• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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Inner strength

Magic is difficult for me. It always has been.

Since as far back as I can remember, I've had trouble with all things having to do with the subject. Simple spells like lifting a cup with my telekinesis or writing with a quill were really hard for me to get just right. More difficult spells like personal or projected shields took me several months to perfect. Even more complicated stuff like teleportation took me years to get down pat.

I've always had to work much harder to do the things most other unicorns could with ease. Gifted unicorns like Twilight and Starlight were always leagues ahead of me no matter how much effort I put in. I don't know why, but I've always had to struggle to catch up, to stand out amongst the crowd. Arguably, I was still trailing far behind both of my colleagues.

For some reason, none of that ever seemed to matter to my mentor. To the Princess of the Sun, I was special. To her, I was a light in the darkness. To her, I was capable of things I'd never have the audacity of dreaming of.

Because of her, I'd never let any of my shortcomings hold me down.

Not ever.

"Not bad," Luna stared at the destruction I'd managed to produce with an appreciative smile. "Is that the full extent of your abilities?"

The tree before us was split down the middle, a large fracture splintering it in two from its crown to its base. While it hadn't collapsed, it was quite clearly very damaged. Still, I groaned, my annoyance spilling from my mouth as I began charging another spell.

Luna's question had sounded more like a challenge, and I was never one to back down from those. On top of that, the Princess of Dreams had never given me her full attention before.

I want to show her.

I wanted her to know I wasn't inferior -- to Twilight, or to anypony else -- and this was the best chance I'd ever gotten.

"No, it isn't. Can I try again?" I turned to face another tree, pouring more mana into my horn. "I know I can do better!"

I can take at least one down. I can!

The trees were by no means small. The oaks were pushing about seventy feet and probably had reached maturity. It'd take any decently adept unicorn more mana than they possessed to cut one down in a single shot.

But I was no mere unicorn.

I am not a weakling. I am Princess Celestia's hoof picked disciple. I am Sunset Shimmer.

"Feel free," she grinned at me, her eyes honestly looking a little... crazed. "Let yourself run wild, Sunset Shimmer. If ever there was a time to do so, tis now."

"Thank you, Your Highness." I bowed my head slightly as I focused on the trunk of the tree and the mana I was pushing into my horn.

I'd never done anything like this with my mentor. Sure, she'd taught me many a lesson on mana control, manipulation, and utilization, but that's not what this was.

Not even close.

Luna simply wanted to see my raw strength, nothing else. No skill. No application. Just power. She wanted me to let everything out, to hold nothing back.

I didn't want to disappoint her.

I'd dabbled in destructive spells from time to time. It's not like I wasn't interested in offensive magic, it just wasn't Celestia's cup of tea.

Protecting yourself and those precious to you is far more important than harming another creature, Sunset. Never forget that.

She wasn't wrong, -- was she ever? -- but for those of us who weren't immortal goddesses, sometimes protecting those we loved meant hurting those that threatened their well-being.

And so, I made the decision to look into the subject on my own. In spite of Celestia's refusal to instruct me in the area, I'd managed to develop some skill on my own. Observing my mentor day in day out led me to quite a discovery. While I was by no means an expert, I could still do things like...

My horn blazed with pure sunlight, the melody of my magical signature changing slightly at the new formation of mana. My first try I'd chosen to utilize a rudimentary concussive blast. It was a simple spell, mostly used to incapacitate and then detain a target. I didn't want to do that to the tree.

If I use a little bit more this time, I should be able to do it.

Sweat fell from my brow as my horn began to hum louder and louder. Offensive spells were much more taxing on the body than most other types of magic and I was already feeling the burn. Struggling to aim my strike properly, I grinded my teeth harshly before letting my attack fly forth. The jet of sunlight cut through the trunk of the tree like butter, not being hindered at all as it continued on its way, colliding with several more obstacles as it traveled.

It wasn't much damage at first glance, more akin to a precise incision, but a second later each object my spell had come into contact with shined like Celestia's sun before shattering in a burst of vibrant sunlight.

"How... was... that!?"I wiped my forehead as the glow of my horn faded away, my breaths coming in heavy heaves. I couldn't help but smile confidently. More than seven trees and a few large boulders had been burned to dust by my assault.

She has to be impressed by that.

"Solar mana..." She looked... annoyed? I couldn't really tell, but she clearly wasn't pleased. She trotted up to me, a raised eyebrow and a scowl on her face. "I have only ever seen my sister utilize the power of her star... I trust she was not the one who taught you that spell. How did you manage to perform such a feat?"

