• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 2,962 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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25: Shadows Of The Village, Part 5: Monsters Of Darkness

A couple weeks had past since Spike and Viper came to her old home, and since then, things have been going okay. While Ethan was getting weaker by the week, he was still able to move around and go out to the village, a lot of villagers were very sad to know that he was passing soon, since he's protected they're home for so long, they've been wanting to help honor him and thank him for when he goes. So the villager's often send gifts and letters that give a heartfelt speech for what he's done for the village and how many lives he's saved, it was something that made him have tears of joy knowing how grateful the villager's were for what he's done for them.

For Spike and Viper, they've been handling things alright when living here, Viper's siblings often crowded Spike and excitedly asked him questions about what his home was like, what adventures he's gone on with Viper, even asking him some stuff that Oogway taught him, since Spike did learn a good handful of moves, other then just the Wuxi Finger Hold, but that's something he wants to keep secret to himself for now. Viper's been spending as much time as she can with her father, she always gave him morning breakfast's to help him feel nice, and she and Ethan often talked about all they've been through during their lives, both together and apart from eachother. Emily's often been spending time with them too while Spike let's them do it by themselves, he wants to make sure that they have all the time they need, and Spike spends time with Viper's sister's to help them too.

But while Spike was glad to be here, and doing what he can to help out someone he really cares for and.. has a crush on.. he's still been worried about that nightmare he had, those monster's looked extremely strong and dangerous, they were like something out of a horror story, emerging from what looks like the underworld to reek havoc and cause destruction and pain, it gave Spike chills for whenever he thought of them. And not to mention that OTHER person he met, Lobo.

There was something different about him compared to the other people Spike's met, he felt like he was always watching him wherever he went, like he was a looming force that could never go away, and what he said about him needing luck for something that's coming, a danger that he may not come back from, it made Spike imply that he knew something was gonna happen, and it may indeed tie into those vision's he had, and Spike got more and more worried as the day's past, and was scarred of what will come.

But for now, Spike was just trying to enjoy what time he had with Viper's family, and did what he can to help them all. Spike may be worried about what's coming, but he hopes he and Viper will be able to stop it. It was around midday in Dragon Valley, tons of people were out and living they're day like usual, and nothing to big was happening. Spike was watching the view of the village from the top of Viper's home outside the porch, he could feel something was gonna go wrong today, and had to prepare for it. But as he thought of this, he decided to check on Ethan to make sure he's alright.

After a few more minutes of watching over the town, he made his way back inside the house to find him, Viper and Emily were in her room talking about some stuff with her sister's, either it's about what's going on with Ethan, or there's something else that he may not know about. But that wasn't his business as far as he knows, so he just politely went to Ethan's room to speak with him.

After a few more steps through the halls, Spike knocked on Ethan's door a few times to see if he's alright.
"Um.. Ethan? It's me Spike, are you in the mood to talk right now?" Spike asked hoping he would respond, and after a few seconds, he did hear something.
"No need to ask Spike, please come in." Ethan said from the other side which made Spike sigh in a bit of relief. Spike slid open the door to his room and saw he was still on his bed, there were tons of flowers and cards on the table's besides him that were from the villager's, it was a really sad but wholesome sight to see.
"Um.. hey Ethan, how are you feeling?" Spike asked before he coughed a little more again.
"I'm still feeling like i can stay awake for an entire day straight, heh heh.. is everything alright with you Spike?" Ethan asked as Spike went up to him.

"I'm.. okay.. i've just had.. a lot on my mind, all that's happening with you, and this village, it's something i haven't really experienced before.. i'm just worried for what's gonna happen for everyone when.. you.." Spike said with regret not wanting to finish that sentence, but Ethan understood it perfectly.
"No need to say more, i understand your concern. I have protected this village for most of my life, by myself. The older i got the harder it was to try to fight, but my daughter found her own ways to fight, even without proper fangs, she did so much for me and my home, it couldn't have made me more proud of her when she achieved a dream like that. Even when the odds were against her.." Ethan said looking over a family photo next to him.
"Yeah, she really did something amazing that day.. it was the moment she was able to prove herself.. and use what she loved to save everyone.." Spike said still amazed by that story, it was something she did that he never got, she was able to prove herself to her home and save everyone, while Spike never really got the proper chance to do something special himself..

"I can see something's bothering you Spike, do you.. want to talk about it?" Ethan asked seeing his worry's, it wouldn't surprise him since he's seen something like this many times before, so Spike decided to talk about it.
"I'm just.. really worried Ethan, for all that's happening, what Viper and your family is going through, and how the village is trying to handle it, it's just so much to try and handle with. I care about Viper a lot, and i don't want her to go through something so.. awful alone, she was the first real friend i had when i came here. And with what she's feeling right now.. i just don't know if i can do enough to help her.." Spike said sadly while sitting on the bed to think about this, Ethan knew this feeling all too well, it was something he had for the longest time too.
"I can understand that Spike, even for someone as strong as my daughter, she still has a lot of growing to do, and whether she knows it or not, she'll have to continue growing as a person, as her own warrior, even without me.." Ethan said putting his tail on his shoulder while Spike thought about it too.

