• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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6: The Dragon Warrior

More time had flown by since Spike said goodbye to his friends for now, Oogway and Spike had announced to the 5 and Shifu that Spike was now a master. The 5 were really happy for their friend becoming a master, even tigress felt good for him as she was happy for him, Shifu was happy as well, for once he showed a smile for the time he knew him. From there Spike would spend time with the others.

Spike and Oogway would often meditate by the pool, Oogway had trusted spike enough that he not only taught him special nerve attacks for freezing and unfreezing them, he also taught him the Wuxi finger hold as a last resort against any big threat, and should only be used only when necessary.

Spike and Tigress would often spar in the training hall, Tigress had finally warmed up to him as they had been training a lot and Spike even learned some of her combo's while Spike taught her some pressure point attacks. Spike and Viper would often cook together or go out to get supplies, they had developed into really close friends.

He and crane would often practice on more art together and have fun with ideas for paintings, he and Monkey and Mantis would often have fun with pranks on eachother and have funny jokes.

Whenever they went out on missions it felt like the 6 of them were perfectly in sync with each other, Spike would often fight alongside on of the 5 against multiple foes and pull of unique moves with them. he and tigress would combo the enemy's hard, while he monkey and crane would do combos in the air, and he viper and mantis would often use the enemy's strength against them.

People had now started to call them " The Furious 6" which Spike found funny, but he preferred himself as the Dragon Master like Oogway appointed him, but the others considered him a part of the team, so it works out.

Spike had grown just a little more as he was now as tall as Tigress as he was a little higher by the spikes on his back, Spike and the others had woken up to another day at dawn, today Shifu instructed to them that they will try to catch him off guard near the training hall, they all thought out their own strategies in order to try to surprise him.

We cut to the training ground, Shifu was playing his flute with his eyes closed, Spike and Viper were hiding near a pillar, while crane was in the sky, and monkey, Mantis and Tigress were hiding near the bushes. They waited for the perfect moment, once Shifu finished his song Viper and Spike launched at him with the others following in pursuit.

Shifu opened his eyes, he managed to counter each of they're attacks, he threw mantis away as he tried to make a last effort attack, shifu twirled his staff around as he began to speak to us.

"Well done students" Shifu said sarcastically as they all bowed in respect" If you were trying to disappoint me" He finished.
"Don't have to be so blunt about it" Spike thought to himself.
He then pointed to Tigress" Tigress you need more ferocity" He then pointed to Spike and Monkey" Monkey and Spike greater speeds" They bowed in understanding" Crane height, Viper subtlety, Mantis .. " he was then interrupted by a palace servant.
"Master Shifu" He said respectfully.
Shifu then pointed the staff at him scarring him." What?!" Shifu asked upset with this which scarred him.

"It's Master Oogway, he wants to see you" He reported with fear which shocked him a bit, Shifu then looked at them and told them to go continue training and they bowed in respect, he rushed over to the palace while the others went to train.

"What to you think that was about?" Spike asked the others who shrugged in response.
"Must be something important" Mantis suggested and the others nodded since Oogway's always got something important tell..
"Just hope it's something big" Crane said as they opened the doors to the training halls again.

The equipment was all ready and they all began to train again, Monkey took the chains, Crane was dodging arrows, tigress was on the moving platforms, and Spike and Viper once again sparred on the fire pit, Spike often cut his training with each part of the hall to keep an even amount of skill, after his spar he and Mantis then took on the spiked wooden warriors and deflect their attacks, he and Tigress Spared on the spinning platforms again, and he and Crane sparred on the large bowl, then he and Monkey swung on the swinging chains often swinging through them while fighting in the air.

The doors soon opened to reveal Shifu and he beckoned us to come to him, they all ran up to him and Bowed.
"Master Shifu, is something going on?" Spike asked curious with the others wanting to know as well.
"Yes, today is the day one of you 6 will be chosen as The Dragon Warrior." Shifu told them and they all looked amazed.

"Today is the day?!" Spike asked amazed, even though he knew he wasn't meant to be it, he was still exited for it.
"This is great! All of our training will finally pay off" Mantis said excitedly.

"All of you should prepare for the event. The entire village will be present and i want you to be at your best!" Shifu ordered and they all bowed.
"Yes master Shifu!" They all said at once, Shifu then left to go with Oogway and they all began to prepare.

"This is great! Finally we'll be able to see who has the honor." Monkey said excitedly.
"Definitely isn't you." Spike joked and the others laughed at that, even Tigress chuckled a bit.
"What?! What makes you think that?!" Monkey asked a little upset.
"Bro you have no idea how much people like to use the word " Monkey" As a joke" Spike told him and the others laughed at that.
"Oh so true" Crane said with a smile.
"What?" Monkey asked confused, they all laughed even more and they left leaving monkey more confused, " What?!" Monkey asked again as he followed them.

