• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,345 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

The Movie

Spike would be excited as he got ready to go see the movie with his new teenage friends, dressed for the occasion in his best casual outfit. He wore a light green short-sleeved shirt with a subtle pattern of small purple stars, paired with dark jeans that fit him comfortably but stylishly. On top, he had put on a brown leather jacket that added an extra touch of style and protected him from the cool of the night. On his feet, he wore white and blue sneakers matching his shirt, comfortable to walk in but trendy enough to complete his look. With each step, he exuded a calm confidence and palpable excitement for the night ahead.

After making sure he had everything he needed, like money to buy popcorn and drinks, Spike would leave his house after saying goodbye to Celestia. Sunset would have the opportunity to go to a sleepover with the girls, so after returning, Spike would have the room to himself, with a smile on his face and a gleam of anticipation in his eyes, Spike would see a "car" stopping in front of him, with the rest of the teenagers coming to pick Spike up for the movie.

"Hey Spike, ready?" Garble would say, dressed in the same clothes as when he met him, but the rest of the group would be wearing almost the same, only this time with Power Ponies shirts.

"Yeah, I'm ready!" Spike would exclaim with enthusiasm, showing a radiant smile as he approached the car. He would go to open the door, but would see that there was no space for anyone to enter, leaving Spike confused.

"For the trunk," Fume would say with a teasing but not rude smile. Spike would raise an even more confused eyebrow, when the boy approached the trunk, opening it, he would find two perfectly usable seats, with a girl about his age sitting with her phone in her hands with a bored expression. " ...Hello?"

Spike would look surprised at the girl sitting in the car's trunk, unable to help feeling a little bewildered by the unusual situation. However, he decided to maintain a positive and friendly attitude, extending a hand to the girl with a warm smile.

"Hi! I'm Spike," he would introduce himself, trying to break the ice in a friendly manner. "Are you ready to see the Power Ponies movie?"

The girl would look up from her phone and gaze at Spike with curiosity, assessing him for a moment before returning the smile, albeit a bit smaller.

"Hi, Spike," she would respond, accepting Spike's outstretched hand with a firm handshake. "I'm Smolder. And not really, my brother is just forcing me to come, do you like that stuff?"

Spike would nod eagerly, sharing Ember's enthusiasm for the movie.

"Definitely!" Spike would exclaim with a smile. "The Power Ponies are awesome! I'm sure the movie will be amazing!"

Smolder would smile slightly at Spike's excitement, finding his enthusiasm contagious despite her own skepticism towards the Power Ponies.

"Well, I guess if you're excited, it can't be that bad," Smolder would comment with a soft laugh. "I hope you're right and the movie is worth it."

Spike would be happy to finally meet someone new in this universe, as far as he remembered, he hadn't met anyone named Smolder in the Pony universe, it was good to have someone without a preconceived opinion.

"What's up, little sis? If you don't like the movie we can just drop you home and enjoy it ourselves!" Smolder would say with a teasing smile as Spike sat carefully closing the trunk.

"W-When did I say I don't like it!? I was just kidding just kidding!" Smolder would say slightly worriedly, causing the group to laugh at her, causing a pout from the girl.

"Hey, don't worry! I'm sure we'll all love the movie," Spike would respond with a reassuring smile.

Upon arriving at the cinema, everyone would get out of the car and stretch a bit before entering, at that moment Spike would take the opportunity to get a better look at Smolder, who would be wearing high boots, to Spike's little surprise, common jeans, an orange jacket similar to those worn by athletes, with sleeves of a more orange color and a Power Ponies shirt, hair very similar to Scootaloo's but combed down, she would have some light orange hairs on the side of the rest of her hair similar to his own, along with beautiful light blue eyes.

"(I guess this is something of some dragons)" Spike would think, running his hand through the sides of his hair.

The group would encounter a long line of people waiting to enter the room where the Power Ponies movie would be shown. So they would decide to just wait while talking to each other.

"Hum-Drum is not useless! And you better not say it again if you don't want me to break that pimply face of yours, Gizmo!" Spike would argue with one of those weird guys with poor hygiene who enjoyed mocking fictional characters.

"What the hell did you say, shrimp?" Gizmo would respond, with an aggressive tone of voice. "Hum-Drum is completely useless, there's no way around it. He has no power and always needs the other Power Ponies to save him."

Spike would frown at Gizmo's disrespectful attitude towards Hum-Drum, one of the characters from the Power Ponies. Although he was just a fictional character, Spike felt a strong bond with him and wouldn't tolerate him being insulted in that way.

"That's not true!" Spike would exclaim, raising his voice with determination. "Hum-Drum may not have superpowers like the others, but he's brave and always willing to help his friends. It's not just about having powers, it's about being a good friend and being there when you're needed most."

"Ah, that's just fanboy stupidity!" Gizmo would refute, crossing his arms disdainfully. "We all know that real heroes are the ones with supernatural powers who can save the day. Hum-Drum is just a waste of space on the screen."

Spike would frown at Gizmo's closed-minded attitude, feeling frustrated by his lack of understanding towards a character that meant so much to him.

"That just shows you don't understand anything!" Spike would respond, with a challenging look in his eyes. "Real heroes don't need to have superpowers to be valuable. Hum-Drum may not be as powerful as the others, but that doesn't make him any less important. Everyone has their role to play, and he's an integral part of the Power Ponies team."

The exchange of words between Spike and Gizmo would become increasingly heated, with both expressing their views firmly. Meanwhile, the rest of the group would watch the discussion with interest, enjoying with big smiles seeing how they shouted at each other.

"You have to admit that Hum-Drum is a weak and unimportant character compared to the others!" Gizmo would argue, raising his voice to be heard over the crowd around them. "He has no special powers and always needs to be rescued by the others. How can you call him a hero?"

