbow stared at her. Her cheeks turned rosy. "So!" She turned, grinning stupidly at the rest of the ponies. "It's decided! You three get the Whizzball!"

"Uhm..." Ebon blinked. "Yay?"

"Helllllo!" Winree slid over on skating metal braces. "So... uh... what's the game plan, non-woolies? How're you guys doing?"

"Oh... I'm just chillaxing over here," Josho said in the center of the group. "Being straight."

"Good! Now... uhm... not to sound demanding or anything, because it's not as though we did anything—heheheheh—to help you round up these bug buddies aside from opening the door to them with our llama hooves, but..." Winree squirmed, his grin twitching. "About the matter of munchies... pr-provided they might... uh... exist somewhere on your floating barge of giggles and coos?"

"That depends," Ebon said with a smile. "How do you like grilled cheese—?"

"I'LL TAKE IT!" Winree's voice cracked. "We'll take anything that's grilled! Nnnngh... I mean..." He grinned, shivering. "In exchange f-for some beautiful borealis pictures?"

Over to the side, Rainbow stepped closer to Roarke. "You know, this is pretty boss of you... volunteering to escort the changelings back to their brethren and all."

"It's simply a matter of practicality. We can't all be in two places at once. And you needn't worry about me, Rainbow," Roarke said. "We'll rendezvous again shortly, I'm sure."

"I'm not worried... I just..." Rainbow bit her tip. "Guess I'm a bit selfish."

"Do tell."

"These past two months..." The pegasus fidgeted. "I-I suppose I kinda sorta got used to being around you everyday. That's all."

"Yes, well, it'll give you something to dream pleasantly about over the next few nights."



"You're cruel."

"In all the best ways, I'm sure."

Rainbow Dash leaned forward, rubbing her cheek against the cold helmet. She shivered with a giggle. "Nuzzling you is weird with this new helmet thing."

"Very well, then." Cl-Clakka! The metal mare retracted the helm, exposing a fuzzy brown smile. "One for the road...?"

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