• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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33: Inner Peace

Back within the factory where Shen had, wolves were moving dozens of cannons onto large boats to prepare to head out, Shen was in front of the large map from before and laughed mockingly.

"You were wrong Soothsayer. We sail to victory tonight. Your magic panda and dragon are clearly fools!" Shen mocked while he twirled his weapon around.
"Are you sure it is the panda who is a fool? You just destroyed your ancestral home Shen!" Soothsayer said with anger at him destroying such an ancient an expensive place.
"A trivial sacrifice.. when all of China is my reward.." Shen said evilly while he took some fire and used it to burn away the entire map in front of him.
"Then will you finally be satisfied? Will the subjugation of the whole world finally make you feel better?" She asked which irritated him a bit.
"Hmm that's a start, I might also convert the basement into a dungeon." Shen said glaring at her which made her sigh in response.

"The cup you choose to fill has no bottom, it is time to stop this madness." Soothsayer begged hoping he could turn around one last time.
"Why on Earth would I do that?" Shen asked while he looked over the entire factory and the wolves working away quickly.
"So your parents can finally rest in peace.." She replied hoping that would convince him finally.
"My parents.. hated me.. don't you understand? They wronged me.. and.. I will make it right." Shen declared coldly which made her desperate.
"They loved you, they loved you so much that having to send you away killed them." She said with regret which did hit Shen in one spot for a brief moment..
"The dead exist in the past.. and I must tend to the future.." Shen said brushing it off, but he made one final decision to have this all stop.
"Set the Soothsayer free, she's of no used to me." Shen ordered his soldiers who began taking her out.
"Goodbye Shen, I wish you happiness.." Soothsayer said with regret while she walked away by herself.
"Happiness.. must be taken.. and I will take mine.." Shen declared again while he looked over his soldiers working away at the factory.

Meanwhile outside the factory, the 5 had just arrived at the place after leaving Spike to talk with Po, and were coming up with a plan to stop those cannons. They snuck behind enemy lines and looked inside and saw more cannons being made within the red place which gave them ideas.
"If all of those canons leave that building, all of China will fall.." Tigress said worried about this which gave Viper an idea.
"We take down the building!" Viper suggested which was a great idea.
"Hey guys, how about this?" Mantis asked before he took some gunpowder and rubbed it together to spark it up, which did work and it blew up in front of him a bit.
"Ow.. this will work.." Mantis declared which gave them they're plan.
"Alright, let's go." Tigress said as they took a few barrels to get ready.
"I can't feel my face.." Mantis said weakly while they made they're move.

But back in the background, Po and Spike were seen sneaking into the place so they can stop Shen together, Spike used his wings to fly towards one of the platforms while Po used a long stick to go inside, but the thing tripped over and Po fell right onto a couple wolves and Spike helped take them down quietly. Po held the wolves up and they both had the idea to use them to sneak by.
"Come on, this way.." Spike whispered while they quietly moved forward and they passed by the wolf leader again.
"Did you hear him call it the Year of the Peacock?" He asked himself with a scoff while Po used them as dummy's.
"Hey." Po said in a deep voice while raising it's hand.
"Hey." He replied before they both snuck they're way inside until they saw a gorilla come by.

"You! Where are you going?!" He asked upset with them, Spike and Po hid behind some craters and had to sneak around a different way.
"On your feet! And wipe that silly grins off your faces!" He ordered the knocked out wolves while they snuck into a window.
"Nice work Po, your really getting better with stealth." Spike whispered which made him smile a bit.
"Thanks, come on, I think Shen's close by.." Po whispered as they quietly moved through the place, they looked around the factory and were really scarred to see so many weapons being made, Spike's left side hurt still and he had to hold it to stop it from being worse.
"You sure you wanna do this Spike? You just had your arm blown off?" Po asked worried for him.
"Hey.. it can't be worse then having one sliced off by a demon.. let's go.." Spike encouraged moving along quietly until they heard Shen from above.