We cut to the entrance to the palace, where all the equipment was being prepared for the event.
"It is an historic day. isn't it master Oogway? "Shifu asked as he walked with Oogway.
"Yes, but one i feared i would not live to see. are your students and Spike ready?" Oogway asked.
"Yes master Oogway" Shifu responded.
"Now remember old friend, whoever i chose will not only bring peace to the valley with Spike fighting alongside him, but also to you" Oogway said pointing at him making him a little confused.

We zoom out to the area as the entire village was there, Shifu stood next to Oogway as a palace servant walked up to the balcony.
"Let the tournament begin!" He announced and banged a small gong, the village cheer as we zoom forward through the doors to see a familiar panda crawling his way up the long long flight of stairs clearly exhausted, he then laid on the ground.

"Yeah! Ha ha!" He said victoriously putting his fists in the air, the doors were beginning to close and he noticed.
"Oh no!" He freaked out and ran to the doors" No no no wait! I'm coming, Wait! Yes!" He said excitedly but the doors closed in his face.
"Ow!" Po said in pain and fell to the ground, he then got up and banged on the door.
"Hey! Open the door!" Po shouted banging the door, but pig servants were playing on drums with each beat he made.
"Let me in!" He said worried, he then saw a hole big enough and went over to it and Shifu started to announce.

"Citizens of the Valley of Peace" He began and po jumped up to see what was happening.
" It is my great honor to present to you, Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis, The Furious 5" Shifu said proudly, "And Spike, The Dragon Master" he said proudly as well. Everyone cheered at the announcement.
"Ha Ha ha" He laughed excitedly, The 5 and Spike were seen high in the air, they each struck poses before landing on the ground, giving their iconic fighting poses, Crane released a gust of wind, and Spike let out a stream of green fire into the air making them cheer even more.
"It's the Furious 5 and the Dragon Master!" Po said excitedly, but the gust of wind closed the hole he was on and he got knocked on the ground.

"Ah! Oh!" Po shouted as he got knocked down, he then got up and noticed a hole in the door. "Warriors prepare" Shifu said seriously
"Oh peaky hole!" He said hopefully wanting to see what happens. "Ready for battle!" Shifu continued and Po saw that crane was against a large machine spewing out a huge amount of fireworks.
"The Thousand Tung's of Fire" He said realizing what it was, " Oh ho ho!" He said amazed, but some pig got in the way" Whoa look at that!" He said blocking his view.

"Hey! get out of the way!" Po said trying to get him move, the fireworks were starting to launch in the air and Po backed up, he looked at it in amazement as he saw crane about to pull of a move to defeat them but Po fell down the stairs again.
"Ah!" he shouted as the fireworks all went off, he then crawled back up to hopefully see it was still happening but he missed it.
"ah.." he said upset that he missed them, Po then decided to try to get in, he tried to punch the door open but it simply hurt his hand" Ow!" Po said in pain, the tournament continued on as each of the 5 got their moment to shine.
Po tried to swing himself off a bamboo tree but he was to heavy, and when he got off it it went swinging
"Ow!" He said as it hit his face and then again knocking him on the ground" Oh!" Po groaned as it hit him again.

"And now the Dragon Master steps up" Shifu announced over the wall.
"Oogway himself had picked this one, prepare to be blown away! Shifu said proudly making them all exited even more

We cut back to the tournament where it was now Spikes turn, he was tasked with facing off against 50 metal warriors that surrounded him and covered the whole yard, Spike combos over 20 of them and , breathes fire at 10 melting their armor and knocking them all down, he slashed through 10 more of them, he then finished of the rest by delivering a devastating ground pound that created a shockwave knocking the rest of them down making the village cheer, Oogway smiled as he had seen him win, Shifu was even proud of that. He roars victoriously as they all cheered even more amazed at that.

Spike then walked up to the rest, Tigress was next.
"Was my roar a little to much?" Spike asked the others.
"No i think that was awesome!" Mantis said with a smile and the others nodded making Spike feel a little better, Confetti went into the air as Po is seen sitting near the stairs upset that he was missing it all.
"And Finally, Master Tigress!" Shifu's voice is heard and Po starts to try to get in again.

"Believe me citizens, you have not seen anything yet! Next to the Dragon Master!" He announced as he knew Spike and Tigress had been training hard.
Po is seen trying to launch himself off a tree" I know!" Po shouted as he had met Spike before and was a big fan of Tigress especially.
"Master Tigress, face Iron Ox, and his Blades Of Death!" He announced, Tigress was in her fighting stance ready to fight.
Po then launched himself over the wall and saw what Tigress was doing for a short moment, " Ha ha ha!" He said excitedly but he hit two pillars and fell back down onto a bunch of fireworks.
"Oh! Po groaned as he laid in the fireworks

