• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

  • ...

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A Brief Briefing of the Briefing

Tap tap tap.

Mamunia's eyes fluttered.

Tap tap tap tap tappppp.”

She yawned and turned over in her twin-sized bed.

Silence... then...


“...!” Mamunia sat up with a gasp, clutching the bedsheets. She looked across the foyer, past where Jet slept in deep slumber.

The windows vibrated to a stand-still. A blue shape hovered immediately outside.

Gritting her teeth, Mamunia slid out of bed, trotted briskly to the window, then opened it up. She immediately shivered from the gust of cold, desert air.

“Guhh!” Jet sat up, blinking blearily. “Mamunia, what...?”

Rainbow Dash touched down, tossing her mane back. She looked at both stunned silent mares. “...wake your Duchess.” Her eyes narrowed. “Now.”

“He was... talking to himself?” Duchess Arcanista leaned forward on the edge of her large, plush bed. “The Secretary Sharp Quill?”

“Not exactly...” Rainbow Dash paced back and forth across the Plaza Topaz luxury suite. Ebon Mane sat up straight and alert on a lush couch. Kera leaned against him, dressed in a fluffy nightie and yawning her tattoos off. “It's more like he was talking to somepony...” Rainbow took a deep breath. “And I think we all know who.”

“Mother?” Ebon murmured. He then winced. “Er... I mean Chrysalis?

“That's what I'm betting.”

“But...” Arcanista's brow furrowed. “I do not understand. I thought the Jury's prevailing theory is that somepony manipulating the Val Roan government may in fact be Chrysalis.”

“And that's still totally the case,” Rainbow said, scuffling to a stop to face Arcanista directly. “But now I think that Sharp Quill is working for her.”

“The Secretary of the Royal Family is working for the changeling queen?” Ebon Mane murmured. “But why? To what end?”

“Maybe she's promised him power,” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe he'll get the throne while she gets Val Roa, the soul sentries, and everything else.”

“Mmmm...” Kera cuddled tighter against Ebon, nuzzling his side with a sleepy smile across her exhausted face. “Maybe she just wants a pizza...”

Ebon squinted at her. “Are you sleepy or hungry?

“Mmmmmm... grasshopper leg toppings...”

“Well, I think this confirms it,” Arcanista said.

“Confirms what?” Rainbow Dash asked, rubbing her eyelids tiredly.

The Duchess smiled smugly. “Fishberry. She just has to be the changeling queen.”

“Mmmnnghhh...” Rainbow lowered her hoof, sighing. “I dunno.”

“Isn't it obvious?” Arcanista leaned her head to the side. “She's infiltrated the mess of bureacracy that the High Council had long become and is polluting it to fit her needs!” She gazed at the others. “Fishberry's! The Queen of Shape Shifters!

“I still haven't seen Fishberry in person,” Rainbow said. “I've no clue if she's just as suspicious as Sharp Quill.”

“But it certainly fits the description of what your dreaded villain does, yes?”

“Chrysalis likes to manipulate kingdoms by seizing what's most corrupt about them, yes,” Ebon said with a nod. “But she's only ever done it before through her brood.”

“Well, then, could that be the case here?” Arcanista stated.

Rainbow Dash looked over. “Could what be the case?”

Arcanista's eyes narrowed. “Could Sharp Quill be one of her changelings?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. She looked over at Ebon.

Ebon Mane gulped. Gradually, he shook his head. “No. I don't believe that for a second.”

“Isn't that rather short-sighted?”

“Madame, if... if Chrysalis had gained that much power again...” Ebon gulped. “If she could control any changelings since the day Rainbow Dash zapped her with harmony, well...”

“Well what?”

Ebon shuffled to the side. Kera slumped to the couch cushions and squinted up at him, pouting.

“I... I couldn't be trusted,” Ebon said. “Because every changeling on this earth would be vulnerable to her control once again.”

“Pfft. Please.” Kera fought a yawn before curling up nose-to-tail. “You're youuuuuuu...”

“I...” Ebon winced. “I-I don't even know sometimes.” He gulped. “My Mother's done far more malicious and tricky things before.”

“Ebon—” Rainbow began.

“There's no telling what new ways she's conjured up to deceive us—even her own children!”

“Dude... chillax.” Rainbow rested a hoof on his shoulder, smiling. “Her power is long gone! Poof! Out of this world, y'hear?”

Ebon shuddered. “It doesn't matter to her, don't you get it?” He looked up with quivering, vulnerable eyes. “Mother's on a quest, Rainbow.” He gulped. “She won't stop at nothing to reunite with Tchern... and wielding an army strong enough to scale the rest of the plane.”