"It's like how i had to handle things on my own without Twilight and the others, they were my family sure, but i never was able to do something as amazing as they were when i was still in Equestria, it may have just been because i wasn't able to find the right moment, when it was something that Twilight was always able to handle, i just never got my own moment to shine like Viper, Twilight, or the others. I was just.. sidelined for the longest time.. without ever knowing if i was gonna do something special in my life.. or if i was just gonna be without a proper moment to myself, something that defines me.." Spike said while reflecting on his time in Equestria, while he always loved and enjoyed what he did there, all those times Twilight and the other's got to do something amazing that built them up as legends, and heroes, Spike felt like he was never able to live up to them when living there, and it was just like how he felt before he came to the valley.
"Spike.. there is always gonna be a moment for you to prove yourself, even when you don't know it. You'll get that moment one day, no matter how long it takes. My daughter got her moment after a lot of time passed, and even when she didn't know it, she was able to do something special when the time suddenly came. I know you would've gotten it too, whether it's here or back in your home. There was always the chance for you to make something right." Ethan said leaning up to sit next to him.

While Spike was told this before, sometimes his doubts just hasn't left him, and he doesn't know if he'll ever be able to do something to help other's like how Twilight has, even after Tai Lung and all those missions he's gone on with the 5, it just didn't hit right, and Spike doesn't know if he's being selfish in wanting a proper moment, or a coward for not accepting what he has is enough.
"Even with what i have now.. i just feel like i'm not enough, what if there's something too strong for me and the other's to defeat? What if i fail to live up as the Dragon Master? What if.." Spike said while asking dozens of questions at once, but Ethan simply shushed him.
"There's always gonna be hope, even in the darkest moments, i felt like giving into despair once i was taken down by that thief who defeated me, but the light came through my daughter, who defeated him with her skills. And the same will happen with you, even when there seems like there's no hope, something will come from it. And that will be your moment, even when it doesn't' seem like much, just know that what you were able to do.. was something that made other's happy, and you are truly something special. We all are special Spike, especially you and my daughter's, I value them all with all my heart. And i know they feel the same." Ethan assured which was making Spike feel a little better.

"Y.. you really think that?" Spike asked turning to him who was smiling still.
"Of course, and the same goes for you Spike. My daughter likes you a lot, and i can tell you two have something special for eachother, and i just want you to know. Even when i pass on, i hope you'll be there for her, even if it's being more then a friend.." Ethan said while looking out his window to see the mountain view, Spike was feeling a bit better hearing that, he may just be overthinking things, even with his visions, he should at least try and live the moment.
"I promise i'll keep her safe, no matter what Ethan. Thank you for this.. so much.." Spike said gratefully looking out the window too.
"Your welcome Spike, anything for my daughter's friends.." Ethan said as the two had this moment to appreciate what they had still.

However, somewhere not too far from the village, there were two villagers currently going to get some water, thinking nothing would go wrong right now.
"You sure we can't just give Great Master Viper some more gift cards? I think he's been loving the ones we've sent him." A duck asked while they put the water in a bucket.
"I think we should try and up our appreciation for him, he's not gonna be around much longer. It's best we show him the best respect we can." Another one said casually taking another bucket.
"It's really sad to know he's passing, i'm just glad his family's there for him, especially that a real dragon has come to help. Of all the things i never thought to see, a real dragon isn't one of them." The duck said still amazed at Spike coming here.
"I agree with that, let's just get this water back to the houses, some flowers would go along nicely." He said ready to go, the other nodded and was about to leave too.. until a loud crash caught they're attention and spooked them.

"What was that?!" The duck asked worried on the loud sound, they both looked to where the crash was and saw some strange broken crates that led into a dark valley.
"Hello.. is.. anyone there?" The other asked as they slowly approached it, they looked deep into the darkness and couldn't see anything from where they were, but a sudden aggressive growl was heard which was scarring them.
"Who.. who's there?!" They asked scarred while backing up a little. While they did get they're answer, they got it in the worst way possible. A long monsterous claw suddenly emerged from the darkness and clawed on the ground which made their eyes widen in shock.
"What the...?" The duck asked scarred as the creature slowly came out of the darkness. They're looks soon turned to terror as they saw the monster emerge, it was a strange monster that was completely made from the shadows, it's sized towered over them both, and it looked like a demonic bird with glowing red eyes, and razor sharp claws that could cut through the toughest objects. The two villagers were backing up with terror as the things body twitched in an unnatural way, like it was both alive and dead at the same time. The monster soon turned it's attention to them, and made a demonic screech which made them scream with terror.
"RUN!!!" They screamed while the monster flew in the air and they ran for they're lives as the monster made another demonic screech.. and this was followed by more monsters emerging from the darkness. large.. horrific beasts that were filled with a rage unlike any other, and they all roared as they charged into the village...

Meanwhile with Viper, she and her siblings were in her room discussing something, since they had been helping eachother this entire time since they came here, Viper's siblings were working out on trying to help Spike and Viper go out together.
"You girls sure about this? I know me and Spike like eachother a lot, but do you think it's a bit.. too soon?" Viper asked a bit nervous on what to do, but her sister's were confident she can do this.
"There are plenty of options for you to go with here Viper, this village has tons of lovely places where the two of you can confess, we've been looking all over, and we have a few places in mind that could finally help one of you confess." Linjin said helping Viper with another outfit to use today.
"Spike's a very sweet person Viper, especially since he's the only dragon we've ever met! I think you two are perfect for eachother." Shiji said gleefully while Viper was still reluctant on this.
"I don't know girls, i've been doing it great as just friends, but as lovers? I don't know if that would work the same." Viper said nervous on what to do, Beihe shook her head and slithered up to her to help out.

