• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,328 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

Why are you here Spike?

"Has Twilight responded?" Sunset would say as she watched Spike reading the journal they used to communicate with Twilight before the Crystal lockdown. They had received a message there just a few seconds ago, but they didn't know who it could have been from.

Spike would lift his gaze from the journal, with a surprised expression. "Yes, I just received a message from Twilight, it seems that... They've been given the necessary information to know about Crystal, about me being here and... All that."

Spike wasn't sure what to say or do, he was getting closer to being able to return to his family but... Another part of his mind wanted to stay there, where he could be a child, where he could make mistakes without being punished by Twilight, where Rarity treated him as an equal and he didn't have to do things for her to spend time together.

Sunset would look at Spike with a mix of joy and understanding in her gaze. "That's great, Spike. It means that Twilight is looking for a way to bring you back home. I know it's exciting, but I also know that this place has become something special for you... How do you feel about it?"

Spike would take a moment to reflect, his mind torn between the desire to return home with Twilight and the nostalgia for the happy moments he has shared in this place. Letting out a sigh and lying back on the bed, covering his face with the journal. "It's complicated, Sunset. On one hand, I miss Twilight and everyone at home, but here... here I feel free, I feel like I really belong. It's like I can just be myself without having to worry about expectations or responsibilities... I miss Twilight and everyone at home. I don't want to disappoint them or make them feel like I'm leaving them."

Sunset would sit beside him and gently run her hand over his head, stroking his hair.

Spike would lift the journal from his face, looking at Sunset with doubt in his voice. "Do you think I should go back home, then?"

Sunset would smile tenderly before giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. "That's a decision only you can make, Spike."

Spike would nod slowly, reflecting on Sunset's words. "You're right. I think... it's time to go back home and face whatever is waiting for me there."

"Hey, that's the spirit!" Sunset would say as she got up from the bed with a smile. "Let's go! There's some ice cream left in the fridge, let's go before Miss Celestia eats it all."

Sunset would quickly walk out of the room towards the lower floor of the house, leaving Spike alone in the room. Spike would sit on the bed and look at the words written by Twilight... If he was honest, he hadn't read anything; knowing that he had received her message was enough for him, but... He didn't want to read anything, he didn't want to feel guilty for whatever Twilight was trying to tell him, so with a sigh, Spike would tear the page and put it in his pocket before leaving the book on the bed, walking towards the stairs of the house to go enjoy some ice cream with the person who he felt understood him the most at that moment.

Minutes would pass in silence as they ate their chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, a rare but enjoyable mix for both of them. The sound of the television distracted Sunset from noticing how Spike stared into space with his ice cream slowly melting in his bowl.

Minutes would turn into hours, and now Spike would be sitting in the living room with Sunset asleep on the couch next to him, and that's when Spike would hear the front door open, letting Celestia in silently... They hadn't spoken much since their brief argument about Spike's family being specific.

"...Good evening, Spike," Celestia would say not quite sure what Spike would want her to do at that moment.

Spike would lift his gaze towards Celestia, feeling a mix of emotions as she approached. They hadn't talked much since their last conversation about his family, and although it had been a difficult topic, he knew she only wanted what was best for him.

"Good evening, Celestia," Spike would reply with a forced smile. He wondered if Celestia had heard anything from his conversation with Sunset about Twilight's message. "How was your day?"

Celestia would sit on the couch in front of Spike, watching him closely. "It was a quiet day, thank you for asking. And you, how was your day?"

Spike would shrug, feeling uncomfortable under Celestia's gaze. "It was... quiet, I guess."

"Hmm..." Celestia would nod with understanding, noticing the tension in the air. "Spike, I know things have been difficult lately, but-"

"Princess— I mean... Principal Celestia... Do you believe that good deeds can overshadow past misdeeds?" Spike would say, looking at his empty ice cream bowl, interrupting the woman without thinking much.

Celestia would take a moment to consider Spike's question, looking at him carefully before responding calmly. "Yes, Spike, I believe that good deeds can have a powerful impact on how people see us and how we see ourselves. Sometimes, our past mistakes can weigh heavily on our consciences, but it's important to remember that every day is an opportunity to do good things and correct our mistakes."

Spike would nod slowly, absorbing Celestia's words. "So... do you think that even if someone has made mistakes, they can still do things right? Can they still be a good person?"

A silence would fall over the room as Spike reflected on Celestia's words. For a moment, he would feel a weight lift off his shoulders, a sense of hope and possibility. Maybe, he thought, there is still hope for him, for his family to be better, to keep the things that made him love them all, but... to avoid the things that made his heart ache every night.

"Even... My family?" Spike would say, causing Celestia's posture to change.

"I... I don't know Spike... With all the things you've said about them, how they used you, mocked you, the fact that you didn't even go to school until this year... You're not thinking of trying to go back to them, are you?" Celestia would say, concerned by that strange question.

"I don't know, Celestia," Spike would reply honestly as he brought his knees to his chest, hiding his face between them. "I'm still trying to figure it all out... But I think that, even if I can't go back to being a part of my family like before... I still love them."

"Spike, I know this can be hard to accept, but sometimes family relationships are complicated," Celestia would begin in a soft but firm tone. "It's normal to feel love for your family, even if they have made mistakes or hurt you. But it's also important to recognize that you deserve to be treated with respect and love, no matter what."

"They love me," Spike would say through gritted teeth, starting to feel a slight déjà vu from their last discussion.

"Spike..." Celestia would pause, choosing her words carefully as she moved closer to him. "I know you want to believe that, but love shouldn't make you

feel bad about yourself. It should make you feel valued, respected, and happy. If you feel like you're not getting that from your family, then it's important to consider what's best for you right now."

Spike would lift his gaze towards Celestia, feeling a mix of frustration and confusion. "But... what should I do then? Should I just let them go? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO!?"

The intensity in Spike's voice makes Celestia step back slightly in surprise.

"...I'll go to bed," Spike would say somewhat brusquely as he left his bowl on the living room table, heading upstairs in silence.

The atmosphere would be tense after the abrupt conversation between Spike and Celestia. The latter would stay in the living room, reflecting on Spike's words and wishing she had found the right words to help him in that difficult moment. Meanwhile, Spike would go upstairs in silence, feeling a mix of frustration, anger, and sadness... Celestia would hesitate whether to go look for Spike, but in the end, she would just sigh and stay seated, deciding to give Spike his space.

If only she had, she would have found Spike's window open, with the boy outside the house running towards the school. The night wind would whip Spike's face as he ran through the dark streets towards the school. His thoughts were in turmoil, filled with confusion, frustration, and a deep longing to understand even a little of how he felt.

Upon reaching the school, darkness enveloped the place except for one thing... That damn mirror statue, that stupid portal that started all his trouble.

"...Darn it!" Spike would basically throw himself against that mirror hoping that this time it would work, but his head would simply hit the glass, which seemed much more resistant than he had thought. "JUST LET ME IN DAMN IT!"

Spike would start pushing his head against the mirror while throwing random punches at the resilient glass without even knowing what to do other than following his instincts, after a couple of minutes, the boy would simply be on his knees with tears in his eyes, looking at his slightly red and bloodied hands.

"What am I doing?" he would murmur to himself, his eyes fixed on his knuckles for several seconds before raising his gaze to his own reflection. "Why am I here?"

"..." After several seconds of staring at his own reflection in the mirror, he would only feel tears starting to flow from his eyes. "...Because you are afraid that if you stay here... You would never want to leave."

Author's Note:

Sorry if this is not the biggest chapter so far but...Man i fucking hate Ap History