• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,345 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

The Family

After that cab driver crushed Spike's hopes and dreams into a thousand pieces, the ride would be uneventful, with Rarity hugging a heartbroken Spike and rubbing his back, somewhat embarrassed by the little boy's overreaction, but with no intention of letting the boy feel bad.

"It's okay, Spikey-Wikey. When we come back on the weekend, you'll get all the comics you want," Rarity would say as she calmly stroked the boy's backcombed hair.

"Mhhg...You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"And just because that's true doesn't mean we won't, does it?" she would say with a small smile, gently pinching his cheek between her fingers to make Spike laugh or have some reaction other than sadness.

"...Well...You're right," Spike would say, calming down noticeably, realizing that within everything, it was just waiting a couple of days. He then nodded slightly and smiled but did not separate himself from Rarity. He wasn't in love with her, but that didn't mean he couldn't enjoy a good cuddle.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, they would arrive at what appeared to be Rarity's home, noticeably different from the home of the Rarity of the Pony universe. This made a bit of sense since the beautiful girl didn't have her business in this world as far as he knew.

"Thank you very much, sir," Rarity would say after paying the cab driver for his service, causing Spike to notice that they were already out of the taxi. Rarity carried him as if he were a dog, her arms wrapped around the boy's torso in a hug.

"Anytime, Miss," the man with the strange eyebrows would say before simply stepping on the accelerator and leaving that place.

"Well, Spike! It's time for you to meet the best family in the whole town," Rarity would say as she left Spike standing on the floor and fixed any wrinkles or imperfections in his clothes. Not resisting the temptation to give him a soft kiss on the forehead after doing so because of how cute the little guy was.

"Come on?" Spike would say with a little chuckle, running his shirt sleeve across his forehead to wipe off the lipstick mark Rarity had left on his forehead.

"Come on!" Rarity would say as she walked towards the modest-sized house. Spike didn't want to seem like someone rude or materialistic, but certainly after spending a week at the Apple farm, that house was not what he expected. As Spike rambled in his thoughts, Rarity would pull from one of her skirt pockets a set of keys, unlocking the front door, and calmly stepping inside. "You wait here; I'll tell you when to come in, got it, Spikey-Wikey?"

Spike would raise an eyebrow, somewhat confused as to why they would do that, but would simply shrug and wait for Rarity's signal. He would hear a couple of female voices speaking in a somewhat raised pitch. Spike would recognize Sweetie Belle's voice, though not the words she was saying, and the second voice would be totally unrecognizable to him.

"Easy, easy, easy, Spike is right...Here!" Rarity's voice would give him the signal to make his entrance, so he would open the door and enter with a somewhat nervous smile.

"Spike!" The nerves would leave his body along with probably half the oxygen in his lungs as Sweetie Belle would give him a tight hug as soon as he set foot in the house.

"Uggg...H-Hello, Sweetie Belle," Spike would say with a pained smile, reciprocating that hug, trying to mimic the girl's strength, but it would be impossible for him.

"Awww! This is the adorable Spikey-Wikey!? He's even more adorable than you were saying!" Spike would see a woman of somewhat short stature compared to all the adult women he had met, with a plump body...in the "good places." "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, little peppermint cracker!"

That woman was Rarity's mother if vague memories of a couple of photos in Carousel Boutique were anything to go by, a somewhat short woman with somewhat pale Fuchsia skin, with an extravagant Indigo and Greyish Blue beehive-style haircut, wearing a pair of white pants with an orange shirt, with what appeared to be a necklace with a conch shell around her neck.

"I-it's a great pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Spike would say before being released by Sweetie Belle, letting the boy take a deep breath to catch his breath. "Thank you, Sweetie Belle."

"The pleasure is mine, little one! My name is Cookie Crumbles! But you can call me Mom if you like!" The woman would say as she used her turn to give the little boy a tight hug, lifting him into the air for several seconds before releasing him.

