• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Deception

"Keep your wits about you, Sunset," Cadenza warned me as the two of us descended further into the palace's dungeons. "Shining did all he could to constrain her, but she is a changeling, and a very powerful one at that... She may even be the strongest to ever live."

"Constrain her?" I asked.

"Yes. Mana limiters, an anti-magic field... everything we could think of to restrict her," she explained. "Unfortunately, changeling magic doesn't work like unicorn or alicorn magic so... none of what we've done is actually fool proof."

"I see," I replied earnestly. That meant she might not be as contained as they hoped. That thought was more than troubling.

The dungeons of the Crystal Empire we traveled within were every bit as dark and imposing as Canterlot's. Normally, I would've been forced to use an illumination spell to light our way if not for the Crystal guard already doing so for us. The stallion marched in front of Cadenza and I, remaining silent our entire trek thus far.

"I'll do my best, Your Highness. Is there anything in particular I should keep an eye out for?" I asked, puffs of vapor flowing from my mouth with each breath. While the dungeons were a little too cold for my tastes, -- a moist chill permeating the air -- I made a mental note that the conditions within each cell we passed by were impeccable. Most were empty, -- lending credence to the fact that the Empire really was a much safer place than the capital of Equestria -- though a scant few contained criminals, but they all appeared fairly content in their prisons. The queen clearly took good care of those in her empire, even the transgressors.

Each and every time I'd gone down into the dungeons in Canterlot I was reminded just how troublesome the population there could be.

Though I suppose that's because there is no escaping my mentor's gaze.

"When facing one of them, this is most crucial," Cadenza remarked as she pointed a hoof at her head, breaking me out of my reverie.

It's a good thing Star is so paranoid.

The night before our departure the lilac mare had insisted on erecting several mental barriers in my mind as well as Twilight's. Thankfully, me and the violet unicorn were smart enough to trust our friend.

If we hadn't...

"Changelings are... wily creatures," Cadenza pulled me from my thoughts yet again. "They burrow their way into your mind to glean information so they can murder you and steal your life away. Then... then they feed on your loved ones... until..." she didn't finish. She didn't have to.

The clip-clop of our hooves echoing off the desolate walls was the only sound to be heard as she became silent.


"That's... really disturbing," I shuddered, finally gaining enough courage to speak. I'd read many times about changelings replacing other creatures, but none of the books I'd come across said anything about them killing.

It makes sense though.

Why risk the possibility of being found out if you could just get rid of all the evidence?

"They are dreadful creatures." The revulsion in her voice was thick, a disgusted frown coming to her face. She looked down at me, her visage still contorted in intense repugnance. "You wanted to know what happened to Marengo..." For some reason, the mention of her father didn't appear to improve her mood. "Mom won't talk about it, but I will," she hissed. "He offered himself to the Changeling Queen. They feed on love..." she sighed, her anger dissipating suddenly. "So... he gave himself... to satisfy their disgusting hunger."

"Gave... himself?" I gulped, coming to a stop. I couldn't walk any further, my legs shaking as if I were standing in an earthquake. I nearly collapsed, sending strength to my knees so I'd remain standing. I wasn't sure exactly what she'd meant, but I knew it wasn't anything good.

"Hold on for a moment, Tidal," the princess ordered the guard who abruptly came to a stop.

"Yes, Your Highness!" he replied with a stomp of his forehooves.

"Can you... can you be a bit more precise?" I stared at the ground, not wanting to look her in the eye. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"He left m- left us to be their food source," she growled, the frustration bubbling right back up to the surface. "It was the greatest act of love he could think to perform," she shook her head, her gaze falling. "Love for us..." she looked at me with a wry smile. "And love for those... abominations." That fact seemed to be especially devastating to her. "To this day... I don't even know if he still lives."

"You don't..." I felt sick to my stomach, my breakfast threatening to come up of its own accord.

T-twenty years!?

I couldn't prevent myself from trembling. To be a prisoner for that long and to be... FED on the entire time? The possibility of her claim being true was... terrifying... and I had no reason to doubt her.