“If there's anything I can guess about your 'Mother,' Ebony, it's that she's a crafty sonuvagun.” Rainbow turned to look at Arcanista. “She won't pull the same trick twice, especially if she knows that the Jury and I are capable of owning her with harmony, just like we did back in Stratopolis.”

“Are you certain of that?”

“I saw the note that was delivered to Sharp Quill,” Rainbow said. “Nilla spread word of 'Princess Kera's' arrival here in Plaza Topaz to Fishberry. I've every reason to believe that Fishberry is in on this just like Sharp Quill. And, somehow, between the two of them, they know that Princess Kera and Ebon aren't real Xonans.”

“My God...” Arcanista grimaced. “Then we've been discovered. Perhaps we should f-fall back!”

“Not necessarily,” Rainbow Dash said. “I'm willing to bet that as much as Chrysalis has done, she's really not all that much in charge of Val Roa. Not yet.”

Ebon shuddered. “The Coronation.”

“Right.” Rainbow nodded. “She's waiting to play her hoof. Our presence here is a thorn in her pawns' side.”

“Her pawns?”

“Fishberry... Sharp Quill...” Rainbow spun about. “They know that somepony's onto them, but they can't do anything about it or else risk exposing where Chrysalis is hiding. So, as it now stands, we've still got an edge. Now we gotta take advantage of it.”


“I saw bits and pieces of the letter that was delivered to Sharp Quill,” Rainbow said. “I've got the feeling he's going to be meeting soon with whoever's working for Chrysalis.”

“Did the letter mention a place?” Arcanista leaned forward. “A time?”

“Uhm... yeah...” Rainbow clenched her teeth, pressing her hooves to her skull. “Someplace called... Sh-Shepherd's Rock...”

Arcanista leaned back, ears folding. “You don't say...”

“And something about 'first shine.'” Rainbow lowered her hooves, blinking. “'Tomorrow at first shine.' Yeah. That!” She nodded. “Sharp Quill even said it out loud in his freaky zombie voice!”

“Heeeee...” Kera cooed in her sleep. “Zombie pizza...”

“But...” Ebon fumbled. “What could that possibly mean?”

“I know,” Arcanista said with a smile. “'First Shine' is a Val Roan idiom for 'Twilight.'”

Rainbow shuddered.

“Something the matter?”

“No, just... j-just go on ahead.” Rainbow cleared her throat. “So, when the stars come out over the desert, I guess?”


“And what about 'Shepherd's Rock?' Do you know what that is?”

“It's a sacred place of worship located in the church district,” Arcanista said. “It's a place that many orthodox Val Roans make pilgrimages to. Not lately, of course, with how strictly the West Gate has been guarded. The curious thing is that it's never visited after sunset.”


Arcanista nodded. “It's believed that God only shines His radiance upon the rock while the Sun still shines upon the land. When night falls, the place is off-limits to all Val Roans, worshippers and apostate alike.”

“Heh...” Rainbow Dash smirked. “So Roarke's right... as always.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Er... nothing.” Rainbow Dash waved a hoof. “So... uh... basically, Sharp Quill's being asked in the letter to meet someplace tomorrow night that nopony else is expected to be.”

“Seems like the perfect spot for an illicit meeting to me.” Arcanista smirked knowingly. “I trust that you will be there.”

“So long as I can trust you guys to continue this Xonan diplomat charade from sun-up to sun-down tomorrow,” Rainbow said. “We mustn't let on that we know they're onto us!”

“Whoever 'they' are,” Ebon droned.

Rainbow pointed. “That... I intend to discover tomorrow.” She smiled tiredly. “At 'first shine.'”

“Then might I suggest that my most loyal servant get a full night's rest,” Arcanista said. “What's left of it, that is.” She glanced at Ebon and Kera. “The same goes for you two. I need my ambassadors fully alert and ready to send the High Council for a spin. Knowing Fishberry... or at least who I believe is Fishberry, she's going to want to get this ordeal over with as quickly and unceremoniously as possible. We cannot give her that satisfaction.”

“Understood, madame,” Ebon said, bowing slightly.

“Hrmmm...” Kera rolled over onto her back, kicking at the air with white-laced hooves. “...just let the steam rise. So much cheese...”

Ebon sighed. He slumped Kera over his back and trotted out of the room. “She... uh... she understands too,” he said with a smile.

Arcanista took a deep breath. “Well, all things considered... I'd say our mission is off to a great start!” She nodded towards the corners of the room. “I'll inform my dear brother and the Constable if you wish to alert the Jury, Rainbow.” Silence. The Duchess blinked and looked at the bed. “Rainbow...?”

“Shnorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...” Rainbow Dash lay draped across the bed covers, mouth open wide and drooling.

“... ... ...” Arcanista blinked. With a slight groan, she stood up and tiredly shuffled across the room. “I wonder if Mamunia and Jet mind sharing their cots...”

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