• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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Cherish What You Have, Not Dread

"It sounds to me, Rainbow, that you have done an awful lot of good for that continent. Especially with Val Roa having turned a blind eye, as it would seem."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow reclined against the ship's outer railing in the moonlight. "We haven't done everything in the most 'harmonic' way."

"I know full well what it means to engage in battle, having done it countless times in the past to protect Equestria's interests," Luna's voice replied. "These 'green bandits' that you describe seem entirely bereft of morals. If I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to dispense with them using any force necessary."

"It certainly isn't as easy as it sounds," Rainbow said, gazing at the star-lit landscape drifting slowly beneath the Jury. "I mean, those goblins have done some pretty nasty stuff. Friggin' unforgiveable stuff, actually. The Jury and I are as smooth as greased lightning at this point, and I bet we could wipe the floor with the Cartel if we wanted to. But... y'know... I-I didn't come out here to destroy an entire culture." She gulped. "No matter how vile."

"That is quite understandable."

"Is it? I mean, with Val Roa out of the picture—I swear—the Jury is the only thing standing between the ponies of the valley and these nasty invaders from the south." Rainbow took a shuddering breath. "And... w-we've been lucky. The whole fight remains clear cut... so long as we are the defenders and they are the invaders. As much as I would love to, I can't bring myself to suggest that the Jury stages—like—some attack on the Cartel down, though I bet it would change things in this part of the world for the best."

"It simply is not your country, Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna's voice resonated off the skystone. "I appreciate learning about all that you've done to rescue the ponies of that land, but—even in spite of all your heroics—I'm sure you don't need me telling you that thus far you have addressed merely the symptoms of that kingdom's problems, and not its cause."

"Right..." Rainbow hung her head. "And I'm doing my best to get inside Val Roa. You g-gotta believe me."

"Why would I have any doubt?"

"We found a lead just recently that we're going to investigate right away." Rainbow gulped. "There's this 'Duchess of Sehlp' who lives out in the country, but is connected with the Val Roan High Council. The Jury should be able to reach her manor by sometime early tomorrow. It may be a long shot, but it's still a possibility that this might finally get us somewhere."

"You don't sound particularly enthused by this venture. Could it be that you doubt its authenticity?"

At this point, Belle trotted up to the cockpit. She gazed out through the doors, spotting Rainbow reclining on the top deck in silence. The mare's back was to her.

At last, Rainbow spoke up. "You know very well why I'm not thrilled about it, Your Majesty."

"I know that this vexes you greatly, Rainbow. But I find it quite fascinating."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Any other pony would be supremely anxious to spend two months fighting goblins and risking one's life for strangers. But you? You appear to relish in the lifestyle. Your true fear does not include the loss of limb or reputation."

Rainbow grimaced. "I just... I just can't believe I've come this far."

"You mean to where you are now? On the borders of Val Roa?"

"No. I mean... th-there was a time when I didn't fear anything. Not even death." Rainbow gulped. "When I left Ponyville—when I began flying east—I had nothing to fear, because I had nothing left to lose. The only thing I had to give up was myself, and I figured that I'd do that—by hook or crook—in some crazy lunge across the horizon." She exhaled slowly into the crisp night air. "Well, I found death... and more." She slowly shook her head. "Seems like fate decided I wasn't cut out for ending so soon."

"Take it from an alicorn who has dealt with immortality through and through," Luna spoke. "It never gets easier—dealing with the souls who appear and disappear like the twinkling of stars across your endless days. But that doesn't mean your existence needs to be bereft of beauty. Even sadness—for all of its abysmal qualities—is strangely sweet, for it takes a different shape with each friend you make and lose, like hoofprints that never leave your mind while you venture forthwith into cosmic shadow."

"Heh... now there's one way I've never imagined myself."


"'Immortal,'" Rainbow said. "If nothing else, I've considered myself the complete opposite."

"The problem with a fatalistic way of thinking is failing to realize that you still stand to gain as much as lose in life."

"And look at all I've gained," Rainbow Dash murmured. She gulped hard. "Luna... I..."

"Yes, Rainbow?"

"I don't know where I'll be the next time the full moon rises," the pegasus said. "But... b-but I get the feeling that I'm going to n-need to hear your voice more than ever." She cleared her throat. "I may not be immortal, but I live my life by a straight line... and I get the distinct feeling that the biggest knot of all is r-right about to untangle itself."

"You will forever have my eternal loyalty, Rainbow Dash," Luna said. "Even beyond your death, your impact on my life will shine brighter than most ponies I know."

Rainbow smiled, eyes glossy. "Somehow... I-I totally believe that."