"Move you dogs! Faster, faster!" Shen ordered from within the smoke since they could see his shadow just above. They saw a nearby ladder and quickly climbed up it so they can reach Shen quicker, they snuck they're way to the bridge they saw him on earlier but didn't hear anything but a sinister chuckle.
"Greetings panda and dragon!" Shen greeted before the smoke pulled away and Shen was revealed to be on the other side. Po gasped as he saw that same symbol again and quickly pulled away to not freeze up again.
"Tell us what happened that night!" Po demanded with a serious look.
"What night?" Shen asked sarcastically.
"You know what we're talking about Shen. What happened with Po's parents?" Spike asked with a growl which made Shen chuckle sinisterly.
"Oh yes that night, yes I remember. Oh Po's parents were so horrible, they abandoned him like he was nothing, I remember it being something like.. this!" Shen shouted before he sliced off one of the chains which made a nearby lava container drop down which destroyed the bridge.

Po screamed while he hung onto the container and Spike backflipped to the other side to save himself. Meanwhile the 5 were charging out to the factory with barrels of gunpowder so they can blow up the factory. Viper leaned down to give them a lantern which Monkey used to light the gunpowder on fire, they broke through the doors and Tigress slammed the thing into some more barrels.
"Here's your new years gift!" Monkey shouted mockingly.
"Hope you like it! Cause you can't return it!" Mantis said while they were about to leave, but they heard Po scream which got they're attention.
"Po! What's he doing here?!" Tigress asked shocked as they saw him hanging on a metal pot while Spike was trying to save him.
"Hang on Po I got you!" Spike shouted while he was deflected more of Shen's knifes with his hat, they looked at the flaming barrels and started to freak out.
"Return it! Return it!" Monkey shouted as they quickly ran up to put them out while the rest of the group were fighting off the wolves.

Spike was blocking more attacks with his Chi arm since it doesn't take pain like the others, but was getting more mad with Shen's constant attempts.
"Are you two willing to die to find out the truth?" Shen asked mockingly while Spike finally got Po back to the bridge.
"You be t we are! Although we'd.. prefer not to.. hyah!" Po shouted while lunging at him, but Shen grabbed his fist with his talon and sweeped his legs with his tail feathers before he turned around and threw Po off the ledge.
"Po!" Spike said with fear while he tried fighting off Shen the best he can.
"You really think you can defeat me with just one puny arm?!" Shen mocked while Spike backflipped from his metal talons.
"This isn't' just a normal arm!" Spike shouted before he used it to rip off some more of the structures, this caused the ground below them to start collapsing and Spike and Shen both flipped out of the way of the falling rubble and went to another platform.

The rest of the 5 were quickly making they're way to Spike and Po as they kept getting closer to Shen. More guards began running to them and they all got ready to go.
"We got them, go you two!" Mantis shouted while Tigress and Viper lunged off more of them to reach them faster, Viper whipped one of the wolves down and threw him into another pack while Tigress roared at a gorilla and they both began fighting him off.

Spike flipped over another sword swing and blocked more attacks that just kept coming repeatedly.
"You really are willing to risk your life to save a panda, who is the last of his kind?!" Shen mocked while he threw more blades at him, Spike drew his hat again and twirled it around and made a whirlwind that pushed the knives back to him which had barely dodged while looking surprised.
"A species that you've brought to near extinction! The panda's never did anything to you! Your only bringing yourself closer to Death, and believe me, he will be glad to make sure your sent to the Sprit Realm!" Spike countered while he headbutted him in the face. Shen took out his long sword and swung it at Spike who backflipped away from it. Spike landed on the ground before he took a deep breath and brought some fire into his Chi arm, Spike charged the thing up and aimed it directly at Shen who stood at the ready.
"Hadouken!" Spike shouted before he blasted the fire to him, Shen was surprised at this and quickly backflipped away from it, but Spike slid right under Shen while he backflipped and charged up his arm.
"Shoryuken!!!" Spike shouted before he delivered a strong upper cut in his face which sent him to another platform.

Spike ran up the walls to where Shen was and backflipped right down onto the platform and stood against him.
"Looking for me guys?" Po announced which made them turn around.. only to not see anything at first, until they finally saw Po finally come up a moving wheel and looked embarrassed.
"Um.. I said that too soon didn't I?" Po asked before he lunged at Shen with a metal bowl, Shen threw more blades at them and Spike ducked under them while Po deflected them with the bowl, Shen quickly jumped off Po and made a Peacock sound while going to a higher platform.
"Your not getting away!" Spike shouted while he was fighting off more wolves to protect Po.
"Spike watch out!" Viper shouted before she threw another wolf in the line of more attacks from behind. Po and Spike took down the rest and they started chasing after him to stop him.

