• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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Understand and decide

The Princess of the Day was lying comfortably on her posh sun themed bed, a motif that bled into the decor and other parts of her room. I guess they didn't call her the Sun Princess for nothing. She was currently swamped by so many documents and scrolls, I could've sworn she could build a fort with them if she wanted. A quill held in her yellow telekinetic field bobbed in the air before her. She hadn't even lifted her head to acknowledge our presence, her workload demanding the majority of her attention.

"Tia, I've brought Starlight Glimmer," Luna declared as if she were proud of the fact that she'd pretty much ponynapped me. I, on the other hoof, wanted to both throw the dark alicorn into the sun and run to the ends of Equestria, though I couldn't decide which desire was currently greater. "Just as you requested, Sister."

Wait, WHAT!?

I glared daggers at the Night Princess who simply smiled gleefully as she stood next to her elder sister's bed.

"Luna... it's almost three in the morning," the alabaster alicorn sighed as she placed her quill down and rubbed her temples with her hooves. "When I said I wished to speak with Starlight in private, I meant at a more... reasonable hour."

"No time like the present, Tia," Luna remarked as she began tilting her head toward her sister as if she wanted me to do... something?

"Er, Your Highness?" I did the only thing I could think of... speak.

"Starlight Glimmer..." Celestia seemed so... different right now. Long gone were the rage and the ferocity, replaced by the quiet serenity she was known throughout her land for carrying herself with.

Is it a trick? It has to be, right?

Such a drastic change in one's mood didn't happen so quickly... did it?

"Starlight was just telling me how absolutely terrified she is of you, Sister," Luna blurted out as if I wanted the whole world to know of my cowardice. I stared at the night alicorn, completely dumbfounded, my eyes as wide as saucers. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Starlight. You're the one being foalish." When had she become so... exuberant?

"Is this true, Starlight?" Celestia's voice took on a slightly more stern tone, harkening back to the prior day. I was dreadfully afraid to face her, that is, until I actually looked at the Sun Princess.

"Princess... Celestia?" I was stunned by the look of utter sorrow on her perfect face. Her gaze fell as she came to understand how I really felt.

"Starlight, I cannot lie to you and claim they weren't my genuine feelings..." The Princess that spoke to me now couldn't be the same one as before. "What you did to all those ponies... to Twilight... to my Sunset..."

"Princess, I-" as her hoof raised I shut my mouth, not sure if she would suddenly revert back to her wrathful demeanor.

"I cannot act as if all is forgiven, Starlight. I assure you, it is not," the look she gave me was one that inspired hope, contrary to her firm words. "You'll have to prove you are worthy of any forgiveness and that may take you some time, but... if you choose to run I will be forced to-"

"We are constantly being monitored, Starlight. Tia and myself, I mean," Luna interjected. "The only solace we have is the space within this room and my own."

"Monitored?" I shook my head, my face screwing up in confusion. Who or what could be keeping tabs on them, and more importantly, why? They were all powerful immortal gods... apparently. What kind of entity could possibly threaten their order?

"You are not incorrect, Starlight. We cannot be threatened in the most traditional sense of the word," Celestia's words made me tremble.

Was she reading my mind? Could she do that? Could they do that?

"Every creature reacts the same, Sister," Luna chuckled as she raised a hoof to cover her mouth.

What in the world does that even mean?

"My sister and I have interacted with enough creatures over the years to be able to... discern thoughts," Celestia explained. "Think of it as being able to accurately guess from countless past experiences."

"That's... really disturbing," I said truthfully. Knowing that new snippet of info, I was a little afraid to even think around them now.

"Do not be dismayed, Starlight Glimmer," said Luna. "Even for somepony with your distasteful history, the Immortal Sister's wish only the best." For some reason, when she said it like that, I kind of believed her... even if I didn't really want to.

"Can we just back up a little please," I rubbed a hoof against my aching head. Not only did I not believe that they cared about me, but I was still focused on that something that could be superior to them. "You didn't say who or what watches the two of you."

They looked at one another knowingly, deciding which of them would elaborate on that subject. The odd action made me think that they might be able to communicate with each other telepathically. There was a spell for that, so it wouldn't be too farfetched. Not as ridiculous as being able to "guess" thoughts, at least.

"As rulers it is our duty to keep our subjects satisfied," Celestia started, but I was already done. So that's what they'd meant? Their populace watched them?