"As well as you should. I 'totally' meant it."

Rainbow Dash giggled. She rubbed her eyelids and sighed. "Th-there's still several hours left, Luna. We could talk about the changelings that Ebon's taking to Amulek, or I could fill you in on how we learned about the Duchess Sehlp—"

"Rainbow Dash, friendship is forever, but time isn't."


"I'll be waiting for you next moonrise. Right now, I can sense where you truly wish to be... and who you truly wish to be with."

Rainbow bit her lip.

"Cherish every moment, Rainbow Dash. I would do the same if I were in your place."

The mare cleared her voice. "Th-thanks, Luna," she said. "Thanks for everything."

"The feeling is mutual." And Luna's voice faded along with the glow of enchantment from Rainbow's pendant.

With a shuddering sigh, Rainbow Dash stood up. She brushed back her mane, took a deep breath, and spun around.

She froze the very moment she saw Belle.

"...hey," Belle murmured.

Rainbow fidgeted. "H-hey..."

Belle strolled forward. "I didn't hear everything. I came up just now."

"Well, uhm... I..."

"Why don't you come downstairs?" Belle smiled. "Booster Spice is playing the reels that the villagers of Helaman gave us for rescuing their foals."

"Heh... boy does that sound like a whizzbanger."

"It's a lot more fun than you think." Belle said with a slight giggle. "Even Floydien's joining the fun."

"Belle, there's..." Rainbow bit her lip. "There's something that's been weighing on my mind—"

"About Val Roa?" Belle leaned her head to the side. "You truly think you're alone there?"


"Everypony feels it, Rainbow Dash," Belle said. "Especially Pilate and myself. Perhaps Kera as well."


"We don't like thinking about it either." Belle placed a reassuring hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. "But it's something that will have to happen. I-I..." She cleared her throat, courageously steadying her voice as she spoke to Rainbow. "I've come to a point where I'm at peace with myself... and with the future. I know you can get there too, Rainbow. And we can help you. We can all help each other."

"How can you s-say that?" Rainbow hissed. "Maybe you and Pilate c-can move on. Heck, m-maybe this frazzled pegasus can. But..." She grimaced suddenly.

Belle waited patiently, quietly.

"The... The Grand Choke..." Rainbow's lips quivered. "If... if Roarke tries to follow me through that... it will kill her." She sniffled. "I know it will! Because what in this d-damned world will make her stay? Even I couldn't make her stay."

"Rainbow Dash..."

"I-I love her, Belle..." Rainbow hyperventilated. "And in loving her, I-I've killed her! H-how can I be so selfish?!" She ran a hoof over her face, seething. "But everytime I think about it, all I want is for her to be by my side! But it's impossible! She's going to die if she follows me..." Rainbow peered over her hoof with moist eyes. "And I'm going to die if I stay behind with her... or with you..."

Belle threw Rainbow into a hug. "Nopony needs this. Nopony needs to feel anguish over love."

"B-but I've made so many stupid mistakes—"

"You've made a life for yourself here. A beautiful, wonderful, rich life," Belle said. "Whether it lasts two months or two years, it doesn't matter. You've brought joy to Roarke as much as you have to Pilate, Kera, and I. It's nothing to be ashamed of."


"Nothing," Belle said firmly. "No shame. Do you understand me?" She gazed strongly at Rainbow, bearing a tender smile. "I do not know what waits for us in Val Roa anymore than you do, but give Roarke the benefit of a doubt. She won't do anything self-destructive. After all, you've given her a reason to live. How fitting..." Belle winked. "...for a mare who discovered reasons to keep living herself."

Rainbow trembled. She bowed her head. "I don't know, Belle. Everything has been so awesome as of late, but... tomorrow?" She gulped. "Tomorrow fills me with so much dread. I feel more dread than I did in Silvadel... or in Ledomare... or in Stratopolis. It shouldn't be this way... and y-yet it is. I do my best to hide it in our daily goblin butt-whooping... but... but..."

"Shhhh..." Belle caressed the mare's cheek. "You want to stop dreading?" She smiled and tugged on Rainbow's hoof. "Come downstairs. Join us. We're having fun."

"I... I-I wish I—"

"What? Wish you could relish in friendship?" Belle grinned. "Rainbow, stop dwelling on what you stand to lose and relish in what you'll always have." She teared up slightly. "Memories. There are plenty more to be made before all is said and done. Starting tonight."

Rainbow swallowed a lump down her throat and rubbed her cheek. When she was done, she gave Belle a fragile smile. "S-sounds like a challenge..."

"I knew you'd be game." And both mares trotted downstairs, side by side, leaning against one another.

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