She was inches from my face, her aura forcing me to crouch down slightly.

Did I... did I do something wrong...?


No. I didn't.

"I learned it by myself." I wouldn't flinch or back down, especially when I wasn't at fault. My eyes were locked with hers, neither of us giving an inch. It was easy to see she was looking deeper than the surface, her eyes flicking back and forth as she evaluated me as well as my response.

"... Remarkable," she smiled, clearly pleased with my answer. Thankfully, her stern attitude was gone. "That is an incredible accomplishment, Sunset! Such an achievement is completely unheard of!" She was gushing now, something I never thought I'd see the Princess of the Night do. "Truly! It speaks volumes of your bond with my elder sister! Celestia must... be..." her enthusiasm evaporated as my head slowly lowered, my breathing finally returning to normal.

"She, uhm..." I scratched the back of my head. "She... doesn't actually know I can do it," I confessed.

"I... I see," she moved to sit down in front of me, her expression suddenly unreadable. "That explains quite a bit."

"She doesn't really... approve of that kind of magic... at least, not when it comes to me."

"As I thought," she craned her head closer to mine. "May I ask a favor of you, Sunset?" Her face was uncomfortably close, forcing me to move my head back just a bit.

What is she- She's way too close...

"W-what is it, Your Highness?" I was trying my hardest not to blush, but Luna, much like her older sister, was far beyond the boundary of beautiful. I'd long grown accustomed to Celestia's ethereal attractiveness, but Luna could still make my heart race.

They really are unfair beings.

"Can you... can you close your eyes? Just for a moment?" She wasn't looking at me, or at least, not into my eyes. "Please?"

How could I say no to such a being?

"S-sure," I fulfilled her request immediately, though I was no longer able to conceal the deep maroon that came to my cheeks.

"Thank you, dear."

She was quiet for several seconds, shifting this way and that as she did... something in front of me. When she got even closer and softly grabbed my chin with a hoof, I wasn't able to keep my surprised gasp in.

"Forgive me, Sunset, I simply must..." She tilted my head downwards, her warm breath filling my senses. The scent contained a strong tinge of mint, an unknown fruit, and just a hint of the blackest coffee. Even her body, though not exactly warm like Celestia's, emanated an alien air, one that comforted me to my core.

She's... perfect.

"Still, it remains." she sighed. "Will it never end, Tia?" The beatific experience was over before I knew it, the Night Princess removing her hoof from my face and trotting away from me. "You may open your eyes now, Sunset."

"Is... something wrong, Your Highness?" I asked as my eyes fluttered open, my heart rate returning to its normal steady pace.

"Perhaps." She came to a stop before turning to face me, a stoney glare on her face. "You still hold back your true strength, Sunset."

"I..." Her look of irritation shook my confidence. I couldn't lie, at least, not to her. "I'm sorry I disappointed you. That was really the strongest spell I know, Your Highness." I couldn't hold my head up, couldn't maintain eye contact with the princess.

Am I really that weak?

"You've not disappointed me, Sunset," she shook her head. "I've another request."

I lifted my head, completely surprised that she'd ask more of me. She still didn't look pleased, but her expression was softer now. "What is it, Your Highness?"

"What you witnessed me perform before was not a spell, Sunset." I was confused, my face clearly reflecting that fact causing the Night Princess to begin charging her horn as her melody flowed all around us.

"I... I don't understand, Your Highness." My head tilted involuntarily. I had no idea what she was getting at.

"Perhaps an explanation is in order." Her mana grew stronger, her horn becoming brighter by the second. "Typically, as a creature that utilizes magic, you send mana into your horn to perform specific tasks." Her horn was humming loudly now, signaling she was prepared to cast whatever spell she desired. "Once enough mana is supplied, a spell can be performed." She launched a volley of dark blue projectiles into the forest. Anything unfortunate enough to be touched by her spell was instantly disintegrated. "This," she spoke once the destruction she caused had ended. "Can vary, of course, however, it is still generally limited to a creature's knowledge of a particular spell. What I did earlier was not a spell, it was merely an..." She tapped her chin with a hoof, trying to find the right word. "Expulsion of my mana."

An expulsion of mana?

"So..." I tried to comprehend what she was telling me and then reiterate my reasoning to her, but it wasn't easy. "You just... let your mana... what, out of your body?"

I wasn't even sure how that was possible.

Mana has to be molded to take the form of a spell... doesn't it?

