• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Friendship

Find somewhere you can talk without being seen. A secluded place, so that nopony will be able to see or hear you.

I looked to and fro, the mostly empty field that made up the Crystal guards' training grounds offered no such safe haven from my position.

"Sparkles, what're you-"

"Wait, Starlight!" I all but hissed the command, swiftly putting an end to her protests.

Where... Whe- THERE!

I dragged the mare to the little shack off to the side of the field in the corner. I wasn't sure what it was for, but...


It wasn't locked. I pulled her inside, closed the door behind us, and cast a quick spell to illuminate the room. It was full of supplies like wooden swords, shields, and other things of a similar nature. The Crystal guard obviously used it for storing their training equipment. It was perfect for giving us the privacy we desperately needed at the moment.

"Twilight... what's going on?" I'd honestly expected her to make a joke. Something crude. 'If you wanted to get me alone, all you had to do was ask, Sparkles.' Something along those lines.

At least she's finally taking something seriously.

"What were you thinking!?" I tried to remain calm, but reflecting on what I'd just witnessed her do brought all the pent up anger flooding back to the surface. She looked at me as if I was the one who'd done something wrong, her look of confusion infuriating me further.

"What was I doing!? I was TESTING your brother, Twilight!" she slammed her hoof against the floor, apparently not knowing where else to direct her annoyance. "You're right! We are here to help! What did it look like I was doing!?"

"It looked like you were trying to kill him and his guards!" I wasn't about to back down any time soon. She was really pushing the boundaries of what we could and couldn't get away with in the Empire.

She's a representative of Her Majesty now. She can't just go around acting like a crazy pony.

"It was a TRICK, Twilight!" she slapped a hoof against her forehead. "I'm not going around trying to murder ponies! What do you think I am!? Crazy!?"


"You ARE crazy!" I tried not to laugh at the absurdity of her question, my reply causing her to flinch.

Does she really have such little self-awareness?

"How stupid do you think I am, Starlight!?" I got right in her face, our noses nearly touching. I really, REALLY wanted to slap some sense into her, but if this turned into anything other than a conversation, I'd be at a huge disadvantage. "Do you really think I'm THAT weak!?"

"WHAT are you on about, Twilight!?" she moved forward, our noses making contact.

"Do you honestly think I can't see through one of your illusory spells!?" I pressed a hoof into her chest, my pride nearly shattered. "Illusions are one of my mistress' strongest areas, Starlight! I KNOW how to detect one being used!"


"Are you saying YOU'RE better than HER at conjuring illusions?" I grabbed the tuft of fur on her chest tightly. I wasn't certain what I'd do if she answered incorrectly, but I had to give myself some sort of tactical advantage if she did.

"I KNOW what spell I casted," she said quietly, narrowing her eyes on me. Each word she'd delivered was dripping with fury, but she managed to keep control of herself. "If YOU couldn't see through it, then that sounds like a YOU problem, not a shortcoming of OUR mentor."

Her snap back hit harder than I was expecting, causing me to let her go and move back just a bit. I'd expected some degree of sass. I hadn't expected her to use my-


OUR mentor against me. I went to open my mouth, but I didn't know what to say, her jab far more effective than I'd initially thought. I slowly lowered my hoof to the ground, trying my best to think of a comeback, of anything to say. Nothing came.


"What did you see, Twilight?" she asked, no longer looking my way.


"I saw you drop a spell that probably could've turned all of the training grounds to rubble if it wasn't stopped," I uncomfortably rubbed my foreleg with a hoof. "There was... a lot of fire." She looked at me as if I'd just told her she was going to be executed. "My brother's spell protected everything... and everypony."

She was on me in a second, examining me like I was a specimen in a lab and she was a far too curious scientist. She was making me even more uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that I couldn't meet her gaze.

"Look at me, Twilight!" she demanded. I lifted my head, coming face to face with her. She continued to scrutinize my eyes, searching. For what, I had no clue, but her hoof clutched my chin, keeping me facing forward.


"Starlight, wh-"

"He did something." She let me go before spinning around and heading directly for the door. She was pissed. I couldn't let her leave in such an unruly state.

"Starlight!" My horn ignited, covering the door in my magenta aura. She stopped moving forward, but continued to stare at the exit. "What are you planning to do?"