"Po, Spike get away from him!" Tigress shouted while she and Viper were holding off more gorillas together.
"It's not worth it Spike! Don't do this!" Viper shouted while she bit down on another wolf and paralyzed him. Spike and Po quickly climbed up to another platform and got more and more closer to him. Spike took a metal fork and he let Po throw it to Shen which pinned Shen to the wall for a moment.
"No more running Shen!" Po said while Spike got in a fighting stance.
"You got nowhere to go!" Spike said growling at him.
"So it seems..." Shen said as he took the weapon off him to free himself.
"Now.. answers." Po demanded while holding the metal pot with Spike standing besides him.

"Oh you two want to know so badly, you think knowing heal you huh? Will fill some.. crater in your soul?" Shen asked backing up to the wall behind him.
"Well here's your answer, your parents didn't love you. No matter what you would've done, do you think they would've loved you if they abandoned you, even a little?" Shen asked mockingly to Po who was taken aback by this insult.
"Your lying Shen! How do you know that's not directly how you feel?!" Spike asked getting ready to fight.
"Oh don't get me started on you, how must it feel to be the only dragon in China, the whole world as a matter a fact. I must ask, how does it feel to know that there isn't a slight chance you'll ever find your parents or family? Especially if you don't know they were killed in brutal, painful ways like how I killed all the pandas. If there's one thing you and the pandas have, it's that your kinds are both an extinct species!" Shen mocked which caught Spike off guard too from the specific words, and it.. cut Spike in ways that he didn't know he had..

"But here, let me.. heal you two.." Shen said menacingly as he pulled the covers behind him away and they gasped with fear as they saw he was on another canon.
"Oh no.." Spike said with fear while he got behind Po who raised the bowl quickly, Shen grinned evilly and he lit the canon with his talons again and the canon roared before it fired directly at the two. Spike and Po screamed as the canonball hit them directly at point blank just as Viper and Tigress made it to them.
"No!!!" Tigress shouted with horror as everyone saw them go through the wall.
"Spike!!" Viper shouted with terror while Spike and Po went flying directly into a river far away from the factory, and thunder and lightning boomed over the sky from this dark moment.

Shifu gasped in shock as he finally felt this dark presence happen, and he fell off his staff from the shock, he had a look of despair and looked out to the stormy sky with worry, as he sensed this happen to them both, but got the determination and knew he had to help.

Spike and Po's body's both went floating down the river after they were struck with the canonball, and they both were extremely injured and were bumped against a familiar figure who poked on they're bodies.

Spike groaned with pain as he was finally opening his eyes, his body hurt all over after taking that canon blast, and was surprised he was even alive.
"Ugh.. where am I?" Spike asked weakly while he tried to move.
"I wouldn't move to much dragon, your lucky to even be alive after taking that blast." A familiar voice said which got his attention, he looked to the side and saw the same Soothsayer from before besides him making some medicine.
"Your that same person from before.. what happened?" Spike asked while she handed him some medicine, and he took it to get better, while it didn't taste good at all, it should help him at least.
"I found you and your friend by the river, I must admit, it was tough bringing you both back here." She explained while Po was finally awake too, and he groaned with pain after feeling it all come to him again.
"Why save us?" Spike asked weakly while he helped Po up.

They looked around the place and saw they were in what looked like the ruins of an old village, one that was once peaceful, but is nothing but ash and rubble after Shen's attacks. Spike looked at his left side and saw the Soothsayer wrapped up a lot of bandages and straps to keep the pain from getting worse, he just did not have luck with his limbs, he lost both his arms in like 3 weeks by now.
"If I wanted you two dead I would've left you in that river, but I didn't, because I know you two can fulfill your destiny's." She said turning to them while Spike held his side.
"What are you talking about? Where are we? What is this place?" Po asked while he and Spike tried moving.
"I'm surprised you remember so little panda, but.. you were so little when it happened.." She said regretfully as the voices and screams of the villagers who once lived here went through Po's head which made him scream in pain.

"Po are you okay?" Spike asked worried trying to help him up.
"Perhaps he does remember.." She said worried for him while Spike held his side from the pain still.
"I'm okay.. it's just a stupid nightmare.." Po said trying to brush this off.
"Nightmare, or memory?" Soothsayer asked in a wise tone, this caught both of they're attention and they looked into the small pond below them, but Spike's arm glowed again and Spike's vision was suddenly changing as he had a vision, and Po was finally remembering something, they saw what looked like a young baby Po during his time as a child, and they both realized.. this was his home village.

