• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,328 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

The Beautiful Shy girl

Spike and Fluttershy would disembark from the train, with Spike letting out a yawn as he grasped Fluttershy's hand. Cloudsdale station was bustling with activity, men and women of all shapes and colors bustling about.

"Excited, Spike?" Fluttershy would ask with a smile as they walked along the platform.

"Yeah, I guess so. It's my first time visiting Cloudsdale in this world, right?" Spike would reply, looking around with curiosity, letting out another yawn, rubbing one of his eyelids.

"Exactly. There are so many cute things to see here, and I'm sure you'll love it," Fluttershy would comment as she guided Spike towards the station exit, deciding to ignore that Spike had mentioned something from another world, assuming it was best to let the tired boy say his things.

As they walked through the bustling streets of Cloudsdale, Fluttershy would point out some interesting places and tell Spike about the city. Although Spike was still thinking about what had happened in the mirror, he would try to focus on enjoying time with Fluttershy and exploring Cloudsdale together.

"Aren't your parents going to welcome us at the station?" Spike would say, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh, my parents know we would make it on our own. They wanted us to have some time for ourselves before joining them," Fluttershy would explain with a calm smile.

"So... how about you show me the best places here?" Spike would say with a smile.

"Of course, Spike! There are so many lovely places you'll enjoy," Fluttershy would respond excitedly. She would take Spike's hand and guide him through the lively streets of Cloudsdale.

First, Fluttershy would take him to the Wing Gallery, a space dedicated to showcasing the artistic creations of local citizens. Paintings and sculptures floated gracefully in the air, creating a unique and visually stunning experience thanks to a couple of threads that gave the illusion of everything floating.

"Wow... Isn't this somewhat dangerous?" Spike would say as he crouched to look under a statue, running his hand to see if anything happened, but the statue would simply continue floating by the threads.

"Don't worry, Spike. Everything is securely fastened. The threads are quite strong and are part of the magic of Cloudsdale. That's how they exhibit art here," Fluttershy would explain with a gentle laugh as she watched Spike explore with curiosity, feeling somewhat more... free. Usually, even with her best friends, she tended to retract and not act so freely, but Spike's innocent aura made her feel like she could be herself.

After enjoying the Wing Gallery, Fluttershy would take Spike to Rainbow Heights, a place filled with shops and street vendors. Here, they could find everything from delicious treats to local handmade items.

"Spike, look at these rainbow cookies! They're so delicious," Fluttershy would exclaim, dragging Spike to that candy stand. "I remember when I was just a kid! Whenever my brother or I passed an exam or something, we'd come to this place, and they'd buy us whatever we wanted. These cookies have always been my favorites."

"Yeah, I definitely want to try them," Spike would respond with a smile, looking at the girl somewhat happily, seeing that at least this version of Fluttershy could act more freely.

They would approach the stand and buy some rainbow cookies. The sweet and tempting aroma would fill the air as Fluttershy and Spike enjoyed their delicious treats.

After indulging in rainbow cookies, Fluttershy and Spike would continue exploring Rainbow Heights, enjoying the varied offerings of shops and street vendors. They would stop at a flying toy store, where Spike would gaze in awe at the different models of toys propelled by small wings.

"Spike, would you like to have one of these toys?" Fluttershy would suggest, kneeling next to the boy and pointing at the displayed toys.

"Yes, that would be great! Can I have one?" Spike would ask excitedly, looking at the toys with bright eyes.

Fluttershy would smile and nod. "Of course, Spike! Pick the one you like the most." Both would enter the store, and Spike would choose a dragon-shaped toy that gracefully soared when wound up.

With the new toy in hand, Fluttershy and Spike would continue their stroll through Cloudsdale. Some people would turn around, observing the boy with a huge dragon plush in one hand and a flying dragon toy in the other, but neither of them seemed to mind.

After exploring Rainbow Heights and enjoying Spike's new toy, Fluttershy and Spike would head towards the Cloud Garden. This place was quite peculiar, as the focus was not on plants, but rather on beautiful animals of almost every kind.

Spike would gaze with fascination at the colorful creatures fluttering and frolicking in the Cloud Garden. Some had fluffy wings, while others gracefully floated in the air. Fluttershy, being an expert in creatures, would share information about each of them as they walked, enjoying the little boy's curiosity.

"Spike, look at those little colorful birds. They're known as Emerald Sparrows. They're very friendly and love singing cheerful songs," Fluttershy would explain, pointing to the small birds fluttering around them.

"Yeah, they're adorable. Hello, little Emerald Sparrows!" Spike would greet with enthusiasm, extending his hand to see if any would perch on it. One of the birds would approach curiously and land on Spike's arm, causing laughter and smiles between them.