Oogway had noticed it and raised his hand in the air, they all went quiet and looked at Oogway gasping in awe.
"I sense the Dragon Warrior, is among us" He told them all, and shifu nodded to them all, Tigress looked shocked for a moment as well as the others, they all then rushed to the center of the ground with Spike next to Tigress.
"Citizens of the Valley Of Peace, Master Oogway will now chose, The Dragon Warrior" He announced and the villagers cheered, Po got up in shock
"No no no wait!" He said worried, he then looked at the fireworks and got an idea, "Yeah!" He said agreeing to his plan

The drummers were playing the instrument epically as Oogway slowly made his way to them, We cut to po as he tied a bunch of rockets to a chair, he laughed as he finished. Po then lit a match but was interrupted by someone.
"PO! What are you doing?!" He asked shocked at what he saw. he then went to blow out the matches but Po stopped him as he was sitting on it
"No Stop! Stop! I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior!" He tried telling him, we cut back to the yard as Oogway was still walking to them slowly with his eyes closed.

"But i don't understand! You finally had the Noodle Dream!" Ping said confused, Po then sighed
"I lied! I don't dream about noodles dad!" Po said a little ashamed, his goose father looked shocked as he said that, Po saw the matches was about to go off.
"I love Kung Fu!" He shouted continuing the Fu part as he hoped he would launch as he said that, but the match didn't light much to his shock, he then fell on the ground face forward, he then starting to sniffle as he looked as his dad.
"Oh come on son, let's get back to work." Ping said holding out an employee outfit for him. Po then sighed.
"Okay.." Po said sadly trying to get up.

But as he tried to get up the chair suddenly lit up!
"Ah!!!" Po screamed as he got slammed against the wall.
"Oh!" Ping said shocked as he saw what was happening, Po's face was grinding against the wall much to his pain.
"Po! Come back!" Ping shouted, but the chair landed up straight and shot into the air!
"Oh!!!" Po Screamed in fear looking down as Oogway was about to chose someone, the chair exploded with fireworks being seen from above.
"Ooh! Ahh!" The villagers all said in amazement
"Is someone screaming" Spike thought curiously as he heard a familiar voice.

"Ow!" Po said in pain as he was still in the air, the chair then became dust and blew away leaving him in the air.
"Uh oh!" Po said scarred as he fell back down, he screamed as he fell and everyone looked up to see him falling, he blacked out just as Oogway was about to pick one of them.

Spike looked at him in shock.
"Is that that same panda from before?" Spike asked thinking to himself as he recognized him, Tigress was in a fighting position just incase he was a threat.
"Oh..." Po groaned in pain as he opened his eyes, "What's going on?" he asked as he saw the five and Spike looked down at him concerned
"Where uh.." He was about to ask but he saw a finger pointing at him, he then regained focus and realized it was Oogway!

"Oh!" he realized as Oogway was still pointing" Okay, i'm sorry! I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was!" He tried explaining himself.
"How interesting!" Oogway said fascinated as Spike looked confused.
"Master are you pointing at me?" Tigress asked confused, Po then got up.
"Him." Oogway told her. " Who?" Po asked trying to move out of the way but he kept pointing at him.
"No way..." Spike thought shocked.
"You!" Oogway said to Po.
"Me?" Po asked confused as po used his staff and raised his arm.

"The Universe has brought us The Dragon Warrior!" He announced shocking all of them.
"What?" Po asked confused
"What?!" The 5 asked surprised
"What?!" Spike asked as well.
"What?!" Shifu asked upset.
"What?!" Ping asked as he finally came into the yard.

The palace servant bangs the gong as shifu tried to take it but was to late and looked at him mad, confetti was blown into the air and cheerful music began to play. Po and the others were just as confused as he was. Some palace servants began to come down to him.

"Stop wait! Who told you to?!" He asked trying to stop them
The music continues as Shifu runs down to Oogway. the servants pick Po up in a carriage of some kind, but struggle a lot because of how heavy he was.
" Master Oogway wait! that flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem!" Shifu said to him, the others looked concerned as he said that.
"What does he mean by that?" Spike asked concerned as he saw them walking.
"You were about to point at Tigress and, that thing fell in front of her! that was just an accident!" Po tried to renounce his decision.

"There are no accidents" Oogway told him.
But for comical effect, Po then ripped the seat he was under because of his weight and the servants couldn't even move, and they all looked in concern, more pig servants came up to him and lifted it off the ground and headed up the stair, Shifu was simply looking at it all, his eye twitching in annoyance.

The rest of them went up to him.
"Forgive us master, we have failed you" Tigress said bowing as the others were going to bow as well but Shifu stopped them.
"No. if the panda has not quit by morning, then i will have failed you." Shifu told all of them. He then looked at Spike.

"Spike go with that thing and make sure he doesn't cause any trouble" Shifu ordered and Spike bowed and hurried after him.
"What just happened here?" Spike thought confused as he continued to catch up.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked my newest chapter! Thank you all for your support and i'm so glad you like this! I hope you look forward to more, see you next time!

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