What a load of-

"You don't have to care about something insignificant like that," I interrupted my own unsavory thoughts, rolling my eyes. "Why not just do whatever you guys want?" Who cares what the small fries had to say, they could crush any troublemakers beneath their hooves with ease.

"If we shared that mentality we'd..." Celestia trailed off.

"We'd be despots like you were," Luna's lack of remorse at being so blunt caused her sister giggle.

"Okay, first of all, ouch," I pointed an irritated hoof at Luna before looking back at Celestia. "Second of all, so what? It's not like you have somepony who can force you to do what you don't want."

"Don't you understand, Starlight?" Celestia's cryptic question confused me to no end.

Understand what?

"It is because we are so very strong that we must hold ourselves accountable to a higher standard."

"But, you're so strong. You could just force everypony to do what you want." I still didn't get it. If I had that kind of power...

"You are correct, Starlight, we are strong," Luna had become much less animated, the serious nature the conversation had taken on seemingly causing her attitude to shift. "Let me pose a question to you, young one. Hypothetically speaking, we can look at this conundrum from all angles." she cleared her throat. "What if Celestia were to adopt a mentality of dictatorship?"

I pondered the question. If Celestia began exerting her full power forcefully then....

"You'd probably try and stop her," I answered. If Celestia got out of line, Luna would more likely than not, take a stand against her older sister.

"Precisely," Luna nodded. "I'm certain the opposite is true as well," she looked at the Day Princess with a smile. "If I were to seek the throne for my own selfish desires, Celestia would straighten me out promptly."

"You'd better believe it," Celestia confirmed Luna's assertion. Well, that still left one path open, didn't it? If they were to rule together with an iron hoof, nopony could stand against them. But...

"And now you've realized the folly of the third possibility," Luna chuckled.

Okay, that whole thought prediction thing is seriously creepy.

Regardless, she was right.

"If you both sought power, eventually one of you would try to steal complete control from the other." It was an obvious outcome. Eventually the desire for absolute authority would corrupt even the goddesses themselves and they'd end up fighting amongst one another for control of the world.

"So our options are fight... fight... fight... or peace," Celestia looked at her little sister, the love between them shining as brightly as the sun. "and I'd sooner abdicate my throne than come to blows with my beloved sister."

"Well said, Tia," Luna returned the same glowing feeling of love. "I couldn't have said it better myself." It was surprising that for all their years together, they were still so close.

While what they'd said made sense, it still didn't explain why Celestia had gotten a sudden change of heart and was treating me so well.

"That's all well and good, but why did you go from wanting my head to... well, to being so nice to me?" It was a little annoying, mostly because I really couldn't understand her intentions. The only thing that made any sense was that it was just a pathetic trick.

"Haven't figured that out yet? I suppose it is a bit harder to understand, especially being as... secluded for as long as you were." Celestia ignited her horn before floating a newspaper from her bed over to me.

I grabbed the paper with my own telekinesis before reading the front page. Ruthless Tyrant Deposed! All Hail the Triumphant Princesses!

What a flattering headline.

I guess news did travel that fast around here. I continued reading the article, noting that they'd found out my name and even gotten a small bit of my past correct.

They must've...

"So you went to the press, and?" I tossed the paper back onto her bed, more than just a little pissed off. This turn of events would make it impossible for me to rebuild. By morning, all of Equestria would know exactly who Starlight Glimmer is and that she's an untrustworthy monster. It was over. I was finished.

"Yet again, your perspective of us is a poor one," Luna walked up next to me. I don't know why she kept getting so close to me, but it's not like I could just tell her to back off. "I assure you, we've done no such thing, Starlight."


"The ones watching," Celestia clarified in her sister's place. "The upper crust, the elites of Canterlot, control every aspect of the media." That fact appeared to trouble the Princess of the Sun. "Not only that, their eyes and ears are everywhere."

"Not in my town," I declared confidently, without so much as a thought. I'd erected the strongest spells to keep my old home safe, that's why I'd kept the village so small. The more ground I had to monitor, the more of a strain it would've been on my magic.

"Your thinking is narrow-minded, child," the Princess of the Night sighed, looking completely disappointed.

"Has anypony ever told you that you could really use some tact, Princess?"I finally made a snide remark at the Night Princess, unable to hold myself back any longer. Celestia's sudden outburst of riotous laughter caused me to jump in place.

