• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 2,964 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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8: A Conversation

Spike was helping Po towards to the bed rooms after helping him get cleaned up.

"So you worked at a noodle shop?" Spike asked as they were walking up the stairs.
"Yea, i accidently ate the customers bowls a couple times and my dad had to give them meals for free" Po and Spike chuckled at that. Po then looked down a little and looked at Spike.

"do you really think i can be the Dragon Warrior?" Po asked sadly, Spike looked at him and felt bad for him.
"I know how tough it can be being thrust into this kind of situation, it was rough for me too, i was able to adapt and become a great fighter, and if i can, you can too." Spike told him with a smile, Po looked at him thankfully.
"Thanks Spike, i'm glad i at least have someone to be there for me." Po said gratefully
"I'm meant to fight alongside you against big threats, and i think it's best we get along and are able to work together" Spike told him with a smile. But before they could continue talking they heard familiar voices.

Spike jumped high on a tree to stay hidden, while Po hid behind a rock.
"That was disastrous there's no doubt about that" Mantis said as he and the others are seen talking about po and Spike looks down at them.
"I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking, the poor guys just gonna get himself killed" Viper said with concern as they made they're way up the stairs.
"He is so mighty, the Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire!" Crane said while the others laughed.
"When he walks the very ground shakes" Mantis tells them and they all laugh.

"One would think master Oogway would chose someone who actually knew kung fu, at least Spike was able to hold his own well when he first came here." Tigress said still frustrated as Po was picked.
"Yeah, or could at least Touch his toes." Crane told them
"Or even see his toes" Monkey joked, the others laughed again as they left into the buildings.

Spike couldn't believe what he heard, he never heard them ever insult someone like that. Spike landed back on the ground as Po got out of his hiding spot, Po tried to lift his belly to see his toes but he fell on his own weight.
"Ow!" Po said in pain as Spike helped him up.
"You alright?" Spike asked as he helped Po up.

"Yeah, are you?" Po asked as well, he could hear a slight growl of anger as Spike was still upset of what they said.
"No, i never have heard them speak of others like this." Spike said frustrated, Po put a hand on his shoulder.
"I know things may be rough , but like you said, if you can become a master, i can become the Dragon Warrior" Po said trying to make him feel better, Spike calmed down and looked at him.
"Your right, we just need time, if they won't help you, i will." Spike said with a smile. Spike then sighed.
"I should go on ahead, goodnight Po" Spike said as he waved goodbye and headed up to the bedrooms.

Spike had entered the halls, he saw the others had just blown out the candles to go to sleep, spike quietly made his way to his room which was next to Viper's, just as he opened his doors the doors from Tigress's room opened, she looked really upset but she softened up as she saw it was Spike.

"Spike, where were you? We had dinner without you with us" She asked and Spike sighed.
"I was helping the panda clean up after he got injured during his attempt to train, if you guys aren't gonna be welcome, i will." Spike said as he tried to go into his room but was stopped.
"What do you see in him? He's a disgrace to warriors everywhere, he clearly doesn't have it in him." Tigress said upset, but she could hear Spike growl making her eyes widen before he calmed down.

"I wasn't the best at Kung Fu either, Oogway believed he is him, i don't think it was an accident, just like how me showing up here wasn't an accident either ,my destiny is meant to fight alongside the Dragon Warrior, whether or not it's Po, i see that he can be a warrior, i just need to find what suits him best to make him become a fighter" Spike tried to tell her, she only sighed upset.

"I just don't understand, why would Oogway chose him? I trained over 20 years to get this title, and he just fell out of the sky in front of him" She said looking down sadly, which surprised Spike a little as she rarely showed her emotions, Spike only sighed and put a claw on her shoulder.

"I know it's rough just having something you trained for years taken for you, i may not have known what you went through but i know it was all for making Shifu proud like we all want. but Oogway told me, one's destiny may not be what they expect, but it can help shape them into their better selves" Spike told her and she looked at him surprised.
"Really?" She asked him, and Spike nodded.

"I never thought i would be able to be a master of Kung fu like you guys, but all i did was simply believe in myself, as Oogway and all of you believed i could, and with hard work and dedication i became a master, and I believe the same can happen with Po, but if no one is there to support him, he won't be able to fully become what he can be, not even he could expect to become a Warrior. But if we all simply try to support him, i believe he can not only become the best he can be, but also help shape all of us into our better selves." Spike explained to her, Tigress thought to herself and realized just how dedicated he was and how with all of their support he was able to become a Master.

Before she could say anything, Spike told her something else.
"No one is perfect Tigress, that's something my kind has, if there's a flaw we all have, it's giving into our jealousy and rage, and it can cause us to do bad things. And by the time we realize what we've done we can't undo it, and we have to wear the burden of shame of what we've done, i know you are frustrated with him. But if you give into your rage and jealousy, you won't be able to recover from it, trust me." Spike told her, the rest of the 5 had heard what he said and all thought it over as well and realized they were a little harsh as well.

Spike then turned to his room before looking back at her.
"He just needs time, people to support him, and to find what make's him special, just think about it Tigress" Spike said as he closed his doors for her to think to herself, she went back into her room to think it over as well, Po had heard everything and was grateful for Spike telling her that, he decided to go somewhere else to think over what happened today leaving them all to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this! I wanted Spike to have a conversation with Tigress about what he went through to become a master, and that Po can become a Master if he had support like he did, it might help them be more supportive if they help him as well. Thank you all for liking this story so much, hope you look forward to more!

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