• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,328 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

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Talk to me Spike

Spike woke up slowly, blinking against the morning light filtering through the partially open curtains of the room. He stretched with a yawn, feeling refreshed after a restful night's sleep in Sunset's bed. The tantalizing aroma of breakfast wafted in the air, making him feel even more awake and alert.

He carefully got out of bed, making sure not to wake Sunset, who was still peacefully asleep beside him. He stretched again, loosening the muscles stiffened by the night's rest, and made his way to the bedroom door.

Exiting the room, he followed the delicious scent of breakfast to the kitchen, where he found Principal Celestia busy preparing an array of tempting dishes.

"Good morning, Spike," Celestia greeted with a warm smile as she flipped a tortilla in the pan. "I hope you slept well."

"Good morning, Principal Celestia," Spike replied with a sleepy smile. "Yes, I slept very well, thank you."

Celestia nodded in satisfaction as she continued preparing breakfast. "I'm glad to hear that. Would you like some breakfast? I have scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, fresh fruit... whatever you'd like."

Spike inhaled deeply the delicious aroma wafting in the air and smiled in anticipation. "Everything sounds delicious, may I have a little of everything, please?"

"Of course!" Celestia responded with a kind laugh. "Take a seat, and I'll be with you in a moment."

Spike nodded and sat at the kitchen table, watching with interest as Celestia finished preparing breakfast. He was grateful for Principal Celestia's hospitality and felt fortunate to be enjoying a quiet and relaxed morning in her company.

"So Spike...How do you feel?" Celestia would say as she left on the table a couple of plates with different breakfasts for Spike to grab from wherever he prefers. "It's been a long time since you started attending my school."

Spike took a bit of everything on the table, grateful for the variety of options offered by Principal Celestia. He nibbled on a piece of bacon as he thought about Celestia's question.

"Well, I feel great, actually," Spike replied with a smile. "It's been amazing being here at Canterlot High. It's given me the chance to make new friends, learn new things, and experience many exciting things."

Celestia nodded, listening attentively as she continued preparing her own breakfast. "I'm glad to hear that, Spike. And how do you feel about Cadance? Your school psychologist?"

Spike took a sip of orange juice before responding to Celestia's question about Cadance.

"Well, Cadance has been amazing," Spike said sincerely. "She's helped me a lot in adjusting to life here at Canterlot High and dealing with some of the things I've been going through lately. It's great to have someone to talk to who really cares about my well-being."

Celestia nodded approvingly, pleased to hear that Spike was receiving the support he needed from Cadance.

"I'm glad to hear she's helping you," Celestia replied. "Cadance is an exceptional school psychologist, and I'm sure you're in good hands with her."

Spike nodded enthusiastically, expressing his agreement with Celestia's words. "Definitely. I couldn't have asked for better support here at Canterlot High."

Celestia smiled with satisfaction as she finished serving her own breakfast and sat across from Spike at the kitchen table.

"I'm glad to hear that, Spike," Celestia said kindly. "Your well-being is one of our top priorities here at the school."

Spike nodded, feeling comforted by Celestia's words and the genuine concern she showed for him and all the students at Canterlot High.

"I know, Principal Celestia," Spike replied gratefully. "And I really appreciate it. I feel very lucky to be here."

"So Spike..." Celestia would say as she added some sugar to her cup of coffee. "Have you thought about your... Family? Cadance says you hardly ever talk about them."

Spike looked down for a moment, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the topic. It was true that he rarely spoke about his family, not because he didn't love or value them, but because sometimes it was difficult for him to face the topic.

"Well, the truth is... it's not an easy topic for me," Spike admitted honestly. "I miss my family a lot, but... things are a bit complicated between us, especially communication..."

"Have...Have you tried talking to them?" Celestia would say with slight concern in her voice, blowing on her cup of coffee as she watched the boy.

"Yes, I've tried in the past," Spike said honestly. "Although it was only once, then I gave up on doing so."

