• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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A New Dashie In the Sky

"And here it is! The Royal Suite!" Nilla hopped part of the way into the front foyer of the apartment. She pivoted around with a bright grin. "I do hope it meets your standards."

"Hmmm..." Arcanista stepped in, smiling at the polished decor and lush cushions that filled the inner lengths of the place. Rich reds and burgundies clung to the eggshell walls in draping fabrics from the front room all the way to the balcony. "Quite immaculate, if I do say so myself." She turned to look past her "servants." "Sir Mane?"

Ebon Mane trotted forward. He gazed from left to right. The lines beneath his neck almost lost cohesion, but he was able to tense his jaw and maintain the tattooed illusion. "More than adequate. Reminds me of many suites we have back west in the Xonan Empire." He pivoted about and bowed towards the smallest member of the group. "Your Highness? Do you approve?"

Kera stepped forward. Halfway into the foyer, her body froze. The filly's jaw dropped as her green eyes reflected the luxurious couches, beds, and reading sofas. "You... you mean we get to st-stay in here?"

"Unless you do not approve--" Ebon began.

"Oh, I approve! I approve! I approve!" Kera galloped forward, skirts flouncing, and jumped up onto an ottoman. "Heeeee!" She bounced up and down. "I love it! I love it! I lo--" She froze in place, her mane settling.

Ebon was wincing while Rainbow Dash dragged a hoof across her face. Past the fidgeting figures of Mamunia and Jet, Nilla stared with a cockeyed expression.

"Er... I-I mean..." Kera cleared her throat, dismounted from the ottoman, and tilted her nose up. "Dem'hulian sethul mennu krem'sen rannagan."

"Uhhhhh..." Ebon leaned over. "Fuku phwee?"


Ebon looked up at Nilla. "Her Majesty approves."


"I... I-I gathered," Nilla said with a nervous twitter.

Ebon added, "There is no need for the spilling of heretical blood today."


"In fact, I don't even think there will be the sacrifice of... uhm... warrior ponies to the chaos dragon... aspect?"


"WELL!" Arcanista strolled forward. "I am most certainly feeling the exhaustion of a day's worth of travel set in," she said. "I think it's best that my fellow equines and I retire for the evening." She cocked her head to the side. "I trust that a channel of communication will be opened with the Council?"

"And I will not let you down," Nilla said, gulping. "You have my pr-promise!"

"Then you have my gratitude," the Duchess said with a nod. "All our gratitude."

"Oh. That's good! That's very good!" Nilla stepped backwards. "Just... k-keep those battleships in check!

"Dreit dreit."

"A pleasant sleep to each and every one of you," Nilla said. "May the desert stars guide you into your dreams." And with that, she turned her white tail and was gone.

Arcanista tilted her head forward, firing a beam of electrical mana at the door, slamming it shut. Once they were all sealed away inside the apartment, the deer leaned her head back with a long sigh. A beat. She turned and bore a tired smile. "I do believe we are safe... for the time being."

"Pfft! Barely!" Kera rolled her eyes. "If only Ebon wasn't so awkward with his chaperoning!"

The changeling did a double-take. "'Awkward?!'" He frowned. "I wasn't the one who galloped in here like pajamas in bananas!"

"You got it backwards, Einstallion."

"You know what I m-mean!" his voice cracked. "And I totally saved our flanks downstairs when Nilla was dragging her hooves!"

"Yes," Mamunia remarked with a nod. "That was rather peculiar, wasn't it?"

"Not entirely, my dear," Arcanista said, trotting across the room and drawing the curtains in tight from before the dark-lit windows. "If the Council is good at any one particular thing, it's inaction. I've no reason to suspect Nilla of personal ill-will towards us, but she's likely a pawn to the likes of Fishberry all the same. No doubt there are many within the fold who wish to see Bountiful never seize any attention ever again, even if we have every reason to with our fellow 'dignitaries' demanding a royal audience." She cleared her throat. "Dignitaries... who clearly need an extra lesson or two on etiquette."

"Hey! So I saw a bunch of a comfy, bouncy things!" Kera folded her hooves from beneath her skirt and tilted her nose up. "I can't help it! I see luxury and I go crazy!"

"Isn't it comfy enough on board the Jury?!" Ebon exclaimed.

"Yeah, but that's only because Pilate and Belle are so fuzzy to sleep against! And you can't hop on a grown pony's belly and get away with it!" A blink. Kera giggled. "Unless it's Josho! Heeheehee!"

"Everything I did, I did to make sure we weren't lynched on the spot!" Ebon shuddered. He plucked his horn off and relaxed, his flesh turning back to a smooth burgundy. "I-I dunno how I'm even going to get us through the upcoming visit with the Council."

"What do you mean you get us through it?!" Kera frowned. "I'm the princess in the spotlight!"

"Something you hated until two minutes ago!"

"A girl can get used to things!"

"And a girl can blow her nose. What's your point?!"

"Uhm..." Rainbow Dash raised a hoof. "For the record?"

"Go on, dear," Arcanista said.

"I just wanna say that I've done my part of the bargain." She frowned at the other two Jurists. "By staying friggin' quiet while certain other ponies teased their moron glands!"

"But we were just--"

Arcanista stepped up. "I bet you're dying to perform the other task."

"Heh... as if..."

"Then what's stopping you?"

Rainbow blinked. "You mean...?"

Arcanista nodded with a smile. "We're situated. It's dark out. So long as you stay out of view of the Soul Sentries..."

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash beamed. "And here I thought I'd be running up the walls in my sleep! Htttt!" With a grunt she shook, wriggled, and shimmied out of her dress. In a flash, the green mane'd pegasus flapped her wings and hovered in the center of the room. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah..." Her eyes rolled like a mare rolling her first cigarette of the week. "Oh air... how I missed you."

Jet giggled.

"Err..." Rainbow winced, looking the maids' way. "Sorry to... uh... ditch the whole 'servant' thing, especially now that it's time to unpack stuff."

"It's quite alright, Madame," Mamunia said with a smile. "You came here for a purpose, as did we."

"We'll keep your gown nice and straight for when it's time to don the disguise again," added Jet.

"Hopefully it will not come to that." Arcanista opened the door to the balcony. A cold desert wind blew in from the starlit world outside. "Hmmm... rather chilly. I forgot how quickly the desert drops in temperature this far east."

"S'okay! I can deal!" Rainbow zipped to the window. "It'll remind me I'm alive!"

"Just what will you be looking for, Rainbow?" Kera asked.

"Pffft! Duh!" Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Any funny business. Crud that the head hackjobs of this city might be up to beneath the shadows!"

"You know, it may behoove you to at least carry a map."

"Oye. If I had a bit for every time somepony said the word 'behoove' to me."

"You'd still be poorer than any silver-bearer." Arcanista folded up a scrap of paper and handed it to the mare. "Here. This should help you familiarize yourself with the Sandstone District and beyond."

"Thankie-Thankies." Rainbow slid the paper under her pendant. "Though I'm at my best when I wing it."

"Just don't wing it too close to the buildings around here," Ebon said. "That green mane of yours isn't going to hide the fact that you're a winged pegasus."

"Spoken like a true boogerhead." Rainbow Dash stepped off the balcony and teetered backwards, waving. "See ya in the funny papers." Fwooosh! She backflipped, twirled, and glided towards the upper spires of Val Roa as the stars came out.

Kera sighed.

Ebon glanced her way. "Now what?"

"Just thinking..." Kera pouted. "With wings of my own, then I'd be a real princess."


Ebon trotted off with a groan. "I need a shower after that sentence..."

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