"Viper, we know you can do this, you two are closer then anyone in your group, you've always spent as much time as you can together, and Spike was willing to come here to help you through what we're going through. You and him are perfect for eachother, and you will know it when you finally ask him, or he asks you." Beihe advised while she took a moment to think about this.
"Do you.. really think it'll work?" Viper asked looking at the new dress she was in.
"I'm sure of it Viper, just go up and ask him to come to the village with you, find a nice place to spend time together, and when the time comes, just tell him how you feel." Linjin said sweetly rubbing her head, Viper looked at the bracelet Spike had gotten her, and just loved what it was. It showed it was a true sign that they cared for eachother, from how much they've spent time together, it was more then just friendship at this point, and they both knew it by now.
"Your right girls, i'll go see if he's wanting to come to the village, you three can take care of dad right?" Viper asked hopefully.
"Like you need to ask sister." Shiji said confident in this.

And with that assurance, Viper slithered out of her room to see if Spike is wanting to go with her, and just at that moment, Spike was leaving Ethan's room after that talk with him, he had a bit more relief after that talk, and was wondering what to do next. But that resulted in them almost bumping into eachother.
"Oh uh.. hey Viper, you.. doing alright?" Spike asked seeing her regain her focus too.
"Oh i.. I'm fine Spike, were you.. in my dad's room just now?" Viper asked seeing he came out of it.
"Yeah, me and him just had a nice talk with eachother, with all that's happening right now. A little time together is something we all need you know?" Spike asked while the two began walking down the hallway together to the living room.
"Of course i can totally understand that. In fact.. i was hoping to ask you something." Viper said which caught his attention.
"And what would that be Vipes?" Spike asked curiously, Viper was a bit nervous to ask him this, but was confident enough to do it.

But before Viper could even ask, they heard loud bells that sounded like an alarm which got they're attention.
"Viper? What is that?!" Spike asked while the bells rang rapidly, this got the attention of Viper's family too and they quickly came out to group up, even Ethan got out to see what's happening.
"Viper! What's going on?!" Shiji asked worried about the alarm, but Ethan recognized it instantly.
"It's an distress call! It means the village is being attacked!" Ethan declared which scarred all of them.
"What?!" They all asked horrified to hear this, but Spike and Viper knew what they had to do, and looked at eachother with a serious face.
"Mom, Dad, you and the girls stay here, me and Spike will handle this." Viper said taking off the dress Linjin made which did disappoint her a little.

"Viper, we don't know what we're facing, we have to think this out!" Shiji said trying to stop them, but they were already heading to the door to check it out.
"We've faced tons of bad things before, we plan things out during the fight. Let's go Viper." Spike said holding out his hand, Viper took it and she slithered up onto him while he opened the door.
"We'll be back soon, don't worry about us!" Viper shouted while Spike opened the door and ran out.
"Viper, Spike wait!" Ethan shouted before Spike spread his wings and took off to the village, they already heard screaming from just below their home, and knew whatever was happening, wasn't a good thing.
"Come on, we have to go after them!" Emily said slithering down too.
"We have to help, let's go girls!" Beihe said slithering after them too with the other's following too.

Back down at the village, things were in chaos right now, whatever these monster's were, they were ferocious, there were dozens of them, the villager's were screaming with fear while they tore down dozens of parts of the village, they had a look of pure malice, and were intending to kill. The monsters roared with rage while they spread throughout the village, one of them went near the water staples and tore through most of the houses which made the people inside scream with terror. Some of the demonic birds flew in the air and screeched over the village's destruction, there were smoke signals coming out from multiple areas, and even some houses were seen to be catching fire..

Spike flew down as fast as he could with Viper holding on tight, Spike had a fear of something that was coming to cause terror, he just didn't know when they would come. Spike could hear the screams getting louder and he sped up even more. And after a few more seconds, Spike landed on the ground creating a crater from the impact, Viper quickly got off him and they struck they're fighting poses.
"Come on Viper, let's see what we're up against!" Spike shouted running ahead with her.
"Right! Let's go!" Viper shouted keeping up with him the best she could. The two ran through the village as fast as they could, they could see the villagers screaming with fear while running away from their direction, their looks turned to worry as they could see multiple houses were already on fire, whatever they were facing, it was not playing around.

And they're running soon came to a halt as they heard a loud roar.
"What was that?!" Spike asked getting in his pose.
"I don't know, stay close Spike." Viper said while they were back to back with eachother. The two circled around the area, and tried finding where that sound came from, but the roar was heard again that came from their right. They soon turned to it and saw another dark looking alley just ahead of them.
"Whoever's in there, show yourself!" Spike roared sharpening his claws, the got another response with a growl of rage, and they could feel the ground shake as the creature came out. But they're looks turned to shock as they see what came out of it, they saw what looked like a demonic looking wolf, bearing claws that could tear through statues easily, sharp white teeth that made a shark's look pathetic, and red eyes that were a blood red color, whatever this creature was, it was not normal.

"What.. is that?!" Viper asked shocked as the creature slowly made it's way to them, and this was followed by multiple creatures of darkness coming out from behind it, it was in a pack, and they all growled at them with rage before they suddenly lunged at them.
"Look out!" Spike shouted before he dodge rolled out of a claw slash. Spike roared at the creature and tried to deliver a strong punch to it, but the wolf suddenly jumped high in the air which surprised him, the wolf twirled around as it began to fall back down before trying to deliver another slash to Spike, but he quickly backflipped out of the way as it landed down and missed which knocked Viper a way a bit.
"What are these things?!" Viper asked starting to get scarred while she tried slithering out of more slashes.
"I don't know, but be careful!" Spike shouted while they charged at the monsters again.