"That's not just about having powers, Gizmo!" Spike would exclaim, raising his own voice to be heard. "Hum-Drum may not be as strong as the others, but that doesn't mean he's not

valuable. He shows that anyone can be a hero, even without supernatural powers. He's an example of courage, friendship, and sacrifice, and that makes him worthy of admiration."

The exchange of words between Spike and Gizmo would continue for a few more minutes, with both expressing their views. Eventually, the rest of the group would intervene to calm things down and put an end to the dispute before it escalated further after seeing a worker about to come over to say something.

"Enough already, guys!" Garble would interrupt, placing himself between Spike and Gizmo to separate them. "This isn't going to lead to anything good. Why don't we go see the movie and then sort it out between you?"

Spike and Gizmo would look at each other resentfully for a moment, but eventually they would nod resignedly, deciding to set aside their dispute for the sake of the group.

"Alright," Spike would concede, although still maintaining a challenging look in his eyes. "But don't expect me to stop defending Hum-Drum. He's a hero in my book, with or without powers."

Gizmo would nod with a head gesture, although clearly not convinced by Spike's words.

"Okay, we'll leave it at that for now," Gizmo would respond, with a somewhat sarcastic tone of voice. "But don't expect me to change my mind about Hum-Drum."

When it finally came their turn to enter, Spike would join the rest of the group as they searched for seats together in the theater. After finding a suitable spot, they would all settle in and eagerly await the start of the movie.

With the lights in the theater dimmed and the screen illuminated by the movie projection, Spike would immerse himself in the world of the Power Ponies. Although he had been in theaters much superior to this cinema in the Pony world, the excitement of his first movie, and that it was one of his favorite franchises, really made him feel excited.

After about 2 hours, the group would walk out of the cinema with excitement for the movie. Spike would leave the cinema with a radiant smile on his face, thrilled by the experience he had just lived. He would join the rest of the group as they shared their opinions and comments about the movie, discussing their favorite parts and the most exciting scenes.

"That final battle scene was incredible!" Spike would exclaim, excitement palpable in his voice. "IN YOUR FACE, FOUR EYES!"

Gizmo, who was trying to leave quietly, would only furrow his brow upon seeing that Spike had won the argument, as within that movie, Hum-Drum would have saved the Power Ponies and they would have saved the world thanks to him.

"Yes, it was epic!" Garble would exclaim, slapping Spike on the back. "Our little guy here knows how to recognize a good action scene when he sees one!"

With the excitement of the movie still palpable in the air, the group would head to Garble's car to grab a bite to eat, driving to any nearby fast food place.

Upon arriving at the fast food place, the group would head to the counter to place their orders, animatedly discussing what food to choose. After placing their orders, the group would head to the parking lot and start eating, some sitting on the ground of the parking lot or in the open trunk.

"Hey, Spike, what was your favorite part of the movie?" Fume would ask, curiosity evident in his voice as he took a bite of his burger.

Spike would take a moment to think before responding, recalling the scenes that had impacted him the most during the movie.

"I would say-" Before he could continue, Spike and the rest would hear a strange noise, turning around, they would see a man pointing what seemed to be a weapon at them, something that Spike had no idea what it was, but judging by the reaction of the rest, it didn't seem to be a good thing.

"The wallet, now," the man would say with his hands trembling slightly.

"Listen, we don't want trouble," Garble would say calmly but firmly, trying to keep the armed man calm while looking for a way to resolve the situation peacefully, getting up from the ground slowly. "We can give you whatever you want, but please, don't hurt anyone."

The armed man would seem to consider Garble's words for a moment, his gaze scanning the group intently as he weighed his options. Finally, he would nod his head, apparently satisfied with the group's cooperation.

"Then, start taking out your wallets and phones," the armed man would order, keeping his weapon raised as he watched the group cautiously.

Garble would take out his phone and wallet and slowly approach the man, before kicking him, sending him to the ground causing him to drop the gun, lying on the ground defenseless.

"I'm Garble, idiot! You don't rob Garble in his neighborhood!" Garble would say while cracking his knuckles as the rest of the teenagers stood up to support their friend.

"...Is this normal?" Spike would say as he continued with his burger, looking at Smolder who would be doing the same.

Smolder would look at Spike with a raised eyebrow, surprised by how calmly he handled the situation, as although they were used to things like this, she didn't expect Spike to be used to it as well.

"Normally no, but it seems like Garble has things under control," Smolder would respond, staying calm as she continued eating her burger as if nothing was happening. "It's better not to mess with him in his neighborhood."

Meanwhile, the armed man on the ground would seem to surrender, dropping the weapon and raising his hands in surrender. Garble would cautiously approach and retrieve the weapon.

"Get out of here!" Garble would say stomping on the ground for him to run away, letting him go before sitting down again to eat his burger as if nothing had happened.

After the armed man ran away, the group would sigh in relief at the peaceful end of the situation. Garble would put the weapon in a safe place before rejoining the group, apparently unaffected by what had just happened.

"Keep eating, guys. Don't let this idiot ruin our night," Garble would say calmly, trying to keep the situation under control and prevent tension from ruining the group's mood.

While the teenagers talked among themselves, Spike and Smolder would be leaning against the trunk while eating, looking at reviews of the movie on Smolder's phone.

"Wow, it looks like a lot of people loved that final battle scene," Spike would comment as he scrolled down on the screen to read more reviews. "And they're saying the animation was spectacular. I definitely agree with that!"

"That seems like it," Smolder would respond, tilting the phone to see the screen more clearly. "And they're praising the character development. I think this was one of the best Power Ponies movies so far."

"I was Hum-Drum once" Spike would say casually as he took a sip from his drink.



"...You're a weird guy, Spike."