• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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The Prodigy

I had to be ready as quickly as possible. If Her Highness was so openly worried then the situation was beyond serious. I had to do everything in my power to fix it for her.

I tossed a few things into my saddlebags without thinking too much. Multiple mana amplification gems, three spell nullifiers, and Her Highness' Blessing of the Moon were all I might need to get this task done.

The gems and nullifiers would make any fight I might find myself in much easier to handle while the Blessing was far more important. I only had the one, a gift from my beloved mentor for my eighteenth birthday. She'd said to use it when I was in trouble and I had no other viable options. It was a small rough stone that looked like it had come directly from the surface of her moon. I wasn't really sure what it did, but I always brought it with me on every mission that could potentially be classified as even remotely dangerous.

Bringing survivalist items seemed pointless. We wouldn't be gone long enough to warrant them and besides, it was a town where ponies lived. It's not like there'd be a shortage of food or water there. I stared at my bags, running over the list in my head of proper precautions and preparations. I wasn't forgetting anything, but there was still one thing bothering me, one variable I had no control over...

Sunset Shimmer.

The golden unicorn was... troublesome, to say the least. She was a slacker who had so much potential Princess Celestia personally chose her to be her protégé. It was absolutely infuriating. What could she have possibly done to deserve such an opportunity? I could run circles around her when it came to spell utilization, mana capacity, and general magical ability.

Who even cares?

I ended up getting something so much better anyway. I'd looked up to the Princess of the Sun as I'd grown, just like the majority of other fillies and colts do. The Sun Princess demanded praise and adoration and I'd wanted nothing more than to be the one to give them to her as her student. I'd dreamt of it often, walking side by side with Princess Celestia... being her protégé.

Every year the princess held... tryouts, for lack of a better term, to become her apprentice. Any and all creatures were welcome to take the tests she'd personally created. I'd tried every chance I got since I turned five, the youngest age allowed to enter. It was quite an experience. As I grew up I started to ace the spell portions with literally no effort at all.

Destruction, Illusion, Restoration, Transfiguration. I could perform them all in my sleep by the time I turned fifteen, but Princess Celestia's tests didn't only take into account one's magical ability. For some reason she'd made the decision to include the strangest subjects in the written tests.

Stuff like, how many friends do you have? When was the last time you told a lie? Do you have any pets? When is the last time you gave someone something expecting nothing in return? Have you ever abandoned a friend in their hour of need? What is a funny joke you enjoy?

Foolish things like that filled the practical parts of the evaluations as well. How one would even study such topics was something I couldn't comprehend. I mean, it was easy enough to lie, but that never helped. I told the truth.

I don't have any friends. Like an hour ago, who doesn't lie? No, I don't have time for a pet, there are much more important things to take care of. Probably my older brother on his last birthday. He'd never gotten me anything for mine. I already said, I don't have any friends. I'm not a comedian, I don't know any jokes.

I failed.

The next year I tried a different approach. I had to. If telling the truth hadn't worked then doing the opposite had to. So...

Even though I didn't want to. Even though it went against everything I'd ever been taught... I lied.

I have several very good friends. I haven't lied in a long time, even though everyone does, I do my best not to. I have a pet cat named Mittens and a dog named Spike. I love them both very much. I bought my mom a gift for Mother's day. I think she really liked it. Of course not, I love my friends very much and would do anything for them. A pony walks into a bar. Ouch.

Again, I failed. It didn't matter which method I tried. Year after year after year, I failed in spectacular fashion. It killed me.

When I'd found out about Sunset... when I'd heard she'd passed... that she'd been the only one to do so in centuries... that she'd done what I couldn't... that she'd become what I'd always dreamt of, I fell into the darkest depression. My nights became filled with vivid nightmares which caused me to start losing sleep.

My days were just as cold and lonely as my nights. My parents eventually losing all confidence in my ability and pushing me to take a different path in life. I didn't want a different life. I'd poured my everything into becoming Princess Celestia's student. There was nothing else.

My nights and even most days were spent tossing and turning in bed, trying to get any rest whenever possible. The nightmares made sure that wouldn't happen any time soon.