Spike ran ahead just a bit before trying to deliver a leg sweep, but the demonic wolf jumped in the air again and twirled around to slash him again, but Spike saw it coming now, and dodged right as the wolf slashed and caught it's claw, Spike then used his strength to twirl it around at fast speeds before he threw it into another one, Viper slithered her way out of more slashes, and used her sharp tail to whip it in the face, Spike followed it up by delivering a roundhouse kick to the wolf's jaw and broke it from the impact which sent the monster to the wall which made it disappear somehow.
"Is that how these things go down?!" Spike shouted before he suddenly dodged another wolf lunging for his throat.
"It must be, but that still doesn't explain what these things are!" Viper shouted before she wrapped her tail around another wolf's neck and slammed it to the ground with her strength.

The demons surrounded the two once again, and Spike had a little idea, Spike and Viper both jumped in the air and Spike took a deep breath, Viper wrapped her tail around Spike's leg just as they landed down, and with a battle cry, Viper twirled Spike around at fast speeds while he unleashed a stream of fire on a bunch of the demons, Viper soon let go and Spike ran up to another to deliver a combo, he slid on the ground right next to the monster and delivered a strong kick to send it in the air, he then jumped up and kicked the monster back with dozens of combo kicks, this was followed by him whipping his tail around the monster till he was behind him and grabbed the monster's own tail, and it was finished off by spinning the demon around again before he slammed it to the ground to the others which finished them off.

Spike and Viper took deep breath's while taking in this little moment they had.
"Spike, do you know what these things are?" Viper asked looking around for any more. Spike was breathing heavily while trying to think of this, those monster's weren't like anything they've faced before, they were tough, and ferocious, and they felt like something out of a horror film. But while he tried thinking of this, Spike suddenly remembered the vision he had, the nightmare that showed him these very monster's emerging from what may be the underworld. A crack in the mountain, having darkness spread out of it, followed by these very monster's emerging and roaring with fury. Spike gasped in shock while he finally realized what these things are..
"Spike? What's wrong?" Viper asked worried while he was in a state of shock.
"Demons.. they're.. demons.. i don't know how i know it.. but i just.. do.." Spike said with fear which made her look horrified.
"Demons?! How could they possibly be here!?" Viper asked horrified hearing this.
"I.. I.." Spike said trying to explain this, but they're talk was stopped once again when they heard multiple screams coming from the area.

They looked around the area and heard people screaming with terror followed by loud roars, they both realized the villager's were in trouble, and they had to go now, but Spike knew something was wrong, if they focused on one group together, it would risk the villager's dying, so they had to do one thing for this...
"Viper.. we have to split up for this.. there are too many of them, and we can't take them all together." Spike instructed which made her worried even more.
"What?! Spike if these things are demons, then we need to stick together on this! We may not be strong enough to stop them on our own!" Viper argued refusing this, but Spike knew they were low on options.
"Viper, we don't have much of a choice. There are dozens of these things around here, if we stick together, we won't be able to save everyone, we need to split up and try and fight them on our own. There are lives at stake right now, and we can't waste another minute here." Spike said looking at the surrounding fire around some of the houses.

"Spike.. what if they're too strong when we're on our own, we have to be together for this, we always are.. right?" Viper asked hoping he would stop this.
"We always are Vipes, but we need to save the villager's lives right now, i don't wanna do this just as much as you do, but we need to split up. I'll head to the park to see what's going on, you try and make sure the people in the marketing area are alright, okay?" Spike asked kneeling down to her, Viper had a look of worry and fear for him hearing this, this wasn't something they've faced before, while they may be able to take it together, fighting them alone may not be the best, but they have no choice on this..
"Spike.. promise me we'll make it out of this, there was still something i've been wanting to tell you.." Viper said holding his claw while he was worried too.

"I promise you we will Viper, and i've been.. wanting to tell you something too, once this is over ,we'll both tell it alright? We'll make it through this, i promise." Spike said before he suddenly gave her another hug, but she quickly leaned into it as this was a moment she needed.
"Be careful sweetie, your a great friend, the best i could ever have. And i don't want to lose you." Viper said holding on tight.
"Your the best person i've ever met Viper, don't forget that." Spike said pulling away for a bit.
"I won't Spike, just be careful." Viper said while the two let go of eachother and Spike spread his wings again.
"I will, you be careful too, please." Spike said before he took off into the skies again at fast speeds, Viper sighed to herself being really worried for him, but she had one task right now, and she quickly slithered off to the markets to see if there's any more of these creatures here.

Viper's family made they're way back down to the village as fast as they could, they all were really worried on what was going on, Spike and Viper took off quicker then they could plan things out, and they were most likely fighting whatever was attacking the village, they all helped Ethan down to the village and saw there were multiple buildings on fire, they could hear screams of fear and strange roars that gave them all chills. They all looked around with horror at what they were seeing, as the village was never in such an awful state before.
"Our home.." Ethan said with horror seeing the village he's protected for so long being attacked like this.
"It'll be okay Ethan, we have to find Spike and Viper." Emily said worried for them.
"It's best we try the park, i think Spike will be there by now." Shiji suggested looking around for the monster's.