Fluttershy would watch the interaction with tenderness, delighted to see Spike enjoying the wonders of Cloudsdale. They would continue their tour of the Cloud Garden, exploring every corner filled with creatures and beautiful landscapes.

Finally, they would reach the Celestial Plaza, a place where communities gathered for special events and celebrations. The square was adorned with bright and colorful lights, and various stalls offered games and activities to enjoy.

"You know, Spike... We arrived on the city's anniversary, so... would you like to participate in a game?" Fluttershy would ask, pointing towards a ring-toss booth.

"Sure! Why not?" Spike would respond excitedly, eager to try his luck in the fun game.

Both would join the fun, laughing and enjoying the festive atmosphere of the Celestial Plaza. Spike would notice how Fluttershy was looking for something that interested her, so he would smile to himself, knowing well what prize to win for her. Spike would crack his fingers and walk towards a bottle-throwing game with a baseball, ready to play.

"Hey, mister, how much for 3 throws?" Spike would say, stretching his arms a bit with a smug smile.

The vendor, a friendly-looking man with a top hat, would smile at Spike's determined attitude.

"Well, young man, for three throws, the price is two bits. Good luck!" the vendor would respond, handing Spike a small bag with three baseballs.

Spike would take his position in front of the lined-up bottles, focusing on the target. Fluttershy would watch with excitement, thrilled to see how her friend would perform.

Spike would throw the first ball with precision, knocking down two bottles and receiving some applause from the spectators. He would concentrate even more for the next throws, showcasing his skill in the game.

Spike would throw the second ball skillfully, toppling another bottle and drawing more applause and cheers from the crowd. Fluttershy, excited about Spike's success, would encourage him with warm applause.

For the third throw, Spike would take his time, carefully assessing the position of the bottles. With a determined look, he would throw the ball with strength and precision, knocking down the last bottle and completing the challenge successfully.

"Incredible, Spike! You did it!" Fluttershy would exclaim, excited, while the crowd applauded and cheered for Spike's skill in the game.

"Heh, not bad, kid!" the man would say with a smile.

Spike, satisfied with his feat, would smile proudly. "Thanks! It was fun." He would pick up his prize, a small silver necklace with the figure of a white rabbit, and show it to Fluttershy with a smile. "Look, Fluttershy, I won this for you!"

Fluttershy would light up with joy. "Oh, Spike, it's beautiful! Thank you, you're very kind." She would accept the gift with gratitude, admiring the figure affectionately.

After the exciting game, Spike and Fluttershy would continue exploring the Celestial Square, enjoying the various attractions and the festive atmosphere. They would participate in other games, try local delicacies, and immerse themselves in the celebration of Cloudsdale's anniversary.

"Look!" Spike would say, pointing to a pamphlet attached to a shop, where there was information about a light show in a few days.

"Oh yes! It's one of the biggest anniversary spectacles. Every year, I come with my family to see this!"

"That sounds amazing, Fluttershy! I definitely don't want to miss it," Spike would say excitedly, examining the pamphlet with enthusiasm.

"It's truly magical. The lights and fireworks in the Cloudsdale sky are simply breathtaking. I'm sure you'll love it," Fluttershy would comment with a smile, enjoying Spike's excitement.

They would decide to mark the date of the light show on their calendars and plan to attend together. While continuing to explore the Celestial Square, they would come across an anniversary souvenir stand, full of decorative items and mementos.

"Spike, would you like to get something to remember this special day?" Fluttershy would ask, pointing to the colorful items at the stand.

"Of course! How about we choose something together?" Spike would respond, animated by the idea.

Fluttershy and Spike would explore the stand, laughing and enjoying themselves as they examined different souvenirs. Finally, they would choose a small ornament shaped like a cloud with shimmering sparkles that captured the magical essence of Cloudsdale.

"This will be perfect to remember our day here," Fluttershy would comment, holding the ornament carefully.

Spike would nod with a smile. "Yes, and every time I see it, I'll remember how amazing it was to be with you!"

Fluttershy would smile, appreciating Spike's words. "Me too, Spike. This day was truly special."

Fluttershy and Spike would continue exploring the Celestial Square, enjoying the attractions and the festive atmosphere. As they walked, Fluttershy remembered her secret hideaway in Cloudsdale, a quiet and beautiful place away from the celebration's hustle and bustle.

"Spike, would you like to see a very special place? It's my secret hideaway here in Cloudsdale," Fluttershy would suggest with an intriguing smile.