Still, I fought. As hard as I could, I fought against the darkness, against the horrible dreams, but they, along with everything else, were slowly overwhelming me, gradually wearing down my sanity. My family had always been there for me before. Mom and Dad being especially supportive, but once it became absolutely clear that there was no chance for me as the Sun Princess' apprentice they turned against me. Shining Armor... he only really cared about his career in the military. The less said about him the better. I was alone. There was no one. There was nothing.

It was all her fault.

Sunset Shimmer.

She took everything from me. My hopes. My dreams. The very sun itself. More than anything or anyone else, I hated her, LOATHED her. I slowly became a bitter, unhappy mare.

That's when Her Highness came to me. She dealt with the nightmares, with the darkness, with ease.
It was magnificent. She was magnificent. The way she moved, the way she eliminated the darkness. It was all so... breathtaking. Much like her older sister, I'd always viewed Her Majesty in an... uniformed light. My impression of Princess Celestia was from a place of love and respect. For the Princess of the Moon though, it was from a reverential terror. What she represented, the night itself, the dark, those were both things I feared.

When she saved me... when I got to speak with her face to face for the first time, I finally realized how incorrect I'd been. There was an immense difference between the dark of the night and darkness. The night was beautiful and welcoming, not a thing to be afraid of. It was something that could blot out the ugliness of darkness, something that could overcome all things if embraced lovingly.

Just like Her Highness. She shined even brighter than her sister, it simply took a discerning eye to see just how amazing she really was. When I finally saw it, I was mesmerized by her strength, by her elegance... by her beauty. From somewhere within her endless grace she'd identified something worthwhile in me.

I didn't deserve her mercy or her kindness, yet she gave both without reservation. She took me on as her apprentice when I was nothing more than a sulking mess of a pony. That day she gained my undying loyalty, reverence, and devotion. If she asked it of me, I would turn against Princess Celestia, Equestria, and anything else for her, zero hesitation.

And right now she was worried... suffering. I would work with my worst enemy if it meant I could help her in any way. I'd do anything for her, which right now meant leaving my comfort zone and trying to cooperate with Sunset.

She was tired... I let out the breath I'd been holding in before opening the nightstand next to my bed. Inside were an abundance of Sleepknot berries. I had innumerable late nights, Her Majesty's preferred time of day. It was hard adjusting to a schedule centered around the later hours, but these berries helped when I couldn't go on with just my own strength.

I placed one inside my saddlebags before closing the drawer. Any more than a single berry and I risked getting her... wired, for lack of a better term. With such little data we'd need Sunset at peak performance in case anything went awry. This wouldn't put her at maximum efficiency, but it would wake her up better than a freezing cold shower.

I lifted the bags onto my back, tying them securely in place. I still had ten minutes before our agreed upon time, but there was no reason to postpone. The early bird caught the worm, after all. With a quick flourish of mana I teleported to the castle's southern gates.

The area around the gates was hectic at this particular time of day. Ponies along with various other creatures were entering and exiting the castle's premises on an almost endless loop. I gave the guards at the gate a polite smile before taking a seat at one of the benches that littered the area.

I wouldn't receive one back. I was Her Highness' only pupil and that meant I was viewed with the same sense of fear as she was. It was annoying, but there was little anypony could do about it. After the first couple of months, I'd grown accustomed to it.

Just within the castle's gates was a wide open expanse, stone benches and moderately sized fountains decorating the area. There were multiple brick pathways going in different directions leading to the castle itself as well as the gardens and some of the other smaller surrounding buildings that were home to both certain privileged creatures and places of work.

It was a warm sunny day. A bit hot for my tastes, but there was a gentle breeze that felt pleasant to the coat. I much preferred the night's more cool atmosphere, but it's not like I could do everything during that time... even though I wished I could.

Nopony greeted me or even acknowledged my existence. I regretted not bringing a book to immerse myself in. A yak passed by, looking completely out of place amongst the ponies, even more so than the group of Kirin that walked a few yards away. Canterlot was beginning to look like a melting pot of creatures. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, as long as everypony followed the laws set forth by Princess Celestia and Her Highness.

Twilight... The soft, lilting voice of Her Majesty gently rang out in my head. Shortly after I'd become her protégé we made a magical pact with one another that formed a link between our minds. At any time, through concentration, we could speak with one another telepathically. While some might view that as invasive, it made me feel less lonely and I think Her Majesty felt the same.