"You hate them... don't you?" I asked.

"I do," she stated simply, no emotion in her voice. "I hate those monsters... but I hate HIM most of all." She pointed a hoof forward, her expression void of any feeling.

I didn't need any clarifications. With the way she'd ordered, I knew I wouldn't get one anyway. I nodded obediently as the three of us began moving again.


"Well... this is unexpected." The voice was a horrid sound, like nails dragging slowly along a chalkboard. It was exactly what I'd imagine a snake with a sore throat would sound like... if one could ever actually speak. The alien voice had come from deep within the darkness, sending chills up and down my spine.

Princess Cadenza and I stood before the largest cell we'd come across so far. The guard, who I'd gathered was named Tidal, was stationed just outside the room the two of us had entered -- along with two other guards -- in case we required their aid.

It was nearly pitch black now, -- somehow even darker than the rest of the cavernous dungeons -- but a pair of small torches -- one on either side of said cell -- helped me see that the bars surrounding the jail were made of what I'd gathered to be pure diamond. What little I could see other than that didn't reveal much else.

"Princess Chrysalis..." Cadenza spoke firmly, now back in politician mode. "We've come to discuss... your release."

I nearly collapsed yet again.

Wha... her what!?

"W-WHAT!?" I shouted, staring in disbelief at the princess. "What do you mean 'release', Cadenza!?"

"Oh I see," the changeling hissed, though it wasn't a sound of discomfort or irritation, but one of delight. "You've come to beg!" she cackled, a sound much like glass shattering. "How very... interesting..."

"Wh-" Cadenza scoffed in disbelief, leaving me to fumble about like a foal. "As if I would ever even ask you for anything, monster!"

The Princess of the Changelings' only reply was more raucous laughter. It was way too dark, adding a foreboding element to the already imposing changeling. If I'd learned anything from Celestia about politics it was not to let a rival dictate the pace or mood of a discussion.

I ignited my horn in an attempt to illuminate the area, to shine a light in the darkness. It was a mistake. As my horn began to sing I realized the changeling's laughter had stopped.


"Sun-set Shimmer," the changeling cut Princess Cadenza's slightly panicked voice off. She'd emphasized nearly every syllable, as if saying my name bothered her to such a degree that it was as if she were spitting out a rotten flower she'd mistakenly tried to eat. I'd gotten her attention, though I wish I hadn't.

As light began to emanate from my horn I heard the clip-clop of hooves, though they almost sounded... moist, as if they were stepping through dense mud.

"You honestly believe your pathetic little spell can overcome the darkness of the Princess of the Changelings?" As the hoofsteps approached us, I finally realized what was going on.

It's not dark because of the environment, I shuddered. It's coming from her.

As the changeling stepped up to the bars, it was more than obvious that she was encompassed by a billowing darkness. Despite the fact that she was less than a meter away from me and Cadenza, I couldn't see her body at all.

"H-how!?" I let my disbelief slip out of my mouth, an odious mistake when amongst somepony like her. Normally, I wouldn't have screwed up so spectacularly, but being able to do... whatever she was doing without mana, was impossible.

"Such a naive little fool," she said disdainfully, sending a jolt through me. "Be silent." Amidst the darkness two shimmering jade eyes appeared, immediately forcing me directly onto my flank. "Adults are speaking."

I don't know what it was, don't know what kind of magic she'd used, but I couldn't move my body. I couldn't open my mouth, couldn't even make a sound, my vocal chords themselves seemingly paralyzed.

"Enough, monster!" Cadenza shouted, drawing the ire of the changeling. "We may not like each other, but we're not at war. We're not even technically enemies," the princess took a breath to calm herself. "Just tell me why you came here and you'll be set free. I give you my word as the sole princess of the Crystal Empire."

The jade eyes became several times larger before narrowing to slits.

"Little Princess Cadance... Sadly, you're just as big a fool as our young guest here," she taunted, her pleasure clearly mounting.