"Drop your spell, Twilight," she stated firmly, refusing to turn my way.

"Not until you tell me what you're gonna do, Star." Though I was just as firm as she had been, I tried to extend an olive branch as well. If she went berserk now, she'd be able to blow my magic away with little effort and then who knows what trouble she might get into.

Please, Starlight...

"I'm just going to go have a word with your brother," she said, trying to sound calm. If I let her leave things would definitely go downhill fast.

"Can't you just... can't you just calm down a little first?" I tried not to sound like I was pleading, yet that's exactly what I was doing.

"I am calm," she replied cooly. "He's not who you think he is, Twilight. He's playing at something," her head lowered slightly. "I know a monster when I see one. Trust me."

"Give me a reason to, Star," I replied. "Please, just-"

"So you're gonna take his side then?" her head lifted a fraction. "Even after what he did to you?" her horn shined brightly. "You're going to trust him over me?"


"You're not giving me much of a choice, Star," I reached out to her with a hoof, my heart hurting.


She laughed quietly. "So this is what friendship is?" she roughly rubbed her eyes with a foreleg.

No, not laughing...

"If that's the case... I don't want it. Not yours." She turned to face me, tears cascading from her eyes. "Screw you, Twilight." Her grief filled words struck me harder than any magic ever could. My horn flickered out, my spell fading immediately.

"S-Star..." I whispered weakly, unable to do anything else as she turned and left me alone in the shack.


Great job, Twilight! You somehow managed to completely alienate one of the only ponies in your life that might actually care about you.

I knew for a fact she was at fault, yet I couldn't bring myself to be mad at her. Not after I'd seen her reaction. I'd expected her to come at me with all the fury she had for Shining Armor, but... she hadn't.

She really is starting to care.

And even more unfortunately... so was I.

Ever since my mistress had started pushing me into this whole "friendship" thing I'd made a real effort to meet and surpass her expectations. I never thought I'd be put in a position where I might hurt a friend.

Where I might hurt somepony that I...


I still hadn't moved from the spot she'd left me in. I was sat on my haunches, staring at the door of the shack like an idiot, hoping she'd come back. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to beg her for forgiveness.

I wanted...

I want...

I want... her.


Guess I'm finally admitting it. I sighed. Why, though?

I couldn't really come up with an answer. At least not one that made any sense.

She's crude. She's arrogant. She's irritating. And...

I rubbed my face with my hooves.

And she's really smart. She's strong, too. And she makes everything so much more... fun.

I didn't have to convince myself. All I had to do was think about her and I knew it was the truth.

I really like her.


Y... Your Majesty?

Without thinking, I'd closed my eyes and called out to my mistress.

I'm here, my dearest, she replied instantly, her spectral form appearing before me in the darkness of my mind. She was somehow even more beautiful than in person. What is it you require of me?

I'm-Forgive me, Your Highness. I really don't know what had driven me to contact her out of the blue like this. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be bothering you. I know you're busy.

My dearest... she smiled. I would stop time itself if you asked it of me, she trotted over to my side, chuckling slightly. I've all the time in the world for you. What's on your mind.

Can we just... talk a bit? I didn't want to start things off in fourth gear.

Of course we can, my dearest, she looked down at me, comprehension coming to her features. Did you have something particular in mind you wanted to discuss?

No, your Highness. It was only partly a lie. How is your trip going? The Thestral Dominion is beautiful this time of year, or so... I've heard... from you, I blushed.

Tis going well, she covered her mouth with a hoof, holding in some of the laughter. I'll bring you along with me one day when we're not so bogged down by our responsibilities so you can see it for yourself.

And the king? How is he doing, Your Majesty. My mistress had spoken many times of the relationship she'd cultivated with the ruler of the thestrals. As far as I could tell, they were beyond close. Maybe even intimately so, though I could never be certain.

I suppose such a relationship could be too much of a risk for her. Without the bond she'd developed with the King of the Thestrals, the Dominion and Equestria never would've come to peaceful terms. Not even Princess Celestia had been able to sway the king when it came to peace talks. It was reasonable to believe that my mistress wouldn't risk peace for her own interests. She was selfless like that. She'd always been selfless like that.

King Sombra is doing well, the smile that bloomed on her face told me that my suspicions might just be correct. As always, he is treating me with the utmost respect and kindness.