Yes, Your Highness? I replied promptly.

Forgive me, my dearest. I cannot see you off... I am truly sorry. I was not worthy of her. She'd done nothing wrong. She even took time out of her busy day to concern herself with me. I could feel tears stinging at the corners of my eyes.

Your Highness... I had to steel my nerves so that I wouldn't cry. How she could be so altruistic was beyond me. Thank you so much. It means the world to me that you'd express remorse for something that I'd never hold against you.

You are my dearest student, Twilight. If I could, I'd give you so much more than just pathetic apologies. Yes, I was definitely having trouble not crying.

You've already given me so much, Your Highness. I wiped a tear from my eye. I don't merit such-

Twilight, her voice was suddenly much more firm. I've already told you and I shall keep doing so until you accept it. Stop looking down on yourself. You are a servant of the night and my dearest pupil. Your worth is incalculable and incomparable, to Equestria... and to me.

I sniffled as I wiped the tears from my eyes. Of course, Your Majesty. Thank you for reminding me. When I'd failed to become Princess Celestia's apprentice I'd convinced myself I was a worthless failure. When I'd found out about Sunset Shimmer succeeding I felt like she was better than me in every conceivable way.

My mentor pulled me out of that self-destructive mindset and since then kept constantly building me back up. It felt like I would never be able to repay her for everything she'd done for me, but I'd do anything I could to try.

Good, the appointed time draws near, Twilight. Keep your wits about you and be on your guard. Her go to advice was sound. Be smart and protect myself. I expect to have a pleasant dinner with my dearest student tonight and I fully expect her to be safe and sound.

Your wish is my command, Your Highness. I chuckled.

Twilight! She wasn't mad, but it definitely bothered her. I meant every single word.

I'm sorry, Your Highness. I couldn't resist. I giggled.

I shall see you when you return, my dearest student. Her voice faded from my mind. My focus back in the real world, I spotted Sunset trotting my way. I quickly wiped my face and took a deep breath, definitely not wanting her to see me in such an unsightly state.

"You're on time, that's a surprise," I pointed at her, hoping my barb would draw her attention away from my eyes that were probably puffy and red.

"You're early, that's not," she was quick to snap back, but the look of confusion that passed over her features for only a second told me she did, in fact, notice. "Is everything okay?" Since everything was, not that I'd talk about it with her if there was something wrong anyway, but since I was fine, I merely shrugged in response. "What'd you bring?" Choosing not to pursue that conversation, she instead began prodding at my saddlebags.

"Things I might need," I inadvertantly glared at her. Fighting with her wasn't a good way to start this mission, but I couldn't stand her laid back attitude... amongst other things about her. "Just because we're doing this together doesn't mean we're friends Sunset," my emotions spilled out. She said something under her breath, probably throwing her own insult, but I didn't quite catch it. "What did you say!?"

"Don't you think Luna," Had she just addressed Her Highness without a proper title? I saw crimson in light of her lack of respect. "would want us to-"

"WATCH YOUR TONGUE, SUNSET! YOU DON'T KNOW HER HIGHNESS OR WHAT SHE WISHES!" She cowered away at my sudden fury. "I will not tolerate any disrespect directed toward Her Majesty!" I'd drawn the attention of spectators around us, but I really didn't care. NOPONY would show my mistress a lack of proper respect when I was around.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Twilight," she looked genuinely remorseful causing me to feel a bit guilty... but only just a bit. This wasn't going very well. Thoroughly frustrated, I prepared a teleportation spell.

"Let's just go," I turned away from her. If I continued looking at the mare I'd probably keep berating her. "I don't have to hold your hoof to get you there, do I?" She had experience with teleportation, of that I was certain, but that didn't mean she was adept at it.

"No." I heard her mana begin to sing. Here's to hoping she didn't screw this up like she tended to with so many other tasks.

"Good. Try to arrive to the north, about a quarter mile away from the town." That should give us ample time to formulate a plan of action... and maybe I could fix the foul atmosphere I'd stirred up unintentionally. I snapped out of reality for a few seconds before I was standing in the valley where the town was located.

Author's Note:

Here we travel backwards a bit to see things unfold from Twilight's perspective. We also get some insight into her past and some of her motivations. Is she justified? I wonder. Maybe she's just completely wrong. Guess we'll see.

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