"You dare speak to me with such insolence!?" The calm that Cadenza had worked to attain was destroyed in an instant, her face twisted with rage. "I could have you hanged, drawn, and quartered this very moment!"

The explosion of laughter that came from the changeling brought a vivid blush to Cadenza's cheeks. Whether the tinge was from embarrassment or rage, I couldn't say for sure.

"I highly doubt that, Cadenza," she sighed as if she'd just finished a satisfying meal. "You're absolutely terrified. That is why you're here."

"I..." Cadenza took a step back, drawing away from the cell. Even somepony with no experience dealing with politicians could see the Changeling Princess had struck a nerve.

"That's why you ran allll the way to Canterlot to ask for Celestia's help," she cackled. "But Celestia isn't coming, is she?" Cadenza's head fell. "You couldn't even manage to get little Luna's aid. And now you're all alone," a long black limb lifted out of the cage from between the bars. Full of gnarled holes and glistening with moisture, it gradually moved towards the princess. "If word reaches my mother that you're holding me here," the monster's hoof cupped Cadenza's cheek. "It's all over for you and your little "Empire", isn't it?"

"I-is that what you want?" There was no longer any confidence in the princess. The changeling had full control of the conversation and she was utilizing that position of power to its fullest. "To d-destroy our home?"

"Oh, Cadenza," Chrysalis clicked her tongue a few times in disapproval. "Do you honestly think I'm so stupid I'd tell you what I want?"

The Princess lifelessly pushed Chrysalis' hoof away, being sure not to strike the changeling.

"Then we've nothing to talk about," Cadenza sighed, her efforts to broker peace slamming directly into a concrete wall.

"On the contrary," Chrysalis giggled. "We've much to discuss, Cadenza."

"I don't see what we could possibly have to-"

"How about dear old daddy?" the changeling's question caused the princess to go rigid, her eyes shooting open. In a delayed second Cadenza tried to hide the clear shift in her demeanor, putting on a serene expression, but the damage had already been done.

"What of Marengo?" she tried to say it calmly, but the slight wobble in her jaw indicated she was feeling otherwise. It was easy to see what she really wanted to ask.

"Perhaps he's why I'm here," the changeling knew she had an even more advantageous position and pushed harder. "Perhaps... he is the one who sent me."

"CHRYSALIS!" Cadenza pressed her hooves against the bars, a truly concerned look on her face. "If you have any sense of decency..." she was on the verge of tears. "Please! Tell me what's become of my father! Tell me he's alive!"

It was a complete defeat for the pegasus. The Changeling Princess had won a decisive victory, her riotous laughter the obvious way she'd decided to celebrate.

"Oh, Cady," she sighed once again, pure pleasure coming off of her. "You're so much fun."

"Please, Chrysalis..." Cadenza fell to her knees, her head sagging downwards. "Please?"

Cadenza... no...

Once again, the changeling's hoof raised, but this time she laid it atop Cadenza's head, patting it gently.

"I'm sorry." Strangely enough, there actually seemed to be an undercurrent of remorse in the changeling's voice. "I could never lie to you, little sister."

Despite the restrictions on my movement, I nearly fell over for the third time.


"Wh-what?" Cadenza's confused demeanor as she lifted her head made it abundantly clear she was not previously privy to such information.

"Oh-hohoho..." Chrysalis laughed though it was a much different sound than before. This time it was almost as if she pitied the pegasus. "You didn't know..."

"Y-You're lying," the princess squeaked out, her declaration anything but convincing. "You c-"

"Daddy never told you," the changeling grinned mockingly. "Or was it your mother who kept the truth from you all these years?"

"Mom w-wouldn't... she wouldn't lie to me," Cadenza looked completely lost, as if she was suddenly a filly left all alone in the Everfree. Her gaze was locked on the floor, her body slumping. "Would she?"

"Why do you think Dad fell in love with her in the first place?" Chrysalis continued to press, forcing the princess to the ledge. "She's always been nothing more than a lying whore."