"Hehe, thank you, Mrs. Cookie," Spike would say with a smile. Despite not knowing much, if anything, about the Pony version of that woman, he still felt some confidence in her.

"And where's dad? I thought he'd be one of the most excited to meet Spike," Rarity would say with some confusion, looking around for her father with her eyes.

"Oh, dad went to pick up a couple of things he bought for Spike to surprise him...although it looks like he's going to be a little late, hehe," Sweetie Belle would say with a somewhat embarrassed smile.

"Oh, no problem! We can wait for him!" Rarity would say as she set her bags of clothes down on the couch. "Sweetie Belle treasure, could you take Spike to the room so he can drop his stuff off?"

"Oh, you get Spike some new clothes? That's great! Spike could even model clothes for us!" Sweetie Belle would say excitedly as she saw that several bags had clothes in them that obviously weren't for Rarity.

"E-Eh? I don't know, I'm no good-"

"That sounds great! I'll go get things ready; you guys help Spike feel at home so he can show us his beautiful outfits!" Cookie would say, interrupting Spike to then make her way to the kitchen.

"Heck...well, I guess I can do that, hehe," Spike would say before smiling and grabbing both his suitcase and his bags of new clothes, following Sweetie Belle towards the room he would be sleeping in.

After a couple of seconds of walking towards the second floor of the house, Sweetie Belle would open the door to reveal a rather sizable room, which was apparently divided in half perfectly. One side was painted in pastel colors, a single bed filled with stuffed animals and fluffy pillows. On the wall, he would see a desk with lots of mirrors and lights containing many skin creams, perfumes, combs, and a few basic makeups. The other side was painted with pale violet colors, with a single bed adorned with black and purple pillows, an empty bookshelf hung on the wall right next to a bookcase that was also empty.

"...Huh?" Spike would say with confusion when he saw the division of that room.

"Surprise! From now on, you're my roommate!" Sweetie Belle would say with a smile, throwing herself backward onto her bed to laugh lightly. "It's going to be great! We'll watch TV until we drop from exhaustion! We'll eat some snacks in secret! We'll put on makeup and gossip all night! It'll be like...the best sleepover ever!"

"But...why your room? Don't you mind losing your privacy?"

"Oh, come on, Spike. I totally trust you with my privacy. I was the one who asked for this in the first place! You don't know what it took for me to convince Dad to allow it, and I'm not going to let you ruin it!" the girl would say, pointing accusingly at Spike with a teasing smile.

"... I guess there's no going back," Spike would say with a smile, letting out a sigh and starting to unpack his things and the clothes that Rarity would have bought him, leaving them in the closet that the room had in the hopes that the family would forget about that catwalk they wanted him to do for them.

After a couple of minutes of putting his things away and changing into his original clothes, which had slowly become his pajamas, Spike would hear Rarity's voice call out his and Sweetie Belle's names to come down to the living room.

"Surprise!" As Spike walked down the stairs and into the living room, he would be greeted by the shout of two adults in front of him. Then, the moment Spike opened his eyes after that shout, he would notice that those adults would appear to be the parents of Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

Rarity's father was a man with a stocky build and a somewhat thick mustache like his eyebrows. His white skin probably being the one who inherited it to his two daughters stood out with his almost layered brown hair, a brown coat with different colored elbow patches with a design of 3 rugby balls on the right side of the chest, beige pants, and black shoes. He was probably the least stylish "Belle" of them all, but still exuding great elegance.

"Damn, I almost had a heart attack," the boy would say as a joke before walking towards the man and extending his hand. "A pleasure, Mr. Belle, my name is Spike, Spike Drake."

"Hehe, as respectful as Rarity so likes to talk," The man would say before reciprocating that handshake firmly. "Magnum, Magnum Belle."

"Now it's time for presents!" Cookie would say to Spike's surprise and confusion.