"Good idea, me and Ethan will try and find Viper, please be careful you three, your not as skilled as they are." Emily said really worried for them.
"Don't worry mom, even if we aren't master's like them, we still have our fair share of skill." Linjin said taking out a metal fan that was pretty sharp.
"Where did you get that?!" Beihe asked shocked at seeing such a thing.
"It's a long story, come on girls, let's go!" Linjin shouted before slithering out to the park, Beihe and Shiji quickly followed behind while Ethan and Emily were alone, Ethan made a couple more weak coughs as a result of the smoke which worried Emily a lot.
"You sure you wanna be here for this? I can take you back to the house." Emily said really worried for him.
"No.. i can't leave my village unprotected, we have to find Viper, come on, i have an idea on where she is." Ethan said slithering ahead while Emily was just really worried for him, but she quickly followed suit in hopes they could help the people.

Spike hurried in the direction he heard the screaming as fast as he could, he was trying to process what was going on. The very creatures he's had nightmares about recently were here, they were causing so much chaos he and Viper needed to split up, Spike and Viper always often fought together during attacks like this, but this is different. Whatever caused these demons to be unleashed, they had to deal with them soon, or they may cause more trouble to other villages, including the Valley of Peace.

Spike hurried to where the screams were coming from the quickest he could, and was finally nearing the park. Spike slid to a halt to see what was going on, and his eyes widened in fear with what he was greeted with. Several of the buildings were on fire, the trees of the park that once inhabited the place were chopped over and were on the ground, even the dragon statues were almost destroyed by these demons who've attacked the area. Spike was breathing heavily while trying to process all of this, he hasn't been in a situation so dire before, even with what he's faced with Po and the 5, literal demons aren't on the list, Spike heard another demonic screech from just above him and quickly looked up.

Spike's eyes widened in fear as he saw even more of these monsters, but these ones were different, they were demonic bird monsters with wings that looked like sharp knives, talons that could cut through ones body with no trouble at all, and beaks that were so sharp you'd mistake them for the tip of a blade.
"Aw come on, these things can fly now?!" Spike asked annoyed spreading out his wings getting ready to fight.
"Help!!" A voice cried out which suddenly stopped him, Spike quickly turned to where the voice was coming from and looked horrified as he saw some villager's trapped in the burning houses!
"Hold on! I'm coming!!" Spike shouted running to the house, but his rescue was halted when the demonic bird swooped in and tackled him down, Spike was pinned by the throat to a fallen tree and was being chocked out. Spike groaned in pain as the monster screeched at him, it's strength was so strong, it felt like it was trying to break his neck from holding him down. But Spike wasn't wanting to die like this.

Spike took a deep breath the best he could before breathing out another stream of fire in the monsters face which made it screech in pain letting Spike go, he gasped for air before quickly tail whipping the thing away to recover. Spike roared at the monster and it screeched back before spreading it's wings, and to make things worse, 10 more of these bird demons landed besides him and outnumbered him and they screeched as they surrounded him.
"Give me a break.." Spike said annoyed as they all charged at Spike. Spike jumped in the air just as they reached him which made them crash into eachother, he flipped around in the air before falling back down to deliver another strike, he landed on one of the monster's heads and quickly jumped off each one in a circle, this was followed by him kicking the monster's in the faces and slashing at them with each jump, Spike then twirled around the monsters and backflipped away from them and landed on the ground, the monster's soon recovered from Spike's attack and roared with rage and charged at him once again at super fast speeds which was extremely surprising for Spike.

Spike couldn't even react before one of them slashed at his chest and knocked him to the air, Spike groaned in pain while trying to recover, but another one of them grabbed his legs and squeezed it tightly, Spike screamed even more before the monsters slashed at him from multiple areas while being thrown around, and was sent flying back to the ground which made a crater. Spike groaned with pain while trying to get up, that attack hit really hard, and he had multiple scars on his body from them.
"I can't.. give up." Spike said weakly while getting back up, he quickly turned back to the villager's and saw they were still trapped, and what's worse, the fire was spreading, and the house was on the verge of collapse.
"No! Hang on!!" Spike shouted trying to save them again, but the monster's suddenly landed in front of him and blocked his path, the birds towered over him and screeched with rage which made Spike furious for them blocking his path.
"Get out of my way!!" Spike shouted getting back in his fighting pose.

Spike was about to engage with these monsters again, but something suddenly whacked the one in front of them in the face which surprised him, Spike looked to where that weapon came from and saw it flying around, it looked like.. a fan?
"What?" Spike asked shocked before he saw the fan fly down somewhere, and to his surprise, a familiar snake caught it with her tail, and she was right next to her sister's who were ready to fight, it was Linjin, Shiji and Beihe.
"Spike!" They all shouted slithering up to him while the monster's recovered and roared again, they attempted to attack the snakes but Spike used his wings to deliver a powerful Shoryuken to the on of them that sent it in the air.

"What are you doing!? Get out of here! It's too dangerous for you!" Spike shouted before grabbing the monster's leg and slamming it down, but Spike didn't have much more time to react before he was suddenly attacked by another one of the birds who looked even madder. But Linjin used her metal fan to knock it down.
"We aren't gonna let these monster's harm our home!" Shiji shouted before she bit down on one of the monster's with her fangs, while Viper didn't have fangs, they had fangs that were really sharp, and most likely had poison.
"You aren't alone on this Spike, speaking of which, where is Viper?!" Beihe said worried before she flipped out another claw slash and hissed at the monster.
"She's at the marketing area, let's save those people before going to her!" Spike shouted landing back on the ground, the monster's roared at them all and Spike and the siblings hissed at them in response, Spike then charged at the monster's with the siblings beside him, and they all screamed with rage while the monster's charged at them.