It seems like you really like him, Your Majesty, I decided to test the waters.

He's one of few I can truly call a friend, my dearest, she grinned wider. I treasure him.

Just a friend, Your Highness? I pressed harder, lifting a curious brow.

What do you- she looked a little confused before realization came to her face. A very dear friend, Twilight. Nothing more.

Why, Princess? I asked, a little more than disappointed.

There's only one pony my heart could ever belong to, Twilight, she looked off into the void around us. She is a truly special mare.

She, Your Highness? Do I know her?

That was an interesting revelation.

I'll tell you all about her one day, my dearest, she smiled deviously. For now, I believe it's time we address your problem.

O-of course, Your Highness. I wasn't sure if she was trying to avoid my questions, but she'd gone out on a limb for me, so I would for her.

What happened, my dearest?

I... I really messed up, Your Highness, I groaned. I wanted to lean on her for support, but she wasn't really there. Not physically, at least.

Tell me more, my dearest. I promise, I shall do all I can to aid you. She unfurled a wing, but then tucked it back away swiftly.

My brother's been acting... strange, Your Majesty. Ever since we got here he's been so... nice to me. I don't really know what to do, I explained.

What do you want to do, my dearest? While it was a simple question it was one I wasn't sure how to answer.

I... I thought of Princess Celestia and how good it felt to reconcile with her. How good it felt to let go of that grudge. I want to stop being so angry, Your Highness.

Something... or somepony is standing in your way, she declared more than asked. Who or what, is it?

Starlight, I answered with a sigh. She doesn't trust him. At all.


She needed time to think, and so, I gave it to her.


Tell me your thoughts on Starlight, my dearest. I'd figured she might go in that direction. I wouldn't hide anything from her.

She's impulsive, but she's smart. She gets mad quickly, but it's typically for a good reason. She's manipulative, but it's usually all in good fun. She's... I rubbed my face with a hoof. I like her, Your Majesty

As do I, my dearest, she agreed with me, though I'm not sure she fully understood what I'd meant. Despite her more... prickly aspects, I trust her abilities as well as her judgement, she looked at me once again, a smile on her lips. If she warned you to be cautious, I would heed her words.

I lowered my head, the guilt getting to me again. I nodded a few times. Do you... do you think she'll ever forgive me? I looked up at her, hoping.

Do you know the truly funny thing about real friends, my dearest? she booped me on the snoot and I somehow actually felt it.

What, Your Highness? I asked, her touch already making me feel much better.

In spite of how foolish a fight may be, true friends somehow always find their way back to one another. She hugged me, causing me to open my eyes in reality. Find her, my dearest. Make amends, her voice echoed in my head.


I stood to my hooves, determination filling me. As I made my way to the door it was quickly pushed open.

"Sh-Shining!?" I froze, my brother walking into the shack with a concerned look on his face. Seeing him okay lifted my spirits even more.

Thank goodness...

"Oh good! You're not dead!" he... joked? At least, I was hoping it was just a joke.

"Why would I be?" I asked, honestly curious as to why he'd even think something like that.

"Starlight left in a tizzy. I tried to stop her, but... yeah that wasn't gonna happen," he chuckled uncomfortably, scratching his mane. "I think her exact words were: 'Buck off you pathetic excuse for a stallion'.

I smiled at the thought.

That does sound like her.

"I gave it a couple minutes before I came to check on you," he explained, his expression softening. "I'm glad she didn't hurt you."

A couple minutes? But I've been in here for...

I guess Her Highness wasn't just posturing.

"She wouldn't hurt me," I stated confidently. "but-"

"She is a little unhinged, Twily," he drew closer to me. "I don't know how close the two of you actually are, but if even Princess Celestia could hurt you the way she did..."

He let me connect the dots myself and, unfortunately, the picture wasn't one I liked.

"You hurt me too," I said defensively. He sighed, his head drooping.

"I know," he didn't deny it. "I screwed up." He lifted a hoof toward me, a smile coming to his face. "But you're my little sister, Twily. And I'm your big brother. I'll always love you."

"I..." I didn't know what to say.

"You have to forgive me, Twily."

Just say okay.


"Okay, Shiny... I... forgive... you."

Author's Note:

Well, that was easy. Or was it? Hmmm.

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