"Of course, don't you remember Dad was late for picking all this up?" Rarity would say as she pointed to the table overflowing with gift bags, something that made Spike want to punch himself in the face with how blind he felt.

"Oh...B-But they weren't necessary, really, being able to stay under your roof is more than enough of a gift."

"...Look, no person, especially a little boy like you, should believe that a roof is a luxury...Even though for many people it is," Magnum would say with a small smile, putting his hand on Spike's shoulder to get his point across.

"(Because whenever I open my mouth I keep supporting the lie that I'm homeless?...Although well, technically I am one)," Spike would think, wanting to kick himself in the butt, but would decide to just nod slightly, then go sit on the couch to open the presents under the watchful eyes of everyone.

The gifts were each one cooler than the last. They had started with a couple of Power Ponies comics, some he recognized as human versions of comics he had already read, while several were brand new, even adding characters he had never heard of as the biggest Power Ponies fan in all of Equestria. Then there had been some action figures of the same Power Ponies, followed by a large purple dragon stuffed animal that was almost the size of his torso, among several others. Only the last gift was left.

"That's a very special little one," Magnum would say to the surprised surprise of the women in the house, who wouldn't know what he was referring to not knowing what the gift was.

As Spike would open it, it would reveal a fishing rod smaller than conventional ones being made for a child's handling. Spike would look at the rod curiously, while Cookie was ready to chide her husband.

"Magnum! Why did you buy Spike a fishing pole when you don't even know if he likes that!?"

"Oh, come on honey, since I retired from the sport I only entertain myself with you, the girls, or fishing. Lately, you're always so busy, and I don't have anyone who likes to fish to go with me..." Magnum would say, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment, letting out a sigh of resignation.

"You can't force the first kid you see to-"

"I love it! I've always wanted to learn to fish!" Spike would say with a big grin, watching the rod more carefully. "I was always the first one to jump in the lake to catch the fish right with my hands! The undefeated champion 6 years in a row!"

Maybe it helped a lot that he was the only one with hands to catch elusive fish in his entire group, but that was something he probably shouldn't say if he didn't want to come across as a weirdo.

As he looked up, Magnum would be watching him with his eyes sparkling and slight tears forming in his eyes with sincere excitement and joy to know that the little guy he would be looking after had something in common with him.

"Hehe, come on, I know you want to," Spike would say opening his arms, causing Magnum to catch him in a tight hug, lifting him into the air and shaking him a little as he turned from side to side in happiness.

"Awww! Looks like we have two fishermen in the family! How beautiful!" Rarity would say clapping her hands in happiness.

"He's so adorable!" Cookie would say with slight tears in her eyes to see her husband finally have someone who can enjoy that activity with him 100%.

After a couple of hours of organizing the things Spike would have gotten, the boy would be with Rarity in her room, helping her put away her own things.

"You can tell you and the girls are really good friends," Spike would say, looking at a couple of pictures on Rarity's desk. The first was a picture of Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy as children, sitting together at what appeared to be a picnic. On the other side was a picture of the current group along with Twilight, all wearing Halloween costumes related to their tastes. However, the one in the middle caught his attention the most. It was not just another picture of the group, but he saw Sunset Shimmer sitting in the middle of them all, with a big smile on her face. "Suns— I mean... who is she?"

Rarity would curiously walk over and grab the picture, smiling as she saw which one it was. "Oh, that's Sunset Shimmer, a friend we met a while back."

"And why don't I ever see them with you guys? Or why she's not part of the group of people I'm going to live with?" Spike would say in a confused tone, desperate to get some information from his only key to getting back to his "real" friends.

"She... She did a lot of bad things before she became our friend, and Celestia said that even though she trusts her, she doesn't think it's a good idea for you to meet her yet, more so with your...special situation," Rarity would say, sighing with some regret, as she didn't want one of her friends to feel left out or miss out on meeting such an adorable and gentlemanly little guy.