Meanwhile for Viper, she had made it to the market area just like she was instructed, and the place wasn't in the best shape either, dozens of shops were burned down and destroyed from the monster's, and tons of once beautiful festival decorations were destroyed and it looked like a place of despair. Viper was currently fighting off the monster's too the best she could, she was facing these demonic bears that were horrific looking, half of they're faces looked like they were burned off before death, and they're other side's showed the feral look of a monster on the hunt.

One of the monster's roared at Viper while she tried fighting them off, Viper grabbed one of the broken stables and chucked it at the monster to try and bring it down, but it barely did anything and it just made it more mad. The monster's roared at her which made her gasp in fear, one of the monsters suddenly charged at her so fast Viper couldn't even react before the monster slashed at her chest, Viper was thrown to one of the walls around the area as a result and tried getting up.
"These things are.. really tough.. i have to keep moving.." Viper told herself getting back up, Viper was trying to get up, but she had heard another one of the monster's roars once again. She quickly looked up and saw the monster had jumped in the air and was trying to smash her. She quickly slathered out of the way just as it smashed down, but the attack created an impact wave which sent Viper flying a bit from the powerful move. Viper was slammed against another staple once again and groaned in pain while trying to recover.

Viper pushed the rubble out of her way and tried seeing where these monster's were, but she already saw the monster's charging at her which making her scarred. She yelped right as one of them slashed at her, but Viper quickly jumped out of the way just as it slashed at her, she then went into the air and tried to deliver a tail whip on it, but it quickly grabbed her tail which was shocking, Viper screamed as she was being tossed around at fast speeds, slammed against the ground and fire that was surrounding them all, the monster roared once again before it tossed her into the streets a good distance away from them, Viper's body tumbled all over while being dragged on the ground at fast speeds. She finally stopped as she was slammed against a dragon statue at the center of the market area.

Viper groaned in pain while she tried getting up, she's faced extremely tough foes before, even more then Spike has before he joined them, but these were something else, and Viper was just worried for Spike with how strong they are. Viper tried getting up from the pain that was inflicted on her, her body had multiple burnt marks on her from the constant dragging she just went through, and even some of the slash marks were on her that looked worse then what Tai Lung did to her, it was a pain she hadn't felt in a long time, but she had to push through it.
"I can't.. fail my home.." Viper told herself while getting up again, but she heard yet another roar from the same creatures and saw them charging at her, Viper had a look of fear as the monster's charged at her, and was bracing herself for what's to come.

Emily and Ethan made they're way through the village as fast as they could, they could see there were these black monster's attacking the village relentlessly, Ethan looked horrified seeing what was a peaceful and well developed village being destroyed in such little time. What's worse, they couldn't find they're daughter anywhere.
"Viper! Where are you?!" Emily shouted looking around for her.
"Please say something!" Ethan begged trying to find her, they got an answer when they heard a cry of pain followed by a loud roar, they quickly looked ahead and saw Viper being thrown into another building from the monster's. The monster's roared with rage while Viper tried getting up, her body was feeling weak and these monster's were not stopping, both parents had a look of terror seeing they're daughter injured like this, and didn't want it to keep happening.

"Viper!" Ethan shouted with fear before trying to go save her, but Emily grabbed his tail to stop him.
"Ethan, please don't! These monster's are far too strong for you, you save Viper, i'll hold them off!" Emily said about to go, but Ethan refused to let his wife potentially die.
"No, it's my duty to protect you and my village, i will not let my home fall to these beasts!" Ethan shouted slithering to the monster's which scarred Emily.
"Ethan!!" Emily shouted with fear slithering after him, but she heard Viper cry with pain even more and that quickly got her attention, she saw Viper was trying to continue fighting, but she was in a state where her body was too injured to keep going, and she needed help.
"Viper, hold on!" Emily shouted quickly moving up to her to save her.

Viper was feeling weak, whatever she tried doing to fight these monster's only resulted in her getting more hurt, she felt like she was right on this matter, she and Spike should've stayed together for this. And if he's experiencing this kind of pain too, it was only another point that proved her right.
"Viper! Are you alright?!" Emily asked which got her out of her thoughts, she looked up and saw Emily was here somehow, and she helped Viper out of the rubble.
"I'm.. alright.. what are you doing here? It's not safe for any of you.." Viper asked trying to recover.
"We won't let our family fight alone, this is our home. And you are our daughter." Emily said slithering out with him. But they heard one more roar from those demons again, and had a look of fear when turning to their direction.

They could see more of these beasts getting back up from whatever knocked them down, they had a look of fury and growled with rage, they pulled out they're razor sharp claws and slashed through whatever was in they're way when rushing at them, thunder was heard from above them and they could see lightning flash in the sky, the clouds above them had grown dark and and had covered up the last of the blue sky that was here before. The monster's roared while the thunder clapped, it was like a sign of the despair to come for them both.
"Viper, do not look." Emily said turning her away as the monster's charged at them.
"Mom.." Viper said with fear as the monster's lunged at them while the lightning flashed all over them. But something stopped them from attacking, and a long tail whipped them in their faces which knocked them down and they roared in pain.

