• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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From the Depths of Ledomare, Pain

He slumped against his restraints, wheezing in pain. All around him, hooves clattered against metal platforms, sending nightmarish reverberations throughout the heart of the large, large complex. Every now and then, he heard large thuds from unseen machinery, punctuated with the anguished shrieks of quadrupeds from all known species and trots of life.

A series of hooves shuffled closer to him.

He opened one blue eye... followed by another. He seethed at the creatures in front of him, ponies with glimmering horns protruding from their skulls.

They gazed at him through sterile goggles, their bodies clad in stained white coats.

"This one is a lot stronger than the others," muttered one stallion.

"Mmmm. Yes. He can't be just any impoverished wretch from the south."

"The exchanged happened close to the Xonan border."

"You think he hails from that putrid place?"

"There are lands beyond. You realize this, right?"

"I've read the reports. If you ask me, nothing's worth exploring with those tattooed abominations in the way."

"Well, there's a silver lining to all this. We might just get an edge over them."



"Just the way you say that." A dry smirk. "Almost as if I don't relish this."

He seethed at them. He struggled at his restraints, causing a steam cable to pop loose from the metal clamps attached to his cloven hooves.

A few ponies hobbled backwards, frightened.

"See wh-what I said?" One gulped. "Strong."

"What is going on over here?" spoke a cold, feminine voice, growing closer. "Why have the experiments in this wing of the facility ceased?"

"Oh! Well..." One pony turned and bowed. "In actuality, we were waiting for you, Madame Nightshade."

"Mmmm..." the mare stood before them, her stub of a horn breaking the sickly blue light wafting through the misty place. "Is that so?"

"We figured that you might find this subject of particular interest."

"Why?" She turned towards him, squinting distastefully. "Is this the... thing that those reptiles handed over to us just southeast of Searo?"

"Yes, Madame. Along with the primary candidate for the skystone package delivery."

"Ah... so this is the pilot of the skystone ship." She trotted closer, observing him as if he was behind a sheet of glass. "He certainly doesn't talk much."

"Don't you even SPIT on me!" he hollered, shaking against his bindings. "By the spear of Val Roa, I'll gut you all!"

Nightshade took a slow step back, brow furrowed. "Hmmm... spoke too soon."

"Madame. The subject..." One pony stood before her. "He possesses an innate natural connection to leylines."

"Is it stronger than unicorn magic?"

"Well... not precisely."

The other pony interjected. "The animal we found aboard his ship—uhh—the small rodent... believe it or not that little creature possessed an even greater potential for mana yield."

"Simon..." He hollered, writhing and snarling. "If you touch him... if you so much as touch him—"

"Is there any way to silence this thing?"

"Sorry, Madame. Unless we conducted the same experiments on him as the others—"

"Then by all means, do begin."

"But ma'am! His... h-his ship! He's the only creature we know to be fully compatible with it! Why, his leylines alone are so finely integrated that—"

"If those lizards gave him to us for so few bits in exchange, then he can't be of any value to anyone." Nightshade pointed. "And do not concern yourselves with the skystone vessel. That's stored away under the Industries' lock and key in Blue Nova. It's up to the Think Tank to come up with a way to integrate the artifact with it."

"The Think Tank?" One pony blinked. "Madame, you mean to say that you've started without us—?"

"Your jobs are here. For what I'm paying you and your beloveds, I do think you can manage carrying the screams with you to bed at night. My employees in Blue Nova? They don't need the distraction."

"Erm... y-yes. But of c-course, Madame."

"Where's Simon?!" he hollered, spitting in her general direction. "He's mine! You hear me?! So is the Noble Jury!"

She turned to glance at him. Her nostrils flared as she adjusted the collar to her blouse. "See what you can do about its tongue while you're at it..."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I have an appointment on my airship." She trotted off. "A holoconversation with Seclorum. For my brother's sake, I have to break radio silence."

"I wish you luck, Madame."

"You're only good to me here." And she was gone.

The ponies exchanged glances. They looked at him, then shrugged. "Well then... let's proceed."

With loud whirring noises, a series of mechanical arms descended from the ceiling. The apparatus twirled, shoving two sparkling prongs towards the top of his skull. He writhed and twitched, trying to turn his head away from the metal needles. Despite his struggles, they approached the base of his antlers. Not long after, one needle twirled, converting into a miniature buzz saw, while the second sparked with bright, glimmering mana.

"Hoo boy..." One pony at the controls muttered while adjusting his goggles. "I can already tell that this one is going to be really loud..."

"Stop... pl-please!" He shook and squirmed. The saw blurred closer, closer, accompanied by sparks and fiery jolts of energy. He could already smell the dust from his antlers being carved into. "Nnnnnngh! Don't! I beg of you! Unnnngh! God! No... don't... M-Midnite! MIDNITE—!"

Floydien sat up straight, drenched in sweat.

"BASTION!" He heaved and heaved, red eyes twitching. With a seething breath, the elk squeaked through clenched teeth. He tilted his head down. "Nancy..." He winced. "Nancy..." Wrought with confusion, he shook his head, bringing a cloven hoof to the top of his skull. He froze in place.

His antlers were gone.

Blinking, Floydien looked straight down. He was lying in the center of an enormous bed. Opposite of where he sat, a pair of multi-paned windows separated the bedroom from an ornate balcony. Velvety drapes hung, splitting the bright morning light as it wafted across the floor, the intricate carpet, and the lush tapestries of the place.

Floydien tilted his head up, looking at the finely-detailed carvings and frescoes in the ceiling. Across the way, a gigantic dresser loomed with several clothes befitting a noblepony, but far too large to fit any of his Jurist friends. His nostrils flared as he turned and glanced at a distant wall. He saw the canvas illustration of a graying buck, a fair-faced cow, and two timid elklings standing in front of them in silken attire.

Floydien blinked at everything.

"... ... ...this is some sissy spit."

Something pale loomed in the corner of his sight. He turned to look. His red eyes turned redder.

A familiar pair of branching antlers rested in the middle of the carpet.

Immediately, he sprung from the bed.

WH-WHAM! He fell dead on his chest.

"Unngh!" He seethed, clawing at the thick rug with cloven hooves. "Nnnngh... st-stab Floydien with... a ch-chainsaw! Rrrgh!" Clamboring, he finally got up on wobbly legs. After a deep breath, he briskly approached the antlers—

Zaaaaaaap! Two beams of blue electricity struck the floor in front of him.

He lurched to a stop, wincing. His eyes immediately darted to the side.

Duchess Arcanista sat on a plush stool in the corner, bearing a soft and patient smile. Two fixed points on her fair skull glowed with magical energy. A richly-woven dress flared around her haunches. "Good morning, brother."

"... ... ..."

She took a deep breath. "If you want your antlers back, you're going to have to talk."

"... ... ..."

Flaring nostrils. "Very well." She leaned forward, forelimbs crossed. "Then at least let me talk."

"... ... ..." He glared at her, then at the antlers, then at her again. A deep-throated growl. "Very well, frilly boomer. Let's spit."

She smiled delicately. "The sweetest thing I've heard in years..."

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