"But I want to meet her! Your friends are my friends!" Spike would say, taking advantage of her tenderness to pout somewhat frustratedly, wanting to kick himself even more in the butt.

"Mhhg... Well, I can talk to Celestia to see if we can work something out. I'm sure she would love to meet someone as beautiful as you!" Rarity would say, leaving the picture on the table to then grab Spike's cheeks and start giving him lots of kisses on his cheeks and forehead just to tease him.

"H-Hey! Stop it! You're smearing all over my face!" Spike would say, managing to break away from Rarity, then start running from her with a grin until he would end up getting caught by her, having to try to curl into a ball on the floor at the tickle attack Rarity was giving him.

"Haha! I give up, I give up!" Spike would say after a couple of seconds, flailing around until Rarity would finally leave him alone.

"You can't escape me, Spikey-Wikey. Now go wash your hands; dinner will be ready shortly."

Spike would do just that, getting up and walking out of the room to the bathroom, leaving Rarity alone, who would sit on her bed, looking at the pictures she had taken with Spike throughout their trip to the mall, smiling determinedly.

"...I promise Spike, everything you've been through so far is past history. I'll make sure you can be happy, like the child you deserve to be."

The family would be quietly sitting in the living room, watching TV while enjoying some Chinese food that they had ordered so Spike could experience something from a different culture.

"China... What's China?" the boy would say as he tried to use the chopsticks handed to him, under the surprised gaze of all the family members.

"You know... China, the Asian country?" Magnum would say, placing a hand on Spike's shoulder, somewhat confused.

"...Ohhhh, where did Bruce Lee come from?" Spike would say, remembering an incredible martial arts movie with that amazing actor.

"Mhg... close enough," Cookie would say with a small smile, before settling in to look at Spike and carefully grabbing his hand, guiding him to get a good grip on the chopsticks, teaching him how to use them by guiding him through a few bites of food, until letting him try it on his own successfully.

"Hehe, thanks!" Spike would say as he continued to practice a bit with those chopsticks, until everyone's food boxes were empty. As Cookie threw the boxes away and Magnum cleaned up the few dirty plates and glasses, Spike would have his head laying on Sweetie Belle's lap, watching the television as the girl stroked his hair with a smile.

"This is really cool, you know... I have a sister that I haven't gotten to see or meet in a while... But it's been a long time since I've had a moment like this," Spike would say, talking a little too much out of the relaxation he felt from the stroking of her hair.

The moment he started talking about his life before he met the girls, almost everyone in the house would stop what they were doing in an attempt to better understand that mysterious boy.

"Mhhg? What do you mean you can't find her?" Sweetie Belle would say, somewhat confused, as she still didn't quite understand Spike's situation.

"You know... When I came to Equestria, it just became impossible to go back," Spike would say, letting out a sigh, settling down on Sweetie Belle's lap with the idea of getting some sleep due to how satisfied he was.

"Mhhg? Hey, little sleepyhead," Sweetie Belle would say with a smile, gently slapping him playfully to keep him from falling asleep. "If you're going to sleep, at least let it be in your bed."

And so they would both get up from the couch and say goodbye to the other family members to go brush their teeth and retire to sleep.

"...So he comes from a bad family that lives far away from Equestria?... How did he get here in the first place?" Cookie Crumbles would say with concern as she helped her husband dry and put away the dishes.

"I don't know, honey.... this whole situation is so weird, but as much as we'd like to help, our job here is to help the little guy have a normal life... or as much as possible at this point in his life," Magnum would say, letting out a small sigh, before giving his wife a short but loving kiss on the lips. "I'll go to bed; I'll be putting on our series, so don't be long or I'll watch it without you."

"You wouldn't," Cookie would say with a smile, nudging him lightly on the shoulder, thus falling silent as they all found themselves getting ready for bed.

After a good couple of hours, it would be 3 o'clock in the morning, Spike and Sweetie Belle would have decided to put the two beds together by putting one against the other so they could sleep together, currently the two would be peacefully sleeping with the noise of the television on low volume as the only noise in the whole room.