"Oh, definitely! What are we waiting for?" Spike would respond, excited by the idea of discovering a secret place.

Fluttershy would lead Spike through the lively streets of Cloudsdale, moving away from the Celestial Square. They would arrive at a quiet and secluded corner, where the city lights faded, and serenity took over.

"This is my special place," Fluttershy would share, pointing to a small overlook with benches surrounded by plants and flowers. A gentle breeze would blow, carrying fresh fragrances and creating a charming atmosphere.

"Spike, this is my refuge when I need a moment of peace. It's a magical place where you can relax and enjoy the tranquility," Fluttershy would explain, inviting Spike to sit on one of the benches.

Spike would sit, observing the peaceful landscape before him. "It's really beautiful, Fluttershy. Thanks for sharing it with me."

"I'm glad you like it, Spike. It's a special place for me, and now it is with you too," Fluttershy would express, sitting beside him.

Out of nowhere, they would hear a small noise from a bush. Both would be slightly startled by the sudden sound. Fluttershy, always attentive to nature sounds, would lean forward with curiosity, trying to identify the source of the noise.

"Spike, did you hear that?" Fluttershy would ask in a whisper, her blue eyes focused on the bush where the noise came from.

"Yes, what do you think it could be?" Spike would respond, looking attentively at the bush, ready for anything.

Suddenly, a large bear would emerge from the bush with a loud growl, surprising Spike and Fluttershy. Fluttershy, despite the initial startle, would show surprising calmness. She would slowly stand up from the bench and direct a calm gaze at the imposing bear.

"Calm down, friend. We're not here to harm you," Fluttershy would murmur in a gentle tone, as if she were talking to a wounded animal.

The bear, still growling, would seem to calm down a bit upon hearing Fluttershy's soothing voice. Spike, watching the scene in amazement, would wonder how Fluttershy always managed to connect so well with animals.

Fluttershy would take cautious steps toward the bear, extending her hand gently. "We're friends, no need to be scared."

The bear would sniff Fluttershy's outstretched hand and suddenly change its attitude. It would stop growling and start approaching Fluttershy slowly, allowing her to pet its fur. Spike, still surprised, would join Fluttershy, watching as the situation shifted from tense to peaceful in seconds.

"This is Mr. Whiskers; he escaped from the zoo when I was a child and has been here ever since... Always wanted to call animal control or something to set him free, but with how things are, they'll probably just lock him up again," Fluttershy would say with a sigh, petting the bear's snout, where whiskers resembling those of a cat hung, explaining the name.

"Mr. Whiskers is a charming name," Spike would say, amazed by Fluttershy's connection with the bear. "It's amazing how you can understand and calm animals so easily."

Fluttershy would smile as she continued to pet the bear. "Well, I've had a lot of practice over the years. Animals deserve understanding and respect, just like any living being."

Spike would join Fluttershy in petting Mr. Whiskers, noticing the unusual but adorable whiskers hanging from the bear's snout. As they interacted with their unexpected friend, the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of Fluttershy's special place would be restored.

"It's such a magical place, Fluttershy. Thanks for sharing it with me," Spike would say, appreciating the serenity of the surroundings and Fluttershy's fascinating connection with animals.

Fluttershy would nod with a smile. "I'm glad you like it, Spike. Sometimes, we all need a quiet sanctuary to connect with nature and friends, even if they have whiskers like Mr. Whiskers here."

They would continue spending pleasant time with Mr. Whiskers, enjoying the company of the unusual but friendly bear. As the sun slowly set in the Cloudsdale sky, Spike and Fluttershy would bid farewell to their furry friend and return to the anniversary celebration in the Celestial Square.

"This was the best day ever! Even though it's getting dark."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Spike. Although it's already getting dark, we still have a charming night ahead," Fluttershy would say with a sweet smile, but after a couple of seconds, her eyes would widen suddenly. "Wait... My parents!"

Realizing she forgot about her parents, Fluttershy would hurry a bit, guiding Spike out of the park. They would both walk quickly as Fluttershy tried to explain the situation.

"I'm sorry, Spike. I lost track of time. My parents will be worried if we don't get there on time," Fluttershy would express, showing a concerned expression as they hurried through the streets of Cloudsdale toward Fluttershy's home.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. I'm sure your parents will understand that we were just enjoying the day," Spike would say, trying to reassure her as they walked hastily. Although he was tired, he didn't want Fluttershy to feel guilty about what happened.

Finally, they would arrive at Fluttershy's cozy home in Cloudsdale. The facade was decorated with soft lights that illuminated the entrance, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Fluttershy would smile to herself, taking a deep breath before carefully opening the door.