Viper and Emily heard the commotion and looked up to see what caused it, and to their surprise, they saw Ethan was going still, even on the verge of death, he's still a fighter, and he hissed at the monster's with rage.
"Leave my family alone!!" Ethan hissed with fury, the monster's had soon recovered from the little whip they were hit with, and soon saw Ethan standing against them. The monsters roared once again before charging at Ethan, and being the heroic fighter he is, he charged at them too to protect his family which worried Viper and Emily.
"Dad don't!" Viper warned trying to stop him.
"Ethan, please!!" Emily shouted while Ethan engaged in battle with the monsters.

Meanwhile with Spike and the sister's, Spike was struggling against the monsters, no matter how many they knocked down, even more was coming. Spike and Viper's siblings were all against eachother while the monster's surrounded them. Spike flipped over another one of the birds slashes and tried kicking it in the face, but the one next to him grabbed Spike's leg and slammed him down to the ground again, this was followed up by the monster delivering a strong slash to him and Spike was sent spiraling out of the way from it, Viper's siblings were trying to fight the monster's off too, and had to separate in order to do so. Spike groaned in pain while getting up, his body was feeling exhausted, this was the most exhaustion and pain he's ever felt since he came here, even the training he went through didn't compare to this. Spike could hear thunder ruble and saw lightning flash through the sky, this was to represent the dark moment everyone was going through, and Spike was trying to push through it.

"Help! Please!!" The villager shouted again which worried Spike even more, Spike turned to where the house was burning and had a look of terror with what he saw, the house was almost completely on fire, the duck was terrified as the fire was nearing him closer and closer, and what's worse, the house was looking like it's gonna collapse, and Spike needed to hurry.
"No! I won't let you die!!" Spike shouted trying to push through his strength, Viper's siblings were trying to fight through the monster's the best they could, Shiji used her fangs on one of the birds and bit down on it's neck to stop it, for whatever reason, their venom was able to stop them, which did give them a little advantage, Linjin was using her metal fan and slashing against the monster's like a professional dancer, combining her dancing skills with fighting in order to fight them off. Beihe had wrapped her tail around one of the monsters necks, and slammed into one of the statue repeatedly to stop i from recovering.

"Get. Out. Of. Our. Home!!" Beihe screamed before she slammed the monster through it completely and the monster disappeared as a result, Beihe took a few deep breaths while her siblings took down their foes too. They could hear winces from Spike and quickly turned to where he was, they saw he was trying to make his way to the burning building trying to save the villager, his body was limping from the attacks done on his body, and was looking weaker with each step.
"Spike! Hang on!" Linjin shouted before they tried to save him, but lightning suddenly flashed once again and that blinded they're eyes for a brief moment, and when they opened them a gain, they had a look of terror as they saw one of the demons right behind Spike with one of it's claws raised at him.
"Spike look out!!" Shiji shouted trying to warn him, Spike quickly turned around from hearing that warning, but he wasn't fast enough to react to what happened next.

Lightning flashed once again which blinded everyone from the attack, but this was followed up by a cry of agony which horrified them all, when the sister's opened they're eyes, their looks turned to horror from what they saw, Spike was on his knees holding his right side with pain, they could see him holding back tears from his eyes, they all gasped with horror from seeing this, and what's worse.. Spike's former right arm was on the floor, after it was completely sliced off..
"Spike!!" Linjin shouted with horror before quickly slithering up to him, she took out her metal fan and made a hiss of rage before she slashed at the monster with fury, Shiji and Beihe lunged at the monster and bit down they're fangs at it with fury, they injected every ounce of venom they could into the monster to finish it off. The monster cried with pain as it was hit like this, and it fell to the floor and disappeared finally.

The siblings took a deep breath before turning their attention to Spike, he was barely able to stand up from the pain he was feeling, he was crying with pain and tried holding back what he could, but the loss of one of his arms was too much for him.
"Spike, it's gonna be okay!" Shiji said while they tried helping him up, they tried to help him, but they heard a cry of pain once more and looked terrified, they had been so focused on these monster's, they forgot what was really important. They quickly turned to the building that was on fire, but to their horror, they saw the innocent villager being crushed inside the collapsing building, along with anyone else that was in there..
"No.. NO!!!!" Spike screamed with terror and pain as lightning flashed again, all of them breathed heavily with fear and sadness seeing this, they were feeling rain fall down on them as a result of the weather, and the rain soon turned into a harsh downpour that fell on them while Spike felt pain and sadness.
"No.. we couldn't have failed.. we can't.." Spike said weakly before he almost fell on the ground again, Viper's siblings tried to help him again, but the pain was too much, and he passed out from the pain that was caused.
"No.. no! Spike! Please wake up!" Linjin shouted trying to help him, they all surrounded him and tried to help him however they could.. but all they could feel was fear and sadness for what's happened.

Meanwhile with Ethan, he was making battle cry's while he tried fighting off the monster's, he was holding his own fairly well for his age, but it clearly was showing, he was pretty slow and wasn't reacting fast enough, and even with the strong strikes he was delivering, they clearly were outmatching him, and even with the skills Ethan had, it wasn't enough for them.
"Leave.. my family.. alone!" Ethan shouted trying to fight them off still, Ethan dodged another slash from the monster's and injected more venom into the monster's, he figured out the venom was able to stop them, and tried to get close to them the best they could.
"Ethan please stop!!" Emily begged while he kept fighting them off, but one of the monster's came behind him and slashed at his back to knock him down, the monster raised it's claws in the air and tried to kill him, but Ethan rolled out of the way just as they slashed at the ground.
"Dad please!" Viper begged while Ethan wrapped his tail around the monster, he used what strength he had to throw it into the air, he then lunged in the air and delivered multiple tail slashes at the monster, he then stabbed the thing through the chest and finally made it disappear before he weakly landed back down.