In Spike's dreams, he would find himself flying through the air alongside Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Twilight, enjoying the air as they did tricks together, though it was more like Rainbow Dash and him as the other two followed from behind.

"Hey group of birds! It's lunchtime!" Pinkie Pie would yell to them from the ground, sitting on a blanket next to Applejack and Rarity, bringing the group down.

"Oh yeah, best time of the day!" Rainbow Dash would say, rubbing her hooves together from the excitement of eating Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike's food mix.

"Yeah! Hey Spike, what...what...what...what...what-" Fluttershy would start saying, until she would start repeating her words as her voice was breaking slightly.

"H-Huh?" Spike would start to freak out, out of nowhere it would be like time would stop, the trees would stop moving, the clouds would stop moving, everything except for Spike and the 6 mares, which would start to watch Spike while also starting to glitch as if they were some sort of glitch in an animation, causing Spike to start backing up further and further, until he reached the end of the tablecloth, which not seeing where he stepped, would end up falling into what appeared to be a large pit, as he fell, he would see how the tablecloth was now floating in nothingness itself.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" as he fell, Spike would shake his wings in a desperate attempt to fly there again, though out of nowhere several glowing chains like crystals would wrap around him so that he couldn't do that. "NO! LET ME GO! I MUST GO BACK!"

As Spike jerked, the girls' voices would start to sound around him, this time totally fine, chatting amongst themselves, laughing, all as if Spike had never left.

"No! Please! I want to go back to them! I want to go back to them!" he'd say, closing his eyes tightly, tears streaming from his eyes as he jerked under the grip of those chains.

"ENOUGH!" A powerful, female voice would rumble throughout the dream, causing it to stop instantly, leaving Spike standing in pitch black surroundings.

"That voice...Luna! Luna!" Spike would say as he would quickly shake his head in search of that Alicorn, seeing her just a few feet away from him, watching him with concern. "AUNT!"

Spike would quickly run towards her, which the princess would do as well, until the two were wrapped in a tight embrace, with the dragon trying to wrap as much of the Alicorn's body with his arms as possible so she couldn't get away.

"It's okay little one, I'm here, I'm with you Spike" Luna would say as she wrapped her wings around him, whispering to make him feel better as she gently stroked his back. "Where are you?, you've got everyone so worried my little baby, where are you?"

"I...I don't know" Spike would say as tears continued to stream down his face. "I walked into the mirror...B-By accident! And now I'm in the human world! But I'm a human too! And I can't find Sunset Shimmer to go back to! The mirror won't let me go back!...I'm scared Auntie! I want to come back to you! I miss mommy!"

Spike didn't know what was wrong with him, he didn't know why he was screaming, he didn't know why he resorted to calling the princesses for Aunt or Mom when he hadn't for years, he just felt like a baby that had been abandoned for too long.

"It's okay, I'm here, we can find a way to-"

"PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT!" Crystal's voice would begin to rumble around the two of them, causing Luna to gasp loudly. "THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU MEDDLE IN THE MIRROR WORLD!"

Noises of mirrors shattering would start to be heard all around, causing Spike to start clinging to Luna.

"Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" Spike would say, but it would be totally useless, as Luna would vanish in his clutches like smoke. "No!"

"Spike! Spike wake up!" Spike would jolt awake with Sweetie Belle beside him watching him worriedly. "Spike what's wrong? You were crying and whining, you scared me..."

Spike would look around for a couple of seconds before the memory would hit his brain, causing the tears to start flowing once more, causing Sweetie Belle to quickly wrap him in a tight hug.

"It's okay...it's okay Spike" She would say as she gently rubbed his head, letting the boy cry into her chest until he could calm down. "I'm with you."

Author's Note:

Man, i wish China was real

Pd: Sudrian Engineer, sorry for basicly edging Sunset to you