Cadenza's fury exploded to the surface, her teeth clenched as she got back on her hooves.

"I won't let y-"

"At this point she's practically a changeling herself, using that necklace of hers," a wide toothy green grin formed under the pair of eyes. "Who do you think she got it from? Ask her, Cady."

The Princess of the Crystal Empire looked like she wanted to argue, like she wanted to fight back, but her resolve crumbled, a sharp huff of anger escaping her. Without another word the pegasus rushed away, not even acknowledging me on her way to find her mother.


"All too easy," the changeling's smile grew. "Now then, onto the more important matter."

As she chuckled quietly I was suddenly freed, able to move my body again.

"You lied to her," I rubbed my throat with a hoof, the sensation a bit strange.

"Why would I do that?" she asked matter-of-factly.

I wasn't certain, but I had a hunch.

"I can't say for sure, but we are alone now," I replied honestly. "What better way to do that than to send her into a frenzy with a bunch of falsehoods."

"You flatter me, Sunset," she waved a hoof toward the cell, calling me over. "I spoke nothing but the truth."

I walked closer, deciding to test the waters. "If you're really being honest..." I took a deep breath, knowing what I faced and what was at stake if I was defeated by such a foe. "Show yourself. Surely I deserve that much."

The same raucous laughter as before. "You know, I've never come face to face with Celestia," she said between laughs. "But that's exactly something I'd expect her to say."

It was a flattering compliment, though she hadn't meant it as one. Being compared to my mentor in any way was always welcome.

"Then you'll face me?" I stayed determined.

She reached out of the cell again. I stood my ground, her hoof stopping just before making contact with my face. "Very well, I suppose you're worthy of my presence."

She lowered her foreleg, the darkness around her slowly beginning to dissipate. I don't know what I'd expected.

No, that's not true.

I'd expected a grotesque monster. I'd expected to be horrified by the hideous being standing before me. As the darkness fully fled, I stood in awe. While she did possess some... eccentricities, -- the holes, definitely the holes... so many holes... and the fangs -- she was positively beautiful.

Her slender black body was just as large as my mentor's, though a bit more lanky. The aforementioned holes peppered around her hooves and even up along her larger than average horn. Along her withers and wrapping around her stomach her carapace was a shining jade material, just like her large round eyes.

Her long, dark teal mane and tail were both straight and only covered with holes at their ends. The pair of insect-like wings along her back were also dotted with circles, but both shimmered mesmerizingly in the light of the torches.

I bit my lip, a slight blush coming to my face due to the foreign creature staring at me. I'd seen changelings in books. They didn't look like this.

"Careful, protégé of Celestia," she smirked confidently. "It is foal's play for the Princess of the Changelings to dominate your mind once her allure fully beguiles you."

I knew it wasn't a warning. A creature like this would want to take over my mind. She was trying to goad me. I turned away, embarrassed that I'd been so enthralled by a creature like her.

"I didn't expect... this to be your true form," I confessed. There was no point in lying, I had nothing to hide.

"And what exactly did you expect, protégé of the Sun Princess?" she asked, genuine curiosity in her voice.

"A disgusting monster," I stated bluntly. A fit of entertained laughter escaped her maw.

"I assure you, young one," her grin persisted. "That isn't as far from the truth as you might think." She licked her lips, her long, slithering tongue making her seem even more snake-like. A pang of discomfort ran through me, like I'd miscast a lightning spell and it'd rebounded through me instead of my intended target.

"I guess more formal introductions are in order," I whispered to myself before bowing my head, not sure of how else to reply to her. She may indeed be a monster, but she was still royalty and should be shown the appropriate amount of respect. "I, Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia's disciple, am honored to meet you, Princess Chrysalis." It was a gambit, I knew as much, but how she reacted would reveal a lot about her as well as the way she thought.