Celestia listened attentively to Spike's words, noticing the sincerity in his voice and the difficulty he faced in talking about his family. She knew that Spike's relationship with his family was a delicate and complicated issue, but she also understood the importance of addressing it for the boy's emotional well-being.

"I understand that talking about your family can be difficult, Spike," Celestia said gently. "But sometimes, facing those feelings and having those difficult conversations can be an important step toward healing and finding inner peace."

Spike nodded slowly, acknowledging the truth in Celestia's words. He knew that avoiding the topic of his family wouldn't resolve the underlying issues and that, somehow, he would have to address it sooner or later.

"Yeah, I know," Spike admitted sincerely. "It's just that... I don't know where to start, or even how to contact them. Sometimes I feel... lost."

Celestia nodded understandingly, recognizing the challenges Spike faced in trying to reconnect with his family. "I understand how you feel, Spike," she said calmly. "It can be overwhelming and confusing, but I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here to support you in whatever you need, whether it's helping you communicate with your family or providing you with the emotional support you need."

"...Why would I need emotional support?" Spike would say raising an eyebrow as he ate a piece of tortilla that the woman had prepared.

Celestia observed Spike with a compassionate gaze, acknowledging his confusion and his need to understand why he might need emotional support in this situation.

"Well, Spike, the truth is that facing life's challenges, especially when it comes to complicated family relationships, can be emotionally draining," Celestia explained gently. "Sometimes, talking about our feelings and receiving support from someone we trust can help us process our emotions and find healthy ways to cope with them."

"...Complicated family relationships?...What are you implying?" Spike would say slightly offended by the situation, leaving his fork on the table with a furrowed brow.

"Spike, I don't want to imply anything negative about your family," Celestia said quickly, her tone soft and reassuring. "But with all the things you've said about them...Not even knowing who your real family is is something very bad"

"They ARE my real family," Spike would say through gritted teeth, annoyed by whatever the woman was saying at the moment.

Celestia took a moment to take a deep breath, acknowledging Spike's frustration and discomfort. She didn't want to make things worse or cause him more stress. "Spike, I'm sorry if my words made you feel uncomfortable or upset," Celestia said sincerely, trying to calm the situation. "My intention wasn't to question the authenticity of your family, but to offer you my support and help you explore your feelings in a safe environment."

"They are a safe environment!" Spike would say hitting the table hard in front of him, standing up from his chair angrily. "They love me more than anyone in this world!"

Principal Celestia remained calm as Spike expressed his frustration and anger. She knew it was important not to get swept away by the emotion of the moment and to keep calm in order to effectively address the situation.

"Spike, I understand you feel that way," Celestia said calmly, maintaining her gentle and reassuring tone. "It's natural for you to defend your family and feel hurt when you feel they're being questioned."

Celestia took a moment to take a deep breath, then continued, seeking to calm Spike and find a peaceful resolution.

"Spike, I know you love your family very much, and that's wonderful," Celestia said calmly. "But you have to understand that that's not right...You haven't given a single reason to believe those people love you more than because you serve them"

"I understand what you're saying, Principal Celestia," Spike said sincerely, his voice tone more calm as he processed the Principal's words, he knew what she was saying, and saw the sense, but...he was unable to accept that maybe some of it was true. "...I'll go wake up Sunset."

Principal Celestia nodded with understanding, recognizing Spike's need to take a moment to reflect and calm down. "That sounds like a good idea, Spike. Take your time and talk to Sunset about how you're feeling. I'm sure she'll be there to support you."

Spike nodded silently, grateful for Principal Celestia's reassuring words. He knew he needed time to process his emotions and that talking to Sunset would be comforting and enlightening.

"Thank you, Principal Celestia," Spike said sincerely, before turning around and heading to Sunset's room.

Principal Celestia watched Spike walk away with a mixture of concern and hope. She hoped the young boy could find inner peace and resolve the conflicts he faced with his family. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she trusted Spike's strength and determination to face the challenges that arose in his life.