They're vision changes for them to see what looks like the village during it's prime age, and they saw how happy everyone was, the baby Po crawled up to his parents who were really happy and were flying a kite together during the sunny day. But what also got Spike's attention, is that he saw a tiny orange dragon on the father's soldier who cooed in a happy way.
"Is that.. another dragon?" Spike asked shocked as he's never seen her before, but there was something familiar about her.. he just didn't know what it meant..
"This was a thriving village you two, Young Shen was in line to rule Gongmen City. But he wanted more. I foretold that someone would stand in his way.. a panda.. but.. I could have never foretold.. what came next." Soothsayer said regretfully.

They're heads suddenly begin to hurt badly and they're vision suddenly changes to the night Shen attacked the village, everything was being lit on fire and they see Po crying with fear as the village burns before him.
"Get them all!" Shen ordered his wolves who were about to kill Po who held a toy close. But Po's father came in the way and he hit the wolves away with a hammer while the small dragon breaths fire on another group while still being on his shoulder.
"Take our son! And run away! Go!!" He told his mother while the dragon stayed by his side, but deep down.. Spike could see a look of terror from her as she was so young to see all of this...
"What about our daughter?!" The mother asked with fear while she picked Po up.
"I'll keep her safe! Go!!" He shouted before the wolves charged at them both and he did his best to fight the wolves off while Po's mother took him away which made him drop his toy as it fell into the house which fell into rubble..

Spike had a look of pure shock seeing this and realized there was another dragon in this world, but.. how? Po moved the rubble out of the way and he found the very same toy he had as a child so long ago, but Po's vision kept flashing before him and they both gasped with shock, and they could even feel tears in they're eyes upon seeing the horrors that Shen brought to the village.
"That dragon was so young.. how.. why did she have to suffer through this?!" Spike asked crying heavily, he didn't know who that dragon was, but he felt a strange connection to her in a way that he didn't know..
"Stop fighting it you two.. let it flow.." Soothsayer advised in a wise tone.

Spike took heavy breaths and realized that no matter what happened here, it was all in the past, but even if Po had such a traumatizing past.. they had to push through it, and if Spike never finds out who his family is.. it's alright.. he already has one.. Spike and Po looked at the rain above them and they both took a deep breath, they closed they're eyes as a rain drop went below they're feet and they swiped it away like how Shifu did, and they moved they're arms around before raising them into the air to catch a drop of water..

They're vision changes again, and they see Po's mother running through the snowy weather as the wolves gained one her with ash following from behind them, Spike and Po kept they're focus and moved the drops around them as they keep seeing Po's mother trying to escape them. Po's mother finally sees a safe place to hide her baby and they're vision changes to look more like the real world, they see Po's mother put Po in a familiar Radish basket, Po cries with sadness and didn't want her to go, but she calmed him down by having him snuggle to her one last time while kissing his head. She knew she'll never see her son again, and cried heavily as she began to leave, and baby Po cries even more as she runs away to save his life, and they watch with sadness as they saw the wolves chase after her.. and was most likely killed during the genocide..

Po and Spike finally open they're eyes again after witnessing it all, Spike didn't know how he had this vision, but it gave him an even closer understanding with Po then he ever thought he would, and finally could understand everything.. and had peace within himself..
"Your story may not have had such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make who you are. And who you two choose to be.
Soothsayer said calmly as Spike and Po reflect on they're lives together, no matter what pain they went through together, the friends and family they've made along the way is what matters most, like how Viper means so much to Spike, and how Ping means so much to Po, since it gave him the amazing life they both have now.
"So.. who are you two?" Soothsayer asked one last time as the two took a deep breath, and had a serious look while they opened they're eyes.
"My name is Po, and I'm gonna need a hat." Po said with a serious look.
"And my name is Spike, and I won't give Po my hat. But I will need a replacement arm." Spike said in a serious way while holding his own, they had both finally found Inner Peace, and even if this village suffered by Shen's hands, he won't get away with it, and they both knew there was one last thing to do..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know Spike finding Inner Peace may not work as well with Po with how he overcame his trauma, but I think Spike understanding Po's trauma and being able to see what happened too will also give him understanding to find Inner Peace. I just hope I handled Spike finding it well and it also helps foreshadow something for the next movie. But now we're heading into the climax of the movie, and while it may be shorter then the rest like this one, I'll make sure it feels just as epic, thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more!

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