"Correct," she nodded. A devious grin came to her lips. "Shall we perform an exercise to demonstrate?"

"I... sure?" I couldn't see anything wrong with that. She smiled, satisfied I'd given her no lip. "What did you have in mind, Your Highness?"

"Transfer mana into your horn," she pointed a hoof at me.

"For what spell?" I had to know what I was aiming for or I'd just be flailing senselessly.

"No spell," she shook her head. "Just infuse your horn with your mana." It was an... odd instruction.

"Just...?" I was a bit bewildered. "How much should I-"

"As much as you can manage, please." When she noticed I was staring at her with a completely dumbfounded look, she chuckled. "Put your faith in me, Sunset. This is one of my realms, after all. Rest assured, If anything goes awry, I shall take care of you."

When she said something like that with so much bravado, I couldn't help but trust her. "If you say so, Your Majesty." I shrugged as I began to infuse mana into my horn.

I'd been conservative with my initial attempts, only providing enough energy for the spell I wanted to cast.

I was not going to play it safe this time. With Luna's assurance of my safety, I'd have no such reservations.

As more of my mana began to flow and my melody grew louder I started to feel a strange sensation growing around the base of my horn. It was a slight tingle at first, but was slowly swelling into a tight pressure, as if something was squeezing the base of the spire and moving upwards.

"Sun... set?" Luna must have noticed my discomfort because she drew closer, a concerned look on her face.

"I feel... weird, Luna." Everything around me began to spin as I struggled to stay on my hooves. She was next to me before I knew it, the flow of my mana cut off immediately.

"I have you, do not fear," she held me with her hooves, keeping me from falling and holding me close. "I expected this, Sunset."

The strange feeling was gone. Princess Luna's horn was shining as she cradled me. For some reason, as soon as she made contact with me the foreign feeling had left my body, as did all of the mana I had been channeling.

"Wha... what happened?" Her body was heavenly, something I'd never experienced so close before. I would go as far as saying it even rivaled her sister's warm embrace, the two far more similar than I'd thought.

"Only here... Still... I can... If I wish..." The princess was whispering to herself, but I caught a few stray words. "There," she touched the tip of my horn with a hoof. "Now we can have a proper test." She took a few steps away from me, making sure I could stand under my own power prior to letting me go. "How do you feel?" She bent her head down, a curious look on her face.

"N-normal?" I answered honestly, but a little unsure. Nothing had really changed from before, at least not that I was aware of.

Why did my mana do that?

I'd never experienced anything like that before.


"Can you try one more time, Sunset?" She turned and swept her horn across the forest, reconstructing everything that had been previously destroyed. "I believe I've managed to fix the issue."

What... issue?

"Your Highness... what issue are you talking about?" I asked.

"First things first, Sunset. One more time?" She clasped her hooves together, a pleading look on her face. "Please?"

Seriously, how does Twilight ever say no to her?


She probably doesn't.

I chuckled a bit. "Okay, Your Highness. Just don't let me implode or anything." As I began to transfer mana into my horn once again something completely unexpected occured.

An amount of mana so boundless, so vast I couldn't begin to comprehend its limits, passed into my horn and then back through my body. The energy circulated within me, the feeling of limitless power euphoric as my hooves left the familiarity of the ground. My body was floating, waves of torrential winds blasting outward from me. The sound was so cacophonous I couldn't even hear the chime of my own magic.

Princess Luna looked ecstatic, her wide eyes and excited smile a far cry from her typical facial features.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to focus the magic, to move it all into my horn, but it was far too much for me to handle. I don't know where it'd all come from or whose it was, but the sheer volume of it was beginning to make me panic.

"DO NOT FRET, SUNSET SHIMMER!" My eyes shot open, Luna's Royal Canterlot Voice breaking my concentration and drawing my gaze. She was absolutely vibrant now, hovering off of the ground herself as she beamed at me. "DO NOT HOLD BACK, YOUNG ONE!"

I was terrified.


"DO NOT DOUBT, SUNSET!" Her horn ignited with blue fire as she protected herself with a barrier. "DO NOT FEAR!" I felt the mana surging, the end of it, its limit, nowhere in sight. "THIS IS WHO YOU TRULY ARE!"

My vision filled with blinding light, the sudden discharge of mana from my body seeming to shake Luna's reality itself. I could sense it reverberate from me, vaporizing all it came into contact with.

The feeling. The power.

It was glorious.

Author's Note:

Where could this lead? I wonder what it means.

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