"Oh goodness," the Sun Princess wiped the tears forming in her eyes. "Starlight, you just might be the first creature in all of history who's had the courage to tell her that to her face." I was glad Celestia found humor in my insubordination, because the look of pure indifference on Luna's face wasn't very comforting.

"Delightful," the Princess of the Moon remarked dryly. "Now then, as I was saying, despite any protective measures you may have taken, Starlight, those of us on the outside looking in would be more cautious due to said precautions."

I contemplated her words deeply.

My spells would've made others more cautious? Well wasn't that the point? Stay away from me and my things and you wouldn't get hurt?

"I don't really understand, Your Highness," I stated bluntly. I apparently needed a hint or two, because whatever she'd meant, went way over my head.

"Look at it this way, Starlight," Celestia drew my attention. "You had numerous defensive spells because you had something to hide." That was a correct assumption. "But, hypothetically, let's say you didn't have anything to hide. Let's say you just desired your own privacy. How would one on the outside viewing you take that?"

"Well," I only needed to think about it for a second. "They'd probably still think I was trying to hide something."

"Precisely," Luna nodded, her satisfaction evident. "in spite of all the power in the universe, my sister and I are scrutinized for every action we take. Even if we wished to keep things a bit more... discreet, any action we take to do so will be met with outrage and condemnation by the citizens of Equestria."

"Our rule must be one of appearances, Starlight," Celestia further explained. "at least, to the masses. To them, we are what we are perceived to be, despite who we actually are."

That honestly sounded horrible. I did what I wanted when I wanted. These two were shackled by something so far below them it was like being imprisoned by ants.

Still, I could see the reason for it. It was all for peace and order. They were such... good rulers. And yet even they weren't enough. Even with them at the top of the pecking order, horrible things happened daily. Things that could never be washed away. Things that could never be fixed. Things that could never be atoned for.

"Which is why our bedrooms and ONLY our bedrooms have impenetrable magical barriers," Luna continued, snapping me out of my thoughts. "There's not a creature alive that would have the audacity to deny us privacy in our own quarters. Within these walls we can be ourselves."

I still di- Oh... OH! I slapped myself on the forehead, everything suddenly falling neatly into place. I finally understood.

"In the throne room earlier?" I asked. Both sister's simply nodded together. "That's why you were so quiet," I looked at Luna. "And that's why you were being so... brutal." I looked at Celestia, but realized there was still something that didn't add up. "But, then back in my town, why did-"

"Like I said before, Starlight, I cannot lie to you and say they weren't my true feelings," the Sun Princess offered me a crooked smile. "Seeing Sunset like that..." she searched for the right words. "It hurt me very much. However, had I truly wanted to take your life, I could have in the blink of an eye." I shuddered, recalling her demonic visage. She was telling the truth.

"And that's why you'd have to pursue me and punish me if I tried to escape." The pieces of the puzzle continued to fit. The masses would obviously demand the head of the mare who'd enslaved dozens and the media would ensure I was caught eventually.

"Luna..." Celestia looked at her sister only for the Night Princess to shake her head almost imperceptibly in reply. "We spoke of your... punishment together and we came to an accord," the ivory alicorn stepped off of her bed, walking up to me. She was so... big, her physical size enough to strike fear into the heart of any sane pony.

"You may be vicious and heartless," Luna said again with absolutely zero reservation as she too got even closer to me. Celestia laughed once again at her sister's curtness.

"But we both truly believe, with proper guidance and care, you can become somepony truly great, Starlight," the Princess of the Sun placed a hoof on my shoulder, a bright smile coming to her lips. My head fell.

"We are willing to risk instructing you, Starlight Glimmer," I lifted my head to find Luna smiling at me as well. "Are you willing to take a chance on yourself?"

I looked up into the kind eyes of the Immortal Sisters, their beauty and grace overwhelming me.

Can I... try? Do I deserve such a chance after everything I've done? After I'd-

I shook my head, rejecting the horrid thoughts that wanted nothing more than to consume me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest like a jackhammer as I gave my new mentors a genuine smile.

"I'll... I'll try."

Author's Note:

And with that, Starlight is officially staying in Canterlot... at least for now.

Where can the story go from here? Actually a heck of a lot of places. We're nowhere near done, so I hope you all are having some fun. See y'all next time!

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