"Ahhhh, so well-mannered," her eyes lit up, a pleased smile coming to her lips. She laid down on her belly, not only getting comfortable, but letting me know she saw me as no threat whatsoever. In spite of the fact that she was now lying down, her head was still higher than mine due to her gargantuan size. "I, Princess Chrysalis of the Changeling Hive, am pleased to make such an..." she looked me up and down. "Interesting acquaintance." Another slow lick of her lips and most surprisingly, a slight bow of her head. I had to struggle not to shudder at the former and the latter nearly threw me off my game, but I'd managed to stay composed.

"If I may be so bold, Your Highness?" I didn't lift my head.

"Proceed, disciple of Celestia." It was a statement delivered with the utmost confidence.

"Why did you want to speak with me... one-on-one?" I raised my head, looking directly at her.


"When one expects the Sun, receiving only a simple ray of light can be most irksome," she stared back, unflinching.

So we're already playing then... good to know.

"I'm a lot more than just a simple ray of light, Your Highness," I declared confidently while also rebelling somewhat to her evaluation.

"That is yet to be seen, Sunset Shimmer," her green eyes narrowed on me. "Though I will admit, your strength has surprised me." She slowly lifted a hoof, pointing at my head. "Your barriers prevented me from fully incapacitating you. Not many can cast spells that are able to defy me," there was a hint of irritation in her voice.

Thanks, Star.

I'd have to remember to do so in person as well.

"You'll come to find I'm full of surprises," I smirked, bluffing as best I could.

"Maybe so," she lowered her hoof to point at my chest. "Unfortunately for you, the mind is not the only place a changeling tends to target," her devious grin reappeared.

What is she...?

I looked down at my chest before realizing exactly what she'd meant.

"Your heart is on full display for all to see," she cackled. "And love is the most divine sustenance for my kind."

"What are you implying?" I held in a growl, drawing closer to her cell.

"I saw the look of lust in you when you first laid eyes on me," she stood to her hooves, her smile growing as she craned her head toward me. "Be my servant, Sunset Shimmer," again, she licked her lips. "And I will give you everything your heart desires."

"I would never betray Princess Celestia," I declared calmly, though I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I didn't even have to think about it. "I trust her, just like she trusts me."

A flash of blinding green light enveloped the being before me, disappearing as quickly as it came to reveal a truly staggering sight.

"Please, Sunset? For me?" Twilight stood inside of the cell, a pleading look on her face as she reached out to me.

"T-Twilight!?" I was stunned, drawing closer to her on instinct alone.

"I love you, Sunset," she whispered, our faces growing closer. "Don't you love me? You have to love me, Sunset."

Just tell her you do.

Our faces were centimeters away from each other, her warm breath tickling my lips and stirring my heart.

"I love..."

My horn exploded with solar energy, illuminating the entire cell and everything else within the area. The fake Twilight, the Princess of the Changelings, was forced backwards onto her flank as she squinted her eyes and shielded her face with a foreleg. "I love Twilight," I let out the growl I'd been holding in. "And YOU'RE not HER!"

I had to get away from her, had to escape her clutches. If she was trying to take over my mind, my heart, there would be no more civility between us. As I trotted to the door her escalating laughter stopped me in my tracks.

"Sunset Shimmer," she spoke once her snickering had died down.

"What?" I spat, not turning to look her way. I heard the blast of flames again, her body reverting back to its original form.

"The look on your face is going to be absolutely exquisite when you come to find I've made your beloved Twilight Sparkle one of my pets."

I bristled, gritting my teeth. She was trying to get one last barb in, hoping she could still somehow win this.

"I will make you watch as I drain every bit of love from her... and then... I'll do the same to you."


Not a chance.

"She's not that weak," I didn't even look back as I continued forward. "And neither am I. Do your worst, Chrysalis."

"I intend to, Sunset!" she called after me joyously. As I left her by herself the only thing that followed behind me was the wicked cackling of the mad Changeling Princess.

Author's Note:

Chrysalis appears. She's strong, but Sunset proves capable, at least in mental capabilities. Just how strong is the changeling in battle is yet to be seen.

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