Ethan breathed heavily as he thought he finished the last of them.
"Viper.. Emily.." Ethan said weakly turning to them. The two were about to make they're way to him until a large shadow came directly behind him.. and raised it's claws..
"Dad! look out!!" Viper screamed which got his attention, he tried to turn around to see what was behind him.. but he was too late, lightning flashed once again as the monster slashed directly through Ethan's body, Viper and Emily gasped with horror with the horrific sight they were seeing, Ethan cried in agony as the monster held his body in the air.
"DAD/ ETHAN!!!" Emily and Viper shouted at once. Ethan breathed weakly as the monster was going to finish him off, but he was going down with honor for this.
"No one.. harms.. my.. family.." Ethan said before he turned around and bit down on the monster one final time. Ethan injected what venom he could to finish this monster off for good, it cried with pain which finally made it let him go. Ethan fell on the floor and could barely move while the monster disappeared from being defeated finally. Whatever these creatures were, they were done for now, but they had a fear that they would be back.

Viper and Emily quickly went over to Ethan to try and help him, he was breathing really weakly after that last slash, he could barely move and it looked like he was finally going..
"Ethan it's gonna be okay sweetie, we're gonna get help!" Emily said trying to help him up, but Ethan slowly put his tail on hers to stop.
"No.. it's.. too late for me.. there's nothing to be done.." Ethan said between breaths which was starting to make them cry.
"Dad.. please.. we can't lose you! You mean so much to us! We can't.." Viper begged while crying heavily, Ethan could see her daughter was extremely upset, but tried using his last moments to help her.
"Viper.. to me.. you and my family are so much more, i've always loved and cared for you all. Even when you couldn't fight back as a child, I always knew that one day, you would be a better warrior then me.." Ethan said weakly while rubbing her head while the two were crying from this sight.

"Dad.. i.. i don't know how to continue on without you.. if i had been here so much sooner, i could've spent more time with you.. i could've done something that made you proud of me.." Viper said crying heavily, Ethan chuckled weakly a bit more and tried to help them.
"My daughter.. you know i've always been proud of you.. no matter what's happened between us.. i've always loved and cared about you all. You, Emily, and your sister's mean the world to me. And if I were to die, I would at least go peacefully knowing my family is safe.. knowing that you are safe.." Ethan assured, but Viper just didn't know how to respond to this.
"But.. you mean so much to us.. to go without you.. i don't know how to continue on.." Viper said bringing her head to his, Ethan only rubbed it against hers to comfort her.
"There's always a point in ones life where they have to go on without they're family, some don't even get that chance to have parents, and are left alone, what i've had with you all, is the best life i could wish for. This village, all of you.. it means the world to me.. and even when I'm gone.. know that I will always be watching over you.. as my precious flower.." Ethan said rubbing the flowers she had on her head while Emily was crying.

"Sweetie.. i'm so sorry for what's happened.." Emily said crying heavily even more, Ethan's breaths were getting weaker as the seconds past by, and he could see a light in his vision.
"None of you did anything wrong. What matter's now is that you are safe.. you are the best things in my life, and Viper.. whatever happens, i know Spike will take care of you, you and him can take down these beasts for good, because you both work together in a way i wished i could do with you... You two can save the village.. you two can save.. all of China.." Ethan said while his breath was leaving him.
"Dad.." Viper said with sorrow as they looked down on him while he took his final breaths.
"I.. love you.. i.. love you all.. my daughter.." Ethan said weakly before he drew his last breath, and he finally closed his eyes for the last time.

Viper and Emily were crying heavily from seeing him go, they knew this day would come soon, but they didn't expect this horrific day to happen.
"Dad.. no.. no!" Viper said with sorrow while she and Emily cried at this sight, Viper's siblings had just gotten back to see what was happening, but they all gasped in shock with what they were seeing.
"D.. Dad?" Linjin asked with tears as they saw him on the ground.. not moving anymore..
"It.. can't.. be.." Shiji said horrified at the sight, Viper and Emily turned they're attention to them, and they gasped in fear with what they saw, Spike was unconscious from the pain still, and they saw his right arm was gone..
"Spike!" Viper said horrified quickly slithering up to him, she tried to wake him up, but he was too injured to wake up now, and she was crying even more from this.
"It's gonna be okay Viper.. it's gonna be okay.." Emily assured while they all came up to eachother and gave a tight hug, they all cried heavily over the losses that had happened today, and even with those monsters gone for now, they knew they were gonna come back. And with Spike severely injured right now.. they didn't know what to do..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this, sorry for the wait on this but it took a while to make. I know this ended on a sad note but i wanted to add more tension and emotion to this story, i had this planned out and knew what was gonna come, i just needed to properly work it all together. I know Spike losing an arm is really dark for Kung fu Panda, but this is the same series that had Po's species be almost killed off entirely, so i think something like this would fit in as long as it's not overly detailed with being brutal. We're getting closer to the finale of this, and i hope you look forward to it, thank you all for reading this, and hope you look forward to more!

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