With a quiet sigh, Principal Celestia turned her attention back to breakfast, determined to finish preparing it and wait for Spike to return. She was ready to support him in whatever he needed, and she was willing to do everything she could to help him find happiness and harmony in his life.

After a while, Spike would be in Sunset's car with a distant look, silently gazing out of a window. Sunset would notice Spike's thoughtful and somber expression as she drove towards the school. Frowning slightly, she would turn to him with concern.

"Are you okay, Spike?" Sunset would ask softly, trying to break the tense silence that had settled in the car. "You seem distant."

Spike would blink a couple of times, as if returning to reality after being lost in his thoughts. Slowly, he would turn his gaze towards Sunset and offer her a weak smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Spike would reply, though his tone of voice wouldn't sound very convincing. "Just... was reflecting a bit."

Sunset would nod understandingly, respecting Spike's wish not to delve into the topic if he didn't want to. She decided to proceed with the conversation lightly and calmly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sunset would offer gently, keeping her attention on the road as she drove. "I'm here if you need to vent."

Spike would consider Sunset's offer for a moment before shaking his head with a forced smile.

"No, it's okay," Spike would respond kindly, trying to dispel any concern Sunset might have. "I just need some time to sort out my thoughts."

Sunset would nod understandingly, respecting Spike's privacy and space. She decided not to press him further and continued the journey in silence, offering him her silent support and comforting presence.

"Thank you, Sunset," Spike would say with gratitude, feeling comforted by his friend's words. "I really appreciate your support."

Spike felt somewhat nervous, trusting Sunset, and having the advantage that she knew about the Pony world, so he could express himself more directly, but... He was feeling increasingly insecure about everything.

The journey would continue the same, with Spike in silent thought, while Sunset tried to think of a way for Spike to open up to her.

Sunset noticed the persistent silence and Spike's somber expression, prompting her to reflect on how to help him open up and express what he was feeling. She knew Spike trusted her, but she also understood that sometimes it was difficult for him to share his concerns and fears.

After a few moments of reflection, Sunset decided to address the issue indirectly, seeking a subtle way to encourage Spike to talk about what was going on in his mind.

"You know, Spike?" Sunset began, maintaining her soft and comforting tone of voice. "Sometimes, talking about what worries us can help us feel better. Even if we don't have all the answers right away, sharing our concerns with someone we trust can lighten the burden a little."

Spike listened attentively to Sunset's words, feeling a slight tingle of recognition inside him. He knew Sunset was right and that talking about what was bothering him could be an important step towards feeling better.

"I guess you're right," Spike replied, his voice soft and thoughtful. "Sometimes... it's hard to open up, but I know I need to do it."

Sunset smiled tenderly, encouraged by Spike's willingness to consider the idea of opening up and sharing what he was feeling. She decided to go ahead and offer him her unconditional support, ready to listen to him when he was ready to talk.

"I'm here for you, Spike," Sunset said sincerely, placing a comforting hand on Spike's shoulder as she drove. "If you ever need to talk or vent, just let me know. You don't have to face your worries alone."

Sunset's words filled Spike with a sense of gratitude and relief. He knew he could trust her and that she would always be there to support him, no matter what was happening in his life.

"Thank you, Sunset," Spike responded, feeling a lump in his throat as he spoke. "It means a lot to me to have someone like you by my side."

Sunset smiled warmly, feeling touched by Spike's words. She knew their friendship was special and that together they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

"We'll always be together in this, Spike," Sunset said with conviction. "As friends, as companions."

"As... Brothers from another dimension?" Spike would say, laughing slightly, getting a little used to the situation.

Sunset chuckled softly at Spike's comment, enjoying the moment of lightness and camaraderie between them.

"Exactly!" Sunset replied enthusiastically. "Brothers from another dimension, adventure buddies, and friends forever."